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         Lovelace Augusta Ada:     more detail
  1. Ada Augusta Lovelace. by Dorothy Stein, 2004-04-30
  2. Augusta Ada Byron, Countess of Lovelace: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Heather M. Moncrief-Mullane, 2000
  3. Lovelace, Ada Byron: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Macmillan Reference USA Science Library: Mathematics</i> by J. William Moncrief, 2002
  4. Lovelace, Ada Byron King, Countess of: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Macmillan Reference USA Science Library: Computer Sciences</i> by Ida M. Flynn, 2002

41.  Lady Lovelace ~ Augusta Ada Byron
Agustus ada Byron ~ Lady lovelace ~ $5.00. Lady lovelace. ada ProgammingLanguage Also, a page of lovelace quotes comes with this poster set!
Computer History
Agustus Ada Byron ~ Lady Lovelace Please click the thumbnails with an * in front of the title to view a larger image. Lady Lovelace
Lord Byron ~ Father
Lady Byron ~ Mother
* Charles Babbage
Mary Somerville
Augustus De Morgan
Luigi Menabrea
* 1st Computer Program
1st Computer Calculator
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42. - Great Books -
In her article, published in 1843, Lady lovelace s prescient comments included her CollegeMalaspina Science Database. The Great Books augusta ada ByronKing
Augusta Ada Byron-King
Ada Byron, Lady Lovelace, was the daughter of the poet, Lord Byron . Five weeks after Ada was born Lady Byron asked for a separation from Lord Byron , and was awarded sole custody of Ada who she brought up to be a mathematician and scientist. At the age of 17 Ada was introduced to Mary Somerville , a remarkable woman who wrote a rendition of LaPlace's Celestial Mechanics . That 1831 text Mechanism of the Heavens was used at Cambridge. Though Somerville encouraged Ada in her mathematical studies, she also attempted to put mathematics and technology into an appropriate human context. At a dinner party at Mrs. Somerville Adapted from Agnes Scott College
The Great Books Augusta Ada Byron-King
This web page is part of a biographical database on Great Ideas . These are living ideas that have shaped, defined and directed world culture for over 2,500 years. By definition the Great Ideas are radical. As such they are sometimes misread, or distorted by popular simplifications. Understanding a Great Idea demands personal engagement. Our selection of

43. EMU Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace
Lady augusta ada lovelace. augusta ada Byron fødtes 10. december1815 som datter af digteren Lord Byron. Kort efter adas fødsel
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Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace
Augusta Ada Byron f¸dtes 10. december 1815 som datter af digteren Lord Byron. Kort efter Adas f¸dsel blev hendes for¦ldre skilt og moderen Lady Byron fik for¦ldremyndigheden over hende. Ada blev opdraget til matematiker og videnskabskvinde. Som 17-¥rig blev Ada introduceret til Mary Somerville, som bl.a.havde oversat Laplaces arbejder til engelsk. Senere samme ¥r blev hun introduceret for Charles Babbage, som fortale hende om sin The Analytical Engine til ligningsl¸sning. Den analytiske maskine skulle i mods¦tning til differensmaskinen best¥ af tre dele: et lager, en regnenhed og en kontrolenhed. Ada oversatte i 1843 en artikel af en italiener, Menabrea, og p¥ Babbages opfordring tilf¸jede hun sine egne noter til denne artikel. I disse noter forudsiger hun, at maskinen vil kunen bruges til at komponere musik, lave grafik mm. Hun viser, hvordan maskinen kan bruges til at beregne de s¥kaldte Bernoulli tal ved hj¦lp af hulkort. Ved en kombination af hulkort og det bin¦re totalssystem var det muligt at forprogrammere maskinen til at udf¸re de komplicerede beregninger. Dette regnes for at v¦re det f¸rste computerprogram, der er skrevet. Sproget er i nyere tid videreudviklet under navnet ADA.

