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         Maseres Francis:     more books (65)
  1. Occasional Essays On Various Subjects: Chiefly Political And Historical (1809) by Francis Maseres, 2010-09-10
  2. The Principles Of The Doctrine Of Life Annuities (1783) by Francis Maseres, 2010-09-10
  3. A Collection Of Several Commissions And Other Public Instruments, Proceeding From His Majesty's Royal Authority (1772)
  4. Occasional Essays On Various Subjects: Chiefly Political And Historical (1809) by Francis Maseres, 2010-09-10
  5. Enquiry into the extent of the power of juries / Francis Maseres (Classics of English legal history in the modern era) by Francis Maseres, 1978
  6. The Canadian freeholder: in three dialogues between an Englishman and a Frenchman, settled in Canada. Shewing the sentiments of the bulk of the freeholders of Canada concerning the late Quebec-act; with some remarks on the Boston-charter act; and an attemp by Francis Maseres, 2008
  7. Select tracts relating to the civil wars in England, in the reign of King Charles the First : by writers who lived in the time of those wars and were witnesses of the events which they describe Volume Part 2 by Francis, 1731-1824 Maseres, 2009-10-26
  8. The Canadian Freeholder: Showing the Sentiments of the Bulk of the Freeholders of Canada Concerning the Late Quebec Act (1776) by Francis Maseres,

81. Alibris - Click Here To Find Books By This Author!
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, Diane E. Marting, Elizabeth Marting, Janet ... Massingham, Harold

82. 1919 Skelton Canadian Dominion
A generation or two would suffice, in the phrase of francis Masereshimself a descendantof a Huguenot refugee but now wholly an Englishmanfor melting down
Oscar D. Skelton
The Canadian Dominion
A Chronicle Of Our Northern Neighbor
PREFACE The history of Canada since the close of the French regime falls into three clearly marked half centuries. The first fifty years after the Peace of Paris determined that Canada was to maintain a separate existence under the British flag and was not to become a fourteenth colony or be merged with the United States. The second fifty years brought the winning of self-government and the achievement of Confederation. The third fifty years witnessed the expansion of the Dominion from sea to sea and the endeavor to make the unity of the political map a living realitythe endeavor to weld the far-flung provinces into one country, to give Canada a distinctive place in the Empire and in the world, and eventually in the alliance of peoples banded together in mankind's greatest task of enforcing peace and justice among nations. The author has found it expedient in this narrative to depart from the usual method of these Chronicles and arrange the matter in chronological rather than in biographical or topical divisions. The first period of fifty years is accordingly covered in one chapter, the second in two chapters, and the third in two chapters. Authorities and a list of publications for a more extended study will be found in the Bibliographical Note. O. D. S.

83. Maseres²¤¶.....
The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
Francis Maseres ªkÄõ¦è´µ°¨·æ·ç´µ ¥X¥Í¦~¥N¡G °êÄy¡G µÛ§@(©Î°^Äm)¡G ¤p¬G¨Æ¡G ªkÄõ¦è´µ¦b­^°ê¼Æ¤Q¦~¶¡¹ï¥N¼Æªº±Ð¾Ç¦³¤£¾A·íªº¼vÅT¡C ¸ê®Æ¥X³B¡G ½s¿èªÌ¡G ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ¡G ªkÄõ¦è´µ°¨·æ·ç´µ ¦b ¦b¦^¨ì­^°ê¥H«á¥L¥ô©R°ê®wªº Cursitor¨kÀï©M¾á¥ô³o­Ó¤½Â¾ª½¨ì¥L¦º©ó93 ·³¡C ¾¨ºÞ¦b ©M Harriot ¼g150¦~¥H«á¡C°¨·æ·ç´µ©Úµ´¤F¥L¨S¯à²z¸Ñªº©Ò¦³¼Æ¾Ç¬O¥i¯àªº¡C ¦pªG¥ô¦ó³æ¤@¶q©ÎªÌ¥Î²Å¸¹ + ©ÎªÌ²Å¸¹°O¸¹- ¨S¦³¼vÅT¤@¨Ç¨ä¥Lªº¶q, °O¸¹(¦¨ÁZ)±N¨S¦³·N«ä©ÎªÌ­«­n©Ê, ³o ¼Ë¦pªG¾Ú»¡³o­Ó¼s³õ- 5 , ©ÎªÌ³o­Ó²£«~- 5 ¨ì¸Ì- 5 , µ¥©ó +25 , ³o¼Ëªº¤@­Ó Â_¨¥ ¥²¶·©ÎªÌ 5 ­¼ 5 ªí©ú¤£¶W¹L¬°²Å¸¹¨S¦³¥ô¦ó¦³öµ¥©ó 25 , ©ÎªÌ¥¦¤@©w¬O¶È¶È­J»¡©ÎªÌø²z¸Ñªº¦æ¸Ü¡C ¦b¼Æ¤Q¦~¦b¤£¦CÄA¤¤¹ï¥N¼Æªº±Ð¾Ç¦³¤£©¯¼vÅT¡C ¦b Nicolas Vilant ªº¥N¼Æ½Ò¤å¤¤¬Ý¨£¤F1765 ¨ì 1807 st Andrews ªº´Ü©w±Ð±Â³o¤@­Ó¨Ò¤l¡C

