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         Mannheim Amedee:     more detail
  1. Cours De Géométrie Descriptive De L'École Polytechnique, Comprenant Les Éléments De La Géométrie Cinématique, Par A. Mannheim. by Amédée Mannheim, 2006-09-13
  2. Applications D'analyse Et De Géométrie: Qui Ont Servi De Principal Fondement Au Traité Des Propriétés Projectives Des Figures, Volume 1 (French Edition) by Poncelet, Amédée Mannheim, et all 2010-04-03
  3. Cours De Géométrie Descriptive De L'école Polytechnique: Comprenant Les Éléments De La Géométrie Cinématique (French Edition) by Amédée Mannheim, 2010-03-01
  4. Applications D'analyse Et De Géométrie: Qui Ont Servi De Principal Fondement Au Traité Des Propriétés Projectives Des Figures, Volume 1 (French Edition) by Poncelet, Amédée Mannheim, 2010-02-13
  6. Principes et développements de geométrie cinématique: Ouvrage contenant de nombreuses applications à la théorie des surfaces (French Edition) by Amédée Mannheim, 1894-01-01
  7. Applications D'analyse Et De Géométrie: Qui Ont Servi De Principal Fondement Au Traité Des Propriétés Projectives Des Figures, Volume 2 (French Edition) by Poncelet, Amédée Mannheim, et all 2010-02-14

21. Billigflüge Herlong - CA [Amedee Army Air Field] - AHC Billigflug Nach Herlong
deutschspr. Maastricht Zuid-Limburg, MST, Niederlande. mannheim, MHG, Deutschland. - CA [Amedee Army Air Field

22. Billigflüge Nach Herlong - CA [Amedee Army Air Field] - AHC Billigflug Herlong
im deutschspr. Mönchengladbach, MGL, Deutschland. mannheim, MHG, Deutschland. - CA [Amedee Army

23. Het Eerste Rekenmachine
Later cylindrical rules were invented. In 1850 amedee mannheim added the cursor.Scale divisions for calculating functions were added too. Slide rule.
The first calculator De Jonghe Caroline
Wendy Van de Voorde
The first calculator A primitive calendar: Stonehenge Archeologists believe that already in 2800 BC structures were built, for the Druiden, that functioned as a calender. For example: The Stonehenge ( Salisburg, England). It is still considered as a monument for the deep human desire to count and to establish the physical events around us. The Chinese ballframe: The Abacus The Abacus,mostly known as the Chinese ballframe, was human's first try for finding a solution for an automatic counting process The Abacus was invented for the merchants who needed it to make their account in the commerce. ( China with Japan, India and Korea) The abacus is not an automatic machine, but it gives the user the possibility to remember his results of the calculation. If so, it is possible to make more complicated calculations. The slide rule Slide rules exists in different shapes, types and measurements. The classic type exists af 3 rulers : the ruler at the bottom and at the ruler at the top are attached to each other, so that the middle ruler can move in between. Over the whole a cursor can slide. With two sliding rules that have identical lineair scale division we are able to add up or subtract two numbers. If the scale division is logarithical, we can divide and multiply in the same way. The slide rule is based on this principle. In 1620 Edmund Gunter performs multiplications and divisions by adding up and subtracting distances on a logarithmical scale. A few years later William Oughtred corrected this way by sliding two logaritmical scales beside each other. He made a construction of the circular ruler. Later cylindrical rules were invented. In 1850 Amedee Mannheim added the cursor. Scale divisions for calculating functions were added too.

24. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Slide Rule (Mathematics) - Encyclopedia
slide rules. amedee mannheim, a French army officer, in 1850 establishedthe form that it maintained thereafter. This had three
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slide rule, Mathematics
Related Category: Mathematics slide rule, instrument for making numerical computations and readings, the results of which may be read easily and quickly after performing simple mechanical manipulations. Multiplication and division, finding of powers and roots, and other more complicated calculations may be performed with a slide rule. Based on John Napier's principle of the logarithm
Topics that might be of interest to you: calculator
Edmund Gunter


