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81. John V. Atanasoff: Obituary Two other scientists, J. Presper Eckert and john W. mauchly, drew onDr. Atanasoff s research. In the mid1940s, they were the first http://vmoc.museophile.org/pioneers/atanasoff.html | |
82. Invention History At The Lemelson Center: Archives Finding Aids 16, mauchly, john, 6/22/70. 33, mauchly, john, 4/1/71 (cassette). 16, mauchly,john, 1/10/73. 16, 33, mauchly, john, 2/6/732/7/73 (cassette). mauchly, john,1/22/70. http://www.si.edu/lemelson/dig/computeroralhistory5.html | |
83. Invention History At The Lemelson Center: Archives Finding Aids 11, Mason, Daniel R. 2/22/73. 12, mauchly, john, 6/22/70. 13, mauchly,john, 1/10/73. 14, mauchly, john, 2/6/73. 15, mauchly, john (Colloquium),2/23/73. http://www.si.edu/lemelson/dig/computeroralhistory1.html | |
84. Marznet's Great Moments In Computer History ::: Eckert-Mauchly Eckertmauchly Corporation was formed by the scientists john Eckert and johnmauchly in the early 40s, designing and building some of the first famous http://www.marznetproductions.com/computing/40s/ecker.asp | |
85. Reseach 1204, L, nd. 1205, Mailer, Norman, nd. 1206, mauchly, john W. Reports andNotes Regarding his Talks, nd. 1207, mauchly, john W. nd. 1208, McDonald, Dwight,nd. http://www.uri.edu/library/special_collections/registers/bohnert/seriesVII.html | |
86. Census Centennial Celebration! john W. mauchly and the Development of the ENIAC Computer Used withpermission from john W. mauchly web site Rare Book Manuscript http://www.census.gov/mso/www/centennial/mauchly.htm |
87. Science Timeline Matzinger, Polly, 1994, 1996. mauchly, john, 1946. Maupertius, Pierre LouisMoreau de, 1742, 1745, 1747, 1751, 1755. Maxam, Allan M., 1977, 1980. http://www.sciencetimeline.net/siteindex_m.htm | |
88. The Prototype The facts were examined in detail at a judicial hearing 26 years later, when thecourts had to decide whether john W. mauchly and john P. Eckert had unlawfully http://tangra.bitex.com/eng/atanasoff/prototip.htm | |
89. Nat'l Academies Press, Memorial Tributes: (1984), John William Mauchly AUERBACH john WILLIAM mauchly one of the visionaries who pioneered the eraof the electronic digital computer http://books.nap.edu/books/0309034825/html/187.html | |
90. John Vincent Atanasoff: Forgotten Father Of The Computer - Clark R. Mollenhoff, For more than 30 years, john mauchly and Presper Eckert took bows and acceptedawards from the scientific, academic, and corporate communities as the http://www.worldandi.com/specialreport/1990/March/Sa17918.htm | |
91. John Mauchly S Widow, Kay Mauchly Antonelli, Shares Some john mauchly s widow, Kay mauchly Antonelli,shares some reflections on his life, http://www.computerworld.com/cwi/story/0,1199,NAV47_STO62245,00.html | |
92. Greatest Achievements - 8. Computers Independently, building on the work of ENIAC engineers john Eckert and johnMauchly, john von Neumann s EDVAC report came to the same conclusion. http://www.greatachievements.org/greatachievements/ga_8_2.html | |
93. Hebergements Sites Professionnels, Hosting , Héberge Site Internet, Nom De Doma du fameux ENIAC, avec Eckert. http://hosting.infomaniak.ch/support/jargon_article.php?iCodeArticle=14629 |
94. Histoire De L'Informatique : La Galerie De Portraits : M http://www.histoire-informatique.org/portraits/m.html | |
95. Oh Kay Computer - History In the basement of the Moore School Kays future husband and colleague, JohnMauchly, was, with coinventor Presper Eckert, building the worlds first http://www.ohkaycomputer.com/history.htm | |
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