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         Maupertuis Pierre De:     more books (58)
  1. Oeuvres De Monsieur De Maupertuis V4 (1756) (French Edition) by Pierre Louis Moreau De Maupertuis, 2009-06-13
  2. uvres de Mr. de Maupertuis. Tome 3 by Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, 1756-01-01
  3. ?uvres de Mr. de Maupertuis. Tome 3 by Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, 2010
  4. uvres de Mr. de Maupertuis. Tome 2 by Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, 1756-01-01
  5. Oeuvres De Monsieur De Maupertuis V3 (1756) (French Edition) by Pierre Louis Moreau De Maupertuis, 2010-09-10
  6. Oeuvres De Monsieur De Maupertuis V4 (1756) (French Edition) by Pierre Louis Moreau De Maupertuis, 2010-09-10
  7. Oeuvres De Monsieur De Maupertuis V4 (1756) (French Edition) by Pierre Louis Moreau De Maupertuis, 2010-09-10
  8. Oeuvres De Monsieur De Maupertuis V3 (1756) (French Edition) by Pierre Louis Moreau De Maupertuis, 2010-09-10
  9. Discours sur la parallaxe de la Lune, pour perfectionner la théorie de la Lune et celle de la Terre (French Edition) by Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, 2001-02-15
  10. Essais De Cosmologie (1751) (French Edition) by Pierre-Louis Moreau De Maupertuis, 2009-07-17
  11. Discours sur la parallaxe de la Lune, pour perfectionner la thèorie de la Lune et celle de la Terre by Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, 1741-01-01
  12. Discours sur la parallaxe de la Lune, pour perfectionner la th?orie de la Lune et celle de la Terre by Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, 2010
  13. Essais De Cosmologie (1751) (French Edition) by Pierre-Louis Moreau De Maupertuis, 2010-09-10
  14. Essais De Cosmologie (1751) (French Edition) by Pierre-Louis Moreau De Maupertuis, 2010-09-10

41. Pierre Louis Moreau De Maupertuis (1698-1759)
pierre Louis Moreau de maupertuis (September 28, 1698 July 27, 1759). AndreasLoos, 2003. pierre-Louis Moreau de maupertuis. Sterne und Weltraum, No.
Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (September 28, 1698 - July 27, 1759)
After four years, in 1723, he returned to Paris and was elected top the Paris Academy of Sciences as an adjoint for Geometry. In 1724 he published a treatise of the mathematics of musical instruments. In 1728 he travelled to London and was made a member of the Royal Academy, and in 1729, travelled to Basel to study mechanics and differential calculus with Johann Bernoulli (I). In the early 1730s, Maupertuis got interested in the exact figure of planet Earth, i.e. the deviation from the spherical shape, as well as the figures of celestial bodies. Following Newtonian mechanics, he thought these bodies should be of ellipsoidal shape. In his treatise of the figures of the celestial bodies ( Maupertuis 1734 ), he included a translation to French of Derham 's catalog of "Nebulae." In 1735, the Paris Academy sent two expeditions for investigating this thread, the first, under the direction of Charles-Marie de la Condamine, went to Peru and Ecuador, the second one, commanded by Maupertuis, to Lapland. Surveying work was done in 1736; despite considerable errors, the results demonstrated the oblateness of Earth's shape. In 1741, he became Vice President of the Paris Academy, and little later was made this academy's President. But academic dispute and quarrel ended in his soon dismission. In 1745, he went to Berlin to become director of the Royal Academy there. Again, he got involved in academic trouble; this trouble together with increasing health problems caused him to leave.

