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         Marinus Of Neapolis:     more detail
  1. Late Roman Era Philosophers in Athens: Neoplatonists in Athens, Proclus, Damascius, Syrianus, Himerius, Plutarch of Athens, Marinus of Neapolis

21. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians
Zu Chongzhi (Wenyuan) Tsu Ch ungchih (429-500) *MT; Eutocius of Ascalon(fl. c. 480) *SB; marinus of Sichem (neapolis) (c. 480?) *SB 500 CE.
Chronological List of Mathematicians
Note: there are also a chronological lists of mathematical works and mathematics for China , and chronological lists of mathematicians for the Arabic sphere Europe Greece India , and Japan
Table of Contents
1700 B.C.E. 100 B.C.E. 1 C.E. To return to this table of contents from below, just click on the years that appear in the headers. Footnotes (*MT, *MT, *RB, *W, *SB) are explained below
List of Mathematicians
    1700 B.C.E.
  • Ahmes (c. 1650 B.C.E.) *MT
    700 B.C.E.
  • Baudhayana (c. 700)
    600 B.C.E.
  • Thales of Miletus (c. 630-c 550) *MT
  • Apastamba (c. 600)
  • Anaximander of Miletus (c. 610-c. 547) *SB
  • Pythagoras of Samos (c. 570-c. 490) *SB *MT
  • Anaximenes of Miletus (fl. 546) *SB
  • Cleostratus of Tenedos (c. 520)
    500 B.C.E.
  • Katyayana (c. 500)
  • Nabu-rimanni (c. 490)
  • Kidinu (c. 480)
  • Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (c. 500-c. 428) *SB *MT
  • Zeno of Elea (c. 490-c. 430) *MT
  • Antiphon of Rhamnos (the Sophist) (c. 480-411) *SB *MT
  • Oenopides of Chios (c. 450?) *SB
  • Leucippus (c. 450) *SB *MT
  • Hippocrates of Chios (fl. c. 440) *SB
  • Meton (c. 430) *SB

22. ThinkQuest : Library : A Taste Of Mathematic
370415); Dominus of Larissa (c. 450); Proclus Diadochus (410-485);marinus of Sichem (or of neapolis) (c. 480?); Metrodorus (c. 500
Index Math
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Hellemans, p.55, 57 see 410 for the birth of Proclus, 460469for work 485 marinus of Flavia neapolis writes on Proclus. DE
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Facts were also checked against " The 1979 Hammond Almanac " [ed. Martin A. Bacheller et al., Maplewood, New Jersey, 1978], p.795. It also utilizes facts from Volume I of D.E. Smith's " History of Mathematics " [(c) 1921 by David Eugene Smith; (c) 1951 by May Luse Smith; New York: Dover, 1958]. Facts are also drawn from the 1911 Encyclopedia Brittanica , and the Wikipedia Executive Summary of the Fifth Century Mathematical/Scientific/Philosophical/Literary People of the Fifth Century Fiction About the 5th Century Non-Fiction About the 5th Century ... 5th Century Historians, on the 5th Century

Hierofantami filozofii byli kolejni po Proklosie Diadochowie Akademii, uczniowieProklusa marinus z neapolis w Samarii, Izydor tlumacz tajemnic boskich

