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  1. RELATIVITY.: An entry from Charles Scribner's Sons' <i>New Dictionary of the History of Ideas</i> by Michel Janssen, 2005

61. Lexikon - Hendrik Antoon Lorentz Definition Erklärung Bedeutung
Translate this page Was Wer Wo ist hendrik Antoon lorentz - Definition Erklärung Bedeutung von hendrikAntoon lorentz. hendrik Antoon lorentz. Artikel auf Englisch hendrik lorentz.
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Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
Definition, Bedeutung, Erkl¤rung im Lexikon
Artikel auf Englisch: Hendrik Lorentz
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz 18. Juli in Arnhem 4. Februar in Haarlem ), war ein niederl¤ndischer Mathematiker und Physiker Er studierte an der Universit¤t von Leiden , wo er Professor f¼r mathematische Physik wurde. Lorentz entwickelte die elektromagnetische Theorie des Lichtes und die Elektronentheorie der Materie und formulierte auch eine widerspruchsfreie Theorie von Elektrizit¤t Magnetismus und Licht Gemeinsam mit dem irischen Physiker George Francis FitzGerald formulierte er eine Theorie ¼ber die „nderung der Gestalt eines K¶rpers, die aus seiner Bewegung resultiert. Die Wirkung, die so genannte Lorentz-FitzGerald-Kontraktion, war einer von mehreren bedeutenden Beitr¤gen, die Lorentz zur Entwicklung der Relativit¤tstheorie lieferte. F¼r die Erkl¤rung eines Ph¤nomens, das man als Zeeman-Effekt bezeichnet, teilte sich Lorentz mit dem niederl¤ndischen Physiker Pieter Zeeman den Nobelpreis f¼r Physik.

62. Hendrik Lorentz - Reference Library
hendrik lorentz. hendrik perceptible. References. hendrik Antoon lorentz.Please Visit Our Sponsor. This article is from Wikipedia.
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Hendrik Lorentz
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz July 18 Arnhem February 4 Haarlem ) the winner of the 1902 Nobel Prize for his work on electromagnetic radiation Lorentz attended primary school in Arnhem until he was 13 years of age when he entered the new High School there. He entered the University of Leiden in 1870 but, in 1872, he returned to Arnhem to take up teaching evening classes. He worked for his doctorate while holding the teaching post. In his doctoral thesis for University of Leiden (1875), Lorentz refined the electromagnetic theory of James Clerk Maxwell to better explain the reflection and refraction of light. He was appointed professor of mathematical physics at the Univiersity of Leiden in 1878. During his time there he was primarily interested in a single theory to explain the relationship of electricity, magnetism, and light. Lorentz theorized that the atoms might consist of charged particles and suggested that the oscillations of these charged particles were the source of light. This was experimentally proven in 1896 by Pieter Zeeman , a pupil of Lorentz.

63. Hendrik Antoon Lorentz - Elektronová Teorie
hendrik Antoon lorentz slavný fyzik. Elektronová teorie, Loretzovasíla, lorentzovy transformace. hendrik Antoon lorentz.
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
Domovská stránka Fyzici Holandský fyzik Hendrik Antoon Lorentz se narodil 18. èervence 1853 v Arnhemu. Ve 4 letech mu zemøela matka. Lorenz je považován za zakladatele elektronové teorie. Studoval na univerzitì v Leidenu, kde ve 22 letech obhájil disertaèní práci (odraz a lom svìtla z hlediska Maxwellovy teorie) s takovým úspìchem, že za tøi roky zde byla pro nìj zaøízena nová katedra teoretické fyziky. V roce 1875 Lorentz vysvìtlil vzorce pro intenzitu pøi odrazu a lomu. Lorenz se v roce 1881 oženil s Alettou Catharine Kaiserovou a mìl s ní 2 dcery a 1 syna.
Lorentzova síla
1892 - Lorenz dává nový obsah Maxwellovým rovnicím ( James Clerk Maxwell ); vektory elektrického posunutí a magnetické indukce mají mikroskopický, statistický význam. K tìmto Maxwellovým-Lorentzovým rovnicím pøistupuje nový základní vztah pro tzv. Lorentzovu sílu, které podléhá elektrický náboj v elektromagnetickém poli. Jestliže se èástice s nábojem pohybuje souèasnì v elektrickém a magnetickém poli, pùsobí na ni jak síla elektrická F e , tak síla magnetická F m . Výslednice obou sil je Lorentzova síla F l F e F m F l Q - náboj v - rychlost pohybu èástice B - magnetická indukce - úhel, který svírá smìr

64. ClubCaminantes - Biografias - Hendrik Lorentz, El Club De Los Caminantes
Translate this page BIOGRAFIAS, hendrik lorentz. hendrik Antoon lorentz físico matemáticoholandés, y último gran representante de la física clásica

Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
En aquellos años, la enseñanza que se impartía a los niños y jóvenes era bastante rigurosa y sacrificada, ya que los horarios de clases muchas veces se extendían hasta el anochecer (se aplicaba en algún sentido el método de Dalton) y, fue bajo ese régimen de estudios, que Hendrik Antoon Lorentz adquirió los conocimientos de la enseñanza básica. Por ello, cuando en 1866 se inauguró el primer establecimiento de enseñanza media (H.B.S) en Arnhem, Lorentz, como alumno talentoso que era, ingresó a ese establecimiento de inmediato al tercer año. Al finalizar su quinto año de estudios medios y de haber recibido durante un año formación sobre los clásicos, se incorporó a la Universidad de Leyden en 1870, donde obtuvo su licenciatura en matemáticas y física, recibiendo el correspondiente título en el año 1871. La visión que tuvieron los directivos de la Fundación Teyler, para darle forma al contrato que ligaba a Lorentz con la institución, fue lo que permitió a éste desligarse de las obligaciones rutinarias académicas y liberalizar su mente, expandiendo las alas del pensamiento tras la consecución del asombro y el ritual de lo bello, transitando así dentro del reino más alto de la ciencia, algo que siempre en la humanidad ha estado restringido a unos pocos.

65. Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon (1853-1928), Físico Holandés, Premiado Con El Nobel
Translate this page lorentz, hendrik Antoon (Arnhem 1853 - Haarlem 1928), físico holandés,premiado con el Nobel. Estudió en la Universidad de Leiden
Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon

66. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article
lorentz, hendrik Antoon (18531928). The Hutchinson Dictionary ofScientific Biography; 1/1/1998. Read the Full Article, Get a FREE

67. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
mills and 5. lorentz, hendrik Antoon (18531928) The HutchinsonDictionary of Scientific Biography; January 1, 1998 jointly

68. Problemi Di Fisica
Translate this page lorentz, hendrik Antoon Arnhem (Olanda), 18 luglio 1853 Haarlem, 4 febbraio1928. Fisico, formulò una teoria elettronica della materia
Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon
Arnhem (Olanda), 18 luglio 1853
Haarlem, 4 febbraio 1928 Fisico, formulò una teoria elettronica della materia e studiò l'elettrodinamica dei corpi in movimento; per le sue ricerche ottenne il premio Nobel per la fisica nel 1902, assieme a P. Zeeman.
Lorentz riuscì a determinare le costanti materiali della teoria fenomenologica di campo, formulata da Maxwell. E invero: spiegò la costante dielettrica introducendo il concetto di dipoli generati da un campo elettrico indotto; ricondusse la permeabilità a correnti orbitali condizionate dagli elettroni che si muovono intorno ai nuclei atomici in traiettorie chiuse; interpretò la conducibilità con la mobilità dei portatori di carica in seno alla materia. Anche la dispersione della luce poté essere facilmente spiegata col fatto che gli elettroni, legati tra loro in modo elastico, sarebbero indotti in oscillazioni da un'onda elettromagnetica. L'attesa influenza del vento cosmico non poté però essere dimostrata né dall'esperimento che venne eseguito da A. A. Michelson ed E. W. Morley né dalla sua successiva ripresa. Lorentz riuscì ad accordare questo risultato negativo con la sua teoria dell'etere cosmico soltanto facendo propria l'ipotesi di contrazione, avanzata già da G. F. Fitzgerald. Il problema che ne scaturiva, di uno stesso andamento dei processi elettromagnetici sia nei sistemi in movimento sia nei sistemi immobili rispetto all'etere cosmico, poteva essere risolto, secondo Lorentz, ammettendo che a ogni sistema dotato di moto uniforme si dovesse ascrivere una misura di tempo diversa. Così egli fu in grado di formulare equazioni di trasformazione per le misure spazio-temporali nei diversi sistemi in modo che le equazioni maxwelliane rimanessero invariati rispetto alle "trasformazioni di Lorentz".

69. Lorentz
Biografie van lorentz, hendrik Antoon. lorentz, hendrik Antoon (18531928). lorentz,hendrik Antoon , natuurkundige (Arnhem 18-7- 1853 - Haarlem 4-2- 1928 ).
HOME REACTIE SITEMAP HULP ... VERWIJZINGEN PROJECTMENU Home nieuwe biografieën log in Biografie van Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon Onderzoek Projecten Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland lorentz Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland . URL: [05-09-2003]
LORENTZ, Hendrik Antoon (1853-1928)
Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon , natuurkundige (Arnhem 18-7- 1853 - Haarlem 4-2- 1928 ). Zoon van Gerrit Frederik Lorentz, kweker, en Geertruida Ginkel. Gehuwd sinds 15-7-1881 met Aletta Catharina Kaiser. Uit dit huwelijk werden 2 zoons en 2 dochters geboren. Na het doorlopen van de HBS in zijn geboortestad (1866-1869), deed Lorentz admissie-examen voor de universiteit en studeerde wis- en natuurkunde in Leiden (1870). In november 1871 werd het kandidaatsexamen afgelegd en in februari 1872 volgde een terugkeer naar Arnhem waar hij leraar wiskunde werd. In juni 1873 was reeds het doctoraal examen afgelegd, terwijl op 11 december 1875 de promotie plaatsvond te Leiden op een proefschrift Over de theorie der terugkaatsing en breking van het licht.

70. Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon 1853 - 1928
lorentz, hendrik Antoon 1853 1928 Záhlaví, Název, Signatura.FÖLSING, Albrecht, Albert Einstein, K 10089. © Mestská knihovna
Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon 1853 - 1928
Záhlaví Název Signatura FÖLSING, Albrecht Albert Einstein K 10089 Offline poslední zmìny: 13.10.2003 kont@kt

71. Lorentz
lorentz. Zeeman. lorentz, hendrik Antoon, (szül. 1853. júl. 18. Arnhem,Hollandia ? megh. 1928. febr. 4. Haarlem), holland fizikus

72. Hendrik Antoon Lorentz --  Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article
Visit Britannica Store, Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, lorentz , hendrik AntoonBritannica Concise. died Feb. 4, 1928, Haarlem hendrik Antoon lorentz.

73. Hendrik Lorentz :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
hendrik lorentz. References. hendrik Antoon lorentz. This content fromencyclopedia is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License.
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Hendrik Antoon Lorentz July 18 Arnhem February 4 Haarlem ) the winner of the 1902 Nobel Prize for his theory of electromagnetic radiation and primary developer of the theory of relativity (often falsely attributed primarily or solely to Albert Einstein ) (see FitzGerald-Lorentz Contraction and Lorentz transformations Lorentz attended primary school in Arnhem until he was 13 years of age when he entered the new High School there. He entered the University of Leiden in 1870 but, in 1872, he returned to Arnhem to take up teaching evening classes. He worked for his doctorate while holding the teaching post. In his doctoral thesis for University of Leiden (1875), Lorentz refined the electromagnetic theory of James Clerk Maxwell to better explain the reflection and refraction of light. He was appointed professor of mathematical physics at the Univiersity of Leiden in 1878. During his time there he was primarily interested in a single theory to explain the relationship of electricity, magnetism, and light. Lorentz theorized that the atoms might consist of charged particles and suggested that the oscillations of these charged particles were the source of light. This was experimentally proven in 1896 by

74. Hendrik Lorentz - InformationBlast
hendrik lorentz Information Blast. hendrik lorentz. hendrik Antoonlorentz (July 18, 1853, Arnhem - February 4, 1928, Haarlem) the
Hendrik Lorentz
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz July 18 Arnhem February 4 Haarlem ) the winner of the 1902 Nobel Prize for his work on electromagnetic radiation Lorentz attended primary school in Arnhem until he was 13 years of age when he entered the new High School there. He entered the University of Leiden in 1870 but, in 1872, he returned to Arnhem to take up teaching evening classes. He worked for his doctorate while holding the teaching post. In his doctoral thesis for University of Leiden (1875), Lorentz refined the electromagnetic theory of James Clerk Maxwell to better explain the reflection and refraction of light. He was appointed professor of mathematical physics at the Univiersity of Leiden in 1878. During his time there he was primarily interested in a single theory to explain the relationship of electricity, magnetism, and light. Lorentz theorized that the atoms might consist of charged particles and suggested that the oscillations of these charged particles were the source of light. This was experimentally proven in 1896 by Pieter Zeeman , a pupil of Lorentz.

