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21. AIM25: University College London: Maseres Manuscript Scope and content/abstract Manuscript volume, early 19th century, containing logarithmsof francis maseres, interspersed with quotations from Byron, Lucan http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search2?coll_id=3485&inst_id=13 |
22. BNQ-Revues Anciennes - Maseres, Francis, 1731-1824 Translate this page maseres, francis, 1731-1824 (1). NO 588. Onomastique maseres, francis, 1731-18241. ©Bibliothèque nationale du Québec http//www.biblinat.gouv.qc.ca http://www.bnquebec.ca/illustrations/htm/i3589.htm | |
23. BNQ-Revues Anciennes - Avocats - Biographies Translate this page Sujet(s) Avocats - Biographies 59 Ministère public 1. Onomastique maseres,francis, 1731-1824 1. NO 2529. Georges Isidore Barthe. Le Monde illustré, vol. http://www.bnquebec.ca/illustrations/htm/d131.htm | |
24. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï in Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland) Died 1 March 1908 in Chicago, Illinois,USA maseres, francis maseres Born 15 Dec 1731 in London, England Died 19 http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=M |
25. Alibris: Francis Maseres Alibris Click here to find books by this author! Maser, Edmund ~ Maser, Edward A. ~ Maser, Edward Andrew ~ Maser, Frederick E. ~Maser, Jack D. ~ Maser, Werner Masereel, Frans maseres, francis Masero, Tony http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Maseres, Francis | |
26. Index For Ralph McCoy's Freedom Of Press maseres (francis) on, M224;; May (Sir Thomas E.) on, M256;; PhileleutherusAnglicanus on, P148;; Romilly (Sir Samuel) on, R220;; St. http://www.lib.siu.edu/cni/index-j.html | |
27. Annotated Bibliography Contents For Letter M More... M223. maseres, francis. An Enquiry Into the Extent of the Power ofJuries, on Trials of Indictments or Informations, for Publishing http://www.lib.siu.edu/cni/letter-m2.html | |
28. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : MAS 4); MASEREEL (Frans) Dessin 1 (en 1923); maseres (francis)(17341824)Peinture 1; MASHAM (Abigail, Lady)(-1734) Peinture 1; MASHHOR http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/mas.htm | |
29. îñôø ùåøåú òì îúîèé÷àéí íééðå÷. Who_is (øñî ñéñðøô) francis maseres .1824 1731íéðùä ïéá éç .éèéøá øåáéö ùéàå éà÷éèîúî. http://stwi.weizmann.ac.il/g-math/who-is/index-old.htm | |
30. People: 1760-1814 William 1801 MTRL/BRCUT T-14835 Macdonell, George - c1812 Ontario Archives Maquinna- Nootka Chief MTRL/BRCUT maseres, francis - c1785 MTRL/BRCUT T-31710 | |
31. INDEX TO MICHIGAN UNDER BRITISH RULE 1760-1796 Joseph 461 462 J Jay, John 26 396 397 Johnson, William Sir 30 397 L LaGrand, GabrielJudge 32 400 M Marriott, James Sir 67 405 409 maseres, francis 66 398 http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/mi/iosco/hsgs/xsom/xmi_UnderBritishRule1760 | |
32. Fellows Of The Royal Society 1756 Paolo Frisi 1757 Nevil Maskelyne 1758 Roger J Boscovich 1761 Edward Waring 1763Matthew Stewart 1764 John Landen 1766 francis maseres 1771 Charles Hutton http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/Societies/FRS.html | |
33. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Mansur ibn Ali ibn Iraq, Abu (61) Marchenko, Vladimir Markov, Andrei (222) Mascheroni,Lorenzo (197*) Maschke, Heinrich (377*) maseres, francis (224) Maskelyne http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4142/matematici.html |
34. Highburypart2 17311824, francis maseres, mathematician and historian, lived. the maseresor Highbury New Park estate passed to Peter s elder son francis. http://www.geocities.com/redrken/highburypart2.html | |
35. Reese Catalogue 230 - Section IV HOWES M354. CLARK I122. VAIL 412. DE RENNE I, p.94. STREETER SALE 1146. SABIN 45001.EUROPEAN AMERICANA 741/149. $1000. 103. maseres, francis AN ACCOUNT OF http://www.reeseco.com/cat230/230d.htm | |
36. Reese Catalogue 230 - Section II The work was published under the aegis of francis maseres, former attorneygeneralof the Province of Quebec, with the text in French but the titles in English http://www.reeseco.com/cat230/230b.htm | |
37. History Of Actuarial Science Published By Pickering & Chatto and Data on which they are instituted (1748); Trustees of the Fund, An Accountof the rise and Nature of the Fund (1759); francis maseres, A Proposal for http://www.pickeringchatto.com/actuarialscience.htm | |
38. Fellows Of The Royal Society Nevil Maskelyne 26 Apr 1758 Roger J Boscovich 15 Jan 1761 Edward Waring 2 Jun 1763Matthew Stewart 21 Jun 1764 John Landen 16 Jan 1766 francis maseres 2 May http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/FRS.htm | |
39. ISBN.pl - Trigonometry maseres, francis ELEMENTS OF PLANE TRIGONOMETRY In Which is IntroducedA DISSERTATION ON THE NATURE AND USE OF LOGARITHMS. UK Hardback. http://www.isbn.pl/2012-9-Trigonometry.html | |
40. The Babbage Pages: Publications By Roy. Son. Edin. 9, 33752. Scriptores Optici; or, A Collection of Tracts Relatingto Optics, edited in collaboration with francis maseres; preface by Babbage. http://www.ex.ac.uk/BABBAGE/publish.html | |
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