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21. Hakemistoon Lapset. 1. magnus wilhelm von Essen s. 25.12.1747 Pornainen, Laukkoski, gårdb. 28.12.1747 Pornainen, Laukkoski, gård Tiedot päivitetty 16.11.2002, http://koti.mbnet.fi/~nimue/taulut/kersti_sahlan/perheI2514.html | |
22. Hakemisto Sukunimille, Jotka Alkavat Kirjaimella V Nastola . von Essen, Julia Charlotta, 13.02.1706 Nastola - 06.04.1754Heinola. von Essen, magnus wilhelm, 25.12.1747 Pornainen -. von http://koti.mbnet.fi/~nimue/taulut/kersti_sahlan/hakemisto560.html | |
23. Døbte Piger 1829 St.Olai Helsingør Døbt 31. Maj 1829 i kirken. Slagtersvend magnus wilhelm Kjælbergog h. Sophie Elisabeth Semberlund. Fadd jf. NS Kjælberg, md. http://home6.inet.tele.dk/flemclar/foedpi1829.html | |
24. Die 11 Schill-Offiziere Translate this page Friedrich Wilhelm Felgentreu, 08.05.1786, Berlin, Leutnant. Carl Lupoldmagnus wilhelm von Wedell, 30.06.1786, Brausfort, Leutnant. Konstantin http://www.epoche-napoleon.net/pages/his/schilloffiziere.htm | |
25. Helsingin Yliopisto Toukokuun 29. päivän 1913 rahasto Perustuu rehtori Mårten magnus wilhelmBrennerin ja R. Donnerin lahjoituksiin vuosina 1913 ja 1923. http://www.helsinki.fi/rahastot/rahastot/matematiikan_ja luonnontieteiden_rahast | |
26. Suomen Sotasurmat 1914-1922 Hakkarainen, Vilho, 1895, Kuopio. Hakulinen, Emil, 13.2.1872, Tuusula. Hallström,magnus wilhelm, 25.5.1879, Perniö. Halm, Rickard, Halme, August, 16.11.1864, Helsinkis. http://vesta.narc.fi/cgi-bin/db2www/sotasurmaetusivu/Helsinginvankileiri_0 | |
27. From Quarterly's Article Collection His father was captain magnus wilhelm Armfelt, who later became the governorof the county of Åbo. His mother was Maria Katarina Wennerstedt. http://sfhs.eget.net/P_articles/Q_artiklar/Q_103.html | |
28. VapHel Body!!! hele døgnet!) magnus wilhelm Tolleshaug Asger Rygs gade 4, 3tv 1727 KøbenhavnV. Tlf +45 33338887 +45 20660007 epost mwt@nycomed.com Nycomed Danmark as DK http://www.stud.ntnu.no/groups/ttoddy/web/vaphelbody.html | |
29. Emil Wilhelm Magnus Georg Kraepelin (www.whonamedit.com) Emil wilhelm magnus Georg Kraepelin German psychiatrist, born February15, 1856, Neustrelitz, Mecklenburg; died October 7, 1926, Munich. http://www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/615.html | |
30. Magnus Biography of wilhelm magnus (19071990) wilhelm magnus. Born 5 Feb 1907 in Berlin, Germany wilhelm magnus attended the University of Frankfurt receiving his doctorate from that university in http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Magnus.html | |
31. References For Magnus References for wilhelm magnus. Articles H 365372. wilhelm magnus,Notices of the American Mathematical Society 37 (1990), 1373. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Magnus.html | |
32. Books By Wilhelm Magnus At Walmart.com - Every Day Low Prices Find books written by wilhelm magnus. Select from 1000's of books at Walmart.com, we have a great selection of highquality merchandise, friendly service and, of course, Every Day Low Prices. Gift http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://na.link.decdna.net/n/3532/4200/www.walma |
33. Auteur - Magnus, Wilhelm Translate this page Auteur magnus, wilhelm, 8 documents trouvés. Ajouter au panier,Imprimer, Envoyer par mail, Liste détaillée. Ouvrage The historyof http://bibli.cirm.univ-mrs.fr/Auteur.htm?numrec=061910413919220 |
34. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With W 14 MAY 18326 APR 1911) Wegelius, Adolf wilhelm ( 9 MAR 1799-23 SEP 1888 19 DEC 1766-18 MAR 1833) Wegelius, Arvid magnus ( 1742-9 SEP 1810 http://laki.012webpages.com/idxw.html | |
35. UMSNH - BIBLIOTECA DE LA ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS FISICO MATEMATICAS Translate this page magnus Un total de 1 resultados. 1.- Groups And Their Graphs Tema AlgebraModerna QA-83 Grossman, Israel magnus, wilhelm 1ª edicion. http://www.fismat.umich.mx/biblioteca/aplicaciones/busca.php?menu=autor&T1=Magnu |
36. AIM Reprint Library: magnus wilhelm von WrightDe finlandssvenska bröderna magnus och wilhelm von Wright anses varaSveriges genom tiderna främsta djurtecknare. Bilderna här http://www.aimath.org/library/library.cgi?database=reprints;mode=display;BrowseT |
37. Projekt Gutenberg-DE - Kultur - SPIEGEL ONLINE Translate this page 495. Albertus magnus und Kaiser wilhelm. Albertus magnus, ein sehr berühmterund gelehrter Mönch, hat den Kaiser wilhelm von Holland http://gutenberg.spiegel.de/grimm/sagen/g495.htm | |
38. Biedermeierin Aika : Wilhelm Von Wright : Magnus Von Wright Suomen Taideyhdistyksen kokoelmat ja ajatus museorakennuksesta magnus von Wright Pulskaalli Sorsia wilhelm von Wright Riippuvia sorsia magnus von Wright http://www.fng.fi/fng/html4/fi/ateneum/guide/cont/chap4/sect7/page30.htm | |
39. The Biedermeier Era : The Brothers Von Wright - Bied... Biedermeier age appeared at its clearest and most typically Finnish in the art ofthe von Wright brothers ( magnus von Wright (18051868), wilhelm von Wright http://www.fng.fi/fng/html4/en/ateneum/guide/cont/chap4/sect4/page27.htm | |
40. GensDataPro Persoonspagina's 1, Margaretha, 1475, 20 feb 1510, 35, 1, 1. 2, wilhelm 4, 29 jan 1478, 24 jan 1559,80, 1, 6. van magnus van Brunswijk Gottingen 5212 en Katharina van Anhalt 5213,tr. http://www.gensdatapro.nl/vorsten/vorsten000086.htm | |
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