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         Menabrea Luigi:     more detail
  1. Ingenieurwissenschaftler: Gerald Bull, Leopold Müller, Fritz Büsching, Ferdinand Redtenbacher, Hans Kurt Tönshoff, Federico Luigi Menabrea (German Edition)
  2. Ingénieur Militaire Italien: Francesco Di Giorgio Martini, Giuliano Da Sangallo, Francesco de Marchi, le Riccio, Luigi Federico Menabrea (French Edition)
  3. Luigi Carlo Farini, Marco Minghetti, Luigi Federico Menabrea (Storia d'Italia dal 1848 ad oggi attraverso i suoi principali protagonisti) by Aldo Berselli, 1992
  4. Sketch of the analytical engine invented by Charles Babbage, Esq by Luigi Federico Menabrea, 1843

61. Oxford University Artificial Intelligence Society - Title
menabrea, luigi F. (1842/1843). Sketch of the analytical engine invented by CharlesBabbage, Esq. (aa Lovelace, Trans.). Scientific Memoirs, 3, 666731.

62. Ada Byron, Lady Lovelace - Famous Mathematicians Pictures, Posters, Gifts Items,
When Babbage reported on his plans for this new Analytical Engine at a conferencein Turin in 1841, one of the attendees, luigi menabrea, was so impressed
Home about The Mathematicians Gift Shop about us ... Cantor
Lovelace Gift items available include: Lovelace
Lovelace Clock All items carry our Total Satisfaction Guarantee . If you are dissatisfied with any item you purchase, simply advise us and return it within 15 days for replacement or refund. Ada Byron, Lady Lovelace Ada Byron, Lady Lovelace Ada set her sights on meeting Mary Somerville, a mathematician who had translated the works of Laplace Babbage was the inventor of a calculating machine known as the "Difference Engine", so-named because it operated based on the method of finite differences.

63. Comunicazioni
Translate this page bellissima conferenza “Il Ten.Gen. luigi Federico menabrea loScienziato, il Soldato, l’Uomo di governo, il Diplomatico”.
CENTRO DI STUDI STORICO-MILITARI Gen.G.Bernardini - Bologna COMUNICAZIONI NEWS - Il Col.Anton Guido Ceglia, direttore del Circolo Ufficiali di Bologna, è stato nominato Socio Onorario del nostro Centro Studi e ci ha inviato la seguente lettera di ringraziamento : A PRESIDENTE E SIGG. SOCI DEL CENTRO DI STUDI STORICO-MILITARI SIG. PRESIDENTE, SONO VERAMENTE GRATO ED ONORATO DI ESSERE STATO NOMINATO SOCIO ONORARIO DAL CONSIGLIO DIRETTIVO DEL CENTRO. HO APPREZZATO, IN QUESTI PRIMI MESI DI DIREZIONE, LA PARTICOLARE CURA E L'IMPEGNO CHE IL CENTRO PONE NEL PROGRAMMARE ED ORGANIZZARE I VARI EVENTI CULTURALI. VORREI DIRE, SENZA ESSERE TACCIATO DI PIAGGERIA, CHE LE CONFERENZE DI CODESTO ISTITUTO SONO IL FIORE ALL'OCCHIELLO DEL SODALIZIO CHE MI ONORO DI DIRIGERE. ANCORA GRAZIE COL. ANTON GUIDO CEGLIA Circolare di GIUGNO Cari Soci e Amici, il 7 maggio u.s., per la prima volta nei suoi trenta anni di vita, il nostro Centro ha avuto il piacere e l’onore di ospitare una gentile signora – la D.ssa Antonella Fornari, di S.Vito di Cadore, nostro socio ordinario – per una conferenza di rilevante interesse culturale, in bilico tra la Montagna e la Storia, tra la Pace e la Guerra, tra la Luce e l’Ombra. Siamo grati alla D.ssa Fornari che, con ispirate parole e stupende immagini, ci ha offerto un volto delle

