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         Marrakushi Al:     more detail
  1. Histoire de l'Afrique et de l'Espagne, intitulée al-Bayano'l-Mogrib, et fragments de la Chronique d'Aríb (de Cordoue). Le tout publié pour la Première ... et d'un glossaire Volume 1 (French Edition) by Ibn 'Idhari al-Marrakushi, 2010-09-28
  2. The History of the Almohades, Preceded by a Sketch of the History of Spain From the Times of the Conquest Till the Reign of Yusof by B. abd Al-Wahid Al-Marrakushi, 2010-03-28
  3. Histoire Des Almohades D'abd El-Wâh'id Merrâkechi (French Edition) by Abd Al-Waid Al-Marrakushi, 2010-01-11
  4. Wathaiq al-Murabitin wa-al-Muwahhidin (Arabic Edition) by Abd al-Wahid al-Marrakushi, 1997
  5. al-Aydiyulujiyah wa-al-hadathah inda ruwad al-fikr al-salafi (Silsilat al-dirasat wa-al-buhuth al-muammaqah) (Arabic Edition) by Muhammad Salih Marrakushi, 1995
  6. The history of the Almohades,: Preceded by a sketch of the history of Spain from the time of the conquest till the reign of Yusof ibn-Teshufin, and of the history of the Almoravides, by Abd al-Wahid al-Marrakushi, 1968
  7. Qiraat fi al-fikr al-Arabi al-hadith wa-al-muasir (Muwafaqat) (Arabic Edition) by Muhammad Salih Marrakushi, 1992
  8. al-Jamiah al-Yusufiyah bi-Marrakush fi tisumiat sanah (Arabic Edition) by Muhammad ibn Uthman Marrakushi, 2001

41. Itinerario III. Rabat, Casablanca Y Alrededores. El Legado Andalusí
Rabat (76 Kb) As for the city , writes the chronicler almarrakushi, it was completedunder the reign of Abu Yusuf (al-Mansur), its walls and gates included .
Go Back Heritage Accommodation Craft ... Information Offices P RINCIPAL C IRCUITS
I TINERARY III Click on the map for desired destination Neighbouring towns and cities. Rabat Casablanca Settat Mulay Abdallah ... Chellah This third itinerary could be classified as an Almohad journey par excellence Throughout this period the city of Ksar el Kebir was an important convergence point of this network. Heading north-eastwards from Marrakech, the traveller must first cross the 27-arched bridge which, although originally of Almoravid construction, was rebuilt by the Almohads in the twelfth century. Further on is Sidi Bou Othman the first important stop where an important hydraulic complex was built in the Almohad period. Settat Back From here we move on to the prosperous industrial town of Settat alcazaba al-qasbah , fortified enclosure) was constructed here by Moulay Ismaïl at the end of the seventeenth century and beginning of the eighteenth. Settat, with its traditional "Fantasia" stud-farms, has long been an important trading centre for Arab horses. The route of the Almohads uniting Marrakech would once have headed towards two ports, Tit (present-day Mulay Abdallah south of El Jadida) and Azemmour, both of which became religious pilgrimage sites from the twelfth century. The ruins of important Almohad fortifications can still be seen in Tit.

42. Jewish Names In The World Of Medieval Islam: Names Of Merchants
b. Ishaq; Imran almarrakushi; Isma il b. Barhun (Samuel b. Abraham)Taherti; Israel b Hadr; Iwad b. Jawar al-Mubashshiri; Japheth ha
Jewish Names in the World of Medieval Islam: Names of Merchants
Compiled by Yehoshua ben Haim haYerushalmi (MKA Zachary Kessin
Names of Meieval Jewish Merchants
    Abd b. Muhammad b. Qaysar Abi 'l-Hasan Abi Ibrahim 'Ayyash Abraham b. Yiju Abu 'Ali al-Husayn b Mufrij Abu 'Ali b. Da'ud Abu 'Fadl Sahl Abu 'l Hasan B. Atiyya Abu 'l-Barakat Abu 'l-Fadl Abu 'l-Hasan b. Khulayf the Alexandrian Abu 'l-Kahayr Moses Abu 'l-Kayr b. Barhun Abu 'l-Qasim the son of the Physician Abu 'l-Surur b. Barhun Abu 'l Barakat Ibn al-Hulaybi Abu 'l Surur b. Masli'ah Abu Barhun Abu Ibrahim Abu Ibrahim 'Ayyash Abu Nasr Abu Sa'd b. Mufaddal Ibn Abu Sa'd Abu Sa'id Al-Afsi Abu Sahl Abu Sahl Sa'id Abu Tayyib Abu Ya'qub Abu Ya'qub Joseph Abu Yahya Nahray b. Nissim Abu Zikri Judah Afdal Al-`Afif al-Hariri Ata Allah b. 'Abd al-Khaliq Benjamin Ephraim b Sa'id Farah (Joy) of Fez Furayj Hannah (Female) Hillel Ibn Abi Sa'd Ibn Hiba Ibn Majjani Ibn Talw Ibn Walid Ibn al-Naffakh Ibn al-Sabbagh (Mr Dyer) Ibrahim b. Ishaq Imran al-Marrakushi Isma'il b. Barhun (Samuel b. Abraham) Taherti Israel b Hadr Iwad b. Jawar al-Mubashshiri

