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         Luzin Nikolai:     more detail
  1. Nuclear strategy and common sense by Nikolai Luzin, 1981
  2. The Pentagon's nuclear strategy, 1945-1974 by Nikolai Luzin, 1975
  3. Orthogonal Series and the Approximation of Functions (Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics)

41. History Of Science Society -- Newsletter Article
Biographical material is also available on nikolai luzin, a founder of the twentiethcentury Moscow School of mathematics, in two articles Esther luzin R.
by Loren R. Graham
History of Science Society Newsletter, Volume 18 No. 4 (Supplement 1989)
This is the fourth guide in the series Teaching the History of Science: Resources and Strategies, published under the auspices of the Committee on Education by the History of Science Society. These guides, written by specialists, are intended for the use of historians of science as well as general historians and any other teachers who wish to begin to revise a history of science course or to incorporate new topics into an existing course. The guides published in the Newsletter will be published, with other essays, as a pamphlet in mid 1989. Earlier guides appeared in the July 1986, April 1987, and Supplement 1988 issues of the Newsletter. The editorial board for each guide is drawn from the Society's Committee on Education. The committee welcomes comments on the value of these guides, as well as on suggested topics for future guides.
The history of science and technology in Russian and the Soviet Union is a field of study that is underdeveloped in the West, and good books on the subject in English or other West European languages are correspondingly rare. Nonetheless, a number sources exist, as the following bibliography illustrates. Because of the youth of the field and the difficulty in gaining access to archives, the quality of existing works is uneven and the coverage spotty. In recent years this situation has begun to improve. There is a small but perceptible growth of interest in the history of Russian and Soviet science and technology in research universities. At present a handful of American universitiesMIT, Harvard, Pennsylvania, Northwestern, Georgetown, Columbia, Arizona, Oregon Stateoffer occasional courses on the subject, but as yet no more than three or four senior American historians are working full-time in the field.

42. Spisok Deputatov GD III Sozyva Po Odnomandatnym Okrugam
izb.) Murmanskaya oblast Monchegorskii okrug N 115 1. luzin Gennadii Pavlovich (izb Evgen evich(izb.) Semenovskii okrug N 121 Kosterin nikolai Nikolaevich (izb
POLITIKA AUTO WIN KOI ... DUMA III SOZYVA Po sostoyaniyu na 8 sentyabrya 2000
(v skobkah ukazano kem byl vydvinut:
izbiratel'nym ob'edineniem (blokom) ili izbiratelyami)
Respublika Adygeya
Adygeiskii okrug N 1
Senin Grigorii Nikolaevich (KPRF)
Respublika Altai
Gorno-Altaiskii okrug N 2
Lapshin Mihail Ivanovich (OVR)
Respublika Bashkortostan
Birskii okrug N 3
Gimaev Ragib Nasretdinovich (izb.)
Kirovskii okrug N 4
Nigmatulin Robert Iskandrovich (izb.)
Oktyabr'skii okrug N 5
Pevcov Vladimir Andreevich (NDR)
Sibaiskii okrug N 6
Barlybaev Halil' Abubakirovich (OVR)
Sterlitamakskii okrug N 7
Hakimov Midhat Gainanovich (izb.)
Tuimazinskii okrug N 8
Saifullin Franis Askar'yanovich (OVR)
Respublika Buryatiya
Buryatskii okrug N 9
Semenov Bato Cyrendondokovich (OVR)
Respublika Dagestan
Buinakskii okrug N 10
Omarov Gadzhimurad Zairbekovich (izb.)
Mahachkalinskii okrug N 11
Mahachev Gadzhi Nuhievich (izb.)
Respublika Ingushetiya
Ingushskii okrug N 12
1. Guceriev Mikail Safarbekovich (izb.) - do 16 fevralya 2000
vybory ne naznacheny
Kabardino-Balkarskaya Respublika
Kabardino-Balkarskii okrug N 13
Sohov Vladimir Kazbulatovich (izb.)