64. Libri Antichi Cavallero - Catalogo 2004
Translate this page 241, BIGNAMI ENEA, Cenisio e Frejus con una lettera del generale menabrea, Firenze- Barbera, 1871, 250 €, dettagli, ordina. 242, BIGNAMI luigi, Condottieri viscontei
Home Mappa del sito Elenco dei libri Cerca ... Scrivi N AUTORE TITOLO EDITORE ANNO PREZZO DETTAGLI ORDINA BERTAGNONI ALFREDO Le tre medicine. I ritmi della vita. Milano – Hoepli dettagli ordina BERTARELLI ERNESTO Edoardo Jenner e la scoperta della vaccinazione Milano - Industrie grafiche italiane Stucchi dettagli ordina BERTARELLI LUIGI VITTORIO Guida d’Italia del Touring Club italiano. L’arte in Italia dai secoli più remoti ai tempi nostri. Sguardo d’insieme al Piemonte, alla Lombardia e al Canton Ticino. Torino, Milano Milano ordina BERTARELLI LUIGI VITTORIO Guida d’Italia del Touring Club italiano. Sicilia Milano dettagli ordina BERTARELLI LUIGI VITTORIO Terra promessa. Le bonifiche di Coltano, Sanluri, Licola e Varcaturo dell’opera nazionale per i combattenti Touring Club italiano ordina BERTARELLI LUIGI VITTORIO Touring Club italiano – Marche Milano dettagli ordina BERTARELLI LUIGI VITTORIO Touring Club italiano – Puglie Milano dettagli ordina BERTERO CARLO Elogio storico dell’accademico Dottore Carlo Bertero cittadino albese ordina BERTHIER P. GIOACHINO La divina commedia di Dante con commenti secondo la scolastica.

65. Ada Byron Lovelace
Babbage had written up plans and drawn diagrams of how the machine worked and presentedthem to an audience including the engineer, luigi Federico menabrea.
Ada Byron Lovelace (December 12,1815 - November 27,1852) A great female mathematician , Augusta Ada Byron, was brought into the world on Tuesday, December 12, 1815. Her father was the popular and controversial English poet, Lord Byron and her mother was Annabella Milbanke. Their marriage was an unhappy one ending when Annabella left her husband's house taking one-month-old Ada with her. Ada's grandparents generously took her in while her mother traveled around Europe, on doctor's advice, in order to keep healthy. Her mother, Lady Byron, had always loved mathematics. She was nicknamed by Byron, the "Princess of Parallelograms." Ada's mother wanted her to be just as interested in math and so hired her old tutor, William Frend. Frend was especially good at astronomy and algebra, but would have nothing to do with imaginary or negative numbers. He believed that taking an interest in this newer mathematics would make one superstitious. Ada asked Frend questions that he didn't understand and was independently studying higher mathematics (including negative and imaginary numbers). A terrible case of measles left Ada's legs temporarily paralyzed and she was bedridden for months. She, however, did not mind her condition too much because it allowed her to pay close attention to her work without interruptions. When Ada was seventeen she was ready to "come out." This meant an introduction to the King and Queen and that she was ready for marriage. Ada loved dancing at the balls and all the people she met. At one social event she met the acclaimed professor of mathematics, Charles Babbage. Babbage had invented the "Difference Engine" which could do addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. Ada was enthralled with Babbage and his ideas.

66. Neue Seite 1
Translate this page Mellin, Robert (1854 - 1933). menabrea, luigi (1809 - 1896). Menaichmos(um 380 - um 320 v. Chr.). Menelaos von Alexandria (um 70 - um 130).
Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909) Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829) Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130) Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922) Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930) Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998) Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843) Aepinus, Franz Ulrich Theodosius (13.12.1724 - 10.8.1802) Agnesi, Maria (1718 - 1799) Ahlfors, Lars (1907 - 1996) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (835 - 912) Ahmes (um 1680 - um 1620 v. Chr.) Aida Yasuaki (1747 - 1817) Aiken, Howard Hathaway (1900 - 1973) Airy, George Biddell (27.7.1801 - 2.1.1892) Aithoff, David (1854 - 1934) Aitken, Alexander (1895 - 1967) Ajima, Chokuyen (1732 - 1798) Akhiezer, Naum Il'ich (1901 - 1980) al'Battani, Abu Allah (um 850 - 929) al'Biruni, Abu Arrayhan (973 - 1048) al'Chaijami (? - 1123) al'Haitam, Abu Ali (965 - 1039) al'Kashi, Ghiyath (1390 - 1450) al'Khwarizmi, Abu Abd-Allah ibn Musa (um 790 - um 850) Albanese, Giacomo (1890 - 1948) Albert von Sachsen (1316 - 8.7.1390)