84. <21>
maseres bekanntem Werk
Mathematik Die Konstruktion des wunderbaren Kanon der Logarithmen von John Napier Baron von Merchiston Übersetzt vom Lateinischen ins Englische Mit Anmerkungen und einem Katalog der verschiedenen Ausgaben von Napiers Werken, von William Rae Macdonald, F.F.A Deutsch: L. Seidel, Frankfurt 1984, 2001ff Die Anmerkungen, die mit mit 'arabischen' Ziffern gekennzeichnet sind, stammen von mir. Sie sind einmal Widerspiegelung meines Versuchs, den Text zu verstehen, als ich ihn 1984 übersetzt habe. Ich hoffe, daß sie ambitionierten Laien wie mir etwas Nutzen bringen. Sie stehen bis jetzt erst zum Teil in einer eigenen Datei, um den Lesefluß nicht zu stören und werden nach und nach vervollständigt. Zum andern finden sich dort auch einige naturphilosophische und logische Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Text.
Daß ich die Arbeit nicht aus dem Original, sondern aus der englischen Übersetzung übertragen habe, liegt daran, daß mein Latein noch schlechter ist als mein Englisch.
Der Katalog Seite 101 bis Seite 169 wurde nicht übernommen.
Frankfurt, Mai 2003, L. Seidel

85. ResAnet Results Summary
Limited ed. Montreal Gazette Printing Co., 1891. RecordMaseres,francis, 1731-1824. 1776. RecordMaseres, francis, 1731-1824.

86. Untitled Document
English and English Influence.
English and English Influence Name/Title Achintre, Auguste. Ile Ste. Helene Alexander, William. Conduct of Major
Gen. Shirley
Anspach, Lewis. History of the Island ... Word to the wise
[ca. 1900?]
[ca. 1812]
[ca. 1847]
Ref. no

87. úåìãåú äîñôøéí äùìéìééí - áéåâøôéåú
The summary for this Hebrew page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
éîæéøàåç ìà) Al Khowarizmi Hisb al-jabr w'al-mukabala
(ñãîéëøà) Archimedes Newton Leibniz
(åðøà ïàåèðà) Antoine Arnauld Leibniz Descartes
Bernoulli Jean Bernoulli Euler Bernoulli Euler Euler
(éìáîåá ìàôø) Rafael Bombelli Algebra
(äèôåâîäøá) Brahmagupta
(åðãø÷ åîìåøé'â) Girolamo Cardano Ars Magna Cardano (äèîå÷ èñåâåà) August Comte (ïâøåî äã èñåâåà) Augustus De Morgan Trinity College Cambridge De Morgan University College London De Morgan
(èøà÷ã äðø) Rene Descartes La geometrie Descartes âéöî ( Discours de la method
(ñåèðôåéã) Diophantus
(ñãéì÷åà) Euclides Euclides (The Elements) Euclides
(øìéåà ãøðåàì) Leonhard Euler Euler Euler e f(x) (äîøô äã øééô) Pierre de Fermat Fermat Fermat n>2 z y x Andrew Wiles B. Pascal Fermat Fermat Fermat Snell (é'öðåáéô åðàæéô åãøðåàéì) Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci Liber abaci (ãðøô íàéìéå) William Frend Frend August De Morgan (ïåèìéîä ïååø íàéìéåå) William Rowan Hamilton On a General Method in Dynamics, 1834 quaternions (èåéøàä ñîåú) Thomas Harriot Wallis Harriot Harriot Harriot (äãåä ïøååàå ïå ïàäåé) Johann van Waveren Hudde Leiden Hudde van Schooten (õéðáééì ïåô íìäìéå ãéøôèåâ) Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz Newton Newton Leibniz Leibniz Leibniz (ïéøåìî÷ ïéìå÷) Colin Maclaurin Newton Berkeley Treatise of fluxions Newton (äøéáäî) Mahavira (øñî ñéñðøô) Francis Maseres Maseres Harriot Vieta G. Peacock