43. Universidad De Navarra /Navarra
Kitab al-Bayan al-Mughrib / par Ibn Idhari al-marrakushi et Fragments*spi/aColin, Francisco, 1592-1660/acolin francisco 1592
Historial de búsqueda) PALABRA CLAVE: The illustrated Bartsch ; en Universidad de Navarra (Limpiar el Historial de búsqueda) (Fin de Sesión de Búsquedas)
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AUTOR TITULO MATERIA PALABRA CLAVE ISN SIGNATURA CURSO Otro Universidad de Navarra B.D. Cordoba Colección Completa Listado de AUTORES: Ant. Sig. Marcar Año Colin, Ambrosio
Colin Buchanan and Partners

The conurbations : a study / by Colin Buchanan and Partners; HUMANIDADES S. CONSULTA Colin, Claudine,
HUMANIDADES DEPOSITO Colin Courtice, Frederick,
Lymphatics, lymph and the lymphomyeloid complex / by Joseph Mendel Yoffey and Frederick Colin Courtice; CIENCIAS DEPOSITO CIENCIAS DEPOSITO Colin Cruz, F. Armando
Elements of genetics : Mendel's laws of heredity with special application to man / Edward C. Colin.; CIENCIAS S. CONSULTA Colin, Francisco,
Historia de la Provincia de Philipinas de la Compañia de Jesus. Segunda parte : que comprehende los progresos de esta provincia desde el año de 1616 hasta el de 1716 / por el P. Pedro Murillo Velarde ...; HUMANIDADES FONDO ANTIGUO Labor euangelica, ministerios apostolicos de los obreros de la Compañia de Iesus : fundacion, y progressos de su prouincia en las Islas Filipinas / historiados por el padre Francisco Colin, provincial de la misma Compañia ... Parte primera sacada de los manuscriptos del padre Pedro Chirino, el primero de la Compañia que passò de los Reynos de España a estas Islas ...;

44. Universidad De Navarra /Navarra
al-Bayan al-Mughrib / par IbnIdhari al-marrakushi et Fragments de la Chronique de Arib 1948 2 Histoire de l*spi/aColin, Francisco, 1592-1660/acolin francisco 1592
Historial de búsqueda) PALABRA CLAVE: The illustrated Bartsch ; en Universidad de Navarra (Limpiar el Historial de búsqueda) (Fin de Sesión de Búsquedas)
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AUTOR TITULO MATERIA PALABRA CLAVE ISN SIGNATURA CURSO Otro Universidad de Navarra B.D. Cordoba Colección Completa Núm Marcar AUTORES (1-2 de 2) Año
Colin, G.S., Histoire de l'Afrique du Nord et de l'Espagne musulmane intitulée Kitab al-Bayan al-Mughrib / par Ibn Idhari al-Marrakushi et Fragments de la Chronique de Arib Histoire de l'Afrique du Nord et de l'Espagne musulmane intitulée Kitab al-Bayan al-Mughrib / par Ibn Idhari al-Marrakushi et Fragments de la Chronique de Arib (Historial de búsqueda) PALABRA CLAVE: The illustrated Bartsch ; en Universidad de Navarra (Limpiar el Historial de búsqueda) (Fin de Sesión de Búsquedas) Tel. 948 425 600 Fax 948 178 269