67. Byron, Augusta Ada (1815-1852)
She became involved with Charles Babbage s Analytical Machine and translated andannotated luigi Federico menabrea s description of it ( Notions sur la machine
Byron, Augusta Ada
nobleman, mathematician england 10 Dec 1815, Middlesex: Piccadilly Terrace (now London) - 27 Nov 1852, London: Marylebone
Grave location: Hucknall Torkard, Nottinghamshire: St. Mary Magdalens' Church
Daughter of the poet Lord Byron and his wife Annabella Milbanke. Byron left Annabella a month after Ada's birth and she would never see her father again.
At seventeen Ada met Mary Somerville, one of the few succesful female mathematicians. Her mother also took an interest in maths and had even been called Princess of Parallelograms by the poet.
In 1835 she married William, 8th Lord King, who later became Earl of Lovelace. Therefore Ada was known as Ada Lovelace since 1838.
She became involved with Charles Babbage's Analytical Machine and translated and annotated Luigi Federico Menabrea's description of it ("Notions sur la machine analytique de Charles Babbage" (1842), translated as "Elements of Charles Babbage's Analytical Machine"). De annotations took more space than Menabrea's description and an important addition was her analysis of how the analytical machine could be programmed to calculate Bernoulli numbers. This is why she was regarded as the first computer programmer in the twentieth century.
After the birth of her third child she suffered a mental collapse and her doctors gave her a prescription for a combination of alcohol and drugs, among them laudanum. She had hallucinations and at one time thought she was communicating with God. She managed to stop using the drugs, but then started to bet on horse races. She used Babbage to bring her money to the bookmakers to hide her gambling habit. Af the time she was dying of cancer she was in debt as well as being blackmailed.

68. - News
Babbage presented his plans at a conference in Turin, Italy, in 1842, his machinecaught the eye of an Italian engineer named luigi menabrea, who published a,24196,3316506,00.html

Unscrewed 6/1 Show Notes
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Live Forever, Blow Up Jerks, Cam Whores
Tonight we'll show you what you can do about living forever. We'll also show you how to blow up jerks that are picking on you. Create. Destroy. Tonight's 'Unscrewed' is a microcosm of the Universe. At least from a biological perspective, I mean, we don't get theological. But we do have cam whores, so it kinda evens out. Tonight's guests Justin Loew, Immortality Institute
Medical science has reached a point where living forever isn't complete horse pucky. While it is still mostly horse pucky, Justin belongs to a group of people who are trying to stretch their mortal coil as far as they possibly can. See how they do it on tonight's show. Search Sperts
Lovely ladies battle for Net supremacy (and the chance to win cheesy prizes).
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  • Lori from
  • 69. Tara Project
    Translate this page Einaudi, -. 9.3. Scheda, luigi Carlo Farini - Marco Minghetti - luigiFederico menabrea, Berselli Aldo, 1992, La Navicella, -. 7.75. Scheda,

    70. The Military Academy
    This Institute s influence on Italy s history was enormous, as many of the personagessuch as Camillo Cavour, luigi menabrea, Alessandro Lamarmora, luigi
    The Military Academy Its history ... Turin's Military Academy, the Scuola di Applicazione Militare , originates from the Royal Schools of Artillery and Fortifications (later the School of Artillery and Military Engineering) founded by Carlo Emanuele II King of Sardinia in 1739 , the cradle of the originally Piedmontese and later Italian oldest and most glorious military traditions. Its foundation comes from the merger of these schools with the famous Parma Infantry School and Pinerolo Cavalry School. It was Europe's first academy of this type, the same record being held by the Military Academy found at Turin in 1677 by Madama Reale Giovanna Battista of Savoy Nemours This Institute's influence on Italy's history was enormous, as many of the personages such as Camillo Cavour, Luigi Menabrea, Alessandro Lamarmora, Luigi Lagrange, Angelo Saluzzo, Giovanni Plana, Vittorio Alfieri, Ignazio Bertola, Giovanni Cavalli, Luigi Cadorna, Armando Diaz, Pietro Badoglio and many others who played an important role in the cultural life and political, economic and social development of Turin and Italy were trained here. The headquarters ...