43. Gruppa "Narodnyi Deputat" V GosDume III Sozyva
25 yanvarya 2000 pogib v avtokatastrofe deputat GP.luzin. Gartung Valerii Karlovich(N 186Chelyabinskaya oblast ; vydv.izb.) Gerasimenko nikolai Fedorovich (N
POLITIKA AUTO WIN KOI ... DUMA III SOZYVA Po sostoyaniyu na 8 sentyabrya 2000
Deputatskaya gruppa "Narodnyi deputat"
v Gosudarstvennoi Dume tret'ego sozyva
k.7-00,tel.292-87-01, 292-45-98, faks 292-87-15
Predsedatel' - Raikov Gennadii Ivanovich - k.7-01st, tel.292-87-01, 292-45-98, faks 292-87-15
Pervyi zamestitel' - Bulavinov Vadim Evgen'evich, k.7-02, tel.292-72-98, faks 292-60-85
Zamestiteli predsedatelya - Bryncalov Vladimir Alekseevich, Mokryi Vladimir Semenovich (do 19 yanvarya 2000), Shport Vyacheslav Ivanovich, Belousov Aleksandr Nikolaevich, Smirnova Svetlana Konstantinovna, Mucoev Zelimhan Alikoevich, Gartung Valerii Karlovich
Rukovoditel' apparata gruppy - Tyutin Viktor Petrovich - k.7-05a, tel.292-38-02, 292-80-40
Press-sekretar' - Kiryuhin Vladimir Germanovich, k.7-27, tel.292-93-15 Gruppa "Narodnyi deputat" v Dume vtorogo sozyva
V sentyabre 1999 deputaty E.V.Panina i S.S.Sulakshin ob'yavili o sozdanii Centra "Narodnyi deputat", cel'yu kotorogo ob'yavleno sposobstvovanie pereizbraniyu nezavisimyh deputatov v okrugah.
V oktyabre 1999 nachalos' formirovanie odnoimennoi deputatskoi gruppy. 22 oktyabrya sostoyalos' organizacionnoe sobranie gruppy s uchastiem 31 cheloveka, kotorye edinoglasno prinyali reshenie ob uchrezhdenii gruppy pod nazvaniem "Narodnyi deputat". Koordinatorom gruppy izbrana E.V.Panina, sopredsedatelyami - S.S.Sulakshin i G.I.Raikov.

Nicolay Bugaev (1866, he had two advisors) Dimitri Fedorowitsch Egorov (1901) nikolai Nikolayevich luzin (1915) Andrei Nikolayevich Kolmogorov (1925
In mathematics each mathematician begins as an aprentice (graduate student)
and has a teacher (their advisor). An aprentice then becomes a teacher and has
their own aprentice. This forms a chain, a mathematical geneology. This is my
mathematical geneology. (To the right is the date the person earned their Ph.D)

45. Alec Mihailovs' Mathematical Ancestors
nikolai Nikolayevich luzin. Ph.D. Moscow State University 1915. Dissertation TheIntegral and Trigonometric Series, Hassler Whitney Ph.D. Harvard University 1932.
My Mathematical Ancestors
Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner Ph.D. University of Leipzig
Dissertation: Johann Bernoulli Ph.D.
Dissertation: Johann Friedrich Pfaff Ph.D. University of Helmstedt
Dissertation: Programma inaugurale in quo peculiarem differentialia investigandi rationem ex theoria functionum deducit Leonhard Euler Ph.D.
Dissertation: Carl Friedrich Gauß Ph.D. University of Helmstedt
Dissertation: Demonstratio nova theorematis omnem functionem algebraicam rationalem integram unius variabilis in factores reales primi vel secundi gradus resolvi posse Joseph Louis Lagrange Ph.D.
Dissertation: Pierre Simon Laplace Ph.D.
Dissertation: Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Ph.D. Universität Göttingen
Dissertation: Siméon Denis Poisson Ph.D. École Polytechnique
Dissertation: Heinrich Ferdinand Scherk Ph.D. Universität Berlin
Dissertation: Michel Chasles Ph.D. École Polytechnique Dissertation: Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstraß Honorary Universität Königsberg Dissertation: Über die Entwicklung der Modularfunctionen Ernst Eduard Kummer Ph.D. Universität Halle Dissertation: De cosinuum et sinuum potestatibus secundum cosinus et sinus arcuum multiplicium evolvendis H. A. (Hubert Anson) Newton

46. Chapter II
The Russian mathematician nikolai Nilolaevich luzin used to say in his lecturesthat the advantages of the decimal system are zoological, not mathematical.
Chapter II Formation of Continued Fractions Expansion of a Real Number into a Continued Fraction Algorithm of Expansion into a Continued Fraction Forget for the time being the decimal system. The Russian mathematician Nikolai Nilolaevich Luzin used to say in his lectures that the advantages of the decimal system are zoological, not mathematical. If we had eight fingers on our two hands instead of ten, mankind would operate in the octal system . Indeed, the decimal system is very convenient in practice, but it is inappropriate for a discussion of theoretical aspects of arithmetic. Forget about any decimal and positional number system, that is, take Archimedes place and ask yourself: What would be the most natural approach to estimating a real number? This question is answered without hesitation: The first step is to indicate the integers between which our number lies. For example, 61/27 lies between 2 and 3,
lies between 1 and 2,
p lies between 3 and 4. Naturally, it is sufficient to indicate only the lower bound: x x
p z z Note that these estimates are not tied to any specific notation of integers, that is, to a specific number system!