88. Books On-line: Call Numbers Starting With K
org); Criminal Libel and the Duty of Juries by Joseph Towers and FrancisMaseres (HTML with commentary at; Beyond

89. Course Lecture Outlines
A. Governors Murray and Dorchester. B. AttorneyGenerals FrancisMaseres James Monk. D. Judges William Smith and William Osgoode.
L. A. Knafla University of Calgary HTST 475 Winter 2001
Course Lecture Outlines
January 10: “KING LOUIS XVI VS. MARIE” (1759): Criminal Justice in New France A. The Charge: Assault and attempted murder of Marie- Josephte and Marguerite, wife and mother-in-law of Joseph-Claude Boucher at Three Rivers, 20 August 1759 B. The Preliminary Examination: The Procurator, Mr. Boucher, 21-28 August 1759 C. The Prosecution: Louis-Joseph Godefroy, Attorney- General, September-October 1759 D. The Trial: Royal Court of Three Rivers, before Rene- Ovide Hertel, Lieutenant-General, November 1759 E. Verdict: Guilty, of Assault F. Appeal: Of the Attorney-General and Procurator, to the Superior Council at Montreal, 29 December 1759 G. Verdict: Guilty of attempted murder H. Sentence: Death by hanging and strangulation, 31 December 1759
January 12: Crime and the Civil Law Tradition in New France
I. Criminal Justice in the Age of Colbert, 1662-1725
A. French Criminal Justice: The Civil Code, Customs of Paris, and Criminal ordinance of 1670 B.

90. Anne Boyé / Algunos Elementos De La Historia De Los Números Negativos
Documentos de Historia de la Ciencia
Anne Boyé
Les Instituts de Recherche sur l'Enseignement des Mathématiques. Nantes ÍNDICE Algunos elementos de la historia de los números negativos I Utilización de los números negativos en matemáticas II Obstáculos para la comprensión de los números negativos II El problema particular de la regla de los signos para el producto Conclusión en forma de reflexión pedagógica Por lo tanto proponemos una reflexión más sobre los negativos, ante todo histórica, que tal vez aclarará las dificultades y los errores de nuestros alumnos, y permitirá también comprender que los conceptos, incluso los más simples en apariencia, son el resultado de siglos de titubeos, cuya huella conservan, que son comprendidos cuando todo llega a ser transparente. Y esperamos que la reflexión alimentará la reflexión. Algunos elementos de la historia de los números negativos Estas ideas son muy elementales; sin embargo, no es fácil que lo parezcan así antes de establecerlas de manera clara y de darles la generalidad que demanda su aplicación al cálculo. No se puede dudar de la dificultad del tema, si se piensa que las ciencias exactas habían sido cultivadas durante muchos siglos y habían hecho grandes progresos antes de que se adquirieran las verdaderas nociones de cantidades negativas, y que se hubiese concebido la manera general de usarlas.

