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         Maurolico Francisco:     more detail

1. Maurolico
Francisco Maurolico. Born 16 Sept 1494 in Messina, Italy Died 22 July 1575in Messina, Italy. Francisco Maurolico was ordained a priest in 1521.
Francisco Maurolico
Born: 16 Sept 1494 in Messina, Italy
Died: 22 July 1575 in Messina, Italy
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Francisco Maurolico was ordained a priest in 1521. He later became a Benedictine and lived his whole life in Sicily except for short periods in Rome and Naples. He served as head of the mint in Sicily, he was in charge of the fortifications of Messina and was appoined to write a history of Sicily. Maurolico wrote important books on Greek mathematics, restored many ancient works from scant information and translated many ancient texts such as those by Theodosius Menelaus Autolycus Euclid ... Apollonius and Archimedes He gave a table of secants and, although Delambre credited him with the first use of this function, it had appeared earlier in the work of Copernicus Maurolico also worked on geometry, the theory of numbers (L E Dickson notes some of his results), optics, conics and mechanics, writing important books on these topics.

2. 20 Matematicos Celebres - Francisco Vera
Capítulo décimo. maurolico Y COMMANDINO. EL HUMANISMO EN LA MATEMÁTICA Lobatschewski y Hamilton. 10. maurolico y Commandino. Bajar documento completoem@il a valor, pueden escogerse dos nombres francisco maurolico y Federico Commandino, ambos italianos


Abel y Galois

Monge y Fourier
... em@il a Antonio
En el campo del Arte, los hombres del Quattrocento Los Elementos de Euclides, el Almagesto de Ptolomeo, la de Diofanto, las Dies irae. del noble romano y las Eglogas Deus impare gaudet De centro gravitatis solidorum

3. Biography-center - Letter M
.com/doctor.cfm/1812.html. maurolico, francisco. Mathematicians/maurolico.html. Maw, Nicholas
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4. Nuncius - 2001
nuova edizione della lettera di Francesco maurolico a francisco Borgia. We provide here a the mathematician Francesco maurolico (1494 1575) to francisco Borgia, general of the
Institute and Museum of the History of Science, Florence, ITALY
Annali di Storia della Scienza
Issues from 1996
Anno XVI, 2001, fasc. 2 The Galilean Lectures J. RENN – M. VALLERIANI, Galileo and the challenge of the arsenal pag.481 P. ODIFREDDI, Galileo: infinitesimale, eppur infinito pag.505 Articoli P. ALESSANDRO – P.D. NAPOLITANI, I primi contatti fra Maurolico e Clavio: una nuova edizione della lettera di Francesco Maurolico a Francisco Borgia
We provide here a new edition of the letter addressed by the mathematician Francesco Maurolico (1494 – 1575) to Francisco Borgia, general of the Society of Jesus. This allow us to demonstrate that the relationship between Maurolico and Christoph Clavius did not begin before July 1569. The previously known evidence and texts supported different hypotheses and conjectures.
pag.511 M. O. HELBING, Una prima illustrazione a stampa del termometro
Paolo Aresi (1574 – 1644) in his commentary on De generatione et corruptione published in Milan (1617) gives a remarkable first illustration of a thermometer; he also describes the instrument and how it works in the context of the question of rarefaction and condensation.

5. Famous Mathematicians With An M
Pierre de Maupertuis. francisco maurolico. James Clerk Maxwell. Adolph Mayer
Mathematicians - M
Francis Macaulay
James MacCullagh
Hector Macdonald
Sheila Scott Macintyre
Saunders MacLane
Colin Maclaurin
Percy MacMahon
Sangamagramma Madhava
Leonty Magnitsky
Wilhelm Magnus
Muhyi al Maghribi Abu al Mahani Mahavira Mahavira Suri Mahendra Kurt Mahler John Maior Anatoly Malcev Nicolas Malebranche Francesco Malfatti Vivienne Malone-Mayes Etienne Louis Malus Benoit Mandelbrot Amedee Mannheim Paul Mansion Abu Mansur ibn Ali Vladimir Marchenko Jozef Marcinkiewicz Edward Marczewski Gregori Margulis Andrei Markov Lorenzo Mascheroni Heinrich Maschke Francis Maseres Nevil Maskelyne Max Mason George Mathews Claude-Louis Mathieu Yozo Matsushima John Mauchly Pierre de Maupertuis Francisco Maurolico James Clerk Maxwell Adolph Mayer Tobias Mayer Stanislaw Mazur Stefan Mazurkiewicz Walter McAfee John McClintock Margaret McDuff Kathleen McNulty Edward McShane Ernst Meissel Hjalmar Mellin Menelaus of Alexandria

6. Ask Jeeves For Kids!
Galilei, Galileo San francisco State University. Galilei, Galileo MSN Encarta Mengoli, Pietro. maurolico, francisco. Malebranche, Nicolas. Magnitsky, Leonty F