    71. Regolamento Broglio
    Translate this page Fu il ministro Emilio Broglio (5.1.1868-13.5.1869, Gabinetto di luigi menabrea)a emanare un nuovo “Regolamento universitario” che tendeva ad armonizzare

    72. Book People: Additions To The IPL Online Texts Collection 02-15-02
    com/mcmtwilight/toldintwilightcontents.html Dewey Subjects 813.01 American and CanadianShort Stories LC Subjects Children s stories menabrea, luigi Federico,2.html
    Book People Archive
    Additions to the IPL Online Texts Collection 02-15-02
    • From:
    • Subject: Additions to the IPL Online Texts Collection 02-15-02
    • Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 19:23:35 -0500

    73. Ada Byron Lovelace
    contribution to mathematics. These lectures were writtenup by a youngItalian military engineer, luigi menabrea. He had them published
    Augusta Ada Byron, Countess of Lovelace
    Excerpt from from Math Odyssey 2000 Ada Byron, the only legitimate child of Lord Byron, was born in December of 1815, and one month later her mother in a bitter and celebrated separation, left the "mad and bad" Byron and took Ada with her. Ada was educated at home by governesses and tutors hired by her mother. The Lady Byron strongly believed in mathematics as a discipline of the mind and saw to it that Ada was well grounded in this subject. She felt that it would be a way to provide a stable mental state and a good antidote to the "heedlessness, imprudence, vanity, prevarication and conceit" that Ada was bound to have inherited from her immoral father. One of her tutors was William Frend, a mathematician who didn't believe in negative numbers; another was Augustus DeMorgan, the great English logician. In 1830, when she was 15, Ada met Mary Fairfax Somerville, a well known female mathematician from Scotland. Mary had two daughters the same age as Ada, and the four women, Ada, Mary and her daughters, attended geography lectures at the University of London. (It seems that the mathematician, Charles Babbage, had persuaded the university to allow women to attend lectures in 1830, a privilege which was rescinded within a year). Ada corresponded with Mary Somerville on mathematical topics for the next twenty years, until Ada's death. During her teenage years, Ada was a member of the bluestockings, a group of ladies that visited together, holding conversations, and literary discussions. They often invited learned men to their gatherings, which were meant to replace frivolous social evenings with something more intellectual. They would sometimes visit museums or residences of well known scientists, and it was during one of these visits that Ada actually got to meet Charles Babbage.

    74. Regno D'Italia E Repubblica Italiana
    Translate this page Ricasoli, conte di Brolio (II) 11.4.1867 - 27.10.1867 - Urbano Rattazzi (II) 27.10.1867- 12.12.1869 - Conte luigi Federico menabrea (1809-1896) 12.12.1869
    Cerca Home Documenti Derviesi Territorio ... Autorità
    Regno d'Italia
    e Repubblica Italiana
    In piccolo sono indicati i nomi dei principali presidenti del Consiglio; con un numero romano sono indicati i casi in cui la carica sia stata ricoperta in diversi periodi.
    Vedere anche: Il dominio di Milano Dal dominio spagnolo al Regno di Sardegna
    Regno d'Italia
    17.3.1861 - 9.1.1878 - Vittorio Emanuele II (1820-1878) 17.3.1861 - 6.6.1861 - Camillo Benso, conte di Cavour (1810-1861)
    6.6.1861 - 4.3.1862 - Bettino Ricasoli, conte di Brolio (I) (1809-1880)
    4.3.1862 - 9.12.1862 - Urbano Rattazzi (I) (1808-1873)
    9.12.1862 - 24.3.1863 - Luigi Carlo Farini (1812-1866)
    24.3.1863 - 23.9.1864 - Marco Minghetti (I) (1818-1886)
    23.9.1864 - 17.6.1866 - Alfonso Ferrero, marchese di La Marmora (1804-1878)
    17.6.1866 - 11.4.1867 - Bettino Ricasoli, conte di Brolio (II)
    11.4.1867 - 27.10.1867 - Urbano Rattazzi (II)
    27.10.1867 - 12.12.1869 - Conte Luigi Federico Menabrea (1809-1896) 12.12.1869 - 10.8.1873 - Giovanni Lanza (1810-1882) 10.8.1873 - 25.3.1876 - Marco Minghetti (II)