47. Things Krzys' Likes On The Web
Ian Fleming Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss William Ewart Gladstone Andrey NikolaevichKolmogorov Claire Boothe Luce nikolai Nikolaevich luzin Stefan Mazurkiewicz
My favorite quotes
Actuarial Science and Insurance
Actuarial Jokes
Actuaries with Home Pages on the Web

American Risk and Insurance Association

Balducci Actuarial Home Page
Society of Actuaries
American Economic Association
Cascade Policy Institute

Cato Institute

Economic Growth during the Last 1000 Years
Larry Kudlow
American Mathematical Society
International Mathematical Union

Mathematical Association of America
Society for Industrial Applications of Mathematics
The Ayn Rand Institute Objective American Institute for Objectivist Studies What is the meaning of life? according to Ayn Rand ...
Anti-Federalist Papers The Articles of Confederation The Bill of Rights Campaign Finance ... The United States Constitution, and Amendments to the Constitution (#11-#27) Townhall Unia Polityki Realnej
Role Models for Modern Youths
Shirley Temple Black Nicolaus Copernicus Mikolaj Kopernik Benjamin Disraeli ... Stefan Mazurkiewicz (also here) Ludwig von Mises Ayn Rand David Ricardo ... Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
My Favorite Television Shows

48. Muzykal'naya Pravda - Eh, Zaletnye - "Acid Umbrellas" Ostalis' Dovol'ny Poezdkoi
Sostav original nyi, rasskazyvaet o proekte WAND nikolai, - imenno v etom Lidergruppy KedryVydry Mihail luzin v konce iyunya stal bakalavrom politologii
koi win dos iso ... arhiv
16 iyulya 2001 versiya dlya pechati
"Acid Umbrellas" ostalis' dovol'ny poezdkoi v Kurgan
"Katarasis" otdyhaet: kto u morya, kto u monitora
Gruppe "Katarsis" pridetsya vremenno povremenit' s repeticiyami. Vo-pervyh, basist gruppy otpravilsya v otpusk v yuzhnyi gorod Adler, gde zagoraet seichas na beregu morya. Vo-vtoryh, lider kollektiva Aleksei Nadtochiev ostalsya bez lyubimogo komba, kotoryi sgorel vo vremya repeticii vtoroi raz na poslednie polgoda. "Poshel real'nyi dym i zavonyalo, - krasochno povestvuet Aleksei. - A gde ego garantiinyi talon ya ne znayu, tak chto pridetsya bablo vykladyvat' na pochinku!" V rezul'tate s gorya lider ural'skoi grandzh-komandy kruglymi sutkami rubitsya na paru s drammerom v supergeim "Counter Strike", promenyav rodnoi instrument na mysh' i klavu.
Lider "Barhata" vyidet na scenu v sostave gruppy "WAND"
"M.A.R.K." gotovitsya k vypusku novogo al'boma
Gruppa "M.A.R.K." zavershaet rabotu nad novym al'bomom. Uzhe zapisany vse 12 trekov dlya budushego reliza. Svedenie, skoree vsego, proidet v techenii iyulya-avgusta. Uzhe opredeleno nazvanie al'boma (poka sekret). "Zvuchanie budet neskol'ko otlichat'sya ot "Minus Tridcat' Tri", - rasskazyvaet lider gruppy Andrei Markovskii, - odnako my postaralis' sohranit' vse horoshee, chto tam bylo". Prezentaciya al'boma predpolagaetsya provesti v sentyabre-oktyabre. Ne zabyvaet komanda i o koncertnyh vystupleniyah. 7 iyulya gruppa "M.A.R.K." prinimala uchastie v festivale "Rok na Ivana Kupala", proshedshem v gorode Snezhinske. Nadeemsya, chto rebyata eshe podelyatsya s nami vpechatleniyami.

49. Bilder Mengenlehre
Translate this page Waclaw Sierpinski (1882 Warschau - 1969 Warschau). nikolai luzin (1883 Irkutsk- 1950 Moskau). Thoralf Skolem (1887 Sandsvaer, Norwegen - 1963 Oslo).
Georg Cantor (1845 Petersburg - 1918 Halle)
Richard Dedekind (1831 Braunschweig - 1916 Braunschweig)
Guiseppe Peano (1858 Cuneo, Italien - 1932 Turin)
Ivar Bendixson (1861 - 1935 Schweden)
Felix Hausdorff (1868 Breslau - 1942 Bonn)
Ernst Zermelo (1871 Berlin - 1953 Freiburg)
Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970 Wales)
Waclaw Sierpinski (1882 Warschau - 1969 Warschau)
Nikolai Luzin (1883 Irkutsk - 1950 Moskau)
Thoralf Skolem (1887 Sandsvaer, Norwegen - 1963 Oslo)
Kazimierz Kuratowski (1896 Warschau - 1980 Warschau)
Alfred Tarski (1902 Warschau - 1983 Berkeley)
John von Neumann (1903 Budapest - 1957 Washington)
Stanislaw Ulam (1909 Lemberg, Polen (heute Lvov, Ukraine) - 1984 Santa Fe, USA)
Andrzej Mostowski (1913 Lemberg, Polen (heute Lvov, Ukraine) - 1975 Vancouver, Kanada)
Paul Cohen (1934 Long Branch, New Jersey, USA)
Oliver Deiser (, 20.2.2001