75. Carte Du Ciel Et Planètes Pour Hendrik Antoon LORENTZ
Translate this page célébrités, Carte du ciel et positions planétaires de hendrik AntoonLORENTZ, né le 18 juillet 1853 à 13h00 à Arnhem (Pays-Bas).
L'Astrologie NEWS ** Webmasters / Services *** Marque Blanche *** ... Espace Membres Identifiant Mot de passe Mot de passe perdu ? Astrologie : thème astral des célébrités Carte du ciel et positions planétaires de Hendrik Antoon LORENTZ,
né le 18 juillet 1853 à 13h00 à Arnhem (Pays-Bas) Cancer 25°43 AS Balance 28°45 Positions des planètes Soleil Cancer Lune Sagittaire Mercure Lion Vénus Lion Mars Gémeaux Jupiter Sagittaire Saturne Taureau Uranus Taureau Neptune Poissons Pluton Taureau Chiron Capricorne Cérès Scorpion Pallas Balance Junon Cancer Vesta Cancer Noeud Nord Gémeaux Lilith Gémeaux Fortune Bélier AS Balance MC Lion Positions des maisons Maison 1 Balance Maison 2 Scorpion Maison 3 Sagittaire Maison 4 Verseau Maison 5 Poissons Maison 6 Bélier Maison 7 Bélier Maison 8 Taureau Maison 9 Gémeaux Maison 10 Lion Maison 11 Vierge Maison 12 Balance Liste des aspects Vénus Conjonction MC Orbe Mercure Conjonction Vénus Orbe Uranus Conjonction Pluton Orbe Mars Opposition Jupiter Orbe Pluton Opposition AS Orbe Vénus Carré Uranus Orbe Jupiter Carré Neptune Orbe Soleil Carré AS Orbe Uranus Carré MC Orbe Mars Carré Neptune Orbe Pluton Carré MC Orbe Mercure Carré Saturne Orbe Soleil Carré Pluton Orbe Vénus Trigone Jupiter Orbe Lune Trigone Mercure Orbe Lune Trigone Pluton Orbe Jupiter Trigone MC Orbe Mercure Trigone Jupiter Orbe Lune Sextile AS Orbe Uranus Sextile Neptune Orbe Soleil Sextile Saturne Orbe Vénus Sextile Mars Orbe Mercure Sextile Mars Orbe Vénus Quinconce Neptune Orbe Saturne Quinconce AS Orbe Lune Quinconce Saturne Orbe Soleil Quinconce Lune Orbe Mars SemiCarré Pluton Orbe Jupiter SemiCarré AS Orbe Neptune SesquiCarré AS Orbe Lune SesquiCarré Uranus Orbe Lune SesquiCarré Vénus

76. Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
Translate this page hendrik Antoon lorentz. hendrik Antoon lorentz (Nacido el 18 de juliode 1853 en Arnhem, Holanda murió el 4 de febrero , 1928 en
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (Nacido el 18 de julio de en Arnhem, Holanda murió el 4 de febrero en Haarlem), físico matemático ganador del Premio Nobel en , junto con Pieter Zeeman por sus teórias sobre la radiación electromagnética siendo unos de los primeros desarrolladores de la teoría de la relatividad (frecuentemente atribuida primaria o solamente a Albert Einstein
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77. Hendrik Lorentz Definition Meaning Information Explanation
hendrik lorentz definition, meaning and explanation and more about hendrik lorentz.FreeDefinition - Online Glossary and Encyclopedia, hendrik lorentz.
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Hendrik Lorentz
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz July 18 Arnhem February 4 Haarlem ) the winner of the 1902 Nobel Prize for his work on electromagnetic radiation Lorentz attended primary school in Arnhem until he was 13 years of age when he entered the new High School there. He entered the University of Leiden in 1870 but, in 1872, he returned to Arnhem to take up teaching evening classes. He worked for his doctorate while holding the teaching post. In his doctoral thesis for University of Leiden (1875), Lorentz refined the electromagnetic theory of James Clerk Maxwell to better explain the reflection and refraction of light. He was appointed professor of mathematical physics at the Univiersity of Leiden in 1878. During his time there he was primarily interested in a single theory to explain the relationship of electricity, magnetism, and light. Lorentz theorized that the atom s might consist of charged particles and suggested that the oscillations of these charged particles were the source of light. This was experimentally proven in 1896 by Pieter Zeeman , a pupil of Lorentz.

78. Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
Translate this page hendrik Antoon lorentz.
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz

79. Learn More About Hendrik Lorentz In The Online Encyclopedia.
Visit the Online Encyclopedia and learn more and get your questionsanswered about hendrik lorentz. see previous page. hendrik lorentz.
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Hendrik Lorentz
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz July 18 Arnhem February 4 Haarlem ) the winner of the 1902 Nobel Prize for his theory of electromagnetic radiation and primary developer of the theory of relativity (often falsely attributed primarily or solely to Albert Einstein ) (see FitzGerald-Lorentz Contraction and Lorentz transformations Lorentz attended primary school in Arnhem until he was 13 years of age when he entered the new High School there. He entered the University of Leiden in 1870 but, in 1872, he returned to Arnhem to take up teaching evening classes. He worked for his doctorate while holding the teaching post. In his doctoral thesis for University of Leiden (1875), Lorentz refined the electromagnetic theory of James Clerk Maxwell to better explain the reflection and refraction of light. He was appointed professor of mathematical physics at the Univiersity of Leiden in 1878. During his time there he was primarily interested in a single theory to explain the relationship of electricity, magnetism, and light. Lorentz theorized that the

80. > Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
Translate this page hendrik Antoon lorentz. 18/07/1853 - 04/02/1928. Hendrick Antoon lorentz. Fisicoolandese tra i principali ispiratori della teoria della relatività di Einstein

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