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  • 25. Slide Rules Bring Nice Numbers
    The form of slide rule most often seen today was designed in 1850 byVictor Mayer amedee mannheim, a French military officer. There
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    Slide rules bring nice numbers
    Jay Mark/The Arizona Republic Slide rules have been around for about 400 years. They're linear, circular and tube-shaped; some are even tie bars. Jay Mark Special for The Arizona Republic May. 1, 2004 12:00 AM Since 1969, when Sharp introduced the first hand-held, battery-operated calculator for $395 - the equivalent of almost $2,000 today - a generation of Americans has known the electronic calculator only as the instrument for performing myriad computations. Today, few people under a certain age recall the tool that preceded the calculator. The origin of the slide rule dates nearly 400 years. In 1614, Scottish mathematician John Napier discovered the mathematical logarithms that would make the slide rule possible. William Oughtred, an English minister and mathematician, made further improvements and is credited with the invention of the modern, mechanical linear slide rule in 1628 (although the date has been debated), followed two years later by the circular slide rule.

    26. Rechenschieber At ZVAB - Register Of Antiquarian Books (order
    which he defined as the study of motion, independent of force, time and any elementsoutside the moving figure. Victor Mayer amedee mannheim (1831 - 1906) war

    27. Computermuseum: Rekenlat
    In 1850 werd door amedee mannheim de cursor of loper toegevoegd. Ook schaalverdelingenvoor het berekenen van elementaire functies werden aangebracht.
    Computermuseum: Rekenlat
    Status: publiek Laatste wijziging: 15 oktober 1996
    De Rekenlat
    Rekenlatten bestaan in verscheidene vormen, types en afmetingen. Het klassieke type bestaat uit drie linialen, waarvan de onderste en de bovenste onwrikbaar met mekaar zijn verbonden, zodat de middelste liniaal er kan tussen bewegen. Over het geheel kan een loper (cursor) verschoven worden. Rekenlat voorzijde: Rekenlat achterzijde: Twee langs mekaar glijdende linialen met een identieke lineaire schaalverdeling laten toe twee getallen op te tellen en af te trekken. Indien de schaalverdeling logaritmisch is, kunnen op gelijkaardige wijze vermenigvuldigingen en delingen uitgevoerd worden, gebruik makend van de regel dat de logaritme van een produkt de som van de logaritmen is. Op dit principe is de werking van de rekenlat gebaseerd. Volgende figuur illustreert de vermenigvuldiging 2 x 3. De nauwkeurigheid is echter nogal beperkt. Met een rekenlat van 30 cm lengte kan een ervaren gebruiker drie juist beduidende cijfers aflezen, wat voor vele ingenieurstoepassingen voldoende is.
    In 1620 voerde Edmund Gunter rekenkundige vermenigvuldigingen en delingen uit door met een passer afstanden op een logaritmische schaal op te tellen en af te trekken. Enkele jaren later verbeterde William Oughtred deze werkwijze door twee logaritmische schalen naast en ten opzichte van mekaar te verschuiven. Hij construeerde eveneens een cirkelvormige rekenlat, die nog handiger in gebruik was. Later zijn ook cilindervormige rekenlatten geconstrueerd. In 1850 werd door Amedee Mannheim de cursor of loper toegevoegd. Ook schaalverdelingen voor het berekenen van elementaire functies werden aangebracht.

    28. History Of The Automobile
    amedee Sr. The car Benz designed around the engine was a light threewheelerwith belt drive, which first ran on the streets of mannheim in June 1886.
    OF THE
    When was the first automobile built? Daimler and Benz are traditionally credited with building the first cars in 1886, but the French claim it was first built in 1884 by Delamare-Deboutteville. Still others claim it was built in 1860. It all depends on your definition of a car. Contrary to popular belief, Henry Ford did not invent the automobile. He wasn't even close. What Ford did was perfect the assembly line technique, well after the turn of the century. This allowed him to lower the cost of the automobile drastically, bringing a rich man's plaything within reach of the masses, thereby changing Western society. Reason enough to be famous. In 1860 a Frenchman, Edouard Delamare-Debouteville, did some experiments and filed some patents for a self-propelled car. In 1884 France built the world's first car. However the first self-propelled automobile existed long before 1884. Charles Dietz and his sons ran steam-driven road tractors hauling passenger carriages on routes around Paris and Bordeaux prior to 1850. And in America, steam coaches were built in the 1860 to '80 period by Harrison Dyer of Boston, Joseph Dixon of Lynn, Mass., Rufus Porter of Hartford, Conn., and William T. James of New York City. Amedee Bollee Sr. was the most remarkable of the steam-car pioneers. Heir to a bell foundry at Le Mans, he added mechanical workshops and built a series of advanced-design vehicles from 1873 to 1883. There was nothing particularly new or refined in his steam power systems, but his sense of vehicle architecture was superb.