50. Math Links - History, Education, Politics, Philosophy, Religion, Literature, Art
History of Soviet Mathematics by Mark Saul (Notices AMS, November 1999) Social Historyof the Soviet Mathematics (nikolai Nikolaevich luzin et al.) 111 divided
math links - history, education, politics, philosophy, religion, literature, arts, amusements and other peripheral things Lie Algebras Combinatorial and Geometric Group Theory geometry involutions ... physics ] [history] [ TeX collections of historical texts Gallica (Bibl. Nat. de France)
Exact sciences collection on Vivos Voco

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society

Collections of ancient texts from University of Sevilla library
Classics at Worldwide LaRouche Youth Movement site
(Riemann, Gauss, Kepler, Leibniz et al.) personalia (persons of not purely historical interest

51. Debian-russian Apr 2004 By Subject
Isabelle Apr 28. devfs Alexandr Dubinit Apr 19; Alex Riesen Apr 19; nikolai ProkoschenkoApr 19; Aleksey luzin Apr 05; Alexander Apr 06. The last update was on 2336
debian-russian Apr 2004 by subject
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52. Debian-boot Mar 2004 By Subject
Ognyan Kulev Mar 05; nikolai Prokoschenko Mar 05; Ognyan Kulev Mar 05. l10ncore BootCD Woody Manfred Hungerland Mar 22. boot image Aleksey luzin Mar 23. boot
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53. [HM] Conference: "Hilbert's Problems Today" By Julio Gonzalez Cabillon
During the 1920s Sierpinski connected CH directly to descriptive set theoryand real analysis, extending in this way the work of nikolai luzin.
[HM] Conference: "Hilbert's problems today" by Julio Gonzalez Cabillon
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Subject: [HM] Conference: "Hilbert's problems today" Author: Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 15:27:11 -0300 HILBERT'S PROBLEMS TODAY 5th - 7th, April, 2001 Pisa, Italy The conference "Hilbert's problems today", organized by the Dipartimento di Matematica of the Universita' di Pisa, in collaboration with the Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata and the Dipartimento di Filosofia, will be held from Thursday, April 5th, to Saturday, April 7th 2001, in Pisa, Italy. The meeting will focus around a group of problems, selected from those considered by Hilbert in his celebrated address at the International Congress of Mathematics in Paris in 1900, and spanning on the areas of Logic, Geometry, Number theory, and Analysis. Further information at The Math Forum

54. City/ Region
1560, 2,5 y, Mr. Podshivalov Vitaliy Nikolaevich, Dir Mr. luzin Yury Nikolaevich 14800,4,2 y, Mr. Timoshenko nikolai Vasilievich, Dir Ms. Sergeeva Loubov Danilovna
City/ Region Company Name Short description of the project Project cost Thousand USD Payback period Contacts Additional information Electric power engineering Krasnodar, Russia «Kubanenergo», JSC - Krasnodar Thermoelectric Plant 8 years Mr. Spiridonov Vitaly Yevgenievich, Director, Mr. Saichenko Victor Nikolaevich, Project Coordinator Address: 350033, g. Krasnodar, Stavropolskaya St., 2 Tel: (8612) 68-59-13, 68-24-93, 68-47-68
Krasnodar, Russia «KubanGRES», JSC Construction of the Krasnodar Hydro-electric Power Station: 888 000 (420 000 – 1-st phase) 10 years Mr. Yudovsky Leonid Grigorievich, Director Mr. Kirev Ivan Mikhailovich, Project Coordinator Address: 352574, Krasnodarsky Krai, Mostovskoi r-n, pos. Energetikov Tel: (86192) 5-19-55, 5-38-61
A ready construction site, all necessary communications are available.A business-plan has been designed. Krasnodar, Russia «KubanGRES», JSC Construction of 1-st phase of Hydroelectric Pumped Storage Power Plant in the town of Labinsk 7,5 years

55. Virtual Gallery Vent D'Est
Roman Anikoushin The Birds 1994 - 3 mn; nikolai Anokhin Mixs volume 1 AlexanderLugin Transparent Fixer 1 - 1991 - 8mn30; Arkady luzin Mandala Danses - 1993
Moldova Ukraina Russia