45. BNM: Proyectos
Catálogos Proyectos Espacio pedagógico Redes ... Biblioteca, Museo y Archivo Dr. R. Levene Mapa del sitio Preguntas frecuentes Novedades Consultas y sugerencias Carta Compromiso con el Ciudadano Tecnología del sitio bbbbbbbbbbb bb La lista de los hombres de ciencia vinculados a las matemáticas y presentada a continuación no es exhaustiva. Usted puede acceder, a través de esta página, a las biografías de algunos de estos hombres como así también a artículos relacionados con sus obras (en español). Estas páginas a las que remitimos no son de autoría de la biblioteca. A menudo los vínculos no remiten a la posición exacta de la biografía o de la referencia dentro de la página, para ello deberá emplear la opción buscar que posea su navegador e indicar allí el nombre buscado. Seleccionar del abecedario...

46. Virtual Field Trips - Free Educational Adventures. Travel Without Leaving Your H
Ptolemy estimated it to be 3.1416, Archimedes – 223/71, The Bible – 3.7. alBanna al-marrakushi, al-Sizji in 969 AD, and al-Biruni in 1082.

47. Biography-center - Letter A
Mathematicians/alMahani.html; al-marrakushi, ibn al-Banna;al-Nasawi, Abu
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602 biographies

48. Carte Face Visible
Translate this page al-marrakushi (Langrenus D) (10,4S, 55,8E - al-marrakushi (v. 1262). Astronome arabe.Cratère (8 km). Amontons 5,3S, 46,8E - Guillaume Amontons (1663-1705).
Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune MESSIER
Sur la vaste étendue de la mer de la Fécondité ( Mare Fecunditatis ) parcourue de lignes de crêtes il n'est pas difficile de repérer le couple de cratères Messier - Messier A, point de départ de deux traînées claires s'étendant vers l'ouest à la manière d'une queue de comète double. Sous un éclairage oblique, on peut aussi apercevoir à la surface de la mer plusieurs " cratères-fantômes " (cratères engloutis) ainsi qu'un système de rainures autour du cratère Gutenberg.
Al-Marrakushi (Langrenus D) (10,4S, 55,8E] - Al-Marrakushi (v. 1262). Astronome arabe.
Cratère (8 km) Amontons [5,3S, 46,8E] - Guillaume Amontons (1663-1705). Physicien français.
Cratère (3 km) Bellot [12,4S, 48,2E] - Joseph R. Bellot (1826-1853). Navigateur français ayant participé à deux expéditions dans l'Antarctique.
Cratère circulaire (17 km) Crozier [13,5S, 50,8E] - François R. M. Crozier (1796-1848). Capitaine anglais ayant pris part aux expéditions polaires de Parry et Ross.

49. Location Abbe Sol/Earth/Moon { LongLat [ 175.2 -57.3 0 ] Size
106.4 7.1 0 Size 65 Type AA } Location almanon Sol/Earth/Moon { LongLat 15.2 16.8 0 Size 49 Type AA } Location al-marrakushi Sol/Earth/Moon

50. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians
Maximos Planudes (c. 12551310); ibn al-Banna al marrakushi (1256-1321)*SB; John Duns Scotus (c. 1266-1308) *SB; Peter Philomena of Dacia (fl.
Chronological List of Mathematicians
Note: there are also a chronological lists of mathematical works and mathematics for China , and chronological lists of mathematicians for the Arabic sphere Europe Greece India , and Japan
Table of Contents
1700 B.C.E. 100 B.C.E. 1 C.E. To return to this table of contents from below, just click on the years that appear in the headers. Footnotes (*MT, *MT, *RB, *W, *SB) are explained below
List of Mathematicians
    1700 B.C.E.
  • Ahmes (c. 1650 B.C.E.) *MT
    700 B.C.E.
  • Baudhayana (c. 700)
    600 B.C.E.
  • Thales of Miletus (c. 630-c 550) *MT
  • Apastamba (c. 600)
  • Anaximander of Miletus (c. 610-c. 547) *SB
  • Pythagoras of Samos (c. 570-c. 490) *SB *MT
  • Anaximenes of Miletus (fl. 546) *SB
  • Cleostratus of Tenedos (c. 520)
    500 B.C.E.
  • Katyayana (c. 500)
  • Nabu-rimanni (c. 490)
  • Kidinu (c. 480)
  • Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (c. 500-c. 428) *SB *MT
  • Zeno of Elea (c. 490-c. 430) *MT
  • Antiphon of Rhamnos (the Sophist) (c. 480-411) *SB *MT
  • Oenopides of Chios (c. 450?) *SB
  • Leucippus (c. 450) *SB *MT
  • Hippocrates of Chios (fl. c. 440) *SB
  • Meton (c. 430) *SB

