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81. Mìsíc - Krátery A Acosta. Adams. Agatharchides. Agrippa. Airy. alBakri. al-Biruni. al-marrakushi.albategnius. aldrin. alexander. alfraganus. alhazen. aliacensis. almanon. alpetragius. http://planety.astro.cz/zeme/mesice/a.html | |
82. Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada Translate this page Carr (primeiro bebê de proveta norte-americano) 29/12/1256 Nascimento MatemáticaNascimento de al-marrakushi ibn al-Banna (matemático marroquino) 29/12/1586 http://www.ponteiro.com.br/mostrad7.php?w=1&pg=121 |
83. Abbreviations, Society Organized For War IIM, Nfa Ibn cIdari alMarrakúshì. " al-Bayan al-Mugrib." Ambrosio Huici Miranda Ibn cIdari al-Bayan al-Mugrib, Nuevos fragmentos almorávides y almohades http://libro.uca.edu/socwar/abbrev.htm | |
84. Bibliography, Society Organized For War By James F. Powers IbncIdhârì al-Marrâkushì. " al-Bayan al-Mugrib." Ambrosio Huici Miranda Ibn-cIdhârì al-Bayanal-Mugrib, Nuevos fragmentos almorávides y almohades, 1-488 http://libro.uca.edu/socwar/biblio.htm | |
85. New Acquisitions Middle East Islamic Studies Collection. New Titles. Request Form ( Ordered in January 1997, not yet received) Titles from Bahrain Ghalum, Aishah Abd allah. Imraah fi aldhakirah qisas qasirah http://www.library.cornell.edu/colldev/mideast/acquisit.htm | |
86. Index Crateres 1 Translate this page Agatharchides 52. Agrippa 34. Airy 55, 56. al-Bakri 24, 35. al-Biruni III. al-Marrakushi48. albategnius 44, 45. aldrin 35. alexander 13. alfraganus 46. alhazen 27. http://r.aberlin.free.fr/lune/index/crateres/1.htm | |
87. G01_06Reymaldo Fernández Manzano al-Magrib. http://www.ugr.es/~pwlac/G01_06Reynaldo_Fernandez_Manzano.html | |
88. Sourcenotes 7. Kitâb almu jib fî talkhîs akhbâr al-Maghrib of Abd al-Wahid al-Marrakushiwho, in 621 h/1124, managed to abridge the history of the Muslim West. http://bewley.virtualave.net/tashfinbib2.html | |
89. Scientific Contribution By Muslims Throughout Ages The algebraic symbols were introduced quite late. alBanna and al-Marrakushiused them in thirteenth and fourteenth century. Later http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Park/6443/Science/ScientificContribution. | |
90. Dizionario Lunare Di Vincenzo Garofalo - A al http://art.supereva.it/codas.freeweb/arzachel/dizionario lunare - a.htm | |
91. ? ? ? ? ? ? The summary for this Arabic page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.jas.org.jo/~arabic/crater.html |
92. Êðàòåðû íà Ëóíå The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.skystars.narod.ru/kratmon.htm | |
93. ? The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www12.plala.or.jp/m-light/Geograph/NameABC.htm | |
94. Vµ¢y[W 1 The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www12.plala.or.jp/m-light/Geograph/CraterA.html | |
95. ? The summary for this Turkish page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.alfda.com/moon/moon1.htm |
96. wj The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www2m.biglobe.ne.jp/~m-souda/mysouda/math/smith/chapter6/math3.html | |
97. Des Marockaners Abdulvaheb Temimi Fragmente über Spanien. (in Des Marockaners Abdulvaheb Temimi Fragmente über Spanien. TitleDes Marockaners Abdulvaheb Temimi Fragmente über Spanien. Aus http://js-catalog.cpl.org:60100/MARION/ACR-6650 |
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