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Maria Dzielska
"Boscy mê¿owie" pó¼nej staro¿ytno¶ci - w³a¶nie tak, pomimo dziel±cych ich ró¿nic w filozoficznej wiedzy, zasobie cnót moralnych, nadprzyrodzonych umiejêtno¶ci, nazwaæ mo¿na "ostatnich Hellenów", a wiêc pó¼nohelleñskich my¶licieli i mistyków, dzia³aj±cych w miastach egejskich i na Wschodzie greckim od IV do VI stulecia po Chrystusie. W tym pó¼nym okresie, gdy s³owo "hellenizm" nie okre¶la³o ju¿ tylko greckiej kultury i jêzyka, ale tak¿e "poganizm", a miano "Hellenów" przydawano coraz czê¶ciej tym, którzy trwali nadal, w okresie panuj±cej ju¿ ortodoksji, w tradycyjnym wyznaniu politeistycznym, filozofowie pó¼nego platonizmu wznosili dalej monumenty greckiej i pogañskiej m±dro¶ci. Skupieni teraz w ma³ych szko³ach czy krêgach filozoficznych ( scholai lub diatribai ) - oczywi¶cie poza Akademi± ateñsk±, która pozostawa³a do koñca wielk± szko³± filozoficzn± - czuli siê prawdziwymi nastêpcami boskiego Platona (poprzez egipskiego Ammoniusza Sakkasa i przede wszystkim Plotyna), powo³anymi do strze¿enia "¶wiêtych tajemnic" jego filozofii w obliczu upowszechniania siê chrze¶cijañskiej teozofii. Twierdzili równie¿, ¿e s± potomkami boskiego Mistrza Pitagorasa, który by³ uwa¿any za twórcê ascetycznego i heroicznego modelu ¿ycia wiod±cego do bosko¶ci, prekursora Platona i Arystotelesa. Dlatego te¿ tak znamienici kontynuatorzy Plotyna, jak Porfiriusz i Jamblich studiowali ¿ycie Pitagorasa i dzieje jego szko³y i nadali, w pocz±tkach IV wieku, ostateczny kszta³t pitagorejskiej legendzie. Ich

25. Plato Transformed - Proclus: Editions And Translations
Oikonomides, AL.N., Marinos of neapolis the extant works or the Life of Proclusand Greek Philosopher Who Was Innately Loved by the Gods, by marinus of Samaria
Home About Lectures and events Proclus ... Institute of Philosophy Plato Transformed - Editions and translations of Proclus' works The following list contains all editions and translations of Proclus' works published after 1900. Included are also Marinus, Vita Procli and the Chaldaean Oracles . Everything published before the 20th century is referred to only if it is still considered a standard or important work for Proclean studies. The order and numbering of the different titles are those used in the canon of the TLG (cf. Berkowitz, L. / Squitier, K.A., Thesaurus Linguae Graecae: Canon of Greek Authors and Works , third edition, New York / Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990, 333-334). The editions are listed first, followed by the translations. Both are in chronological order (year of the First edition). In Platonis rem publicam commentarii Hypotyposis astronomicarum positionum Epigramma Theologia Platonica (lib. 1-6) ... Vita Procli (Marinus) 001 In Platonis rem publicam commentarii Kroll, W. (ed.)

26. Extant Works Or The Life Of Proclus And The Commentary On The Dedomena Of Euclid
Buy Extant Works or the Life of Proclus and the Commentary on the Dedomena of Euclidby Marinos of neapolis, marinus (Paperback December 1977) from home at
For Age: 4 years and up
by LeapFrog
At Amazon
on 4-15-2003.
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This talking book comes with an interactive ''magic pen'' that works like a hand-held computer mouse pointer. Children can opt to turn the paper pages and listen to the story read with different voices for each character. Or they can interrupt the read-aloud session to play with the magic pen (permanently attached with a wire). They can point the pen tip to any word on a page and hear it pronounced, or touch a picture and hear a sound effect (such as ''Strike one!'' for the baseball bat). Very similar to the popular Living Books computer games, this 10-by-11-inch book is more portable than a home computer. Stories in this set include Lil's Loose Tooth, Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever, and Winnie the Pooh in A Sweet Good Morning. The set also includes a paper piano keyboard and map and human anatomy games. Gail Hudson
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27. Pope Nicholas II - Encyclopedia Article About Pope Nicholas II. Free Access, No
towns of ancient Italy, situated 16 miles (25 km) north of neapolis, on the MarcellusI (enc.) Pope Marcellus II (enc.), Pope Marcus (enc.) Pope marinus I (enc Nicholas II
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Pope Nicholas II
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Pope Nicholas II (d. either July 19 July 19 is the 200th day (201st in leap years) of the year in the Gregorian Calendar, with 165 days remaining.
  • 711 - Moslem forces under Tariq ibn Ziyad defeat the Visigoths led by their king Roderic.
  • 1333 - Battle of Halidon Hill: the final battle of the Wars of Scottish Independence
  • 1553 - Lady Jane Grey is replaced by Mary I of England as Queen of England after having that title for just nine days.

