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Mazur Stanislaw: more detail | |||||
21. Genealogy Of Michael Burger - Index For Names Starting With M Karolina mazur, Kazimierz (18711874) mazur, Ludwik (1906-1912) mazur, Maria (?-1849)mazur, Maria (1909-1970) mazur, Maria mazur, stanislaw (1869-?) mazur http://mikeburger.com/XM.html | |
22. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With M Maisel, Quentin Edwin ( living) Maisel, stanislaw ( 18783 OCT 1928 mazur, stanislaw ( DEC 1853-25 DEC 1929) mazur, Terrence http://www.concentric.net/~Danjames/idxm.htm |
23. Vox Patrum stanislaw LONGOSZ (ed.), Czeslaw mazur (add.), Materialy biliograficzne.Antyk chrzescijanski w Polsce w latach 19781979, S. 21-40. http://pomoerium.com/contents/vox_patrum/voxp_01.htm | |
24. International Conference Entire And Meromorphic Functions Waclaw Sierpinski, Stefan Banach, Hugo Steinhaus, Juliusz Schauder, Wladyslaw Nikliborc,Stefan Kaczmarz, Wladyslaw Orlicz, stanislaw mazur, stanislaw Saks. http://www.franko.lviv.ua/faculty/mechmat/Lms.html | |
25. Diferential Equations Stefan Banach, Wlodzimierz Stozek, Wladyslaw Hikliborc, Pawel Julijusz Schauder,Stefan Kaczmarz, Wladyslaw Orlicz, Herman Auerbach, stanislaw mazur, B. Knaster http://www.franko.lviv.ua/faculty/mechmat/history.html | |
26. MATEMATIA stanislaw mazur. Stefan Banach. Ponegda nagradis bil bolsx originju, na primer, dlarazresxenie problemuf stanislaw mazur vo rocx 1936 predlozxil zxiznju gus. http://www.galaktia.com/matematia/ | |
27. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï Mayer Born 17 Feb 1723 in Marbach, Württemberg, Germany Died 20 Feb 1762 inGöttingen, Germany mazur, stanislaw mazur Born 1905 in Poland Died 1981 http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=M |
28. Ma³opolska Szko³a Administracji Publicznej For additional information please contact stanislaw mazur, PhD enmazur@cyfkr.edu.pl. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES . http://www.msap.ae.krakow.pl/dzialalnosc_en.html | |
29. Staff Section 4.3 Translate this page Dr. mazur, stanislaw, smazur@gfz-potsdam.de, Geologe, 1792, 1349,C427. Neumann, Volkmar, vneumann@gfz-potsdam.de, Geologe, 1825, 1782,B427. http://www.gfz-potsdam.de/pb4/pg3/people/content.html |
30. Staff Section 4.3 Translate this page Dr. mazur, stanislaw, smazur@gfz-potsdam.de, geologist, 1792, 1349,C427. Neumann, Volkmar, vneumann@gfz-potsdam.de, Geologe, 1825, 1782,B427. http://www.gfz-potsdam.de/pb4/pg3/people/content_en.html |
31. Selected Publications Of Stanislaw J. Szarek SELECTED PUBLICATIONS OF stanislaw SZAREK. J. Complexity 7 (1991), 131149; An isomorphic version of the Sauer-Shelah lemma and the Banach-mazur distance to http://www.cwru.edu/artsci/math/szarek/publications.html | |
32. OLIB WebView 2.0.7 Címadatok Union? / authors Jerzy Hausner et al. with the coop. of JaroslawGórniak, stanislaw mazur ; ed. Jasper Tilbury ; transl. Mark http://webopac.lib.bke.hu/cgi-bin/xcgi-hu?infile=details.glu&oid=320581 |
33. Olsztyn Historia Warmii i mazur. Od pradziejów do 1945 roku autor stanislaw Achremczyk,wydawca Osrodek Badan Naukowych im. Wojciecha Ketrzynskiego, Olsztyn 1992. http://www.um.olsztyn.pl/pl/14_turystyka/03_wydawnictwa_o_regionie/index2.html | |
34. Periodical (Prace IMZ) Stanislaw Staszic Institute For Ferrous Metallurgy stanislaw Staszic Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy. _ Roman KUZIAK,Ryszard MOLENDA, Artur mazur Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy Roman LASICZ http://www.imz.gliwice.pl/imz/imz-a/prace_imz.htm | |
35. Stanislaw Bielen Z. mazur, Miedzynarodowa pozycja zjednoczonych Niemiec, w Z. mazur (red.),Rola nowych Niemiec na arenie miedzynarodowej, Poznan 1996, s. 15 43;. http://www.ce.uw.edu.pl/studenci/..\konspekt_1\Bielen_St_MSP.htm | |
36. Stream Communications - About Stream Board of Directors comprises stanislaw Lis, Robert J. Wussler, Adam Wójcik, IwonaKozak, Jan S. Rynkiewicz, Boyce Butler, and Edward mazur. stanislaw Lis has http://www.streamcn.com/about/management.htm | |
37. About Stanislaw Ulam Alamos. stanislaw Ulam, who died in 1984, remains a noted mathematician. Here heis r., in 1935 at age 26, on a street in Lwow with colleague Stefan mazur, http://www.aulam.org/stanulam.htm | |
38. Stanislaw Moniuszko From Poland In #1 POLISH CD Store-SKOK discontinued. MONIUSZKO stanislaw Uwertury operowe / Opera Overtures (Paria,Hrabina, Verbum Nobile, Flis, uwertura i mazur z opery Halka), unavailable. http://www.trytel.com/~skok/polskie/grupy/m/moniuszk/moniuszk.html | |
39. Zentral Antiquariat, Leverkusen - Bücherliste Polen - Originalsprache mazur, stanislaw Wyspy ostatniej nadziei 1987, Rzeszów Krajowa Agencja Wydaw.,S/w Fotos., 8°, 258 S., 4,50 EUR, Zustand kA, BestNr. 3371, bestellen? http://www.zentral-antiquariat.de/polen-org.htm | |
40. Interesting Mathematicians stanislaw Ulam was one of the many great mathematicians to come from the Lwów, Poland,he was contemporaries with the likes of Banach, Kuratowski, and mazur. http://www.the4cs.com/~corin/motm/stan_ulam.html | |
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