56. Krawtchouk
run in Moscow by Egorov, a leading Russian mathematician, and luzin s lectures. Congressof Mathematicians in Toronto (Canada) in 1924 by nikolai Krylov, who
Krawtchouk story : How a scientist received a job offer from the American Mathematical Society, was accused of being a foreign spy, and sent to GULAG
This true story has connections to the politics and work of leading mathematicians and Noble prize winners from European countries and the United States, the Great Terror in Soviet Ukraine, the history of the relativity theory, nuclear bomb, space exploration and aviation, prisoner's dilemma, Lindbergh, and Arthur Koestler's best-seller. French transliteration of the Ukrainian mathematician's name, education and start of his academic career
Invitations to the US and contacts with foreign scholars
Job offers, International Congress of Mathematicians in Bologna (Italy) ... Photos of Krawtchouk, Levi-Civita, Grave, and others, and the leadership of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Crime evidence: Krawtchouk's article content of the journal book recommendation to Levi-Civita's wife, Krawtchouk's refusal to take part in a show trial of Ukrainian intellectuals and his contacts with Ukrainian mathematicians from Poland ... Prisoner's dilemma in theory and reality , a book on Schmidt's expedition Lindbergh's intelligence trip Stalin, scholars and one investigation in Ukraine

57. MathComp Database - Browse - List
1, Luzadder, Warren J. 4, luzin, NN (nikolai Nikolaevich), 18831950. 1,L vov, Viktor Sergeevich, 1942-. 1, Lychagin, VV (Valentin Vasil evich).
MathComp database - Browse - AUTHOR list - ALL DOCUMENTS
The numbers in the list below indicate the number of documents listed under a term.
To display the documents, click on an eye . To move up or down the list, click on the arrow. Lustman, Francois Lusztig, George, 1946- Lutkebohmert, Werner Lutz, Robert Lutzen, Jesper Lux, K. Luxemburg, W. A. J., 1929- Luxemburg, Wilhelmus Anthonius Josephus, 1929-
See: $$aLuxemburg, W. A. J.,$$d1929- Luzadder, Warren J. Luzin, N. N. (Nikolai Nikolaevich), 1883-1950 L'vov, Viktor Sergeevich, 1942- Lychagin, V. V. (Valentin Vasil'evich)

58. Famous Mathematicians With An L
Love Augusta Ada Lovelace Leopold Lowenheim Karl Lowner Samuel Loyd Jacob LuerothEugene Lukacs Jan Lukasiewicz Yudell Luke nikolai luzin Aleksandr Lyapunov
Mathematicians - L
Sylvestre Lacroix
Christine Ladd-Franklin
Thomas de Lagny
Joseph-Louis Lagrange
Edmond Laguerre
Ivo Lah
Imre Lakatos
Horace Lamb
Gabriel Lame
Bernard Lamy
Cornelius Lanczos Edmund Landau Lev Landau John Landen Georg Landsberg Robert Langlands Philippe van Lansberge Pierre-Simon Laplace Sir Joseph Larmor Emanuel Lasker Edna Kramer Lassar Mikhail Lavrentev Jean Le Fevre Constantin Le Paige Urbain Le Verrier Henri Lebesgue Walter Ledermann John Leech Magnus Mittag-Leffler Solomon Lefschetz Adrien-Marie Legendre Emile Leger Gottfried von Leibniz Emile Lemoine Leonardo da Vinci Jean Leray Mathias Lerch Stanislaw Leshniewski John Leslie Norman Levinson Hyman Levy Volodymyr Levytsky Anders Lexell Wilhelm Lexis Simon Lhuilier Sophus Lie Evgenii Lifshitz Sir James Lighthill Ernst Lindelof Ferdinand von Lindemann Yuri Linnik Pierre-Louis Lions Jacques-Louis Lions Rudolf Lipschitz Jules Lissajous

