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Lexell Anders: more detail |
81. Helsingin Yliopiston Opettaja- Ja Virkamiesmatrikkeli 1640-1809/Filosofinen Tied 177580 lexell, anders Johan (* 1740 1784). 1781-98 Lindqvist, Johan Henrik(* 1745 1798). 1763 lexell, anders Johan (* 1740 1784), matematiikka. http://www.helsinki.fi/keskusarkisto/filosofiarv.htm | |
82. BODE'S LAW AND THE DISCOVERY OF CERES Herschel a letter in which he gave the perihelion distance of the supposed cometas 0.46 AU and perihelion date as 23 May 1781; anders Johan lexell, a Finnish http://www.astropa.unipa.it/versione_inglese/Hystory/BODE'S_LAW.htm | |
83. IF HAGEN, SKÖVDE ***** 16e UNGDOMENS TIOMILA 1996-08-03 Djurbäck, anders Gunnarsson 58 Oxvretens SK / Södertälje IF (16) ( 9 4 20 42 4045 45 50 58) 387.27 Johan Israelsson, Jesper lexell, anders Axling, Susanna http://user.tninet.se/~njw639u/u10mila/1996/htdres.htm |
84. Observatoriemuseet Jacob Berzelius anders Celsius Carl V. Ludvig Charlier Nils C. Dunér Erik Ivar FredholmAlvar Gullstrand Hugo Gyldén Sven Hedin anders lexell Bertil Lindblad http://www.observatoriet.kva.se/svenska/utstallningar/tillfalliga/manen/ | |
85. AF2025 V3c16-3a | Planetary Defense: Catastrophic Health... | (Ch 3a) Nearly a century later, in 1777, anders lexell showed that the comet observed sevenyears earlier had made what is still the record confirmed closest approach http://www.au.af.mil/au/2025/volume3/chap16/v3c16-3a.htm | |
86. Personalen Hemsida www.dnx.se. Referensperson anders lexell Tfn. 08 615 10 01. Växel EricssonBusinessPhone 50 (Fenix 50) med bl.a. Kösystem, röstbrevlådor etc. http://www.telemission.se/referens.htm | |
87. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï 15 Sept 1886 in Paris, France Died 15 Dec 1971 in Paris, France lexell, AndersJohan lexell Born 24 Dec 1740 in ?bo, Sweden (now Turku, Finland) Died 11 http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=L |
88. Örebro Universitet - Beteende-, Social- Och Rättsvetenskap - Lagerstedt, Ander Örebro University Department of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences AndersLagerstedt SE Updated 200402-12, Sidansvarig Responsible Kristina lexell. http://www.oru.se/templates/oruExtNormal.aspx?id=14347 |
89. Virtual Finland — Information About Finland — Facts About Finland Nevanlinna, mathematician; Ernst Lindelöf, mathematician; anders JohanLexell, mathematician, astronomer; Olli V. Lounasmaa, physicist; A http://virtual.finland.fi/finfo/english/famo.html | |
90. Uranus For a while they weren t sure what it was. Finally, an astronomer from Russia namedAnders lexell determined that it must be a planet by calculating its orbit. http://www.edhelper.com/ReadingComprehension_33_57.html | |
91. Urano Translate this page Saturno. Baseado nas primeiras observações, o astrônomo anders Lexellcalculou a órbita do corpo como sendo circular. Quem sugeriu http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Launchpad/8602/astro/urano.html | |
92. Www.nll.se Munhälsogruppering ett sätt att förbättra kvalitet och samarbete. Jan LexellBerit Morsing. anders Rönnblom. Magtarmbesvär vid Dystrofia Myotonica. http://www.nll.se/testphd.aspx?id=10664 |
93. Biographical Notes Biographical notes. Aa, Petrus Boudewyn van der (??). Dutch. Publisher and bookseller in Leiden, 1700-1750. Also known as Van der Aa. Aa, Pieter van der (1659-1733). Dutch. Publisher and bookseller http://www.c18.org/pr/lc/bio.html |
94. Nyheter Om Ni behöver hjälp under denna tid så kan Ni ringa till AndersLexell, 070689 28 47 eller Mattias Åslund, 070-288 42 82. Ni http://www.grafu.se/html/nyheter/nyheter_main.html | |
95. JANNET Person Page The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.aerith.net/JANNET/person.html | |
96. Zanimljivosti O Uranu Da je u pitanju planeta utvrdio je finski matematicar Andres Leksel (AndersLexell, 17401784) nekoliko meseci nakon sto je Hersel uocio objekat na nebu. http://www.astronomija.co.yu/suncsist/planete/Uran/zanimljivosti.htm | |
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