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41. Mauchly, John W. @ Computer-Dictionary-Online.org mauchly, john W. @ Computer Dictionary Online. a b c d e f g h i jk l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z. mauchly, john W. john mauchly http://www.computer-dictionary-online.org/?q=Mauchly, John W. |
42. Super Scientists - John Presper Eckert Jr. (19191995) Eckert, from Pennsylvania, worked with john mauchly to buildthe first general-purpose electronic digital computer, called ENIAC. http://www.energyquest.ca.gov/scientists/eckert.html | |
43. John Mauchly From FOLDOC mauchly, john W. . john mauchly. person /jon W mok *lee/ (rhymes with broccoli )Dr. john W. mauchly, one of the developers of ENIAC. (2002-10-06). http://www.nue.org/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?Mauchly, John W. |
44. Eniac - The History Of The ENIAC Computer - John Mauchly - J Presper Eckert 20000 vacuum tubes later the ENIAC computer is born and john Mauchlyand J Presper Eckert are the proud parents. http://inventors.about.com/library/weekly/aa060298.htm | |
45. John Mauchly: The Computer And The Skateboard ENIAC-EDVAC-UNIVAC john mauchly and j. presper eckert were the inventors of eniac, widelyconsidered the first electronic computer. with its grand http://www.blastoffmedia.com/mauchly/synop.htm | |
46. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article mauchly, john William (19071980). The Hutchinson Dictionary of ScientificBiography; 1/1/1998. Read the Full Article, Get a FREE http://www.highbeam.com/library/doc0.asp?DOCID=1P1:28909582&num=2&ctrlInfo=Round |
47. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article mauchly, john William (19071980). The Hutchinson Dictionary of Computing,Multimedia, and the Internet; 1/1/1998. Read the Full Article http://www.highbeam.com/library/doc0.asp?DOCID=1P1:28931130&num=8&ctrlInfo=Round |
48. Wired News: Sad End To Computing's Inventor So he didn t feel like his grandfather john mauchly was in any way out of the ordinary,even though mauchly is widely credited with having invented the computer http://www.wired.com/news/roadtrip/0,2640,61070,00.html?tw=wn_story_related |
49. John Vincent Atanasoff In 1940 Dr. Atanasoff attended a lecture given by Dr. john W. mauchly.They talked for some time and Dr. mauchly was very intrigued http://ei.cs.vt.edu/~history/do_Atanasoff.html | |
50. John Von Neumann the concept was discussed by J. Presper Eckert, john mauchly, Arthur Burks, andothers in connection with their plans for a successor machine to the ENIAC. http://ei.cs.vt.edu/~history/VonNeumann.html | |
51. Inventor Of The Week: Archive john William mauchly and J. Presper Eckert are the scientists credited with theinvention of the Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer (ENIAC), the http://web.mit.edu/invent/iow/mauchly-eckert.html | |
52. Smart Computing Encyclopedia mauchly, john William. See john William mauchly. Copyright LegalInformation Privacy Policy Site Map Contact Us Need Site Help? http://www.smartcomputing.com/editorial/dictionary/detail.asp?guid=&searchtype=1 |
53. ALaide.com - Dictionnaire - John W. MAUCHLY Translate this page john W. mauchly (aou 1907-jan 1980) (Prononcer Mauk-li). Résultat de la recherchede john W. mauchly, john W. mauchly, Évaluation pas encore évaluée. http://www.alaide.com/dico.php?q=John W. MAUCHLY&ix=3635 |
54. Eckert, Jr., John Presper Fame Eckert, Jr., john Presper. Born 1919 Birthplace Philadelphia,Pa. mauchly, john. Born 1907 Birthplace Cincinnati, Ohio ENIAC http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0906791.html | |
55. John Mauchly - Reference Library john mauchly. john William mauchly (1907 January 8, 1980) was a computerengineer who, along with J. Presper Eckert, designed ENIAC http://www.campusprogram.com/reference/en/wikipedia/j/jo/john_mauchly.html | |
56. John Atanasoff THE PROCESS, The American engineers john mauchly john Eckert. Asignificant event had occurred in 1941, when Atanasoff received http://www.johnatanasoff.com/the_process.php | |
57. Tds-net.de - Online Portal Translate this page Benutzername Passwort Kostenlos anmelden. mauchly, john W. http://www.tds-net.de/index/wissen/people/mauchly.php | |
58. John Mauchly Translate this page john W. mauchly (1907 - 1980). Aunque consiguió una beca para estudiar ingeniería,se dedicó a estudiar física obteniendo el doctorado en 1932. http://www.dma.eui.upm.es/historia_informatica/Doc/Personajes/JohnMauchly.htm | |
59. John Mauchly :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius Quantum Physics Pampered Chef Paintball Guns Cell Phone Reviews TechNews Video Games Science Articles. john mauchly. Online Encyclopedia http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/j/jo/john_mauchly.html | |
60. Historia De Las Computadoras IGÁlvarez Translate this page ENIAC (1946). Desarrollada por Dr. john W. mauchly y john Presper Eckert, Jr.. EDVAC(1947). Desarrollada por Dr. john W. mauchly, john Presper Eckert, Jr. http://coqui.lce.org/ialvarez/HISTO.HTM |
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