Duma member elected nikolai Votka (Medved member elected Gennadiy luzin MURMANSK OBLAST
RUSSIAN FEDERATION DUMA ELECTIONS OF 19 DECEMBER 1999 ==================================================================== To understand these tables, go to Introduction. KURGAN OBLAST: KURGAN 695,176 voters, 446,540 (64.2%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 129,403 28.5 Communist - Workers' Russia (K-TRSS) 11,067 02.4 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 29,041 06.4 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 119,811 26.4 Russian Socialist Party (RSP) 33,351 07.3 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 18,601 04.1 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 40,239 08.9 Women of Russia (ZR) 9,210 02.0 Others or "Against All" 55,817 12.5 446,540 Duma member elected: Nikolai Bezborodov KURSK OBLAST: KURSK 492,265 voters, 298,301 (60.6%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 94,475 31.3 Communist - Workers' Russia (K-TRSS) 8,643 02.8 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 21,908 07.2 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 90,588 29.8 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 14,654 04.8 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 12,316 04.1 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 15,667 05.2 Women of Russia (ZR) 6,490 02.1 Others or "Against All" 33,560 11.2 298,301 Duma member elected: Nikolai Ivanov (KPRF) KURSK OBLAST: LGOV 414,193 voters, 285,661 (69.0%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 86,994 32.7 Communist - Workers' Russia (K-TRSS) 10,305 03.9 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 13,913 05.2 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 85,442 32.1 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 8,496 03.2 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 6,476 02.4 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 15,907 06.0 Others or "Against All" 58,128 20.3 285,661 Duma member elected: Aleksandr Chetvenikov LENINGRAD OBLAST: KINGISEPP 488,460 voters, 235,340 (48.2%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 45,724 19.0 Communist - Workers' Russia (K-TRSS) 5,213 02.2 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 23,960 10.0 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 63,011 26.2 Pensioners' Party (PP) 8,667 03.6 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 22,749 09.5 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 17,340 07.2 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 15,222 06.3 Women of Russia (ZR) 5,630 02.3 Others or "Against All" 27,824 11.8 235,340 Duma member elected: Nikolai Votka (Medved) LENINGRAD OBLAST: VOLKHOV 418,648 voters, 217,301 (51.9%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 37,944 17.1 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 17,982 08.1 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 78,867 35.6 Pensioners' Party (PP) 12,759 05.8 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 13,906 06.3 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 9,418 04.2 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 15,341 06.9 Women of Russia (ZR) 5,078 02.3 Others or "Against All" 26,006 12.0 217,301 Duma member elected: Aleksandr Shimanov (PP) LENINGRAD OBLAST: VSEVOLOZHSK 445,775 voters, 213,063 (47.8%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 35,903 16.5 Communist - Workers' Russia (K-TRSS) 4,990 02.3 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 22,695 10.4 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 60,161 27.7 Pensioners' Party (PP) 6,791 03.1 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 21,280 09.8 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 16,871 07.8 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 14,034 06.5 Women of Russia (ZR) 5,772 02.7 Others or "Against All" 24,566 11.5 213,063 Duma member elected: Olga Borisova LIPETSK OBLAST: YELETSK 384,992 voters, 231,841 (60.2%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 102,447 43.2 Communist - Workers' Russia (K-TRSS) 7,416 03.1 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 16,417 06.9 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 39,442 16.6 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 9,905 04.2 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 6,476 02.7 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 15,241 06.4 Women of Russia (ZR) 6,281 02.6 Others or "Against All" 28,216 12.2 231,841 Duma member elected: Vladimir Toporkov (KPRF) LIPETSK OBLAST: LIPETSK 459,744 voters, 277,935 (60.4%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 97,624 34.6 Communist - Workers' Russia (K-TRSS) 7,278 02.6 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 23,266 08.2 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 59,537 21.1 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 20,166 07.1 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 14,285 05.1 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 13,820 04.9 Women of Russia (ZR) 6,478 02.3 Others or "Against All" 35,481 12.8 277,935 Duma member elected: Lev Yarkin MAGADAN OBLAST: MAGADAN 60,572 voters, 36,100 (59.6%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 6,376 17.5 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 16,869 46.2 Pensioners' Party (PP) 780 02.1 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 1,740 04.8 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 1,095 03.0 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 4,744 13.0 Women of Russia (ZR) 743 02.0 Others or "Against All" 3,753 10.4 36,100 Duma member elected: Vladimir Goncharov (KPRF) MOSKVA OBLAST: DMITROVSK 416,837 voters, 255,436 (61.3%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 51,922 19.9 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 71,172 27.2 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 24,666 09.4 Pensioners' Party (PP) 5,663 02.2 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 22,502 08.6 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 21,706 08.3 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 12,240 04.7 Women of Russia (ZR) 6,472 02.5 Others or "Against All" 39,093 15.3 255,436 Duma member elected: Valeriy Galchenko (OVR) MOSKVA OBLAST: ISTRINSK 438,459 voters, 267,803 (63.1%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 50,045 18.2 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 85,399 31.1 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 26,964 09.8 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 23,061 08.4 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 22,918 08.4 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 11,647 04.2 Women of Russia (ZR) 6,177 02.2 Others or "Against All" 41,592 15.5 267,803 Duma member elected: Martin Shakkum (OVR) MOSKVA OBLAST: KOLOMNA 266,605 voters, 163,517 (61.3%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 34,114 20.3 Communist - Workers' Russia (K-TRSS) 4,200 02.5 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 39,733 23.7 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 18,929 11.3 Pensioners' Party (PP) 3,941 02.3 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 11,079 06.6 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 13,943 08.3 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 9,677 05.8 Women of Russia (ZR) 5,012 03.0 Others or "Against All" 22,889 14.0 163,517 Duma member elected: German Titov (KPRF) MOSKVA OBLAST: LYUBERTSY 308,194 voters, 189,494 (61.5%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 38,530 20.0 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 57,272 29.7 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 15,879 08.2 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 18,026 09.3 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 19,263 10.0 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 6,604 03.4 Women of Russia (ZR) 4,066 02.1 Others or "Against All" 29,854 15.7 189,494 Duma member elected: Aleksandr Sokolov (KPRF) MOSKVA OBLAST: MYTISHCHY 518,554 voters, 316,886 (61.1%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 57,533 17.8 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 29,149 09.0 Russian Socialist Party (RSP) 34,152 10.5 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 97,350 30.1 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 29,737 09.2 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 12,001 03.7 Women of Russia (ZR) 6,691 02.1 Others or "Against All" 50,273 15.9 316,886 Duma member elected: Vladimir Aristarkhov MOSKVA OBLAST: NOGINSK 498,078 voters, 298,839 (60.0%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 60,449 19.8 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 85,536 28.0 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 27,935 09.1 