    75. American Scientist Online - The Calculus Of Passion
    In 1841 Babbage was invited to describe his Analytical Engine at Turin, where noteswere made and later published by a Captain luigi menabrea (who later became;_I6rtTW2g
    Home Current Issue Archives Bookshelf ... Subscribe In This Section Reviewed in This Issue Book Reviews by Issue New Books Received Publishers' Directory ... Virtual Bookshelf Archive Site Search Advanced Search Visitor Login Username Password Help with login Forgot your password? Change your username see list of all reviews from this issue: July-August 2001
    The Calculus of Passion
    Thomas A. Trainor The Bride of Science: Romance, Reason, and Byron's Daughter . Benjamin Woolley. xii + 416 pp. McGraw-Hill, first published in the United Kingdom by Macmillan in 1999. $27.95. The Bride of Science Benjamin Woolley describes a multidimensional woman whose suffering, creativity, frustration and triumph intrigue us. The first third of this book describes Ada's bizarre family background, which is the key to her complex story. Her parents' character differences constituted a vast Apollonian–Dionysian rift: George Gordon Byron, who led a sensationally romantic life as a "Regency libertine," personified the existential defiance of the fire-giving Titan Prometheus, whereas Anne Isabella ("Annabella") Milbanke was in the vanguard of Victorian priggishness, hypocrisy and entitlement. She suppressed her own considerable passions behind a facade of intellectualism, morality and amateur mathematics, and Byron dubbed her "the Princess of Parallelograms."

    76. Open Commentary
    the selfproclaimed High Priestess of Babbage s Engine , and the Piedmontesemathematician (and later Italian premier) luigi menabrea, reinforced the
    var nEditorialCatId = 279; MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Money Web Search: document.write(''); Groups Groups Home My Groups Language ... Help Open Commentary What's New Join Now open commentary potpourri board ... Tools
    Theses on the Philosophy of History
    The story is told of an automaton constructed in such a way that it could play a winning game of chess, answering each move of an opponent with a countermove. A puppet in Turkish attire and with a hookah in its mouth sat before a chess board placed on a large table. A system of mirrors created the illusion that this table was transparent from all sides. Actually, a little hunchback who was an expert chess player sat inside and guided the puppet’s hand by means of strings. One can imagine a philosophical counterpart to this device. The puppet called ‘historical materialism’ is to win all the time. It can easily be a match for anyone if it enlists the services of theology, which today, as we know, is wizened and has to keep out of sight. Benjamin The Turbaned Chess Player : Puppet In 1820s London Charles Babbage wondered if a machine could be 'taught' to play a game of chess. His friends, however, insisted that

    Translate this page la birra menabrea viene venduta a livello nazionale dalla over di milano in via Viligrosdi Vedano al Lambro tel 039-491121 oppure Cabiari luigi di Seregno
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    Sommario Ricerca Scrivi al gruppo Rispondi all'autore ... Su
    Da: amante menabrea
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    8:18:23 AM
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    la birra menabrea viene venduta a livello nazionale dalla over di milano in via guerrazzi - puoi trovarla presso i concessionari Viligros di Vedano al Lambro tel 039-491121 oppure Cabiari Luigi di Seregno (con servizio a domicilio) tel 0362-230874. se vuoi acquistare sul web vai su ciao Aggiornato il: 24 July 2001