42. Deep Sky Astronomers
Hartwig, Ernst (18511923) Huggins, William (1824-1910) Lassell, William (1799-1880)Maraldi I, Jacques Philippe (1665-1729) maupertuis, pierre Louis Moreau de
Deep Sky Astronomers
Discoverers of Deep Sky Objects
Hesiod (bet. 1000 and 700 BC) Aristotle (384-322 BC) Hipparchus (c. 190-120 BC) Ptolemy (c. 85-165 AD) Al Sufi (903-986 AD) Ulugh Begh Vespucci , Amerigo (1451-1512) Magellan , Fernando de (1480-1521) Brahe , Tycho (1546-1601) Bayer , Johann (1572-1625) Galilei , Galileo (1564-1642) Peiresc , Nicholas-Claude Fabri de (1580-1637) Cysatus , Johann Baptist (1588-1657) Marius , Simon (1570-1624) Huygens , Christiaan (1629-95) Hodierna , Giovanni Battista (1597-1660) Bullialdus , Ismail (1605-94) Hevelius , Johan [Jan] (1611-87) Ihle , Johann Abraham (1627-99?) Picard , Abbe Jean (1620-82) Halley , Edmond (1656-1742) Flamsteed , John (1646-1719) Kirch , Gottfried (1639-1710) Cassini , Giovanni Domenico (Cassini I; 1625-1712) De Mairan , Jean-Jacques Dortous (1678-1771) Bevis , John (1695-1771) Derham , William (1657-1735) , Philippe Loys (1718-51) Maraldi , Jean-Dominique (Maraldi II; 1709-88) Le Gentil de la Galaziere, Guillaume-Joseph-Hyacinthe-Jean-Baptiste (1725-92) Lacaille , Abbe Nicholas Louis de (1713-62) Messier , Charles (1730-1817) Koehler , Johann Gottfried (1745-1801) Bode , Johann Elert (1747-1826) Darquier de Pellepoix, Antoine (1718-1802)

43. Författare - Pierre Louis Moreau De Maupertuis
pierre Louis Moreau de maupertuis maupertuis (16981759) var fransk astronom ochmatematiker. Läs mer maupertuis, pierre Louis Moreau de, Jordens figur.
Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis Maupertuis (1698-1759) var fransk astronom och matematiker. År 1736 fick han statligt anslag till att leda en gradmätningsexpedition upp till Tornedalen, för att där utröna huruvida Isaac Newtons teori att jorden är tillplattad vid polerna verkligen stämmer. Möjligen var det den svenske vetenskapsmannen Anders Celsius som fick fransmännen att välja just Tornedalen för sina mätningar. Expeditionen varade från juni 1736 till juni 1737, och lyckades framgångsrikt bevisa att Newtons teori förvisso stämmer. År 1738 kom Maupertuis' rapport på svenska, med titeln Jordens figur Denna expedition var också lyckosam på det sociala planet - dvs för dem som hade lyckan att tillhöra de sociala skikt som tillät umgänge mellan ortsbor och expeditionsdeltagare. Maupertuis var inte bara en nitisk vetenskapsman, utan hade också ett öppet sinne för den nordiska naturen. Hans beskrivning av berget Niemivaara strax norr om polcirkeln kom att göra intryck på det samtida Europa: Detta berget som såväl för sjöarnas skull, som omgiva det, som för de svårigheter man måste övervinna innan man kan komma dit, är likt de i Fablerna avmålade helgade orter, skulle på alla andra orter vara högst angenäm, förutan i Lappmarken: på den ena sidan möter man en ren skog, varest marken är så slät som gångarna uti en trägård: trän förhindra en intet att spatsera, ej heller förvägra att se en vacker sjö som sköljer foten av berget: på den andra sidan finner man salar och kamrar som synas lika som uthuggna uti hällen, och på vilka ej annat felar än tak: dessa klippor stå så lodrätt emot horisonten, äro så höga och jämna, att de snarare se ut som till slott och palatser tillämnade murar, än som något naturens arbete.

44. Författare - Pierre Louis Moreau De Maupertuis
pierre Louis Moreau de maupertuis (16981759) was a French astronomer and mathematician. Furtherstudy maupertuis, pierre Louis Moreau de, Jordens figur.
Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertui Jordens figur This mountain, both for the lakes which surround it, and for the obstacles to be surmounted in order to reach it, is like the sacred places painted in Fables, and would in any other place be most pleasant, except in the Lappish regions: on the one side one encounters pure forest whose floor is as smooth as a path in a garden: the trees do not hinder a promenade, not do they prevent one seeing a beautiful lake that laps at the foot of a mountain: on the other side one sees halls and chambers apparently dug out of the bedrock and which lack for nothing save a roof: these rocks stand so perpendicular to the horizon, are so high and even, that they resemble walls designed for castles and palaces, rather than anything made by nature. Further study : Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de, Jordens figur. Luleå, 1977. (Faksimil av 1. upplagan Stockholm 1736.) Nordén, Åsa, *Jordens figur uppmätt i Tornedalen. S. 37-54 i författarens Sällsamheter i Tornedalen. Stockholm, 1983.