    29. Artists At Kelley Gallery
    MacDonaldWtight, Stanton. MacLeod, Pegi Nicol. Macomber, Mary. mannheim, Jean.Marcel-Berronneau,. Pierre-amedee. Mathews, Arthur. Mathews, Lucia. Max, Gabriel.
    - A- Abbey, Edwin Austin Alexander, John White Alma-Tadema, Laurence Alma-Tadema, Laura Alvarez, Mabel Anderson, Sophie -B- Bischoff, Franz Bacon, Lucy Bailey, Ethel Porter Bell, Robert Anning Berlin, Ben Blum, Robert Bocklin, Arnold Borg, Carl Oscar Bothwell, Dorr Bougereau, William Adolphe Brandriff George Braun, Maurice Brooks, Romaine Brown, Benjamin C. Buck, Claude Bunker, Dennis M. Burne-Jones, Edward Burne-Jones, Philip -C- Cahill, William V. Calthrop, Dion Carmichael, Franklin Carr, Emily Casson, A.J. Cheever, John Church, Frederick E. Church, Frederick Stuart Clapp, William H. Clark, Alson Coburn, Frank Coleman, Charles Caryl Collier, John Cooper, Colin Campbell Corinth, Lovis Costigan, John Coutts, Gordon Cowper, Frank Cadogan Cox, Kenyon Crane, Walter Cressey, Bert Cressey, Meta Curran, Charles Courtney -D- Delville, Jean de Ravenne, Charles Dewing, Thomas Wilmer Dicksee, Frank Dodson, Sarah Paxton Ball Dow, Thomas, Millie Draper, Herbert Drogkamp, Charles Duncan, John Dunlap, Helena -E- -F- Fahrenkrog, Ludwig Fantin-Latour, Henri Fitzgerald, Lionel Fortune, E. Charlton

    30. Sagebrush Gallery Specialists In Old Indian Artificats And
    Sam Hyde Harris, Clarence Hinkle, Paul Lauritz, Jean mannheim, Hanson Duvall VirgilWIlliams, Edward Simmons, Norton Bush, Julian Rix, amedee Joulin, Thad Welch

    31. Raymond Karl SUTHERLAND Linda BRYAN
    Wife Aloisia (Lousia) SCHWAB Born 20 Jun 1847 mannheim, Russia ChristenedDied Buried 1 M amedee NADEAU (details suppressed for this living person)
    Husband Raymond Karl SUTHERLAND (details suppressed for this living person)
    Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
    Father: Karl Wilmer SUTHERLAND Mother: Lillian DIMITRICK
    Wife Linda BRYAN (details suppressed for this living person)
    Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
    Husband Ernie FUNK (details suppressed for this living person)
    Born: Christened: Died: Buried: Married:
    Wife Shirley Joyce BUBLITZ (details suppressed for this living person)
    Born: Christened: Died: Buried: Children 1 F Yvonne Lorie FUNK (details suppressed for this living person) Born: Christened: Died: Buried: Spouse: Gregory John SCHWAB (living) Husband Elmer Leo KNIGHT Born: 4 Nov 1919 - Truro NS Christened: Died: 24 Jun 2001 - Oliver, BC Buried: - Veterans Field of Honor, Osoyoos Lakeview Cemetery, Osoyoos, BC Father: George Edward KNIGHT (1891-1933) Mother: Mabel Arminta ARMOUR (1894-1958) Married: Wife Betty BUCKLE (details suppressed for this living person) Born: Christened: Died: Buried: Father: William BUCKLE Mother: Kate OLIVER Children 1 M Alan Raymond KNIGHT Born: 23 Apr 1947 - Oliver, BC Christened: Died: 12 Aug 1989 - Markham, ON Buried:

    32. Maahs, Franziska (Fanny) 03.04.1860 A Maar, Antonie 08.11.1892 A
    Translate this page 26.12.1895 A Magg, Wolfgang 20.03.1882 A Magnan, amedee and Gabrielle S Olga 01.08.1886A Mannerchor Eintracht, S Rheinfelden, Germany mannheim, Alexander 13.01

    33. Detailanzeige
    amedee Die Gebannte oder Die Messe des Abbe de EinwortsucheMann findet Thomas Mann und Mann, Thomas aber auch mannheim (Wortanfang