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 26,370 08.6 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 27,281 08.9 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 14,386 04.7 Women of Russia (ZR) 6,394 02.1 Others or "Against All" 50,488 16.9 298,839 Duma member elected: Vladimir Pekarev MOSKVA OBLAST: ODINTSOVO 479,150 voters, 295,448 (61.7%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 52,853 17.5 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 91,272 30.3 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 28,698 09.5 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 25,821 08.6 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 24,267 08.0 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 14,069 04.7 Women of Russia (ZR) 6,666 02.2 Others or "Against All" 51,802 17.5 295,448 Duma member elected: Yevgeniy Sobakin (Yabloko) MOSKVA OBLAST: OREKHOVO-ZUYEVO 307,178 voters, 172,298 (56.1%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 35,139 19.6 Communist - Workers' Russia (K-TRSS) 4,309 02.4 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 40,538 22.7 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 19,117 10.7 Pensioners' Party (PP) 4,587 03.0 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 10,680 06.0 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 12,230 06.8 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 10,977 06.1 Women of Russia (ZR) 5,488 03.1 Others or "Against All" 29,233 17.0 172,298 Duma member elected: Vladimir Brintsalov (RSP) MOSKVA OBLAST: PODOLSK 450,441 voters, 269,067 (59.7%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 56,460 20.5 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 82,311 29.9 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 23,775 08.6 Pensioners' Party (PP) 6,706 02.4 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 21,461 07.8 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 21,034 07.6 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 12,849 04.7 Others or "Against All" 44,471 16.5 269,067 Duma member elected: Maksim Vasiliev (OVR) MOSKVA OBLAST: PUSHINSK 469,130 voters, 292,876 (62.4%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 57,813 19.3 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 88,290 29.5 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 26,192 08.8 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 25,722 08.6 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 25,794 08.6 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 12,845 04.3 Others or "Against All" 56,211 19.2 292,876 Duma member elected: Svetlana Savitskaya (KPRF) MOSKVA OBLAST: SERPYUKHOVSK 480,978 voters, 242,243 (50.4%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 55,817 22.5 Communist - Workers' Russia (K-TRSS) 5,302 02.1 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 62,357 25.2 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 24,037 09.7 Pensioners' Party (PP) 5,117 02.1 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 18,463 07.5 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 18,987 07.7 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 12,613 05.1 Women of Russia (ZR) 5,568 02.2 Others or "Against All" 33,982 14.0 242,243 Duma member elected: Georgiy Tikhonov MURMANSK OBLAST: MONCHEGORSK 348,871 voters, 215,303 (61.7%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 30,108 13.8 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 13,088 06.0 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 75,724 34.7 Pensioners' Party (PP) 4,517 02.1 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 19,166 08.8 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 19,150 08.8 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 25,197 11.6 Women of Russia (ZR) 4,357 02.0 Others or "Against All" 24,006 11.1 215,313 Duma member elected: Gennadiy Luzin MURMANSK OBLAST: MURMANSK 376,338 voters, 215,149 (57.2%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 26,455 12.1 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 21,526 09.9 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 60,310 27.7 Pensioners' Party (PP) 5,141 02.4 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 22,808 10.5 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 24,965 11.5 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 23,726 10.9 Women of Russia (ZR) 4,450 02.0 Others or "Against All" 25,768 12.0 215,149 Duma member elected: Vladimir Gusenkov NIZHEGOROD OBLAST: ARZAMAS 365,073 voters, 213,240 (58.4%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 64,862 29.7 Communist - Workers' Russia (K-TRSS) 6,837 03.1 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 11,713 05.4 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 57,102 26.1 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 21,118 09.7 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 7,216 03.3 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 14,891 06.8 Women of Russia (ZR) 4,419 02.0 Others or "Against All" 25,082 11.8 213,240 Duma member elected: Ivan Nikitchuk (KPRF) NIZHEGOROD OBLAST: AVTOZAVODSK 402,122 voters, 228,899 (56.9%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 43,454 18.5 Communist - Workers' Russia (K-TRSS) 5,643 02.4 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 17,642 07.5 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 33,798 14.4 Pensioners' Party (PP) 5,430 02.3 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 59,608 25.4 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 15,113 06.4 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 12,126 05.2 Women of Russia (ZR) 5,672 02.4 Others or "Against All" 30,413 13.3 228,899 Duma member elected: Boris Nemtsov (SPS) NIZHEGOROD OBLAST: DZERZHINSK 358,835 voters, 191,051 (53.2%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 50,951 25.9 Communist - Workers' Russia (K-TRSS) 6,465 03.3 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 14,456 07.9 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 38,418 19.6 Pensioners' Party (PP) 5,183 02.6 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 26,060 13.3 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 9,080 04.6 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 12,178 06.2 Others or "Against All" 28,260 14.8 191,051 Duma member elected: Gennadiy Khodirev NIZHEGOROD OBLAST: KANAVINSK 393,583 voters, 215,755 (54.6%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 44,691 20.4 Communist - Workers' Russia (K-TRSS) 5,724 02.6 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 19,850 09.1 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 32,644 14.9 Pensioners' Party (PP) 4,800 02.2 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 49,966 22.8 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 15,271 07.0 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 10,160 04.6 Others or "Against All" 32,649 15.1 215,755 Duma member elected: Vadim Bulavinov NIZHEGOROD OBLAST: SEMENOV 358,922 voters, 198,189 (55.2%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 47,494 23.3 Communist - Workers' Russia (K-TRSS) 6,003 02.9 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 10,241 05.0 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 53,991 26.5 Pensioners' Party (PP) 5,007 02.4 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 23,856 11.7 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 6,670 03.3 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 16,624 08.1 Women of Russia (ZR) 4,916 02.4 Others or "Against All" 23,387 11.8 198,189 Duma member elected: Nikolai Kosterin NIZHEGOROD OBLAST: SERGACH 353,646 voters, 202,319 (57.2%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 59,338 28.4 Communist - Workers' Russia (K-TRSS) 8,082 03.9 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 12,956 06.2 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 36,790 17.6 Pensioners' Party (PP) 4,851 02.3 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 31,280 15.0 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 8,223 03.9 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 12,066 05.8 Women of Russia (ZR) 4,874 02.3 Others or "Against All" 23,859 11.8 202,319 Duma member elected: Dimitriy Saveliev NOVGOROD OBLAST: NOVGOROD 514,395 voters, 323,736 (62.9%) voted ==================================================================== Communist Party of the Russian Fedn (KPRF) 62,408 19.0 Fatherland / All Russia (OVR) 22,781 06.9 Inter-Regional Movement / Unity (MEDVED) 103,560 31.5 Our Home Russia (NDR) 19,184 05.8 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 23,297 07.1 Yabloko (Yavlinksy Bloc) 24,251 07.4 Zhirinovsky Bloc (BZ/LDPR) 19,160 05.8 Women of Russia (ZR) 6,615 02.0 Others or "Against All" 42,480 13.1 323,736 Duma member elected: Yevgeniy Zelenov