51. Almohads. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
1. See studies by Abd alWahid al marrakushi 1881, repr. 1968) and R.Le Tourneau (1969). 2. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition.
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Almohads h dz) ( KEY ) , Berber Muslim dynasty that ruled Morocco and Spain in the 12th and 13th cent. It had its origins in the puritanical sect founded by

52. HPS: Paper 1, Centres Of Excellence: 8. Cairo
height. Astronomical timekeeping in Cairo. Abu al almarrakushi (late13th cent.) Compendium of spherical astronomy and instruments;
window.defaultStatus="Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge" Department of
History and Philosophy of Science READING LISTS HOME SEARCH CONTACT Centres of Excellence: Patronage and the Exact Sciences in the Pre-Modern Middle East, 800 BCE-1500 CE
Week 8: Cairo, 1250-1500 CE
Mamluk Egypt
Origins of the mamluks
  • Egypt a Muslim power-base against Crusaders, 1099- E.g. Salah al-Din, d.1193 Huge army of Turkish slaves installed in barracks on island in Cairo, c.1240 Defeated Mongols in Palestine, 1260 Army commander, Baybars, became sultan Abbasid Sunni puppet caliphate set up - refugees from Baghdad
The mamluk system
  • Mamluk 'owned' - first-generation Turkish and Kurdish slaves, usually blond-haired blue-eyed non-Muslims Bought by former mamluks , usually from area around the Caucasus mountains Raised in segregated barracks with military and religious training On adulthood served their amir , 'commander' Sultan nominated an amir to succeed him Offspring of mamluk s were not themselves mamluk s or eligible to rule
Medieval Cairo
  • Heavily patronised by mamluks amirs , and their offspring Mosques, libraries, hospitals, madrasas, mausolea

53. Location Abbe Sol/Earth/Moon { LongLat [ 175.2 -57.3 0 ] Size
Sol/Earth/Moon { LongLat 106.4 7.1 0 Size 65 } Location almanon Sol/Earth/Moon { LongLat 15.2 16.8 0 Size 49 } Location al-marrakushi Sol/Earth

54. Arabic Numerals
numerals that the Indian number system reach Europe. alBanna al-marrakushi sform of the numerals. He gave this form of the numerals in
The Arabic numeral system
Arabic index History Topics Index
The Indian numerals discussed in our article Indian numerals form the basis of the European number systems which are now widely used. However they were not transmitted directly from India to Europe but rather came first to the Arabic/Islamic peoples and from them to Europe. The story of this transmission is not, however, a simple one. The eastern and western parts of the Arabic world both saw separate developments of Indian numerals with relatively little interaction between the two. By the western part of the Arabic world we mean the regions comprising mainly North Africa and Spain. Transmission to Europe came through this western Arabic route, coming into Europe first through Spain. There are other complications in the story, however, for it was not simply that the Arabs took over the Indian number system. Rather different number systems were used simultaneously in the Arabic world over a long period of time. For example there were at least three different types of arithmetic used in Arab countries in the eleventh century: a system derived from counting on the fingers with the numerals written entirely in words, this finger-reckoning arithmetic was the system used for by the business community; the sexagesimal system with numerals denoted by letters of the Arabic alphabet; and the arithmetic of the Indian numerals and fractions with the decimal place-value system. The first sign that the Indian numerals were moving west comes from a source which predates the rise of the Arab nations. In 662 AD Severus Sebokht, a Nestorian bishop who lived in Keneshra on the Euphrates river, wrote:-