45. Pierre Louis De Maupertuis
pierre Louis maupertuis and the trip to Tornio. pierre Louis de maupertuis. pierreLouis de maupertuis was born 28 September 1698 in Saint Malo, France.
Pierre Louis Maupertuis and the trip to Tornio
Pierre Louis de Maupertuis
Pierre Louis de Maupertuis was born 28 September 1698 in Saint Malo, France. He was a French philosopher, mathematician and geodesist who became a member of the French Academy of Sciences in Paris in 1731. In 1732 he introduced Newton’s theory of gravitation to France. He was sent out to Lapland to determine, with as exact measurement as possible, the shape of the Earth at the poles. This trip took place between the years 1736 and 1737. Maupertuis gained fame for his expedition and he was invited to Germany by Frederick the Great. He became a member of the Berlin Academy of Sciences in 1741 and served as its president from 1745 to 1753. In 1744 he first enunciated the Principle of the Least Action and he published it in Essai de cosmologie Maupertuis died 27 July 1759 in Basel, Switzerland.
The meaning of the trip
The English scientists Isaac Newton’s theory was different. He thought that the centrifugal force leads to the enormous mass of the Earth swelling out at the equator, flattening the poles, and giving the Earth a similar shape to that of an orange. To prove the Newton’s theory the French Academy of Sciences sent two expeditions to measure the length of a degree along the meridian. One expedition was sent to equator to Peru (now Ecuador) led by Pierre Cassini and Charles-Marie de La Condamine and other expedition led by Maupertuis was sent to near the pole to Tornio in Finland.

46. Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau De 1698
maupertuis, pierre Louis Moreau de 1698 1759 Záhlaví, Název,Signatura. CASSIRER, Ernst, Filosofie symbolických forem. L 7784/1.
Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de 1698 - 1759
Záhlaví Název Signatura CASSIRER, Ernst Filosofie symbolických forem. L 7784/1 Offline poslední zmìny: 13.10.2003 kont@kt

47. Pierre Louis Moreau De Maupertuis
Translate this page pierre Louis Moreau de maupertuis (1698 - 1759). (Saint Malo, Francia,1698-Basilea, Suiza, 1759). Matemático y astrónomo francés.
Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (1698 - 1759) (Saint Malo, Francia, 1698-Basilea, Suiza, 1759)
Los autores: e

48. Pierre Louis Moreau De Maupertuis
; var Ref_PK= Extrait des pages personnelles du finlandais Pauli Kruhse ;var Body_McTutor= ; var Ref_McTutor = + Extrait
'; var Ref_PK=' Extrait des pages personnelles du finlandais Pauli Kruhse '; var Body_McTutor=' '; var Ref_McTutor = ' Extrait de The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive Traduction

49. Preußen-Chronik - Pierre Louis Moreau De Maupertuis
Translate this page pierre Louis Moreau de maupertuis, 28.9.1698, in St. Malo. 27.7.1759,in Basel. Mathematiker und Philosoph 1.2.1746 bis 27.7.1759 Präsident Louis Moreau de_Maup

50. Essays Page
maupertuis, pierreLouis Moreau de maupertuis, pierre-Louis Moreau de. The FactsOn File Dictionary of Atomic and Nuclear Physics. Facts On File, Inc. 2003.

51. Pierre Louis Moreau De Maupertuis Author Of Venus Physique: Bibliographical Exce
pierre Louis Moreau de maupertuis pierre Louis Moreau de maupertuisauthor of Venus physique bibliographical excerpts. In arguing
Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis author of Venus physique: bibliographical excerpts human evolution Autism

