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Margulis Gregori: more detail |
81. Bücher Preisvergleich - Fachbücher / Mathematik / Geometrie / Diskrete Geometr Translate this page 17) Kurzbeschreibung von gregori A. margulis Verlag Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberggeschätzter Preis 160,45 EUR ISBN 354012179X Preis vergleichen. http://www.buchpreis24.de/cgi-bin/suche/kategorie/519930.html |
82. WhoWasThere Reply year Mitchell Feigenbaum was 56 this year John Coates was 55 this year Dusa McDuffwas 55 this year Enrico Bombieri was 54 this year gregori margulis was 54 http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/cgi-bin/mathyear.cgi?YEAR=2000 |
83. This Week In The Mathematics ArXiv (14 May - 18 May) By Greg Kuperberg Deligne http//front.math.ucdavis.edu/author/deligne Charles Fefferman http//front.math.ucdavis.edu/author/charlesfeffermanGregori margulis http//front.math http://mathforum.org/epigone/sci.math.research/dandwimly | |
84. Medalla Fields - Wikipedia En Español Translate this page Charles Louis Fefferman, Universidad de Princeton. gregori AlexandrovitchMargulis, Universidad de Moscú. Daniel G. Quillen, MIT. http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medalla_Fields | |
85. Medalla Fields Translate this page Charles Louis Fefferman, Universidad de Princeton, gregori AlexandrovitchMargulis, Universidad de Moscú, Daniel G. Quillen, MIT, 1982, http://www.guajara.com/wiki/es/wikipedia/m/me/medalla_fields.html | |
86. Guradution Support 1978, Pierre René DELIGNE Charles Louis FEFFERMAN gregori Alexandrovitch MARGULISDaniel G. QUILLEN, 1982, Alain CONNES William P. THURSTON ShingTung YAU. http://fol.math.sdu.edu.cn/jrsx/icm2002/Chinese/C/c_prize_fields.htm |
87. Fields Medals David Bryant MUMFORD. 1978. Pierre René DELIGNE. Charles Louis FEFFERMAN. GregoriAlexandrovitch margulis. Daniel G. QUILLEN. 1982. Alain CONNES. William P. THURSTON. http://web.usal.es/~jcr/fields.htm | |
88. De Geschiedenis Van De Fields Medal Atle SELBERG. 1978. Pierre René DELIGNE. Charles Louis FEFFERMAN. gregori AlexandrovitchMARGULIS. Daniel G. QUILLEN. 1954. Kunihiko KODAIRA. JeanPierre SERRE. 1982. http://www.eye-home.net/study/cs/fields1997/ | |
89. Archimedes Plutonium Autobiography AUTOBIO 1994 Nov+Dec. by Archimedes Plutonium. this is a return to my website location http//www.archimedesplutonium.com/ http://www.archimedesplutonium.com/File1994_11-12.html | |
90. Medallas Translate this page David Mumford, UK. 1978, Pierre Deligne, Bélgica. Charles Fefferman, USA. GregoriMargulis, USSR. Daniel Quillen, USA. 1982, Alain Connes, Francia. William Thurston,USA. http://www.geocities.com/chilemat/historia/medallas.htm | |
91. Verkauf & Versand - Shop: Bücher : Discrete Subgroups Of Semisimple Lie Groups http://www.iekz.de/shop/index-item_id-354012179X-search_type-AsinSearch-locale-d | |
92. Medaglie Fields http://www.mat.uniroma3.it/scuola_orientamento/fields/fieldsindex.htm | |
93. Wissenschaft In Der Sowjetunion - Wikipedia Translate this page Wissenschaft in der Sowjetunion. (Weitergeleitet von Sowjetische Wissenschaft).Die Wissenschaft in der Sowjetunion war in erheblichem http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sowjetische_Wissenschaft | |
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