7. Maurolico
Biography of francisco maurolico (14941575) francisco maurolico. Born 16 Sept 1494 in Messina, Italy Main index. francisco maurolico was ordained a priest in 1521
Francisco Maurolico
Born: 16 Sept 1494 in Messina, Italy
Died: 22 July 1575 in Messina, Italy
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Francisco Maurolico was ordained a priest in 1521. He later became a Benedictine and lived his whole life in Sicily except for short periods in Rome and Naples. He served as head of the mint in Sicily, he was in charge of the fortifications of Messina and was appoined to write a history of Sicily. Maurolico wrote important books on Greek mathematics, restored many ancient works from scant information and translated many ancient texts such as those by Theodosius Menelaus Autolycus Euclid ... Apollonius and Archimedes He gave a table of secants and, although Delambre credited him with the first use of this function, it had appeared earlier in the work of Copernicus Maurolico also worked on geometry, the theory of numbers (L E Dickson notes some of his results), optics, conics and mechanics, writing important books on these topics.

8. Mathematicians In Richard S. Westfall's Archive
Magnitsky, Leonty F; Malebranche, Nicolas; maurolico, francisco; Mengoli,Pietro; Mercator, Gerardus; Mercator, Nicolaus; Mersenne, Marin;
Mathematicians in Richard S. Westfall's archive
Richard Westfall's archive contains concise biographical details of more than 640 members of the Scientific Community of the 16th and 17th Centuries. The mathematicians who have biographies in our archive are listed below.
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  • Angeli, Stephano
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    JOC/EFR November 1998
  • 9. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Millikan Robert Andrews
    Translate this page Encyclopédie Mariotte (Edme)Masson (Antoine)Maupertuis (Pierre Louis Moreau de)maurolico(francisco)Maxwell (James Clerk)Mayer (Julius Robert von)McMillan
    Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher Encarta R©sultats de la recherche pour "Millikan Robert Andrews" Page sur 1 R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Millikan, Robert Andrews Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Millikan, Robert Andrews (1868-1953), physicien am©ricain, laur©at du prix Nobel, connu principalement pour ses travaux de physique nucl©aire.... Robert A. Millikan Encyclop©die EncartaImage M©lodie du bonheur, la (Robert Wise) Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article M©lodie du bonheur, la (Robert Wise) Watson-Watt, sir Robert Alexander Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Watson-Watt, sir Robert Alexander Planck, constante de Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Planck, constante de Victor, Victoria (Blake Edwards) Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Victor, Victoria (Blake Edwards) ©lectricit© Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article ©lectricit© R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Page sur 1
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    The First Arithmetic Book of francisco maurolico, Written in 1557 and Printed in 1575 A Step Towards Theory of Numbers
    MATHORIGINS.COM_M Home Color Guide Abbreviation Guide Personal Library Master key ... Y-Z Last updated 8/18/03 See images and analysis of ancient mathematical objects: IMAGE GRID MAA: association Follow this link to the MAA , The Mathematical Association of America. MAES: Manchester Ancient Egypt Society MAGDALENE: (Christian) Manuscript [New Testament] MAGDOLA: (Greek) papyri (as per B.P. Grenfell, ] HIBEH ) seek P. Magd . work(s) by: Jouget and Lefebvre "P Magd . Deuxieme Serie", p. 205. A collection of Greek Papyri. Also note: P. Magd . 2, 4, 6 from the reign of Euergetes (as per E. G. Turner) P. Magd . = P. Lille ii. AKA Medinet Nehas. “In the case of the fragments of P. Magdalen 17, these steps are described in the beginning of Colin Roberts's first publication of the fragments ( HTR 46, 1953). A sound basis in method is crucial to the further exercise of critical thought.”

    11. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï
    Born 28 Sept 1698 in Saint Malo, France Died 27 July 1759 in Basel, Switzerlandmaurolico, francisco maurolico Born 16 Sept 1494 in Messina, Italy Died 22

    12. Francisco Tito
    francisco maurolico,written in 1557 and printed in 1575 a step towards a theory
    nel Web in eBay
    Francisco Tito
    Jaca book: libri acquistabili su unilibro

    ...Commento storico a Cassio Dione, libro XLI-XLII La lettera ai filippesi La lezione sugli indios di Francisco de Vitoria La liberazione permanente e la guerra dei mondi La...
    Calabriaonline - guestbook

    ...Asociacion es el Sr Gustavo Serruto La Asociacion AINEE, presidida por Francisco Sposato y el Dr Francesco Matozza colaboraran activamente en el...