    78. Leaders Of The Information Age - Sample Bio - AK Lovelace
    The Italian mathematician (and future prime minister of Italy) luigi menabrea wrotea paper in 1842 detailing the Difference and Analytical Engines as they had
    Leaders of the Information Age Sample Biography Back to Leaders Lovelace, Ada King Date of Birth : Dec. 10, 1815
    Date of Death : Nov. 27, 1852 Profession : Children of prominent persons; Mathematicians; Children; Relatives of prominent persons; Scientists
    Anna Millbanke felt disgraced by her husband's scandalous affair and sought to detach young Ada from any connection to her father. Concerned that the outspoken child would turn out as nonconformist as Lord Byron himself, she attempted to curb her. Ada was administered a daily dose of a laudanum-laced tincture, which produced a "calming" effect. It also produced an addiction, which would be joined by other addictions later in her life.
    Ada's mother was an accomplished mathematician (whimsically known in some circles as "the Princess of Parallelograms"), and she encouraged Ada when she began to display an aptitude for math as a child. She was educated at home by governesses and tutors specially selected by her mother. (Once Ada tried to elope with one of them.) At 15 she was introduced by her mother to the renowned Scottish mathematician Mary Fairfax Somerville. The two attended geography lectures together at the University of London in 1830. Afterwards, they kept up a correspondence regarding matters of mathematics.
    As an adolescent Ada lost her ability to walk for approximately three years due to a vague illness, which some believe to have been psychosomatic in nature. During those years she excelled in her studies, learning all she could of mathematics as well as becoming an adept linguist and musician. In addition to her personal mathematical study, she was aided by the prominent mathematician Augustus de Morgan, who was also a mentor to the brilliant logician George Boole.

    79. 87-88 (Nordisk Familjebok / Uggleupplagan. 18. Mekaniker - Mykale)
    Se Memurutinderne Mena, folkslag. Se Kolh - Mena, Juan de - menabrea, LuigiFederico - Menader. (Bakchos) - Menado - Menado 1. Hufvudstad på Celebes.
    Nordisk familjebok Uggleupplagan. 18. Mekaniker - Mykale
    (1913) Tema: Reference
    Table of Contents / Innehåll
    Project Runeberg Catalog ... Print (PDF) On this page / på denna sida - Memphis - Memphis 2. Stad i staten Tennessee - Memurua. Se Memurutinderne - Memurubraeen. Se Memurutinderne - Memurubu. Se Memurutinderne - Memurudalen. Se Memurutinderne - Memurutinderne, fjällspetsar i Jotunheimen, Norge - Memurutungen. Se Memurutinderne - Mena, folkslag. Se Kolh - Mena, Juan de - Menabrea, Luigi Federico - Menader. (Bakchos) - Menado - Menado 1. Hufvudstad på Celebes
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    80. Un Elenco Di Matematici
    Translate this page Meldolaghi Paolo, 1873-1950, Melzi Giovanni, 1931-1992, menabrea FederigoLuigi, 1809-1896, Mendia Ambrogio, 1813-1888, Mercogliano Domenico, 1873-1936,
    Un elenco di matematici
    Riportiamo qui un elenco di matematici vissuti nel periodo considerato nella mostra.
    Abbiamo tratto le biografie essenzialmente da due fonti.
    Matematici italiani del primo secolo dello stato unitario pubblicata nel 1962 da G. F. Tricomi nelle Memorie dell'Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. Classe di Scienze fisiche matematiche e naturali , serie IV tomo I; qui sono raccolte 371 brevi biografie di matematici italiani morti tra il 1 gennaio 1861 e il 31 dicembre 1960.
    Lettera Pristem , su cui nel 1991 inizia la pubblicazione a cura di P. Nastasi di Matematici italiani: un secondo elenco , che continua il lavoro del Tricomi proponendo nuove brevi biografie di matematici italiani scomparsi tra il 1960 e il 1990.
    Riportiamo inoltre per una decina di matematici ``maggiori'' una cronologia della vita, a cura di S. Giuntini.
    Si ringraziano L'Accademia delle Scienze di Torino e Lettera Pristem per il permesso di utilizzare il materiale da loro pubblicato. A B C D ... Amoroso Luigi Andreoli Giulio Andreotti Aldo Angelitti Filippo Antonelli Giovanni Antoniazzi Anton Maria ... Barilari Pacifico Barilli Giuseppe (pseud. Quirico Filopanti)

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