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         Lorentz Hendrik:     more books (44)
  1. Dutch Nobel Laureates: Peter Debye, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Jacobus Henricus Van 't Hoff, Hendrik Lorentz, Willem Einthoven, Pieter Zeeman
  2. Lorentz Transformation: Lorentz Transformation, Hendrik Lorentz, Special relativity, Luminiferous aether, Minkowski space, Henri Poincare, Poincare group, Principle of relativity, Lorentz group
  3. Length contraction: Hendrik Lorentz, Length, George FitzGerald, Speed of light, Proper length, Lorentz factor, Lorentz transformation, Time dilation, Ehrenfest ... Ladder paradox, Relativity of simultaneity
  4. Dutch Physicists: Dutch Nuclear Physicists, Edsger W. Dijkstra, Christiaan Huygens, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Hendrik Lorentz, Paul Ehrenfest
  5. Dutch Physicists: Edsger W. Dijkstra, Christiaan Huygens, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Hendrik Lorentz, Paul Ehrenfest, Willem Hendrik Keesom
  6. People From Arnhem: Audrey Hepburn, Hendrik Lorentz, Truus Van Aalten, Andy Van Der Meyde, William Diender, William Frederick
  7. Leiden University Faculty: Albert Einstein, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Hendrik Lorentz, Paul Ehrenfest, Herman Boerhaave, Frans Van Schooten
  8. Lehrbuch Der Differential- Und integralrechnung Und Der Anfangsfründe Der Analytischen Geometrie, Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Bedürfnisse Der Studierenden ... Lorentz. Unter Mitwirkung Des Verfassers Ü by H. A. (Hendrik Antoon) Lorentz, 2006-09-13
  9. Recueil De Travaux Offerts Par Les Auteurs À H. A. Lorentz, Professeur De Physique À L'université De Leiden, À L'occasion Du 25Mo Anniversaire De Son Doctorat Le I I Décembre 1900 by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, 2010-02-26
  10. Abhandlungen Über Theoretische Physik, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, 2010-02-09
  11. Lehrbuch Der Physik Zum Gebrauche Bei Akademischen Vorlesungen, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, Lodewijk Hendrik Siertsema, 2010-01-10
  12. The Einstein Theory Of Relativity: A Concise Statement (1920) by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, 2010-09-10
  13. The Einstein theory of relativity; a concise statement by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, 2010-09-12
  14. The Einstein Theory of Relativity; A Concise Statement by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, 2010-07-24

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Hendrik Lorentz. Everything you wanted to know about Hendrik Lorentz but hadno clue how to find it.. Learn about Hendrik Lorentz here! Hendrik Lorentz.
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Hendrik Lorentz
Categories Nobel Prize in Physics winners Hendrik Antoon Lorentz July 18 Arnhem February 4 Haarlem ) the winner of the 1902 Nobel Prize for his work on electromagnetic radiation Lorentz attended primary school in Arnhem until he was 13 years of age when he entered the new High School there. He entered the University of Leiden in 1870 but, in 1872, he returned to Arnhem to take up teaching evening classes. He worked for his doctorate while holding the teaching post. In his doctoral thesis for University of Leiden (1875), Lorentz refined the electromagnetic theory of James Clerk Maxwell to better explain the reflection and refraction of light. He was appointed professor of mathematical physics at the Univiersity of Leiden in 1878. During his time there he was primarily interested in a single theory to explain the relationship of electricity, magnetism, and light. Lorentz theorized that the atoms might consist of charged particles and suggested that the oscillations of these charged particles were the source of light. This was experimentally proven in 1896 by Pieter Zeeman , a pupil of Lorentz.

22. Hendrik Lorentz - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
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23. Lorentz
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz. Hendrik Lorentz attended primary school in Arnhem untilhe was 13 years of age when he entered the new High School there.
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
Born: 18 July 1853 in Arnhem, Netherlands
Died: 4 Feb 1928 in Haarlem, Netherlands
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(Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Hendrik Lorentz attended primary school in Arnhem until he was 13 years of age when he entered the new High School there. He entered the University of Leiden in 1870 but, in 1872, he returned to Arnhem to take up teaching evening classes. He worked for his doctorate while holding the teaching post. Lorentz refined Maxwell 's electromagnetic theory in his doctoral thesis The theory of the reflection and refraction of light presented in 1875. He was appointed professor of mathematical physics at Leiden University in 1878. He remained in this post until he retired in 1912 when Ehrenfest was appointed to his chair. After retiring from this chair, Lorentz was appointed director of research at the Teyler Institute, Haarlem. He retained an honorary position at Leiden, where he continued to lecture. Before the existence of electrons was proved, Lorentz proposed that light waves were due to oscillations of an electric charge in the atom. Lorentz developed his mathematical theory of the electron for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1902.

24. Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz. (18. cervence 1853 – 4. února 1928). Holandský fyzikHendrik Antoon Lorentz se narodil roku 1853 v selské rodine v Porýní.
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (18. èervence 1853 – 4. února 1928) Nobelovu cenu získal v roce 1902 spoleènì s P. Zeemanem za zkoumání vlivu magnetismu na záøení. Holandský fyzik Hendrik Antoon Lorentz se narodil roku 1853 v selské rodinì v Porýní. Od roku 1870 zaèal navštìvovat univerzitu v Leidenu, kde získal povìst vynikajícího studenta a kde pozdìji jako dvaadvacetiletý obhájil svou doktorskou práci zamìøenou na odraz a lom svìtla na rozhraní dvou prostøedí. Ve svých výzkumech se Hendrik Antoon Lorentz opíral o poznatky J. C. Maxwella a dokázal, že elektromagnetická teorie svìtla obsahuje vysvìtlení vztahù pro intenzity pøi odrazu a lomu. Lorentz se zabýval elektrodynamikou, termodynamikou, statistickou mechanikou, optikou, teorií záøení a atomovou fyzikou. Vypracoval novou elektronovou teorii, pomocí které mohl objasnit Zeemanùv efekt, Faradayùv efekt a celou øadu dalších velmi dùležitých elektrických a optických jevù. Tato jeho teorie znamenala velký pokrok ve fyzice a tìžkosti, které vyvolávala její aplikace na vnitroatomové jevy, vyøešila až kvantová fyzika. Jako první zformuloval v roce 1904 závislost hmotnosti elektronu na jeho rychlosti, odvodil vztah mezi permitivitou dielektrika a jeho hustotou, vysvìtlil závislost elektrické vodivosti tìles na tepelné vodivosti. Do speciální teorie relativity se zapsal formulací tzv. Lorentzovy transformace, která popisuje vztah mezi souøadnicemi a èasem ve vztažných soustavách, které se vùèi sobì pohybují rovnomìrnì pøímoèaøe.

25. Hendrik Lorentz
Hendrik Lorentz. References. Hendrik Antoon Lorentz. References. Wikipedia, the freeencyclopedia. Used with permission under the GNU Free Documentation License.
Hendrik Lorentz
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz July 18 Arnhem February 4 Haarlem ) the winner of the 1902 Nobel Prize for his theory of electromagnetic radiation and primary developer of the theory of relativity (often falsely attributed primarily or solely to Albert Einstein ) (see FitzGerald-Lorentz Contraction and Lorentz transformations Lorentz attended primary school in Arnhem until he was 13 years of age when he entered the new High School there. He entered the University of Leiden in 1870 but, in 1872, he returned to Arnhem to take up teaching evening classes. He worked for his doctorate while holding the teaching post. In his doctoral thesis for University of Leiden (1875), Lorentz refined the electromagnetic theory of James Clerk Maxwell to better explain the reflection and refraction of light. He was appointed professor of mathematical physics at the Univiersity of Leiden in 1878. During his time there he was primarily interested in a single theory to explain the relationship of electricity, magnetism, and light. Lorentz theorized that the atoms might consist of charged particles and suggested that the oscillations of these charged particles were the source of light. This was experimentally proven in 1896 by

26. Hendrik Lorentz - Wikipedia NL
Hendrik Lorentz. Foto Lorentz. Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (geboren 18 juli1853 in Arnhem, overleden 4 februari 1928 in Haarlem) was één
Hendrik Lorentz
Categorieën Natuurkundige
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (geboren 18 juli in Arnhem, overleden 4 februari in Haarlem) was één van Nederlands grootste wis - en natuurkundigen Inhoud showTocToggle("Tonen","Niet tonen") 1 Biografie
2 Elektromagnetisme