    ...Toulouse 3 1981, pp. 1-27. Cassinet-1988] Cassinet Jean, "The first arithmetic book of Francisco Maurolico, written in 1557 and printed in 1575 : a step towards a theory...
    ...Toulouse 3 1981, pp. 1-27. Cassinet-1988] Cassinet Jean, "The first arithmetic book of Francisco Maurolico, written in 1557 and printed in 1575 : a step towards a theory...

    13. Epistulae - Introduzione
    Translate this page 649-650). V, maurolico al card. francisco Qui~nones, Messina, 22 settembre 1539, richiesta di un permesso per utilizzare il breviario approntato dal Qui~nonese
    Lingua Versione italiana Sommario generale Il progetto Maurolico Descrizione del progetto Comitato scientifico e collaboratori Il Mauro-TeX ... Help Epistulae Introduzione Propriae Livello 0 I II III ... XXVI Aliae Livello 0 Opere Introduzione Euclides Sphaerica Arithmetica et algebra Archimedes ... Mechanicae artes Epistulae Instrumenta Maurolyciana Introduzione Catalogi Bibliographica Biographica Iconographica F r a n c i s c i M a u r o l y c i O p e r a M a t h e m a t i c a
    3 ott. 2002 Direttore del volume
    Rosario Moscheo Introduzione
    corpus Moscheo 1988b Moscheo 1988b a ) lettere familiari: b ) dedicatorie: c ) lettere/trattati epistolari: l'asterisco * denota il fatto che una di tali `lettere', indirizzata a Simone Ventimiglia, consta di 3 frammenti non datati, possibilmente derivanti da 3 lettere differenti al medesimo personaggio. a) lettere familiari: III IV V VIII ... X (a, b, c), XIII XIV XXIII XXV ... XXVI b) dedicatorie: I II VI VII ... XXIV c) lettere/trattati epistolari: XVIII Diamo la distribuzione per corrispondente, nome del Maurolico a parte, del materiale superstite incluso nella lista/inventario:

    14. 2001”N‚ɏo‚½˜_•¶
    P. D , PD Napolitani I primi contatti fra maurolico e Clavio una nuova edizionedella lettera di Francesco maurolico a francisco Borgia Nuncius, 2001, 16
    ÅV˜_•¶2001 2001”N‚ɏo‚½CŽ„‚̊֐S‚ɂЂÁ‚©‚©‚é˜_•¶‚̏­‚È‚­‚Æ‚à‘è–¼‚­‚ç‚¢i“Ç‚ñ‚Å‚È‚¢‚©‚çj‚̏Љî
    i‘æ1j’˜ŽÒ‚ÌABC‡ Author
    "Title of the paper"
    Title of the Journal , year, volume : pages V’… Garza , Randal Paul
    "Understanding plague: The medical and imaginative texts of medieval Spain"
    A dissertation at Michigan State University A B C D ... Y Abattouy , Mohammed
    " Nutaf Min Al-Hiyal : a partial Arabic bersion of Pseudo-Aristotle's Problemata Mechanica "
    Early Science and Medicine l–¼’†‚ÌH‚̉º‚Ƀhƒbƒg‚ª•t‚«‚Ü‚·D Acerbi , Fabio
    "Le fonti del mito platonico di Galileo"
    Physis Alessandro
    "I primi contatti fra Maurolico e Clavio: una nuova edizione della lettera di Francesco Maurolico a Francisco Borgia" Nuncius Armogathe , Jean-Robert "Un seul poids, une seule mesure. Le concept de mesure universelle" Aucante , Vincent "La démesure apprivoisée des passions" Beckers , Danny J. "Definitely infinitesimal: foundations of the calculus in The Netherlands, 1840-1870" Annals of Science ƒIƒ‰ƒ“ƒ_•¨‚Í‚Ì‚Á‚¯‚悤‚ÆŽv‚¢‚Ü‚·D ƒIƒ‰ƒ“ƒ_G19¢‹IG”Šw Beretta , Marco uƒAƒ“ƒgƒ[ƒkEƒ[ƒ‰ƒ“Eƒ‰ƒ”ƒHƒƒWƒFv w‰»ŠwŽjŒ¤‹†x @‚¢‚í‚ä‚郉ƒ”ƒHƒƒWƒF•vl‚Ì•]“`D’˜ŽÒ‚̓‰ƒ”ƒHƒƒWƒFŒ¤‹†‚Ì‘æ1lŽÒD Bertolacci , Amos "From Al-Kindi to Al-Farabi: Avicenna's progressive knowledge of Aristotle's