55. Reloj Andalusí - Web Andaluza De Relojes De Sol
el Siglo XIII por Aboul Hhassan alí al-marrakushi denominado Kitab Jami al
La astronomía en al-Andalus El cuadrante andalusí Otros cuadrantes Otras aportaciones
Por ello, y como uno de los objetivos del presente sitio, como ya se ha dicho, es el estudio y promoción del reloj de Sol -"Sa'a shamsiyya"- de origen andalusí,
periodo islámico
    Bajo el califa abbasí al-Mamún
    Durante su mandato se midió el arco de meridiano terrestre, con la misma técnica utilizada por Eratóstenes pero con mayor precisión. En el trabajo participó al-Jwaritzmi (siglo IX) matemático inventor de los logaritmos y a cuya ciencia dio el nombre de Algebra. También al-Battani Hunayn ibn Ishaq al-Ibadi además del ya mencionado al-Jwaritzmi En el manuscrito que en el Siglo IX escribió Thabit ibn Qurra titulado "Obras de Astronomía" se encuentran descritos los cuadrantes solares en uso en el mundo árabe hacia el 900 d.C. Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Fargani tradujo al árabe los textos griegos, entre otros los de Ptolomeo . Sobre el año 820 encontró la máxima declinación del Sol, estimando en 23º 35' y escribió una obra muy importante "Elementos de astronomía" que fue traducida al latín en el siglo XII, y un libro sobre los relojes solares y sobre la forma del planisferio y del globo celeste. Abbas ibn Firnas Sinhind Maslamah ben Ahmad al Mayriti Abu Ishak Ibrahim al Zarqali Asimismo confeccionó las " Tablas toledanas " -basadas en las obras de sus predecesores, principalmente de al Juwaritzmi, aunque también añadió sus propias observaciones y estudios- y el "

56. AMU CHMA NEWSLETTER #24 (11/16/00)
Volume 41 Traité des instruments astronomiques des Arabes composé au treizièmesiécle par Abu lHasan ali al-marrakushi (VII/XIII s.) intitulé Jami al
AMUCHMA-NEWSLETTER-24 Chairman: Paulus Gerdes (Mozambique) Secretary: Ahmed Djebbar (Algeria) Members: Cyprien Gnanvo (Benin) Nefertiti Megahed (Egypt) Mohamed Aballagh (Morocco) Abdoulaye Kane (Senegal) David Mosimege (South Africa) Mohamed Souissi (Tunisia) David Mtwetwa (Zimbabwe) Associate Members:
TABLE OF CONTENTS Fifth PAN-AFRICAN CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS Objectives of AMUCHMA Meetings, exhibitions, events Current Research Interests ... Have you read? - 2nd web page Announcements - 2nd web page Addresses of scholars and institutions mentioned in this newsletter - 2nd web page New recipients - 2nd web page THANKS TO SIDA-SAREC Suggestions Do you want to receive the next AMUCHMA-Newsletter AMUCHMA-NEWSLETTER website ... back to AMUCHMA ONLINE Fifth PAN-AFRICAN CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS During the Fifth Pan-African Congress of Mathematicians (Cape Town, South Africa, 23-28 January 2000), the General Assembly of the African Mathematical Union analysed the activities of the AMU during the last five years, and elected the members of the new Executive Committee and the chairpersons of the AMU Commissions. The new Executive Committee of the AMU has the following composition: President: Prof. Jan Persens (South Africa)

57. AMU CHMA NEWSLETTER #14 (03/21/1995)
analysis and synthesis for the solution of mathematical problems; * Comes, Mercè(Spain) An unknown equation of Abu lHasan al-marrakushi; * Djebbar, Ahmed
AMUCHMA-NEWSLETTER-14 Chairman: Paulus Gerdes (Mozambique) Secretary: Ahmed Djebbar (Algeria)
TABLE OF CONTENTS NEWSLETTER #1 Objectives of AMUCHMA Three new AMUCHMA projects Meetings, expositions, events Current research interests ... back to AMUCHMA ONLINE 2. THREE NEW AMUCHMA PROJECTS * To stimulate the creation of new national and regional mathematical associations, and to facilitate learning from the experience of existing or past mathematical associations, AMUCHMA proposes to publish a book on the history of national and regional mathematical associations in Africa * To stimulate youth in general, and girls in particular, to enter mathematical carreers, AMUCHMA proposes to publish two books with (auto)biographies of African mathematicians : the first book on those mathematicians who played a pioneering role in the history of their respective countries, and the second on female mathematicians. Proposals for contributions, and suggestions for the selection of associations and mathematicians to be included in these books, may be sent to the chairman or to the secretary of AMUCHMA.