3 Lorentzcontractie

4 Nestor
Lorentz doorliep de lagere en middelbare school in Arnhem . Rond ging hij naar de HBS in die plaats, een van de eerste HBS'en van Nederland. Hij had hoge cijfers, niet alleen voor exacte vakken, maar ook wat betreft talen. Lorentz sprak tijdens zijn leven vloeiend Engels, Frans en Duits. Met een HBS-diploma kon Lorentz niet naar de universiteit, dus deed hij staatsexamen gymnasium . In 1870 ging hij naar de Universiteit van Leiden , maar keerde al in 1872 naar zijn geboorteplaats terug om avondlessen te geven; daarnaast studeerde hij voor zijn doctoraat en bestuurde hij ook natuurkundige stof buiten het curriculum. Op 11 december promoveerde Lorentz met het proefschrift "De theorie der terugkaatsing en breking van het licht". Hierin beschrijft hij voor het eerst de lichtbreking en -terugkaatsing vanuit de elektromagnetische theorie van Maxwell In werd hij benoemd tot hoogleraar theoretische natuurkunde aan de Universiteit van Leiden, en de rest van zijn leven zou hij aan deze universiteit verbonden blijven. Internationaal zette hij zich, als voorzitter van meerdere wetenschappelijke conferenties, in voor het samenbrengen van wetenschappers uit verschillende, soms elkaar vijandige landen. Na zijn emeritaat werkte hij mee aan plannen voor de drooglegging van de

27. Hendrik A. Lorentz - Biography
In this way, when in 1866 the first highschool (HBS) at Arnhem was opened, HendrikLorentz, as a gifted pupil, was ready to be placed in the 3rd form.
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz was born at Arnhem, The Netherlands, on July 18, 1853, as the son of nursery-owner Gerrit Frederik Lorentz and his wife Geertruida van Ginkel. When he was four years old, his mother died, and in 1862 his father married Luberta Hupkes. In those days the grade school did not only have school hours in the morning and in the afternoon, but also in the evening, when teaching was more free (in a sense resembling the Dalton method). In this way, when in 1866 the first highschool (H.B.S.) at Arnhem was opened, Hendrik Lorentz, as a gifted pupil, was ready to be placed in the 3rd form. After the 5th form and a year of study of the classics, he entered the University of Leyden
From the start of his scientific work, Lorentz took it as his task to extend James Clerk Maxwell's theory of electricity and of light. Already in his doctor's thesis, he treated the reflection and refraction phenomena of light from this standpoint which was then quite new. His fundamental work in the fields of optics and electricity has revolutionized contemporary conceptions of the nature of matter.
In 1878, he published an essay on the relation between the velocity of light in a medium and the density and composition thereof. The resulting formula, proposed almost simultaneously by the Danish physicist Lorenz, has become known as the Lorenz-Lorentz formula.

28. Hendrik Antoon Lorentz --  Encyclopædia Britannica
Cite this article. hendrik Antoon lorentz. born July 18, 1853, Arnhem, Neth. MLA style " hendrik Antoon lorentz." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004

29. Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon (1853-1928) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific
Physicists. Nationality. Dutch. Prize Winners. Nobel Prize. Physics Prize. lorentz, hendrik Antoon (18531928) Independently of Fitzgerald, lorentz he suggested the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment resulted from a
Branch of Science Physicists Nationality Dutch ... Physics Prize
Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon (1853-1928)

Dutch physicist who was converted from Helmholtz's electromagnetic theory by Hertz's experiments, which he felt were "the greatest triumph that Maxwell's theory has achieved." Using the Maxwellian framework, he proposed a universal theory of physics based purely on the concepts of electromagnetism The fundamental postulates, which were completely independent of mechanical principles, were presented in Inquiry into a Theory of Electrical and Optical Phenomena in Moving Bodies , Leiden 1895). Independently of Fitzgerald , Lorentz he suggested the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment resulted from a contraction of the arms of the interferometer in the direction of the Earth's motion. Einstein Lorenz Zeeman
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews) Bonn
References Brown, L. M. (Ed.). Renormalization: From Lorentz to Landau (And Beyond). New York: Springer-Verlag, 1995. Lorentz, H. A. "Über die Grundlagen der Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper." Ann. Phys. Chem.

30. Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon
lorentz, hendrik Antoon. hendrik Antoon lorentz. By courtesy of theNobelstiftelsen. (b. July 18, 1853, Arnhem, Neth.d. Feb. 4, 1928
Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz By courtesy of the Nobelstiftelsen (b. July 18, 1853, Arnhem, Neth.d. Feb. 4, 1928, Haarlem), Dutch physicist and joint winner (with Pieter Zeeman ) of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1902 for his theory of electromagnetic radiation, which, confirmed by findings of Zeeman, gave rise to Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity. Lorentz' electron theory was not, however, successful in explaining the negative results of the Michelson-Morley experiment , an effort to measure the velocity of the Earth through the hypothetical luminiferous ether by comparing the velocities of light from different directions. In an attempt to overcome this difficulty he introduced in 1895 the idea of local time (different time rates in different locations). Lorentz arrived at the notion that moving bodies approaching the velocity of light contract in the direction of motion. The Irish physicist George Francis FitzGerald had already arrived at this notion independently ( see Lorentz-FitzGerald contraction , and in 1904 Lorentz extended his work and developed the Lorentz transformations . These mathematical formulas describe the increase of mass, shortening of length, and dilation of time that are characteristic of a moving body and form the basis of Einstein's special theory of relativity. In 1912 Lorentz became director of research at the Teyler Institute, Haarlem, though he remained honorary professor at Leiden, where he gave weekly lectures.

31. Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon
Pronunciation Key. lorentz, hendrik Antoon , 18531928, Dutch physicist, a pioneer in formulating the relations United Press International)lorentz, hendrik Antoon (18531928)
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32. Lorentz
Brief biography.
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
Born: 18 July 1853 in Arnhem, Netherlands
Died: 4 Feb 1928 in Haarlem, Netherlands
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Hendrik Lorentz attended Mr Timmer's Primary School in Arnhem until he was 13 years of age when he entered the new High School there. He entered the University of Leiden in 1870 but, in 1872, he returned to Arnhem to take up teaching evening classes. He worked for his doctorate while holding the teaching post. Lorentz refined Maxwell 's electromagnetic theory in his doctoral thesis The theory of the reflection and refraction of light presented in 1875. He was appointed professor of mathematical physics at Leiden University in 1878. He remained in this post until he retired in 1912 when Ehrenfest was appointed to his chair. After retiring from this chair, Lorentz was appointed director of research at the Teyler Institute, Haarlem. However, he retained an honorary position at Leiden, where he continued to lecture. Before the existence of electrons was proved, Lorentz proposed that light waves were due to oscillations of an electric charge in the atom. Lorentz developed his mathematical theory of the electron for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1902. The Nobel prize was awarded jointly to Lorentz and Pieter Zeeman, a student of Lorentz. Zeeman had verified experimentally Lorentz's theoretical work on atomic structure, demonstrating the effect of a strong magnetic field on the oscillations by measuring the change in the wavelength of the light produced.

33. Lorentz
Biography of hendrik lorentz (18531928) hendrik Antoon lorentz. Born 18 July 1853 in Arnhem, Netherlands hendrik lorentz attended Mr Timmer's Primary School in Arnhem until he was 13 years
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
Born: 18 July 1853 in Arnhem, Netherlands
Died: 4 Feb 1928 in Haarlem, Netherlands
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to see eight larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Hendrik Lorentz attended Mr Timmer's Primary School in Arnhem until he was 13 years of age when he entered the new High School there. He entered the University of Leiden in 1870 but, in 1872, he returned to Arnhem to take up teaching evening classes. He worked for his doctorate while holding the teaching post. Lorentz refined Maxwell 's electromagnetic theory in his doctoral thesis The theory of the reflection and refraction of light presented in 1875. He was appointed professor of mathematical physics at Leiden University in 1878. He remained in this post until he retired in 1912 when Ehrenfest was appointed to his chair. After retiring from this chair, Lorentz was appointed director of research at the Teyler Institute, Haarlem. However, he retained an honorary position at Leiden, where he continued to lecture. Before the existence of electrons was proved, Lorentz proposed that light waves were due to oscillations of an electric charge in the atom. Lorentz developed his mathematical theory of the electron for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1902. The Nobel prize was awarded jointly to Lorentz and Pieter Zeeman, a student of Lorentz. Zeeman had verified experimentally Lorentz's theoretical work on atomic structure, demonstrating the effect of a strong magnetic field on the oscillations by measuring the change in the wavelength of the light produced.

