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21. History Of Astronomy: What's New At This Site On April 30, 1999 Musa (c.800c.850) Crater al-Khwarizmi (lunar feature). al-marrakushi(fl. c. 1262) Crater al-marrakushi (lunar feature); Find more http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/new/new990430.html | |
22. History Of Astronomy: Persons (A) Ahmed b. Muh. b. Otman elAzdi, Abu l Abbas see Ibn al-Banna, al-marrakushi(1256-1321); Ailly, Pierre d aliacensis; Petrus de allaco (1350-c.1420) http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_a.html | |
23. Foundation Of Al-Mahdiya Ibn Idhari almarrakushi composed a poem in 308/921 in Bayan al-Maghrib (Leiden,1948, 1st vol., p. 184) for al-Mahdi to celebrate his arrival in the new http://www.ismaili.net/histoire/history05/history516.html | |
24. A01 almeon (12. Century) almarrakushi Marokeschi (ca. 1262) alpetragius(12. Century al-marrakushi Marokeschi (ca. 1262) al-marrakushi http://www.plicht.de/chris/a01.htm | |
25. BIENVENIDOS AL REINO DE MARRUECOS Translate this page Así, encontramos en numerosos historiadores como Ibn Sahib Assalat, al marrakushi,Ibn Abi Zar, Ibn Khaldün y al Qalqachandi , textos ignorados por los http://www.maec.gov.ma/madrid/Pages/Politique/HisDipMar/hisdipmar1.htm | |
26. Contents Continue Abbassid and Fatimid Empires Bar Hebraeus Baghdad (1100) Obadyah NorthAfrica and Andalusia al Maliki Ibn alAthir Ibn Abdun al-marrakushi Under the http://mypage.bluewin.ch/ameland/Contents.html | |
27. SmartPedia.com - Free Online Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia Books. al Mamun, Persian astronomer);al-marrakushi (after al-marrakushi, Moroccan astronomer); aloha http://www.smartpedia.com/smart/browse/List_of_Lunar_craters | |
28. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results Bibliography See studies by Abd alWahid al marrakushi 1881, repr. 1968) and R.Le Tourneau (1969). 7. What s in a name? Law, religion, and Islamic names. http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
29. Almohads Merinid dynasty, which took Marrakech in 1269. See studies by Abd alWahidal marrakushi 1881, repr. 1968) and R. Le Tourneau (1969). http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/history/A0803445.html | |
30. Almohads Marrakech in 1269. See studies by Abd alWahid al marrakushi 1881,repr. 1968) and R. Le Tourneau (1969). The Columbia Electronic http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0803445.html | |
31. IBN RUSHD and of Ibn alAbbar (notice published in the complete works of Renan, iii, 329);al-Dhahabi, Annales (ibid., 345); Abd al-Wahid al-marrakushi, Mu dhib. http://www.muslimphilosophy.com/ei/ei-ir.htm | |
32. Arab Számok Here are the numerals as they appear in a 1082 copy. The numerals from alBiruni streatise copied in 1082. al-Banna al-marrakushi s form of the numerals. http://idi.ptmik.hu/IDI/Mathematics/szamok/1.htm | |
33. List Of Lunar Craters - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Translate this page al-Khwarizmi, al-Khwarizmi. almanon, Abdalla al Mamun, Persian astronomer.al-marrakushi, al-marrakushi, Moroccan astronomer. aloha, (a Hawaiian greeting). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Lunar_craters | |
34. Editing Al-Marrakushi - Edit - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Seznam lunárních kráteru Khwarizmi); almanon (po Abdalla al Mamun, Peran astronom); almarrakushi(za alem-marrakushi, marocký astronom); aloha (havajský http://en.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=Al-Marrakushi&action=edit |
35. Abbe 57.3S 175.2E 67 Abbe H 58.2S 177.9E 25 Abbe K 59.6S 177.3E 28 J 6.2N 107.6E 47 alKhwarizmi K 4.6N 107.6E 26 al-Khwarizmi L 3.9N 107.4E 35 al-KhwarizmiM 3.1N 107.0E 18 al-Khwarizmi T 7.0N 104.5E 15 al-marrakushi 10.4S http://host.planet4589.org/astro/lunar/Craters.AW82 | |
36. Abbe 57.3S 175.2E 66.0 Crater IAU1970 Abbe H 58.2S 177.9E 25.0 L 3.9N 107.4E 35.0 Crater AW82 AW82 alKhwarizmi M 3.1N 107.0E 18.0 Crater AW82 AW82al-Khwarizmi T 7.0N 104.5E 15.0 Crater AW82 AW82 al-marrakushi 10.4S 55.8E http://host.planet4589.org/astro/lunar/Craters |
37. Search Results For Farabi, Al- - Encyclopædia Britannica Results 3646 of 100. al-marrakushi ibn al-Banna University of St.Andrews, ScotlandBrief note on the life and works of this Moroccan mathematician. http://www.britannica.com/search?query=farabi, al-&ct=igv&fuzzy=N&show=10&start= |
38. Descripciones De La Tarifa Musulmana Translate this page En el siglo XIII otro autor árabe, en este caso el marroquí And al-Wahid al-marrakushi,en la descripción geográfica anexa a su obra histórica, vuelve a http://www.webislam.com/numeros/2002/188/temas/tarifa_musulmana.htm | |
39. Máslama, De Madrid Translate this page Kirmani, Ibn-Khaldun, al-Zahrawi, como también los distinguidos continuadoresde su obra Djabir Ibn Aflah, Abu-l-Hassan al marrakushi, al Zarkali, al http://www.webislam.com/numeros/2001/09_01/Articulos 09_01/Máslama_Madrid.htm | |
40. Itinerario III. Rabat, Casablanca Y Alrededores. El Legado Andalusí al-marrakushi, fue terminadabajo el reinado de Abu Yusuf (al-Mansur), incluidas sus murallas y sus puertas. http://www.legadoandalusi.es/itinerarios/it3/esp/circuitos3.htm | |
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