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Margulis Gregori: more detail |
61. ÇÊÁî¼öÇнºÄð - ÇÊÁî»óÀ̶õ? Mumford, David, UK. 37. 1978. Deligne, Pierre, Belgium. 33. Fefferman, Charles,USA. 29. margulis, gregori, USSR. 32. Quillen, Daniel, USA. 38. 1982. Connes, Alain,France. 35. http://www.net4edu.co.kr/sub_02/page_07.htm | |
62. New Additions List For Science / Computer Science (These 2 Weeks) QA614.82 .M37 2004 LOCATION = UL, margulis, GA (gregori Aleksandrovitsch), 1946On some aspects of the theory of Anosov systems / Grigoriy A. margulis http://www.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/newtitle/thisbi-wk/q.html | |
63. WikiWiki.de - Wiki.UdSSR Translate this page Fields-Medaille (Mathematik) Serge Novikov? gregori Alexandrovitch margulis?Wladimir Wojedwodski? Maxim Kontsewitsch? Efim Zelmanov? Wladimir Drinfeld? http://www.wikiwiki.de/newwiki/pmwiki.php/Wiki/UdSSR | |
64. WikiWiki.de - Wiki.UdSSR Translate this page Fields-Medaille (Mathematik) (Serge Novikov)? (gregori Alexandrovitch margulis)?(Wladimir Wojedwodski)? (Maxim Kontsewitsch)? (Efim Zelmanov)? http://www.wikiwiki.de/newwiki/pmwiki.php/Wiki/UdSSR?action=print |
65. Laurent Lafforgue, Fields Medal 2002 1978, Pierre René Deligne (IHÉS) Charles Louis Fefferman (Princeton University)gregori Alexandrovitch margulis (Moscow University) Daniel G. Quillen http://www.ihes.fr/EVENTS/lafforgue/fields.html | |
66. Fields Medal Prize Winners -- 1978 gregori Aleksandrovitch margulis born February 24, Moscow Moscow University.Provided innovative analysis of the structure of Lie groups. http://www.icm2002.org.cn/general/prize/medal/1978.htm | |
67. Bestseller Bücher Translate this page und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge / A Series of Modern Surveys inMathematics Vol. 17) von gregori A. margulis 15. Februar 1991. http://www.almudo.com/cgi-bin/betade.cgi?locale=de&input_mode=books_de&node=5199 |
68. New Acquisitions In The Mathematics Statistics Library margulis, GA (gregori Aleksandrovitsch), 1946 On some aspects of the theoryof Anosov systems / Grigoriy A. margulis ; translated from the Russian by http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/math/newbooks.html | |
69. Award Winning Ideas In Science Translate this page Wilson, Werner Arber Daniel Nathans Hamilton O. Smith, Herbert A. Simon, PierreRené Deligne Charles Louis Fefferman gregori Alexandrovitch margulis Daniel G http://vis.csit.fsu.edu/awis/ | |
70. About The Prizes John Griggs THOMPSON 1974 Enrico BOMBIERI David Bryant MUMFORD 1978 Pierre RenéDELIGNE Charles Louis FEFFERMAN gregori Alexandrovitch margulis Daniel G http://rattler.cameron.edu/EMIS/mirror/IMU/medals/ | |
71. Fields Medals 1978 gregori Aleksandrovitch margulis. born February 24, Moscow Moscow University.Provided innovative analysis of the structure of Lie groups. http://rattler.cameron.edu/EMIS/mirror/IMU/medals/1978/ | |
72. Fields Medal Winners gregori Aleksandrovitch margulis (Moscow University) Provided innovativeanalysis of the structure of Lie groups. His work belongs http://www.liv.ac.uk/~mp0u8024/maths/fields.htm | |
73. THE MATH ENQUIRER David B. MUMFORD. 1978 Pierre René DELIGNE, Charles Louis FEFFERMAN,gregori Alexandrovitch margulis, Daniel G. QUILLEN. 1982 Alain http://www.humboldt.edu/~math/currentevents/colloquim/archives/fall_02/nov08-02. |
75. Fields Medals Awarded NOVIKOV John Griggs THOMPSON 1974 Enrico BOMBIERI David Bryant MUMFORD 1978 PierreRen DELIGNE Charles Louis FEFFERMAN gregori Alexandrovitch margulis Daniel G http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~mnguyen/vnsa/Aug-1998/read.cgi?00403 |
76. Here Are The Names Currently [April 1999] In The Index At Http del Marcus, Brian H. Marcus, Marvin Marczewski, Edward Marden, Morris MarekSadowska,Magorzata Margolin, Genady margulis, gregori Aleksandrovitch Marhic http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/99/photos |
77. Prodex - Der Produktexperte Fefferman (USA) gregori Alexandrovitch margulis (UdSSR) Daniel G. Quillen (USA http://www.prodex.de/lexikon/f/fi/fields_medaille.html | |
78. Sowjetische Wissenschaft - Wikipedia gregori Alexandrovitch margulis;Wladimir Wojedwodski; Maxim Kontsewitsch; Efim Zelmanov; Wladimir Drinfeld. http://www.torfkopp.de/keyword/Sowjetische_Wissenschaft.php | |
79. New Titles Cataloged. Brown University Library QA614.82 .M37 2004, margulis, GA (gregori Aleksandrovitsch), 1946, On some aspectsof the theory of Anosov systems / Grigoriy A. margulis ; translated from the http://dl.lib.brown.edu/newtitles/math.php | |
80. Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ Paul (373*) Mansur ibn Ali, Abu (1190) Marchenko, Vladimir (248*) Marcinkiewicz,Jozef (1134*) Marczewski, Edward (1012*) margulis, gregori (812*) Marinus of http://www.newturk.net/index111.html | |
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