34. Physics 1902
radiation phenomena . hendrik Antoon lorentz, Pieter Zeeman. 1/2 ofthe prize, 1/2 of the prize. the Netherlands, the Netherlands. Leiden
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1902
"in recognition of the extraordinary service they rendered by their researches into the influence of magnetism upon radiation phenomena" Hendrik Antoon Lorentz Pieter Zeeman 1/2 of the prize 1/2 of the prize the Netherlands the Netherlands Leiden University
Leiden, the Netherlands Amsterdam University
Amsterdam, the Netherlands b. 1853
d. 1928 b. 1865
d. 1943 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1902
Presentation Speech
Hendrik A. Lorentz
Swedish Nobel Stamps
The 1902 Prize in:


Physiology or Medicine
Literature ... Peace Find a Laureate: SITE FEEDBACK CONTACT TELL A FRIEND Last modified June 24, 2003 The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

35. Hendrik Antoon Lorentz Winner Of The 1902 Nobel Prize In Physics
hendrik Antoon lorentz, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. hendrik ANTOON lorentz. 1902 Nobel Laureate in Physics A brief history of hendrik Antoon lorentz( submitted by Hendry Izaac Elim) hendrik A. lorentz Nobel Lecture
1902 Nobel Laureate in Physics
    in recognition of the extraordinary service they rendered by their researches into the influence of magnetism upon radiation phenomena.

    Residence: the Netherlands
    Affiliation: Leyden University
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Peace Chemistry ... Medicine We always welcome your feedback and comments

36. Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon
lorentz, hendrik Antoon 18531928, Dutch physicist, a pioneer in formulating the relations between electricity, magnetism, and light. He was one of the first to postulate the existence of

37. Lorentz Physics: Spherical Standing Wave Structure Of Matter In Absolute Space E
hendrik lorentz Physics The Spherical Standing Wave Structure of Matterin Absolute Space Explains lorentz Transformation. Spherical
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Physics - Famous Scientists - Hendrik Lorentz
Spherical Standing Wave Structure of Matter in Absolute Space Explains Lorentz Transformation I cannot but regard the ether, which can be the seat of an electromagnetic field with its energy and its vibrations, as endowed with a certain degree of substantiality, however different it may be from all ordinary matter. ( Lorentz Indeed one of the most important of our fundamental assumptions must be that the ether not only occupies all space between molecules, atoms, or electrons, but that it pervades all these particles. We shall add the hypothesis that, though the particles may move, the ether always remains at rest. ( Lorentz
(Albert Einstein on Hendrik Lorentz, 1954) Everybody felt his superiority, but nobody felt oppressed by it. Though he had no illusions about people and human affairs, he was full of kindness toward everybody and everything. Never did he give the impression of domineering, always of serving and helping. He was extremely conscientious, without allowing anything to assume undue importance; a subtle humor guarded him, which was reflected in his eyes and in his smile.

38. Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon
lorentz, hendrik Antoon (18531928). Dutch physicist, winner (withhis pupil Pieter Zeeman) of a Nobel prize in 1902 for his work
Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon
Dutch physicist, winner (with his pupil Pieter Zeeman) of a Nobel prize in 1902 for his work on the Zeeman effect, in which a magnetic field splits spectral lines.
Lorentz spent most of his career trying to develop and improve Scottish scientist James Clerk Maxwell's electromagnetic theory. He also attempted to account for the anomalies of the Michelson-Morley experiment by proposing (independently of Irish physicist George Fitzgerald) that moving bodies contracted in their direction of motion. He took the matter further with his method of transforming space and time coordinates, later known as Lorentz transformations, which prepared the way for Albert Einstein's theory of relativity.
Lorentz was born in Arnhem and studied at Leiden, where he became professor of theoretical physics at the age of 24. In 1912 he became director of the Teyler Institute in Haarlem.

39. Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon
Pronunciation Key. lorentz, hendrik Antoon , 18531928, Dutch physicist, a pioneer in formulating the relations United Press International)lorentz, hendrik Antoon (18531928)
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Sign in above. lorentz, hendrik Antoon. lorentz, hendrik Antoon (18531928), Dutchphysicist and Nobel laureate. Find more about lorentz, hendrik Antoon from,
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