52. Pierre Louis Maupertuis :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
pierre Louis maupertuis. Online Encyclopedia pierre Louis Moreau de maupertuis (July17, 1698 July 27, 1759) was a French mathematician and astronomer.
Quantum Physics Pampered Chef Paintball Guns Cell Phone Reviews ... Science Articles Pierre Louis Maupertuis
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Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis July 17 July 27 ) was a French mathematician and astronomer . He is often credited with having invented the principle of least action He was born at Saint-Malo France . At the age of twenty he entered the army, becoming a lieutenant in a cavalry regiment, and studying mathematics in his spare time. After five years he left the army and was admitted in a member of the Académie des Sciences . In he visited London , and was elected a fellow of the Royal Society . In he acted as chief of the expedition sent by King Louis XV to Lapland to measure the length of a degree of the meridian , and on his return home he became a member of almost all the scientific societies of Europe. In Maupertuis went to Berlin at the invitation of Frederick II of Prussia , and took part in the Battle of Mollwitz, where he was taken prisoner by the Austrians . On his release he returned to Berlin, and thence to Paris , where he was elected director of the Academy of Sciences in , and in the following year was admitted into the Académie Française . Returning to Berlin in , again at the desire of Frederick II, he was chosen president of the Royal Academy of Sciences in . Finding his health declining, he repaired in

53. July 27, 1759 - Pierre-Louis Moreau De Maupertuis, Biologist/astronomer, Dies At
July 27, 1759 in history pierreLouis Moreau deMaupertuis, biologist/astronomer, dies at 60.
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Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, biologist/astronomer, dies at 60
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54. Pierre-Louis Moreau De Maupertuis
pierreLouis Moreau de maupertuis, engraving after R. de Tournières,1737, pierre-Louis Moreau de maupertuis (1698-1759) born Sept.
Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (1698-1759)
born: Sept. 28, 1698 Saint-Malo, France
died: July 27, 1759 Basel, Switz.
Maupertuis was a mathematician, astronomer and physicist. He became a member of the Academy of Sciences in Paris in 1731 and soon became the foremost French proponent of the Newtonian theory of gravitation.
From 1730 to 1734, he was a tutor to Emilie in mathematics. Maupertuis was the most important among Emilie's scientific friends and it was he who introduced her to Clairaut, Koenig and Jean Bernoulli, who were also her tutors in higher mathematics.
Letters to Maupertuis at the end of 1733 and the beginning of 1734 are full of requests that he would come and teach her something new. When he was anywhere in the neighborhood she was angry if he did not visit her every day.
Voltaire also knew Maupertuis and it was likely that they met at the Gradot's, a coffee shop that was frequented by astronomers, geometricians, academicians and serious writers. Voltaire was interested in understanding Isaac Newton's laws of physics, and in 1733 took lessons in mathematics from Maupertuis, so he could better understand Newton's work.
Maupertuis gained notoriety for his participation in verifying Newton's theory that the earth was flattened at the poles. In order to determine the real shape of the earth, the Academy of Sciences decided to measure a degree of astronomic latitude at the Equator and at the Arctic Circle and to compare the findings. It was Maupertuis who appealed to Louis XV to permit him to make an expedition to the polar regions.

55. Pierre-Louis Moreau De Maupertuis
1737, pierre-Louis Moreau de maupertuis (1698-1759) Né le 28 sept.
Cette page montre des personnages dans la vie d'Emilie du Châtelet.
Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, gravure d'après R. de Tournières, 1737 Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (1698-1759)
Né le 28 sept. 1698 à Saint Malo, France
Mort le 27 juillet 1759 à Bâle, Suisse
Maupertuis était mathématicien, astronome et physicien. Il devint un membre de l'Académie des sciences à Paris en 1731 et fut bientôt le plus fervent défenseur français de la théorie de la gravitation de Newton.
De 1730 à 1734, il fut le professeur particulier de mathématiques d'Emilie. Maupertuis était le plus important parmi les amis de science d'Emilie et ce fut lui, qui la présenta à Clairaut, Koenig et Jean Bernoulli, qui étaient aussi ses professeurs de mathématiques supérieures.
Les lettres d'Emilie à Maupertuis à la fin de 1733 et au début de 1734 lui demandent sans cesse de revenir pour lui enseigner quelque chose de nouveau. Quand il se trouvait quelque part dans le voisinage, elle était fâchée, s'il ne lui rendait pas visite tous les jours.
Voltaire connaissait aussi Maupertuis et il est probable qu'ils se sont rencontrés chez « Gradot », un café qui était fréquenté par des astronomes, des géomètres, des académiciens et des écrivains sérieux. Voltaire voulait comprendre les lois de la physique d'Isaac Newton et en 1733, il prit des leçons de mathématiques près de Maupertuis ; ainsi il pouvait mieux interpréter l'œuvre de Newton.