    15. 16th Century, Antiquariaat Forum
    STC Dutch p. 156. Order Information €, 300,00. Prices in EUROS (€),shipping and BTW/VAT extra. 125. maurolico, francisco. Cosmographia.
    16th Century
    187 items were found for this query
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    KNEWSTUB, John. A Confutation of monstrous and horrible heresies, taught by H.N. and embraced of a number, who call themselves the Family of Love.
    London, Thomas Dawson for Richard Sergier, 1579. 4to. Old calf. With title within a wide arabesque woodcut border, woodcut printer's device on verso of leaf 92, and numerous fine woodcut initials in text. (16), 94, (28) lvs.
    Good copy of an interesting work.- (Spine professionally restored; few old ink annotations, including on title).
    STC 15041; Cf. Julia Ebel, in: Huntington Library Quarterly 30, pp. 331-343, "The Family of Love, Sources of its History in England"; De la Fontaine Verwey, in: Quaerendo VI, pp. 219-271, "Family of Love"; Idem, in: Het Boek 26, pp. 161-221, "De Geschriften van Hendrik Niclaes" English; Hamilton, Alastair in: Bibliotheca Bibliographica Aureliana CXCI. Bibliotheca Dissidentium.
    Prices in EUROS (€), shipping and BTW/VAT extra.
    London imprint with address in Rome
    KNOX, John.

    16. Astronomy & Cosmography, Antiquariaat Forum
    Landis. Order Information €, 21.750,00. Prices in EUROS (€), shippingand BTW/VAT extra. 35. maurolico, francisco. Cosmographia. In
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    17. This Date In Medieval History - September 16
    1494 francisco maurolico. Benedictine monk, historian, and mathematician, maurolicowrote a history of Sicily and significant works on Greek mathematics.
    zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About History Medieval History Home ... Daily Features zau(256,152,145,'gob',''+gs,''); Before You Buy Top Picks Product Reviews Articles ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','','');w(xb+xb);
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    Subscribe to the About Medieval History newsletter. Search Medieval History for September 16 WHO WAS BORN St. Ambrose of Camaldoli Ambrose helped bring about a brief reunion of the Eastern and Western churches. King Henry V of England Francisco Maurolico Benedictine monk, historian, and mathematician, Maurolico wrote a history of Sicily and significant works on Greek mathematics. WHO DIED Martin I Pope St. Martin was arrested by Byzantine emperor Constans II, who had not approved his election, and was banished to the Crimea in May of 655. He is honored as a martyr for his fate. Victor III Victor had already made significant strides as Abbot of Montecassino before he became pope. As the first grand inquisitor of Spain

    18. Illustrazione Search Results, Find Illustrazione Sites, Links At
    Translate this page Articoli P. ALESSANDRO PD NAPOLITANI, I primi contatti fra maurolico e Clavio unanuova edizione della lettera di Francesco maurolico a francisco Borgia We

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    • Accademia dell'illustrazione - Informazioni sulla scuola presente a Roma: corsi, docenti e immagini.
    • Ariele - Un archivio elettronico di illustratori creato dalla Biblioteca Centrale per Ragazzi.
    • Associazione Illustratori - L 'A.I. ¨ composta da autori, professionisti e artisti che operano nel campo dell'illustrazione e si propone di tutelare tutti gli interessi dei suoi soci.

    19. Ciência Em Portugal - Episódios
    Translate this page Tal como o matemático italiano francisco maurolico (1494-1575), Pedro Nunes trabalhouno período que medeia entre Regiomontano (1436-1476) e Viète (1544-1603
    Cultura Portuguesa Pedro Nunes, Mercator e Escher Pedro Nunes e a Astrologia Francisco Sanches - O Elo Perdido Os Nomes Portugueses de Al-Khuarizmi O Instrumento de Sombras O Picante dos Descobrimentos Galileu em Portugal O Fogo de Santelmo O Lume Vivo O Cometa do Vinho do Porto A Estrela de Cabral Vida breve O aluno de Madame Curie Entre o Porto e Recife O fabuloso Museu da Marinha Serendipidade Pedro Nunes -
    Nuno Crato

    20. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern
    Translate this page 1783 - 1875) Mathieu, Emile Leonard (15.5.1835 - 19.10.1890) de Maupertuis, PierreLouis Moreau (1698 - 1759) maurolico, francisco (1494 - 1575) Maxwell, James
    Diese Seite ist dem Andenken meines Vaters Otto Hebisch (1917 - 1998) gewidmet. By our fathers and their fathers
    in some old and distant town
    from places no one here remembers
    come the things we've handed down.
    Marc Cohn Dies ist eine Sammlung, die aus verschiedenen Quellen stammt, u. a. aus Jean Dieudonne, Geschichte der Mathematik, 1700 - 1900, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1985. Helmut Gericke, Mathematik in Antike und Orient - Mathematik im Abendland, Fourier Verlag, Wiesbaden 1992. Otto Toeplitz, Die Entwicklung der Infinitesimalrechnung, Springer, Berlin 1949. MacTutor History of Mathematics archive A B C ... Z Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909)
    Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829)
    Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130)
    Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922)
    Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930)
    Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998)
    Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843)

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