60. Script02w
luzin/LUSIN,nikolai Nikolajewitsch;, 09.12.1883- 28.02.1950;, www01a,1324,321ff.
Stand: 18.07.2001 Definitionen .S Tm ::= Teilmenge von c Fkt ::= Funktion DGL ::= Differentialgleichung UMF ::= Untermannigfaltigkeit
ANALYSIS II, Prof. Wiegmann, SS2001 #, Datum, Heft, Seite VI FUNKTIONENFOLGEN Def. Bspe+Bemn 27.2(ii) Satz, Bew. Majoranten-Krit. von WEIERSTRASS,K. Bspe+Bemn 27.5(i) trigonometrische Reihe 27.5(ii) Approximationssatz von WEIERSTRASS,K. (1885) Konvergenz von Potenzreihen Satz Cor. Cor. Def.; Konvergenzradius von P; offene Umgebung Satz von Cauchy-Hadamar; Bew. 28.6(i-iv) Bspe+Bemn Cor.; Koeffizienten-Vergleich; Analytische Fktn; Bew. Differentiation und Integration von Funktionenfolgen Satz; Bew. Cor; Bew. 29.3(i-ii) Bemn. Satz; Bew. 29.5(i-ii) Bspe FOURIER-Reihen (1822) Bem. Cor. 30.5(i-iii) Bspe+Bemn; 30.5(i) Gegenbeispiel von DU BOIS-REYMOND (1876) [x007,] Satz von RIEMANN (1854) Cor. (Lokalisierungssatz); Bew. (30.6); DIRICHLET-Kerne RIEMANNsches Lemma; Bew. Konvergenz im quadratischen Mittel 31.1(i-iv) Satz von PARSEVAL (05.04.1799); PARSEVALsche Gleichung 31.1(iii) HERMITEsche Bilinearform 31.1(iv) wandernder Buckel [x005,16.6] Lemma; Bew.; BESSELsche Ungleichung (~1840)

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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