    34. Suchergebnisse
    amedee Die Gebannte Mannfindet Thomas Mann und Mann, Thomas aber auch mannheim (Wortanfang).

    35. Butterfields - Areas Of Collecting - Paintings & Sculpture - Auction Results
    8171, Gunnar Widforss, 2643.75. 8172, amedee Joullin, 4406.25. 8173, Henry Alexander,3525. 8270, Edgar Payne, 32312.5. 8271, Edgar Payne, 19975. 8272, Jean mannheim,8225.
    American and California Paintings Sale 7390D, November 19, 2002 Lot Description Prices Joseph Rusling Meeker William McDougal Hart Christian Schuessele Catching Butterflies Arthur Quartley Pier Near the Beach at Narragansett, Rhode Island, 1877 John William Casilear William Trost Richards Barton Stone Hays American School William Smith Jewett Harry T. Peters Jr. Frank Henry Shapleigh James McDougal Hart American School Howard Hill Grafton Tyler Brown George Gardner Symons Frederick Judd Waugh William Partridge Burpee (A Pair) William Partridge Burpee (A Pair) Clark Summers Marshall George Gardner Symons George Elmer Browne Jules Eugene Pages Edward Charles Volkert Edward Loyal Field William Bruce Anthony Thieme Fern Isabel Coppedge Guy Carleton Wiggins Henry Pember Smith Charles Courtney Curran Olive Parker Black Carl Weber Alexander John Drysdale Henry Ward Ranger California School El Paso Del Cura Emile A. Gruppe Benjamin West Clinedinst George Stengel Elizabeth Nourse Eugene Speicher Eugene Speicher Harrison Fisher Hovsep Pushman Edwin Burrage Child Norman Rockwell William Henry Dethlef Koerner Eugene Speicher R. Soyer Oil on Canvas 1951

    36. US Military Bases Directory
    Perkinson Airport (AAF Blackstone), Blackstone, VA, USA amedee Army Airfield CampStanley (Uijongbu), Korea Coleman Army Airfield, mannheim, BadenWuerttemberg
    Air Force Bases (AB, AFB), Air National Guard Bases (ANGB), Army Airfields (AAF)
    Naval Air Stations (NAF, NAS), Marine Corps Air Stations (MCAS), Coast Guard Air Stations (CGAS). The following military bases are part of the GLOBEMASTER US Military Aviation Database. Update: 2004-05-03 - 06.00 AM GMT Please click here to enter the military bases database.
    1. Army Airfields, Army Camps, Army Barracks ( SEARCH QUICK FIND
    A. P. Hill Army Airfield, Fort A. P. Hill (Fredericksburg), VA, USA
    Aberdeen Proving Ground (AAF Phillips), Aberdeen, MD, USA
    Aberdeen Proving Ground (AASF Weide), Edgewood Arsenal, MD, USA
    Akron-Canton Regional Airport, Akron, OH, USA
    Allen Army Airfield, Fort Greely (Delta Junction), AK, USA
    Allen C. Perkinson Airport (AAF Blackstone), Blackstone, VA, USA
    Amedee Army Airfield, Herlong, CA, USA Arlington Heights Army Heliport, Arlington Heights, IL, USA Armstrong Army Heliport, Buedingen, Hessen, Germany Bates Field (Mobile Regional Airport), Mobile, AL, USA Bicycle Lake Army Airfield, Fort Irwin (Barstow), CA, USA

    37. We Buy Paintings By California Artists
    Chris Jorgensen. Hans Jorgensen. amedee Joullin. Lucille Joullin. Maxime Juann. GraceMallon. Edward M. Manigault. Jean mannheim. Jean mannheim. Warren T. Mansfield.
    MM_preloadImages('Graphics/home2.GIF'); MM_preloadImages('Graphics/bibliography2.GIF'); MM_preloadImages('Graphics/email2.GIF'); MM_preloadImages('Graphics/terms2.GIF'); MM_preloadImages('Graphics/bibliographies2.GIF'); MM_preloadImages('Graphics/bibliographies2.GIF'); MM_preloadImages('Graphics/furniture2.GIF'); MM_preloadImages('Graphics/paintings2.GIF'); MM_preloadImages('Graphics/home2.GIF'); MM_preloadImages('Graphics/furniture2.GIF'); MM_preloadImages('Graphics/paintings2.GIF'); MM_preloadImages('Graphics/home2.GIF'); MM_preloadImages('Graphics/home2.GIF');
    We are currently seeking artworks from a long list of California artists, including, but not limited to the artists listed below. If you have a painting by an artist below, please contact us for an evauluation of your artwork. We can make an offer, sell on consignment, or, direct your artwork to the proper venue.
    Rowena Abdy
    Herbert Van Blarcom Acker William Adam Charles Partridge Adams ... James, Milford Zornes