Click the link for more information. or July 27 July 27 is the 208th day (209th in leap years) of the year in the Gregorian Calendar, with 157 days remaining.
  • 1214 - Battle of Bouvines: In France, Philip II of France defeats John of England.
  • 1663 - The British Parliament passes the second Navigation Act requiring that all goods bound for the American colonies have to be sent in English ships from English ports.

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 10th century - 11th century - 12th century Decades: 1020s 1030s 1040s 1050s - Years: 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 -
  • Normans conquer Messina in Sicily
  • Pope Alexander II elected
  • Vratislav II, (king from 1085), Bohemian aristocrat

28. CEU - Department Of Medieval Studies
Barbour, John, 843. Barletius, marinus, 922. ’Barnwell’ Chronicle, 549. LeonardoBruni see Bruni, Leonardo (Aretino). Leontios of neapolis, 156-7.
Authors (and titles of anonymous works) Abbo, 42 Abbo of St. Germain, 278 Adalbert, 178 Adalbold, 640 Adam [of Parma], Salimbene de - see Salimbene de Adam [of Parma] Adam of Bremen, 519 Adam of Domerham, 556 Adam of Eynsham, 620 Adam of Murimuth, 831 Adam of Usk, 845 Adhemar of Chabannes, 280 Adomnán, 112 Aegidius Aurevallensis - see Aurevallensis, Aegidius Aelnoth, 651 Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, Pope Pius II, 674-5, 738 Aethelweard, 40 Agathias, 16 Aggesen, Sven, 400 Agnellus of Ravenna, 90 d’Aguiler, Raymond - see Raymond d’Aguiler Ailred [Aelred] of Rievaulx, 354, 536 Akropolites, Georgios, 457 al-Razi, 303 Alberic of Trois-Fontaines, 551 Albert of Aachen, 471 Albert of Bezano, 691 Albert of Stade, 228 Albertino Mussato - see Mussato, Albertino Alcuin, 92, 129-30 d’Alessandria, Benzo, 683 Alfonso de Palencia, 818 Alfonso X (The Wise), 333 Alonso de Santa Cruz, 827 Alpert of Metz, 181 Alvarez, Juan, 811 Amatus, 245 Ambroise, 480 Ammianus Marcellinus, 2 Amundesham, John, 864 Anagnostes, Ioannes, 929

29. Southern Italy
5531027 Byzantine Dukes of neapolis; John II ..915-919;marinus I ..919-928;
S outhern I taly The less wealthy, somewhat more Hellenized portion of Italy; comprising the "boot" and "heel" of the peninsula, together with the islands of Sardinia and Sicily. AGRIGENTO A port in southern Sicily, notable as the birthplace of philosopher Empedocles.
  • Aristocratic Republic, founded from Gela........c. 581-573 Phalaris the Cruel.................................573-554 Telemachus.........................................554-550 Theron I...........................................550- ? Pythagoras......................................... ? -510 Aristocratic Republic..............................510-488 Theron II..........................................488-472 Thrasydaeos........................................472-470 Democratic Republic................................470-406 To Carthage........................................406-392 To Syracuse........................................392-352 Pharax.................................................352 Destroyed by Carthage and more-or-less abandoned. Refounded in 338 by... Timoleon...........................................338-337

30. ULB Düsseldorf, Fachsystematiken
Translate this page of neapolis) (Fachbibliothek), hise16120. Marinoy (toy Neapolitoy) (Fachbibliothek),antd47100. Marinoy (toy Neapolitoy) (Fachbibliothek), hise16120. marinus (
[ULB-Hauptseite Katalog und Datenbanken Suche Bibliotheks-ABC ... Virtuelle Bibliothek, Hauptseite]
Autoren und Anonyma
A B C D ... Z
Maass, Edgar Maass, Joachim Mabinogion (Fachbibliothek) Mabuse, Jan Macaire Macarius (Aegyptius) (Fachbibliothek) MacArthur, Bessie Macaulay, Rose Macaulay, Thomas B. Macaulay, Thomas B. Macaulay, Thomas B. (Fachbibliothek) MacBain, Ed MacCaig, Norman Maccanti, Arturo MacCarthy, Cormac MacCarthy, Mary MacCartney, Frederick Macchiavelli, Niccolo (Fachbibliothek) Macchiavelli, Niccolo MacClure, Michael MacCosh, James MacCullers, Carson MacCullough, Colleen MacDiarmid, Hugh MacDonald, George M. Macdonald, Malcolm (Fachbibliothek) MacDonald, Ross MacDonell, Archibald G. MacDonnell, Hector MacDougall, William Macedo, Antonio de S. Macedo, Joaquim M. Macedo, Jose A. Macedonski, Alexandru Macer, Aemilius (Fachbibliothek) MacEwan, Ian MacFadden, Roy MacFee, William MacGahern, John MacGee, Greg (Fachbibliothek) MacGinley, Phyllis (Fachbibliothek) MacGough, Roger MacGrath, John Mach, Ernst