44. Augusta Ada King, Countess Of Lovelace
12Nov-03 augusta ada King, Countess of lovelace Powerpt/Ada Lovelace Presentation.htm
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45. Ada Augusta Byron Countess Of Lovelace
Archiv : Frauen und Internet Ada Augusta Byron - Countess of Lovelace
entnommen aus:
Ute Hoffmann, Computerfrauen - Welchen Anteil haben Frauen an der Computergeschichte und -arbeit?,
Von allem gesellschaftlichen Klatsch ferngehalten, verbringt Ada ihre Kindheit bei der

46. Ada
augusta ada Byron was born December 10, 1825 in a house ada Byron was married at nineteento a man who William Lord King who soon became the Earl of lovelace.
Augusta Ada Byron
Ada and her father
Ada as a child
Not much seems to be written about Ada's youth. We know her mathematical aptitude was certainly recognized and encouraged by her mother. We also know that like many other young women of her time that she enjoyed concerts, theatres, and parties. In other words she was a very well rounded individual. At the age of seventeen Ada was introduced to Mary Somerville, a mathematician whom Ada deeply admired. Mrs. Somerville encouraged Ada in her mathematical studies. It was through Mrs. Somerville that Ada met her future husband.
Marriage and children
Ada Byron was married at nineteen to a man who was eleven years her senior. This man was William Lord King who soon became the Earl of Lovelace. They enjoyed a warm and caring relationship. Lord Lovelace took a keen interest in his wife's work and was very supportive. Intellectually, Ada was superior , regardless, it created no problem in their marriage. Lord Lovelace accepted his wife's talents and took pride in her many accomplishments.
The couple settled in the country where they had two sons and a daughter. Interestingly, the daughter, following the footsteps of her mother and grandmother, showed a keen interest in mathematics to later become a famous Arabic Scholar.

47. MSN Encarta - Byron, (Augusta) Ada, Countess Of Lovelace
Already a subscriber? Sign in above. Byron, (augusta) ada, Countess of lovelace.Byron, (augusta) ada, Countess of lovelace (18151852), British mathematician.
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Subscription Article MSN Encarta Premium: Get this article, plus 60,000 other articles, an interactive atlas, dictionaries, thesaurus, articles from 100 leading magazines, homework tools, daily math help and more for $4.95/month or $29.95/year (plus applicable taxes.) Learn more. This article is exclusively available for MSN Encarta Premium Subscribers. Already a subscriber? Sign in above. Byron, (Augusta) Ada, Countess of Lovelace Byron, (Augusta) Ada, Countess of Lovelace (1815-1852), British mathematician. Byron laid some of the early conceptual and technical groundwork for... Related Items Ada, programming language named for Countess Ada Byron computer programming 4 items Selected Web Links Ada Byron King, Countess of Lovelace, 1815-1852 1 item Want more Encarta? Become a subscriber today and gain access to:
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48. Ada Augusta Byron
Translate this page ada augusta Byron, Condesa de lovelace (1815-1851). ada augusta Byron,también llamada Lady lovelace, fue uno de los personajes Byron.htm
Ada Augusta Byron, Condesa de Lovelace (1815-1851)
Ada Augusta Byron, también llamada Lady Lovelace, fue uno de los personajes más interesantes de la historia de la computación. Nació en Londres, el 10 de Diciembre de 1815, siendo hija del ilustre poeta inglés Lord Byron. Apenas 5 semanas después de nacida su madre Lady Byron, se separó de su esposo y obtuvo la custodia de su hija, encargándose de su crianza y educación por cuanto a ella le aterrorizaba la idea de que su hija acabase convirtiéndose en un poeta bohemio, como su padre.
Lady Lovelace tuvo vocaciones de analista y metafísica y a los 17 años influenciada por Mary Somerville realizó sus estudios de matemáticas. Fue en una cena que escuchó y se interesó en las ideas de Charles Babbage acerca de una nueva máquina de calcular. Ella intuyó que un proyecto de esa envergadura podría convertirse en realidad y fue una de las pocas personas que creyó en la universabilidad de las ideas , preconizada por Charles Babbage . Por esa razón decidió colaborar con él.
En 1843, a los 28 años, Lovelace tuvo perfeccionados los planes de

49. Ada Lovelace - The Mother Of Software Ada Lovelace
The daughter of Lord Byron, the famous poet and character, augusta ada King,Countess of lovelace was brought up to focus on the sciences, eventually
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Guide picks The daughter of Lord Byron, the famous poet and character, Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace was brought up to focus on the sciences, eventually corresponding with Charles Babbage about his Analytical Engine. Her writing, which focused less on Babbage's machine and more on how information could be processed by it, has seen her labeled the first software programmer. She died in 1852.
A Selection and Adaptation From Ada's Notes

A selection of excerpts from Ada Lovelace's notes on her translation of Menabrea’s The Analytical Engine , as explained and valuably introduced by Betty Toole. Ada: The Enchantress of Numbers
Betty Tools' work is mentioned several times in this index, but this is her own site on Ada Lovelace. Alongside plenty of information on Tools' writing (which is worth reading, because the site is littered with relevant quotes), there's a biography and timeline of Ada, as well as an interview with Betty and a discussion of Ada’s modern role. Ada Byron, Lady Lovelace (1815-1852)

informatica. augusta ada King lovelace. ada lovelace (1815-1852).

