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61. MidEast Web - Bibliography: Medieval And Ottoman Islam And The Arab World Provencal. Trans. AT Tibi, Cairo, 1963. Abd alWahid al-marrakushi(d.1270), al- Mu jib. Trans. A. Huici, Miranada, Tetuan, 1955. Ahmad http://www.mideastweb.org/biblioislam_med.htm | |
62. H-Net Review: Eric Ormsby On Majid Fakhry, Averroes (Ibn Rushd): His Life, Works are often given incorrectly taharh instead of taharah (p. 120), jiziyah insteadof jizyah (p. 121), alMarakushi instead of al-marrakushi (p. 174), among http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=227091077594594 |
63. CHRONOLOGY Some Selected Dates In The Development Of Sundials And Solar Astro 1280, Abul Hhasan al marrakushi writes a manuscript (translated into Frenchby JJ Sedillot in 1834) describing many types of dials and the methods for http://www.sundialsoc.org.uk/glossary/chronology/chronology.htm | |
64. Traite De Ibn Al-Bay Kitab Minh Kitab Al- Ibn Al-Naf Buch Translate this page au treizie Traite des instruments astronomiques des Arabes compose au treizieJohann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt aM marrakushi, al-, Se dillot http://www.4.www-info-web.de/1293.html | |
65. List Of Lunar Craters - Encyclopedia Article About List Of Lunar Craters. Free A . Click the link for more information. ). almanon (after Abdalla al Mamun,Persian astronomer); almarrakushi (after al-marrakushi, Moroccan astronomer); http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/List of Lunar craters | |
66. Reinhart Dozy - Encyclopedia Article About Reinhart Dozy. Free Access, No Regist and history, manifested themselves in 1847, when he published almarrakushi sHistory of the almohades (Leiden, 2nd ed., 1881), which, together with his http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Reinhart Dozy | |
67. Liste Des Reliefs Lunaires Translate this page 5.7. -18.1. 36.9. 2410. 357, 161. al-Bakri. +20.2. +14.3. 12.4. 1040. 343, 148.al-marrakushi. +55.8. -10.4. 8.3. 1110. 309, 119. albategnius. +4.1. -11.2. 135.7.3200. 357, 161. http://www.astrosurf.com/lombry/lune-a.htm | |
68. Craters (A) o N, 92.5 o E. almarrakushi 10.4 o S, 55.8 o E albategnius 11.2o S, 4.1 o E aldrin 1.4 o N, 22.1 o E. alexander 40.3 o N http://www.astrosurf.com/cidadao/a_craters.htm | |
69. Catalogue 11 Arabic History-Literature 620 IBN `IDHARI al marrakushi Histoire de l Afrique du Nord et de l Espagne Musulmaneintitulée Kitab albayan al-mughrib et fragments de la Chronique de `Arib http://www.antiquariaten.com/rashi/catalogs/cat000000449.htm | |
70. AAC Database - Browse - List 1, Marra, Realino. 1, Marracci, Ippolito, 16041675. 1, al-marrakushi, Abd al-Wahidibn ali, 1185-1250 See Marakushi, Abd al-Wahid ibn ali,1185-1250. http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/TAU/AAC/AAC/SCAN-F/3262534 | |
71. Saudi Aramco World : The Poet-King Of Seville The historian almarrakushi wrote of al-Mu tamid, If one wanted to list all theexamples of beauty produced by al-Ahdalus from the time of the conquest to http://www.saudiaramcoworld.com/issue/199301/the.poet-king.of.seville.htm | |
72. De Islamitische Tijdrekening - Gebedsrituelen 1075, 18º/19º, 18º/19º. Nasir alDin al-Tusi, ca. 1270, 18º,18º. al-marrakushi, ca. 1280, 16º, 20º. al-Bakhaniqi, ca. 1325, 16º,20º. http://www.phys.uu.nl/~vgent/islam/islam_salat.htm | |
73. PERSONAGGI FORMAZIONi Translate this page Organisateur de la traduction en arabe des oeuvres philosophiques et scientifiquesde la Grèce antique. al-marrakushi. al-marrakushi (ex Langrenus D). (). http://www.arcturus.len.it/Didattica/Personaggi/personaggi__formazioni_A_C.htm | |
74. Nomenclatura Della Luna Da Abbot A Finsch Translate this page d7f. s7f. x7f. 84, 31S, 5E. 31. almanon, Crater. 6g. d6g. s6e. x6g. 48, 17S, 15E.32. al-marrakushi, Crater. 5l. d5l. s5b. x5l. 33. alpes, Montes. 2f. d2f. s2f. x2f.34. alpes, Vallis. 1f. http://www.arcturus.len.it/LUNA/Luna_nomenclatura_1.htm | |
75. "Mathematik" At ZVAB - Register Of Antiquarian Books (order Antiquarian Books On Ibn Idhari almarrakushi Jami al-mabadi wa l-ghayat fi ilm al-miqat. Frankfurt,Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften,1984. http://www.zvab.com/offers/mathematik.html | |
76. Planetenkunde.de / Mond - Namen - Krater Mit Individuellem Namen [A] Translate this page alden » alder » aldrin » alekhin » alexander » alfraganus » alhazen » aliacensis» al-Khwarizmi » almanon » al-marrakushi » aloha » alpetragius http://www.astrolink.de/p012/p01204/p01204090000a.htm | |
77. Seven Dials Charity It was another Arabian, ali Ibn Omar AbulHassan al-marrakushi, who lived atthe beginning of the 13th century, who introduced the idea of equal hours http://www.sevendials.com/seven_dials.php | |
78. Lunar Republic : Craters A 8. almarrakushi ibn al-Banna, or Abu l-Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Uthman al-Azdi(1256-1321), Moroccan astronomer and mathematician; first to consider a http://www.lunarrepublic.com/gazetteer/crater_a.shtml | |
79. Almohads Marrakesh in 1269. See studies by Abd alWahid al marrakushi (1881,repr. 1968) and Roger Le Tourneau (1969). Add URL,Advertise http://dk.slider.com/enc/2000/Almohads.htm |
80. Ibni Ruschd al-Din wie folgt als Loyalitätdes Khalifen schwankte die meisten, wie Ansari und marrakushi, nehmen an http://www.enfal.de/grund41.htm | |
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