31. Godlike Productions -- Forum Archives
c. 480) *SB marinus of Sichem (neapolis) (c. 480?) *SB 500 CE Metrodorus (c. 500)Anicius Maulius Severinus Boethius (c. 480524) *MT Simplicius of Cilicia (c

32. AAC Database - Browse - List
1, Marinos of neapolis the extant works, or, the life of Proclus and the commentaryon the dedomena of Euclid. 1, Marins de Surcouf 1, marinus van der Lubbe und
Sourasky Central Library
The numbers in the list below indicate the number of documents listed under a term.
To display the documents, click on an eye . To move up or down the list, click on the arrow. Marino Marini : Marino Marini Marino Marini, pomone e nudi femminili / Marinos of Neapolis: the extant works Marinos of Neapolis: the extant works, or, the life of Proclus and the commentary on the dedomena of Euclid Marins de Surcouf : Marinus van der Lubbe und der Reichstagsbrand / Mario Bellini : Mario Botta Mario Botta : Mario Botta : architettura e tecnica / Mario Botta, Enzo Cucchi :

33. Index NA - NJ
Marguerite d ANJOU (Princess) de SICILES (1274 31/12/1299) ; also bore KingPhilip VI; aka Margaret of SICILY; of NAPLES marinus (Marino) (Ruler neapolis
NA - NJ (Index to JDA's Family Tree)
MS - MY (PREV) Naa Nab Naf ... (NEXT) NO - NU Select a (different) Surname Index Select a (different) Forename Index A - Z Aa-Ak Al Am-Ao Ap-Aq Ar-As At-Az Ba-Bd Be Bi-Bl Bo Br Bu-By Ca Ce-Ch Ci-Cl Co Cr-Cz Da-Dh Di-Do Dr-Dy Ea-Ek El-Eo Ep-Ey Fa-Ff Fi Fj-Fo Fr-Fy Ga-Ge Gh-Go Gr-Gy Ha He Hi-Hy I J K La Le-Ll Lo Lu-Ly Ma (Mc) Me-Mi Mo Ms-My Na-Nj No-Nu O Pa Pe Pf-Pl Po Pr-Py Q Ra-Rj Ro-Ry Sa Sc Se-Sh Si-Sr St Su-Sz Ta-Th Ti-To Tr-Tz U Va Ve Vi-Vy Wa We Wh-Wy X Y Z A - Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
NAAS or NASS Finn MacMAEL MORDA (893? - 923) ; aka Find of LEINSTER; of NASS; of the Ui Faelain
Gormflaith (Kormloda) of NAAS (LEINSTER)
(965? - 1030) ; aka Gormflaeth ingen MURCHADA (MacFINN); MacMURCHADA; had 6 husbands
Murchad (Morugh) MacFINN (King) of LEINSTER
(923? - 972) ; of NASS; King of Laigin
Stephanie de NABLUS

NAGOLZGAU Irmentruda Thiedrada von NAGOLZGAU
Gregor (Baron) INCZEDY de NAGY-VARAD
Gyorgy (Baron) INCZEDY de NAGY-VARAD Karolina BARCSAY de NAGY-BARCSA ... Pal INCZEDY de NAGY-VARAD NAHEGAU Embricho (Count) of NAHEGAU-WORMSGAU Emich NAHEGAU NAIAD Praxithea the NAIAD NAIMANS Koshlog (KHAN) of the NAIMANS NAJERA Ordono Garciez de AZA (? - 1150?) ; Seigneur de NAJERA