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Augusta Ada King Lovelace
Ada Lovelace
Il primo software mai scritto da un essere umano fu ideato da una mano femminile e fu una mente di donna a prefigurare alcune delle basi concettuali della programmazione. E che donna! Addirittura la figlia di Lord Byron.
Ada Augusta nasce nel 1815, unica discendente legittima del poeta; a sole 5 settimane dal parto la madre chiede la separazione dal marito, ottiene la tutela della figlia e si impegna a darle un’educazione scientifica, terrorizzata all’idea che la bambina possa manifestare le medesime inclinazioni poetiche del suo tempestoso genitore.
E in effetti, la piccola Ada si applicherà con passione alla matematica ma i progetti materni non avranno un successo completo: giovinetta, dichiarerà di aspirare ad una “scienza poetica” e tutto il suo pensiero analitico sarà intriso di immaginazione e punteggiato di metafore.
Sarà proprio la sua capacità di intuire e vedere più in là dei contemporanei a portarla, a metà degli anni ‘30, ad entusiasmarsi per le bizzarre ricerche di un matematico di Cambridge, Charles Babbage , che lavora da anni alla progettazione di una calcolatrice meccanica.

51. AWC-DC - June 15, 2002 - August Ada Lovelace Award Banquet Honoring Dr. Dorothy
augusta ada lovelace Award Banquet. Saturday, June 15, 2002 HolidayInn Select, Bethesda MD 700 PM. Who was augusta ada lovelace?
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Augusta Ada Lovelace Award Banquet
Saturday, June 15, 2002
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The Association for Women in Computing, Washington, DC chapter is proud to host the tenth Ada Augusta Lovelace Award . The Ada Augusta Lovelace Award, the highest honor bestowed by AWC, recognizes outstanding technical or scientific achievement, and service to the computing and information technology industries on behalf of women. AWC's distinguished awardees demonstrate the variety of contributions made by women in these fields and are role models to other professionals.. We invite you to join us in honoring our newest awardee, Dr. Dorothy E. Denning , a leader in the fields of information security, cyber warfare and terrorism, and cryptography. Among her accomplishments is the paper An Intrusion-Detection Model which is consider a seminal work in that discipline. Her most recent book is Information Warfare and Security . Currently, she is researching geo-encryption, a new area which combines Global Positioning Systems and encryption systems and is the Director for the Georgetown Institute for Information Assurance at Georgetown University. Her expertise has taken her before Congress where she has testified on encryption and cyber terrorism, and placed her writings in the footnotes and text of many other publications. Dr. Denning will deliver the banquet's keynote address.

52. Augusta Ada Byron
Translate this page augusta ada Byron, Lady lovelace (1815-1852). augusta ada Byron erahija del conocido poeta Lord Byron y de Anabella Milbanke Byron.
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Augusta Ada Byron era hija del conocido poeta Lord Byron y de Anabella Milbanke Byron. Nació el 10 de diciembre de 1815. Sus padres se separaron al poco tiempo de haber nacido la niña y la custodia la obtuvo la madre. Para evitar que su hija imitara el camino de su padre, Lady Byron se encargó de inclinar los intereses de su hija hacia la ciencia y las matemáticas. La niña que tenía una capacidad intelectual privilegiada, respondió de maravilla al estímulo y de hecho fue una autodidacta en geometría, la cual llegó a dominar con gran soltura, al igual que le sucedió con la astronomía y la matemática.