    38. Famous Mathematicians With An M
    John Maior Anatoly Malcev Nicolas Malebranche Francesco Malfatti Vivienne MaloneMayesEtienne Louis Malus Benoit Mandelbrot amedee mannheim Paul Mansion Abu
    Mathematicians - M
    Francis Macaulay
    James MacCullagh
    Hector Macdonald
    Sheila Scott Macintyre
    Saunders MacLane
    Colin Maclaurin
    Percy MacMahon
    Sangamagramma Madhava
    Leonty Magnitsky
    Wilhelm Magnus
    Muhyi al Maghribi Abu al Mahani Mahavira Mahavira Suri Mahendra Kurt Mahler John Maior Anatoly Malcev Nicolas Malebranche Francesco Malfatti Vivienne Malone-Mayes Etienne Louis Malus Benoit Mandelbrot Amedee Mannheim Paul Mansion Abu Mansur ibn Ali Vladimir Marchenko Jozef Marcinkiewicz Edward Marczewski Gregori Margulis Andrei Markov Lorenzo Mascheroni Heinrich Maschke Francis Maseres Nevil Maskelyne Max Mason George Mathews Claude-Louis Mathieu Yozo Matsushima John Mauchly Pierre de Maupertuis Francisco Maurolico James Clerk Maxwell Adolph Mayer Tobias Mayer Stanislaw Mazur Stefan Mazurkiewicz Walter McAfee John McClintock Margaret McDuff Kathleen McNulty Edward McShane Ernst Meissel Hjalmar Mellin Menelaus of Alexandria

    39. All Things Strings: Musical Instrument Auction Results
    DIEUDONNE, amedee P3/123 Good French Violin in immediate playing condition, w KESSLER,HEINRICH S3/120 Violoncello w/silver bow mannheim, 1892 2,857/4,286
    document.write(code); Auction Results
    Excerpted from
    magazine, July 2001, No. 95 Auction Highlights
    The Phillips auction in London on March 19, 2001, enjoyed several high-selling lots. Especially exciting was the sale of a "fine and handsome" Giovanni Francesco Pressenda violin. Made in 1831, the instrument sold for £184,000 ($262,100). Surprisingly, a c. 1900 English School violin modeled after Amati sold for £16,100 ($22,900), nearly four times its estimate. In bows, a gold-mounted E. Sartory violin bow brought £6,325 ($9,010); it features a pearl eye with a golden ring and a gold, ebony, and mother-of-pearl adjuster. An A. Lamy silver-mounted violin bow garnered £3,450 ($4,915). Sotheby’s
    House Location Code Date Rate of Exchange
    Phillips London Sotheby's Billinghurst




    Return to Top of Results Viola Bow Return to Top of Results Violin Return to Top of Results Violin Bow Return to Top of Results Violoncello Return to Top of Results Violoncello Bow Return to Top of Results Return to Top

    40. History1
    computing. 1850. amedee mannheim designs the logarithmic slide rulethat dominated mechanical calculation for the next 100 years. 1851.
    TIMELINES Timeline: written, compiled, created and maintained by Sagegis1. Where conflicting dates appeared in the historical documentation, we have attempted to collaborate the accuracy of the dates by going directly to the source. The color legend: Green for Cryptography and Red for Hacking, Cracking, and Attacks is not meant to signify any political or ethical stand by the company, and was employed only for viewing convenience. Please address all comments to Webmaster@Sagegis1 The early years of development leading up to the 1900s Ancient World
    • Invention of the abacus. For the first time, people use a calculating device to do math. ATBASH Cipher Hebrew encoding method employed in religious text. The perhaps apocryphal 'skytale' cipher a form of "staff cipher" is used to send secret messages between Greek warriors. Ciphers had been in fact used for more than a thousand years throughout the ancient world, for example in Egypt to hide grave locations as series of disordered hieroglyphics.

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