34. B.H.Cowper, Syriac Miscellanies (1861)
Gregory of Berytus. Magnus of Damascus. marinus of Thadmor. Theodoras of Sidon. Patriciusof Ampelada. Hesychius of neapolis. Polycarpus of Metropolis.
B.H.Cowper, Syriac Miscellanies (1861).
Extracts relating to the First and Second General Councils, and various other quotations, theological, historical and classical.
The following miscellaneous matters owe their appearance to the request of the S YRO -E GYPTIAN S OCIETY If any readers are disappointed with the selection I have made I shall regret it. But it must be borne in mind that my object has been somewhat peculiar, and that this work is meant to meet the wishes of those who may take the trouble to investigate it. Yet even on such a text a large biographical, geographical, and chronological commentary might be written. The version is for the most part very literal, and I have aimed rather to give the sense of the originals than to produce what is called a readable book. There are places where I may have missed the meaning, either because of the obscurity of the construction or the defects of our lexicons, which do not contain all the words.

35. UNF: The Byzantine Saint: A Bibliography [Halsall]
G. Clark (Liverpool,1989). marinus Life of Proclus, trans. KS Guthrie (GrandRapids 1986). Symeon the Fool. Leontios of neapolis. Life of Symeon the Fool.
University of North Florida History Dept Halsall Homepage
Bibliography Main Outline Blackboard Research ... Search University of North Florida
Saints, Sainthood, and Society The Byzantine Saint: A Bibliography Introduction This thematic bibliography should be read in conjucntion with Alice-Mary Talbot's Survey of Translations of Byzantine Saints' Lives [at Dumbarton Oaks], which lists all available Byzantine saint's lives translated into any modern western language. For a less comprehensive, but more general bibliography, see on this site: Contents

36. Christian Körner: Philippus Arabs
Marcia Otacilia Severa, their son Philip II, his father marinus (who came to riseto power Bostra became a metropolis, Damascus and neapolis received colonial
Christian Körner: Philippus Arabs, ein Soldatenkaiser in der Tradition des antoninisch-severischen Prinzipats. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter 2002 (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 61). XV, 435 S. Euro 98,. ISBN 3-11-017205-4. sic The dissertation of Christian Körner (Bern, 2000), which is here under discussion, stands out amongst the above-mentioned works as a detailed and well annotated exploration of Philip's career and of a multitude of relevant aspects casting light on his place in the turbulent third century. As such, Körner builds upon the classic paper by Lukas de Blois. XIIIth Sibylline Oracle A number of the later sources also suggests that he was of low origin, Körner goes on to analyse coinage, titulature and honours related to Philip's wife Marcia Otacilia Severa, their son Philip II, his father Marinus (who came to receive divine honours in his hometown), his brother Priscus, and Severianus, who was either Marcia's brother or her father. What stands out is, firstly, their contribution to the creation of a new dynastical framework, and, secondly, the continuation of established patterns of imperial representation. Germanicus Maximus rescripta But not just Shahba profited from Philip's rise to power: Bostra became a metropolis with reference to Eusebius' presentation of Origen's correspondence with the emperor ( HE Ted Kaizer, Corpus Christi College, Oxford

37. Scenario - SEBASTOS - Chapter 1
with one another, they finally stopped short as Publius Valerius marinus utter a Vespasianis planning to found a new city, Flavia neapolis, over near a place
Chapter One
With a cloak contrary to his usual practice draped over his short mantle but wearing his customary broad-brimmed petasos firmly drawn down over his forehead, Titus Flavius Hyginus Ephebianus had taken up his stand along the wide, curving quay at the south-western bend of the outer basin. An officiating standard bearer, the semblances of a wild boar on his martial flag, and a musical ensemble of some twenty wind players made up of performers on horns, cornets and tubas stood near by together with their adjutant. A swirl of artisans ceaselessly engaged in a myriad of activities surrounded them. Further back where they were less conspicuous stood an enlarged squad of armed legionaries. All told the third of the compliment of a centurio of ninety to one hundred milites had been assembled, all of them drawn from Legio X Fretensis which constituted Rome’s military presence in Palestine. Hyginus was to oversee the ceremonial docking of the celox, the dispatch boat that was already nearing the channel into the harbor. It was to be berthed shortly at the pier immediately before him. It brought the idios logos, Publius Valerius Marinus, to Sebastos as the personal representative of the Egyptian Praefectus, Tiberius Julius Lupus. This man’s presence made a difference. Not only did he, the idios logos, administer confiscated land-holdings in Egypt, he likewise enjoyed additional, sweeping powers. He was responsible, to mentioned but one example, for innumerable penalty fines and other irregular sources of revenue accruing to officialdom in the province of Egypt.