53. Augusta Ada King, Countess Of Lovelace
Home Glossary Definition augusta ada King, countess of lovelace, augustaada King, countess of lovelace, augusta ada King, countess,294236,sid19_gci960405,00.html
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Augusta Ada King, countess of Lovelace Augusta Ada King, countess of Lovelace, nee Lady Byron, was an English mathematician often credited as the first computer programmer for her writings about Charles Babbage 's Analytical Engine . She was born in 1815, in Middlesex (now part of London) and died in London in 1852. Ada, as she was called, was the daughter of the famous poet, Lord Byron and Annabella Milbanke Byron, who was, herself, an accomplished mathematician. Ada was rigorously trained in the arts and sciences by a succession of tutors, and through self-education. She married William King, 8th Baron King, in 1835 and became countess of Lovelace in 1838 when her husband was made an earl. Ada had met Babbage when she was still in her teens and asked him to serve as her tutor several years later. While translating Luigi Menabrea's Elements of Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine from its original French, the countess contributed so many annotations that the result was three times the length of the original manuscript. In her annotations, Ada described a method by which the Analytical Engine could be made to compute Bernoulli numbers, which is why she's been called the first programmer.

54. Augusta Ada, Countess Of Lovelace (1815-1852), 1st Wife Of William
National Portrait Gallery, list of portraits for augusta ada, Countess of lovelaceincluding augusta ada, Countess of lovelace by William Henry Mote, probably

55. NPG D11136; Augusta Ada, Countess Of Lovelace
NPG D11136 augusta ada, Countess of lovelace by Walker Boutall, after Unknownartist Medium photogravure Measurements 3 3/4 in. x 2 3/4 in.

56. Byron, Augusta Ada (1815-1852)
Byron, augusta ada. At seventeen ada met Mary Somerville, one of the few succesfulfemale she married William, 8th Lord King, who later became Earl of lovelace.
Byron, Augusta Ada
nobleman, mathematician england 10 Dec 1815, Middlesex: Piccadilly Terrace (now London) - 27 Nov 1852, London: Marylebone
Grave location: Hucknall Torkard, Nottinghamshire: St. Mary Magdalens' Church
Daughter of the poet Lord Byron and his wife Annabella Milbanke. Byron left Annabella a month after Ada's birth and she would never see her father again.
At seventeen Ada met Mary Somerville, one of the few succesful female mathematicians. Her mother also took an interest in maths and had even been called Princess of Parallelograms by the poet.
In 1835 she married William, 8th Lord King, who later became Earl of Lovelace. Therefore Ada was known as Ada Lovelace since 1838.
She became involved with Charles Babbage's Analytical Machine and translated and annotated Luigi Federico Menabrea's description of it ("Notions sur la machine analytique de Charles Babbage" (1842), translated as "Elements of Charles Babbage's Analytical Machine"). De annotations took more space than Menabrea's description and an important addition was her analysis of how the analytical machine could be programmed to calculate Bernoulli numbers. This is why she was regarded as the first computer programmer in the twentieth century.
After the birth of her third child she suffered a mental collapse and her doctors gave her a prescription for a combination of alcohol and drugs, among them laudanum. She had hallucinations and at one time thought she was communicating with God. She managed to stop using the drugs, but then started to bet on horse races. She used Babbage to bring her money to the bookmakers to hide her gambling habit. Af the time she was dying of cancer she was in debt as well as being blackmailed.

57. FUSION Anomaly. Augusta Ada Byron, Countess Of Lovelace
Telex External Link Internal Link Inventory Cache augusta ada Byron Countess ofLovelace This nOde last updated December 1st, 2001 and is permanently morphing
Telex External Link Internal Link Inventory Cache
Augusta Ada Byron
Countess of Lovelace
This nOde last updated December 1st, and is permanently morphing...

(9 Ik (Wind) / Mak - 12.19.

considered the first "programmer". father - Lord Byron Ada married William, eighth lord king, in 1835. She became known as the Countess of Lovelace and therefore Lady Lovelace in 1838 after her husbands promotion to an Earldom. assisted noted mathematician Charles Babbage in attempting to realize his Analytical Engine.
friends - Charles Dickens, David Brewster (inventor of the kaleidoscope)
Charles Babbage and Ada, Countess of Lovelace, lived in the London of Dickens and Prince Albert (and knew them both). A hundred years before some of the best minds in the world used the resources of a nation to build a digital computer, these two eccentric inventor-mathematicians dreamed of building their "Analytical Engine." He constructed a partial prototype and she used it, with notorious lack of success, in a scheme to win a fortune at the horse races. Despite their apparent failures, Babbage was the first true computer designer, and Ada was history's first programmer.
"You know I am a damned ODD animal! And as my mother often says, she never has quite yet made up her mind if it is the deil or angel that watches peculiarly over me; only that is IS one or the other, without doubt! (And for my part, I am quite indifferent which.)"

