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81. This Week In The Mathematics ArXiv (22 Jan - 26 Jan) By Greg Kuperberg W. Timothy http//front.math.ucdavis.edu/author/gowers Jones, Vaughan http//front.math.ucdavis.edu/author/vaughanfr-jonesLions, pierre-louis http//front http://mathforum.org/epigone/sci.math.research/clangumsmo | |
82. EL PAIS - Futuro de forma segura . XAVIER PUJOL GEBELLÍ, El País, Barcelona http://www.vc.ehu.es/campus/centros/farmacia/deptos-f/depme/lions.htm | |
83. CMA : Centre Of Mathematics For Applications The Lectures will be based on parts of this book lions, PierreLouisMathematical topics in fluid mechanics. Vol. 2. Compressible models. http://www.cma.uio.no/seminars/2004navier_stokes.html | |
84. Workshop On Recent Advances In Concrete Research, Modelling And Application OPENING LECTURE Pierre Louis lions On some mathematical issues in multiscale or multi physic problems I. Tentative list of Lecturers (academy) http://www.win.tue.nl/macsi-net/Events/summerschoolJLL.html | |
85. Sezione Scienze Matematiche Translate this page 1 .. Wright John David Maitland. 2 .. lions PierreLouis. 3 .. Straughan Brian. 4 .. Iwaniec Tadeusz. http://www.socnazsla.unina.it/italiano/fismat/sezmate.htm | |
86. SociL Translate this page Libonati Massimo. lions Pierre Louis. Luongo Giuseppe. Premi il tasto sinistro delmouse per tornare alla selezione alfabetica. Torna alla pagina delle notizie. http://www.socnazsla.unina.it/italiano/fismat/sociL.htm | |
87. User's Guide To Viscosity Solutions Of Second Order Partial user's guide to viscosity solutions of second order partial differential equations The notion of viscosity solutions of scalar fully nonlinear partial differential equations of second order http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://citebase.eprints.org/cgi-bin/citations?i |
88. People Search AOL Personal Finance Main. ); } if( partner netscape ) { document.write( );if (document.cookie.indexOf( partner_session http://www.forbes.com/peopletracker/results.jhtml?startRow=0&name=&ticker=ALA |
89. Collège De France Pierre-LouisLIONS Entretien avec Christine Goémé Equations aux dérivées http://www.college-de-france.fr/site/equ_der/p1053331415756.htm |
90. Web Server Of HYKE /members.php HYKE Logo, HYperbolic and Kinetic Equations Asymptotics,Numerics, Analysis. Map of the network. http://hyke.org/members.php?TEAM=F1 |
91. UT1 : Thèse De Doctorat Soutenue à Toulouse I LIONSPierre-Louis, Professeur à l Université de Parix IX - Dauphine M. ROCHET http://www.univ-tlse1.fr/recherche/theses/Theses99/choneph.html | |
92. BUR - Bollettino Università & Ricerca Elasticity a Mathematical Attempt è il titolo della Picone Lecture 2003 http://www.bur.it/2003/new_811h.htm | |
93. Artkaos.net http://www.artkaos.net/index.php?page=google&q=Henri Poincaré |
94. Colloquium (annee 1995/96) http://topo.math.u-psud.fr/~sectop/1995/sem3.html | |
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