91. ³o¥i¥H³q©¹§Ú­Ì³o²Õ©Ò¦³¤Hªººô­¶­ò!!!^^
The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.組員連結.htm
«ü¾É±Ð®v : ³¢ ±Ó ¦Ñ®v ¼Æ ¾Ç ®a ­^ ¦W ¥X¥Í-¦º¤`¦~¥N ¤W ¦w·æ¦Ìº¸´µ Anthemius of Tralles ¤W ¶®©i¥¬§Q­×´µ Iamblichus of Halkidy ¤U ªkÄõ¦è´µ°¨·æ·ç´µ Francis Maseres ¤U ¬d²z´µ¬fĬ¯S Charles Bossut ¤U Chokuyen Naonobu Ajima ( ¤é ¥» ) §E ÂE ©÷ ¼Æ ¾Ç ®a ­^ ¦W ¥X¥Í-¦º¤`¦~¥N ¤W ªi¦ò·ç Porphyry Malchus ¤W ¥vªi¹¤h Sporus ¤U Johann Bernoulli ±i ¥ú º³ ¤U ¥¬¹p¶Oº¸ John Playfair ¼Æ ¾Ç ®a ­^ ¦W ¥X¥Í-¦º¤`¦~¥N ¤W Eutocius ¤U ¬d¨½ ¶ø¥j´µ¤B ®w¨Ú Charles Augustin Coulomb ¤U ¨È¾ú¤s¨ô¡E´£¼Úµáº¸¡E¤Z±o»X¦a ¤U ªü°òº¸¡E¥Ö­C©M¡E¨f¯Î¥§´µ¡EÁ»˺¸ ¼Æ ¾Ç ®a ­^ ¦W ¥X¥Í-¦º¤`¦~¥N ¤W ©P¸s µL ¤T °ê ®É ¥N ¤W ¦wµá¦Ì Anfimi ¤W ±iù@ µL «n ¥_ ´Â ±ç ´Â ¤W ¥Ö©µ©v µL «n ¥_ ´Â ®É ´Á ¤U §J§f®æº¸ ªL ®p ½÷ ¤U ¦C§JÁº¸ Anders Johan Lexell ¼Æ ¾Ç ®a ­^ ¦W ¥X¥Í-¦º¤`¦~¥N PS:¤wµL­×¤U¾Ç´Áªº½Ò ¤W Domninus §f §» °¶ ¤W Marinus

92. Liberty Library Of Constitutional Classics
HTML Version Criminal Libel and the Duty of Juries, Joseph Towers (1764, 1784), FrancisMaseres (1792) — Three essays on the right of defendants, especially
Liberty Library
Constitutional Classics The following is a list of the classic books and other works on constitutional government, which we either include in our collection, or plan to add. Click on the button to get the indicated file format: HTML Text WP PDF RTF Word Image Code Work Status Need book W Have book, not yet scanned W Scanned, not yet recognized W Recognized, needs further corrections W Corrected, needs further formatting I Incomplete Completed, online
  • Library Guides Code of Hammurabi Ancient Greek and Latin Library The Civil Law Corpus Juris Civilis of Justinian (533), which codified Roman Law, and the Constitutions of Leo. Constitution of Medina (Dustur al-Madinah) Policraticus Constitutions of Clarendon Assize of Clarendon Assize of Arms Magna Carta Confirmatio Cartarum The Declaration of Arbroath The Prince Utopia Discourses on Livy Britton Relectiones De Indis and De iure belli , arguing for humane treatment of native Americans and of enemies in war. Provided the basis for the law of nations doctrine.
  • 93. Observations Part 5
    A mutual friend of Franklin and Winthrop was the lawyermathematician FrancisMaseres, who served as Attorney-General of Quebec in 1766-69.
    Allegheny College
    Special Collections of Pelletier Library
    Special Collections Original Library Bentley Observations Winthrop Observations ... Closing Remarks Observations by Edwin Wolf
    Section V. As I wrote, speaking of books in the Library Company which had belonged to famous Englishmen: "A provenance is at once a catchet of excellence and a sentimental link in a cultural chain which binds one age to another." The most exciting feature of the old library of Alleghany College lies in the distinguished early pedigrees of so many of the books which later came into the hands of the Winthrops and Bentley. The catchet of excellence was the ownership of individual volumes by successive generations of New Englanders. The sentimental link was one with Harvard, for nowhere outside the Boston area exists a larger accumulation of volumes which had once belonged to 17th and early 18th-century Harvard students, tutors and professors. In 1933 in the Transactions of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Arthur O. Norton published a monograph, the product of over twenty years' research, on "Harvard Text-Books and Reference Books of the Seventeenth Century." There he listed all the books formerly owned by 17th-century Harvard students which he had been able to find in such major collections as the American Antiquarian Society (82 volumes), Harvard College Library (76 volumes), Boston Public Library (48 volumes) and Massachusetts Historical Society (29 volumes), and a few others, 257 volumes in all. This work formed the basis for most of Samuel Eliot Morison's detailed study of textbooks in his

    94. WhoWasThere Reply
    Charles Bossut was 50 this year and would die in a further 34 years. FrancisMaseres was 49 this year and would die in a further 44 years.

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