58. World Beat, Mar/Apr 1996
a thousand years to the times when scholars such as alBitruji (known as alpetragiusin the West), Ibn-Rushd (Averroes), al-marrakushi, and al- Qusuntini lived
World Beat
Mercury Magazine
Archive of Past Issues
Archive of World Beat articles ... Editor by Nidhal Guessoum, Kuwait College of Technological Studies (c) 1996 Astronomical Society of the Pacific ``It is hard to describe what it is like to be living in a society whose culture is dying,'' wrote Egyptian human-rights activist Karim Al-Rawi. In Algeria today, to express an idea is to invite death, and the guns make little distinction among activism, apostasy, or astronomy. Algerian astronomy goes back over a thousand years to the times when scholars such as Al-Bitruji (known as Alpetragius in the West), Ibn-Rushd (Averroes), Al-Marrakushi, and Al- Qusuntini lived in Andalusia and North Africa. Their observations and calculations led to the design of astrolabes, the construction of time-keeping tables, and the critique of the Ptolemaic system [see ``The Science of Knowing God,'' March/April 1995, p. 28]. As Western Europe rose to dominance, the Arab-Islamic civilization faded away, leaving only the memories of great science. In its place came ignorance and antagonism toward astronomy, the products of a widespread confusion with astrology and suspicions of a clash with religion. A thousand years after Al-Battani (Albategnius) proclaimed astronomy the noblest and most perfect of sciences, second in importance only to religion, who could have believed that Algeria would have no astronomy education whatsoever at any level? There was the beginning of a renaissance in 1991 when a few American-educated Algerian astronomers established a graduate program at the University of Blida, 40 kilometers (25 miles) west of Algiers. The physics faculty at the time included me and two other astrophysicists, and we had assistance from the dozen permanent and visiting astronomers at the Observatory of Algiers.

59. Current Newsletter
Translate this page Roser Puig (Spain), La saphea (safiha) d’al-Zarqalli d’aprés le K. Djami c al-mabadi’wa-l-gayat fi c ilm al-miqat d’Abu-l-Hasan al-marrakushi (s. XIII Newsletter-list3.htm
INTERNATIONAL UNION OF THE HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE Home Current Newsletter Directory of Members About the Commission ... Contact Us! [list 3.htm] (4) Conferences/Symposia/Meetings/Lectures [Conferences 2002] ** Conferences 2003 ** September 18-20, 2003. BODY AND SOUL, INNER SENSES AND INTELLECT FROM XIV CENTURY TO THE POST-CARTESIANS Florence, Italy; International Congress: University of Firenze, University of Napoli " Federico II", University of Perugia PROGRAM Thursday, September 18, 2003 9.30 a.m.
  • Graziella Federici Vescovini (Università di Firenze): Introduction Lucio Pepe (Università di Napoli Federico II): Le funzioni dell’intelletto nell’interpretazione aristotelica di Temistio Pieter De Leemans (Università di Leuven): Internal senses, intellect and motivation. Some evidence from the medieval commentaries on Aristotle’s De motu animalium Giulio D’Onofrio (Università di Salerno): Le fatiche di Eva: il senso interno tra aísthesis e diánoia nell’Alto Medioevo Régis Morelon (CNRS-EPHE, Paris):

60. - Topics
1258AD, Born around this year, died 1339, is Ibn alBanna al-marrakushi.He was best known for his Talkhis, a treatise on Arithmetic.
Chronology of major events in Muslim Heritage
This is a short and incomplete list of major developments made by Muslims during the 9th to 16th Centuries.
Shortcut to: th th th th ... th Centuries.
th Century
Muslim merchants reach China (Canton). Foundation of a paper factory in Baghdad; the first in history outside China. The Muslims use different materials from the Chinese, though. This is a development that would subsequently revolutionise learning. The paper industry spreads from Baghdad, to Syria and further West, until it reaches about a century later Europe (Spain) via Morocco.
Mash'allah writes on the Astrolabe. He was one of the earliest astronomers and astrologers in Islam. Only one of his writings is extant in Arabic, but there are many medieval Latin and Hebrew translations of it. His most popular book in the Middle Ages was the `De scientia motus orbis,' translated by G. Cremonna in the twelfth century.
Al-Tabari writes on Astronomy. Harun al-Rashid gives Charlemagne a clock that struck the hours. Foundation of the city of Fez by the Idrisids in Morocco.

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