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81. Decatur County Kansas Bassettville Township 1900 Census These Were All Hand Writ Loub, Frank, 152B, H, Jun 1874. Loub, Eva, 152B, W, dec 1876. loyd, samuel,153B, H, Nov 1853. loyd, Fanny, 153B, W, Oct 1855. loyd, Lonnie, 153B,S, Aug 1882. http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/decatur/census/1900_pleasant_valley.htm | |
82. Company I, 65th Georgia Infantry Regiment, CSA Died in Loudon, Tenn., hospital, July 4, 1863. Louis. See Lewis. loyd,samuel Jam private Co. D. loyd, William Monroe see private Co. D. http://www.izzy.net/~michaelg/65-i.htm | |
83. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results 1999, Nov. Corpus Christi, TX samuel loyd Neal, NP 2001, Apr Mar.Trenton, NJ Douglas H. Palmer, NP 2002, May Troy, MI 15. http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_almanacs |
84. Sam Loyd Sam loyd. samuel loyd (Leden 31, 1841 Duben 10, 1911) byl Americanhádanka autor a rekreacní matematik. loyd prohlaoval, e http://wikipedia.infostar.cz/s/sa/sam_loyd.html | |
85. HEADS OF HOUSEHOLD 1870 - OWEN COUNTY, INDIANA Gabriel Mari 298 loyd, James M. Mari 293 loyd, Michael Mari 292 loyd, samuel Mari294 Lucas, Albert Wayn 375 Lucas, Charles Fran 199 Lucas, Isaac S. Wash 349 http://www.owen.in.us/owenhist/h-l.htm | |
86. Biblio.com - Bookstore Information For Samuel Lasenby Bookseller A sampling from the inventory of samuel Lasenby Bookseller. Steinbuch, GF De AutomobielHandboek Voor Automobielbestuurders Monteurs En Reparateurs. loyd, Sam. http://illiad.biblio.com/bookstores/Seaking67.html | |
87. Cog5th PVT Died 5 Mar 1862 KEENUM, BB - PVT KEMBRO, WILLIAM - PVT KENNEDY, RICHARD -PVT KING,JOHN M. - SGT LESSER, JOSEPH - PVT loyd, samuel - 2LT MARTIN, JOSEPH http://www.couchgenweb.com/civilwar/cog5th.htm | |
88. Sam Loyd - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Sam loyd. samuel loyd, (18411911) was an American puzzle author and recreationalmathematician. loyd claimed to have invented the famous fifteen puzzle. http://www.phatnav.com/wiki/wiki.phtml?title=Sam_Loyd |
89. The Ashley's: SMITH Family SMITH Family. First Generation. 1. samuel L. 1 Smith ( 39). samuel L. Smithand Minnie L. Rogers had the following child + 2 i. Austin loyd 2 Smith. http://home.texoma.net/~mwashley/d0/i0000039.htm | |
90. I1299: (____ - ____) 1230 . AFN 240C-486. Family 1 James samuel STRAND HTML created byGED2HTML v3.5e-WIN95 (Sep 26 1998) on 04/30/1999 065049 . loyd Webster HEATON. http://www.schmutzroots.org/d0001/g0000065.html | |
91. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï Born 26 June 1878 in Krefeld, Germany Died 5 May 1957 in Berlin, Germany loyd,samuel loyd Born 31 Jan 1841 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , USA Died 10 http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=L |
92. MUSTER ROLL OF COMPANY A, 5th REGIMENT SOUTH CAROLINA VOLUNTEER Carr, Peter J. Carroll, James Cathcart, George R. Clifton, BF Comer, samuel Comer,Thomas JT Lankford, Philip R. Lemaster, William E. Lindsey, AC loyd, James G http://www.researchonline.net/sccw/rosters/5thinfa1.htm |
93. Human Family Project July 12, 2001 Father William loyd75588 (1858- ) Mother Mary Francis Crownover-75587(1871-1902) 7 M samuel Covenhoven Or Conover-66846 http://users.legacyfamilytree.com/NorthernEurope/f178.htm | |
94. Cemeteries Jasper COUNTY GA Cemetery loyd Family (2) File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Suzanne Forte (Sforte3 Aug 25 1882J J loydSamuelApr 6 1880Aug 28 http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ga/jasper/cemeteries/loyd.txt |
95. Loyd http://www.fatrazie.com/loyd.html |
96. Sam Loyd - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Sam loyd. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. loyd claimed to haveinvented the famous fifteen puzzle. He also authored a number http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Loyd | |
97. Samuel Morse - Encyclopedia Article About Samuel Morse. Free Access, No Registra samuel Morse. Word Word. samuel Finley Breese Morse (April 27 April27 is the 117th day http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Samuel Morse | |
98. Confederate Burials In Section 32 Of Crown Hill Cemetery,Indianapolis, Indiana. Aug. 25, 1864, AL. LOWRY, RB, C, 4 th Inf. Mar. 13, 1862, MS. loyd, SamuelH. K, 23 rd Inf. Mar. 3, 1862, MS. LUCKETT, DW, H, 3 rd Cav. Nov. 21, 1863,KY. http://www.indianainthecivilwar.com/prisoners/indy/confed-kl.htm | |
99. Sam Loyd - InformationBlast Sam loyd Information Blast. Sam loyd. loyd claimed to have inventedthe famous fifteen puzzle. He also Sam loyd s Excelsior. loyd bet http://www.informationblast.com/Sam_Loyd.html | |
100. Loyd The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.orcaland.gr.jp/~maro/64Shots/Loyd02.html | |
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