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         Mandelbrot Benoit:     more books (65)
  1. Cartoons of the variation of financial prices and of Brownian motions in multifractal time (Cowles Foundation discussion paper) by Benoit B Mandelbrot, 2000
  2. Fractal Geometry of Nature. Updated and Augmented. by Benoit B. Mandelbrot, 1983
  3. Self-similar random process and the range (IBM research [paper]) by Benoit B Mandelbrot, 1964
  4. Fractal Geometry of Nature - Updated and Augmented by Benoit Mandelbrot, 1982-01-01
  5. Bharata Natyam: classical Indian dance: a Hindu fractal.: An article from: International Journal of Humanities and Peace by Sofia Diaz, 2003-01-01
  6. CHAOS FORUM.: An article from: Skeptic (Altadena, CA)
  7. FRACTALS, ANYONE?: An article from: U.S. Kids by Francesca Pinoni, 2000-06-01
  8. The man who reshaped geometry by James Gleick, 1985

81. > Benoit Mandelbrot

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83. Benoit B. Mandelbrot
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84. IA Wiki: Benoit Mandelbrot
mandelbrot is the pioneer of the science of chaos. mandelbrot was the first personto use a computer to graphically represent the complex number plane.

85. Benoit Mandelbrot Store
our online store. Click here for benoit mandelbrot and benoit mandelbrotrelated products. benoit mandelbrot Store Buy benoit mandelbrot
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This talking book comes with an interactive ''magic pen'' that works like a hand-held computer mouse pointer. Children can opt to turn the paper pages and listen to the story read with different voices for each character. Or they can interrupt the read-aloud session to play with the magic pen (permanently attached with a wire). They can point the pen tip to any word on a page and hear it pronounced, or touch a picture and hear a sound effect (such as ''Strike one!'' for the baseball bat). Very similar to the popular Living Books computer games, this 10-by-11-inch book is more portable than a home computer. Stories in this set include Lil's Loose Tooth, Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever, and Winnie the Pooh in A Sweet Good Morning. The set also includes a paper piano keyboard and map and human anatomy games. Gail Hudson
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Sir Cumference and the Great Knight of Angleland: A Math Adventure
by Cindy Neuschwander, Wayne Geehan (Illustrator) (Paperback - April 2001)
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86. IBM Research Press Releases Bios Benoit Mandelbrot
IBM Researcher Bios Dr. benoit mandelbrot IBM Fellow. IBM Fellow Emeritusbenoit mandelbrot of the TJ Watson Research Center is one of them.

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IBM Researcher Bios Dr. Benoit Mandelbrot IBM Fellow
Few scientists can claim to have started revolutions or generated new paradigms. IBM Fellow Emeritus Benoit Mandelbrot of the T.J. Watson Research Center is one of them. With a naturalist's broad view of science, he has ignored the prevailing boundaries and methods in pursuit of his vision.
In the process, he has become one of the most versatile mathematicians in history. More importantly, he has created a new geometry of nature that is centered in physics but has changed our view of the universe.
Father of fractals
His creation of fractal geometry and the concept that simple rules can generate infinitely complex structures and behaviors defines a paradigm rooted in the fact that fractals "are irregular geometric shapes having identical structure at all scales.'' According to Mandelbrot, their irregular and complex behavior is echoed from scale to scale.
Mandelbrot's multi-disciplinary explorations began with his doctoral thesis in 1952, which combined linguistics (a mathematical analysis of the distribution of words) with the tools of statistical thermodynamics. In the early 1960s, he moved to study finance, demonstrating that price fluctuations in markets are not smooth, as economists thought, but are often choppy, discontinuous and always concentrated in time.
And he showed that wealth acquired on the stock market is typically acquired on a very small number of favorable periods.

87. Benoit Mandelbrot From FOLDOC
mandelbrot, benoit . benoit mandelbrot. person /ben wa man dlbro/benoit B. mandelbrot. The IBM scientist who wrote several, Benoit

88. Mandelbrot Benoît
MANDELBROT Benoît, français, 1924- Neveu de Szolem Mandelbrot . Polytechnicien, il s'installe aux Etats-Unis pour fuir le "terrorisme Bourbaki " et professe à l'université de Yale (Yale University, située à New Haven, Connecticut). Il est célèbre pour ses travaux concernant la géométrie fractale (on lui doit ce qualificatif et substantif en 1975, de l'adjectif latin fractus provenant de frangere briser ), initiée au début du siècle par Sierpinski et Julia , qu'il étudia tout particulièrement chez le constructeur IBM (International Business Machines), fabricant de calculateurs depuis 1911. La notion d'objet fractal Les irrégularités de la nature, d'apparence chaotique, sont en fait l'expression d'une géométrie très complexe de l'infiniment petit où la notion de dimension fractionnaire se substitue à celle de dimension euclidienne usuelle (étude des irrégularités des côtes maritimes, de la forme des nuages, d'un arbre, d'une feuille de fougère, etc.). Une courbe fractale est telle que toute portion est identique au tout ! Leur étude confirme les doutes des mathématiciens du début du 20è siècle, comme Lebesgue et Hausdorff , sur le concept de dimension.

89. Institut Für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Gaussian SelfAffinity and Fractals ; Vol. H. mandelbrot, BenoitB. Fractals and Scaling in Finance; Multifractals and l/f Noise.
TU Braunschweig Informatik
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