56. Pierre Louis Moreau De Maupertuis
Le timbre finlandais Scientifiques de l'Ouest depuis le 20/07/1997 er

57. Pierre-Louis Moreau De Maupertuis - Encyclopedia Article About Pierre-Louis More
encyclopedia article about pierreLouis Moreau de maupertuis. pierre-Louis Moreaude maupertuis in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Moreau de Maupertuis
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis July 17 July 17 is the 198th day (199th in leap years) of the year in the Gregorian Calendar, with 167 days remaining.
  • 180 - Twelve inhabitants of Scillium in North Africa, executed for being Christians. This is the earliest record of Christianity in that part of the world.
  • 1762 - Catherine II becomes tzar of Russia upon the murder of Peter III of Russia.
  • 1771 - Massacre at Bloody Falls: Chipewyan chief Matonabbee traveling as the guide to Samuel Hearne on his arctic overland journey, masacre a group of unsuspecting Inuit.

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 16th century - 17th century - 18th century Decades: 1640s 1650s 1660s 1670s 1680s - Years: 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 -
  • January 4 - Palace of Whitehall in London is destroyed by fire.
  • September 5 - In an effort to move his people away from Asiatic customs, Tsar Peter I of Russia imposes a tax on beards; All men except priests and peasants, are required to pay a tax of one hundred rubles a year and the commoners had to pay one kopek each.

Click the link for more information.

58. Pierre Louis Maupertuis - Encyclopedia Article About Pierre Louis Maupertuis. Fr
More results from pierreLouis Moreau de maupertuis pierre Louis Moreau de maupertuis was a French physicist who was best known for formulatingthe principle of least action, which stated that which states that Louis Maupertuis
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Pierre Louis Maupertuis
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis July 17 July 17 is the 198th day (199th in leap years) of the year in the Gregorian Calendar, with 167 days remaining.
  • 180 - Twelve inhabitants of Scillium in North Africa, executed for being Christians. This is the earliest record of Christianity in that part of the world.
  • 1762 - Catherine II becomes tzar of Russia upon the murder of Peter III of Russia.
  • 1771 - Massacre at Bloody Falls: Chipewyan chief Matonabbee traveling as the guide to Samuel Hearne on his arctic overland journey, masacre a group of unsuspecting Inuit.

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 16th century - 17th century - 18th century Decades: 1640s 1650s 1660s 1670s 1680s - Years: 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 -
  • January 4 - Palace of Whitehall in London is destroyed by fire.
  • September 5 - In an effort to move his people away from Asiatic customs, Tsar Peter I of Russia imposes a tax on beards; All men except priests and peasants, are required to pay a tax of one hundred rubles a year and the commoners had to pay one kopek each.

Click the link for more information.

59. ThinkQuest : Library : Evolution Revolution
pierre Louis Moreau de maupertuis was a French physicist who was best known for formulatingthe principle of least action, which stated that which states that
Index Life Science Evolution
Evolution Revolution
This web site is designed to teach about evolution theory. Enter this site to take a guided tour to discover the rudiments of evolution. Start by learning what evolution is and then read about the scientists who formed theories about it, including Charles Darwin. Read about genetic variations, natural selection, and other theories. Visit Site 1998 ThinkQuest Internet Challenge Languages English Students Harsha M. Irvine High School, Irvine, CA, United States Phillip Irvine High School, Irvine, CA, United States Jonathan Irvine High School, Irvine, CA, United States Coaches Elaine Irvine High School, Irvine, CA, United States Want to build a ThinkQuest site? The ThinkQuest site above is one of thousands of educational web sites built by students from around the world. Click here to learn how you can build a ThinkQuest site. Privacy Policy

60. Le Timbre «Pierre Louis Moreau De Maupertuis» - 1986
Translate this page Les timbres de l´Ouest de la France - Le timbre « pierre Louis Moreaude maupertuis » - 1986. pierre Louis Moreau de maupertuis.

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