58. Awareness Campaigns For Technology (ACT) - Lady Augusta Ada
famous for? The answer. Lady augusta ada (Byron) lovelace is creditedas having been the first computer programmer. From about 1830 Current Activities Past Activities Articles ... Contact Us
Technology Trivia
The question.
What computer related accomplishment is Lady Augusta Lovelace most famous for?
The answer.
Lady Augusta Ada (Byron) Lovelace is credited as having been the first computer programmer.
From about 1830 until his death in 1871 Charles Babbage, an English mathematician and inventor, tinkered with a design for a steam powered machine he called the Analytical Engine. Though never perfected or completely built during his lifetime, Babbage's concept is considered by many to be a mechanical forerunner of modern electronic computers. Lady Lovelace was very interested in Babbage's concept and one of the few people who thoroughly understood it. Luigi Menabrea, a French engineer, wrote and published an article about Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine in 1842. Lady Lovelace translated the article into English in 1843 adding her own original footnotes. To demonstrate the potential of the machine she included a program to compute Bernoulli numbers in her notes. The computer language commissioned by the US Department of Defense in 1979 was named ADA in Lady Lovelace's honor. She was the only child of Lord Byron, the English poet, and his wife. She is notable as a mathematician, analyst, musician, and inventor.

59. Ada Lovelace
Translate this page Su nombre de casada pasó a ser desde entonces Lady augusta ada Byron King, Condesade lovelace, nombre del cual nace su denominación moderna de (Lady) ada
Ada Lovelace
Ada Byron King 10 de diciembre de 27 de noviembre de ), fue la primera programadora en la historia de las computadoras. Ada Lovelace nació en Inglaterra , única hija legítima del poeta inglés Lord Byron y de Annabella Milbanke Byron. Sus padres se separaron legalmente cuando ella tenía dos meses de edad. Su padre abandonó definitivamente Gran Bretaña y su hija nunca llegó a conocerlo en persona. El 8 de Julio de 1835 casó con William King, octavo barón de King, nombrado más tarde Conde de Lovelace. Su nombre de casada pasó a ser desde entonces Lady Augusta Ada Byron King, Condesa de Lovelace , nombre del cual nace su denominación moderna de (Lady) Ada Lovelace Siguió estudios particulares de matemáticas y ciencias, siendo uno de sus tutores Augustus De Morgan , primer profesor de matemáticas de la Universidad de Londres. Autodidacta, desde joven trabajó con Charles Babbage . a quien se le considera como el padre de las computadoras, gracias a que su "máquina analítica" funciona con el mismo principio que las computadoras actuales. Desarrolló instrucciones para hacer cálculos en una versión temprana del computador. Su relación con

60. Ada Lovelace
augusta ada Byron, Lady lovelace, (10 december 1815, 27 november 1852) Britswiskundige die met Charles Babbage verantwoordelijk wordt gehouden voor het
Guajara in other languages: Spanish Deutsch English French ... Italian
Ada Lovelace
Augusta Ada Byron, Lady Lovelace 10 december 27 november Brits wiskundige die met Charles Babbage verantwoordelijk wordt gehouden voor het ontwerp van het eerste computerprogramma. Ada Lovelace is een in het oog springende vrouw in de geschiedenis van de computer . Augusta Ada Byron was de dochter van de illustere dichter, Lord Byron. Vijf weken na de geboorte scheidde Ada's moeder van Byron en kreeg ze de voogdij over kleine Ada, die ze opvoedde als wiskundige en wetenschapper. De reden hiervoor was dat ze bang was dat Ada zou eindigen als haar vader, een dichter. Op zeventienjarige leeftijd ontmoette ze Mary Somerville, een opmerkzame vrouw die de werken van LaPlace in het Engels vertaalde. Deze teksten werden gebruikt op de universiteit van Cambridge . Ze moedigde Ada aan om wiskunde te studeren. Via Sommerville hoorde Ada omstreeks van de ideeën van Charles Babbage en de analytische motor . Ze kwam later in kontakt met Babbage en hielp hem met het ontwerpen van deze analytische motor. Ze suggereerde bijvoorbeeld dat de analytische motor gebruikt kon worden om Bernoulligetallen te berekenen. Dit uitgeschreven plan wordt nu beschouwd als het eerste

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