38. Latinum Vertere
Translate this page per totam domum spargens Avernales aquas, horret capillis ut marinus asperis echinus masculaelibidinis Ariminemsem Foliam et otiosa credidit neapolis et omne
Ibis Liburnis inter alta navium,
amice, propugnacula,
paratus omne Caesaris periculum
subire, Maecenas, tuo:
quid nos, quibus te vita si superstite
iucunda, si contra, gravis?
Utrumne iussi persequemur otium,
non dulce, ni tecum simul,
an huc laborem mente laturi, decet qua ferre non molles viros? Feremus, et te vel per Alpium iuga inhospitalem et Caucasum, vel Occidentis usque ad ultimum sinum forti sequemur pectore. Roges, tuum labore quid iuvem meo, inbellis ac firmus parum: comes minore sum futurus in metu, qui maior absentes habet, ut adsidens inplumibus pullis avis serpentium adlapsus timet magis relictis, non uti sit auxili latura plus praesentibus. Libenter hoc et omne militabitur bellum in tue spem gratiae, non ut iuvencis inligata pluribus aratra nitatur mea, pecusve Calabris ante sidus fervidum Lucana mutet pascuis, nec ut superni villa candens Tusculi Circaea tangat moenia. Satis superque me benignitas tua ditavit: haud paravero quod aut avarus, ut Chremes, terra premam, discinctus aut perdam, ut nepos. Traduzione momentaneamente non disponibile. Se qualcuno volesse

39. Horatius Epoden 5
Translate this page per totam domum spargens Avernalis aquas, horret capillis ut marinus asperis echinus masculaelibidinis Ariminensem Foliam et otiosa credidit neapolis et omne
Epoden V
'At o deorum quidquid in caelo regit
terras et humanum genus,
quid iste fert tumultus? Aut quid omnium
voltus in unum me truces?
Per liberos te, si vocata partubus
Lucina veris adfuit,
per hoc inane purpurae decus precor,
per inprobaturum haec Iovem,
quid ut noverca me intueris aut uti
petita ferro belua?'
Ut haec trementi questus ore constitit insignibus raptis puer, inpube corpus, quale posset inpia mollire Thracum pectora, Canidia brevibus illigata viperis crinis et incomptum caput, iubet sepulcris caprificos erutas, iubet cupressos funebris et uncta turpis ova ranae sanguine plumamque nocturnae strigis herbasque, quas Iolcos atque Hiberia mittit venenorum ferax, et ossa ab ore rapta ieiunae canis flammis aduri Colchicis.

40. Epodon
Translate this page spargens Avernalis aquas,. horret capillis ut marinus asperis. echinus aut Laurensaper. Ariminensem Foliam. et otiosa credidit neapolis. et omne vicinum oppidum,.
Q.HORATI FLACCI EPODON LIBER I Ibis Liburnis inter alta navium, amice, propugnacula, paratus omne Caesaris periculum subire, Maecenas, tuo: quid nos, quibus te vita sit superstite iucunda, si contra, gravis? utrumne iussi persequemur otium non dulce, ni tecum simul, an hunc laborem mente laturi, decet qua ferre non mollis viros? feremus et te vel per Alpium iuga inhospitalem et Caucasum vel occidentis usque ad ultimum sinum forti sequemur pectore. roges, tuom labore quid iuvem meo, inbellis ac firmus parum? comes minore sum futurus in metu, qui maior absentis habet: ut adsidens inplumibus pullis avis serpentium adlapsus timet magis relictis, non, ut adsit, auxili latura plus praesentibus. libenter hoc et omne militabitur bellum in tuae spem gratiae, non ut iuvencis inligata pluribus aratra nitantur meis pecusve Calabris ante Sidus fervidum Lucana mutet pascuis neque ut superni villa candens Tusculi Circaea tangat moenia: satis superque me benignitas tua ditavit, haud paravero quod aut avarus ut Chremes terra premam, discinctus aut perdam nepos.

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