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         Lexell Anders:     more detail
  1. Finnish Astronomers: Yrjö Väisälä, Anders Johan Lexell, Liisi Oterma, Esko Valtaoja, Mauri Valtonen, Nils Mustelin, Arto Oksanen

81. Helsingin Yliopiston Opettaja- Ja Virkamiesmatrikkeli 1640-1809/Filosofinen Tied
177580 lexell, anders Johan (* 1740 † 1784). 1781-98 Lindqvist, Johan Henrik(* 1745 † 1798). 1763 lexell, anders Johan (* 1740 † 1784), matematiikka.
Helsingin yliopiston opettaja- ja virkamiesmatrikkeli 1640 - 1917
Ruotsin vallan aika 1640 - 1809 FILOSOFINEN TIEDEKUNTA Pyhien kielten (heprean ja kreikan) professori Virka perustettiin 1640, jaettiin 1811 Kaunopuheisuuden ja runouden professori Virka perustettiin 1640 kaunopuheisuuden professori virkana, runouden professori virka yhdistettiin siihen 1747 Logiikan ja metafysiikan professori Virka perustettiin 1640, uudelleenjärjestely 1811 Siveysopin ja historian professori Virka perustettiin 1640 siveysopin, politiikan ja historian professori virkana, nimi vaihdellut, professuuri jaettiin 1811 Matematiikan professori (Mathematum/Matheseos Professor) Virka perustettiin 1640 Luonnontieteen (myöh. fysiikan) professori (Scientiæ Naturalis Professor) Virka perustettiin 1640 "fysiikan ja kasvitieteen" professuurina (Physices & Botanices professori) Kasvitiede irtautui 1747 perustettuun toiseen virkaan ja jäljelle jäi 1750-luvulla fysiikkaan vakiintunut professuuri Runouden professori (Poëseos Professor) Virka perustettiin 1655, yhdistettiin kaunopuheisuuden professori virkaan 1747

Herschel a letter in which he gave the perihelion distance of the supposed cometas 0.46 AU and perihelion date as 23 May 1781; anders Johan lexell, a Finnish'S_LAW.htm
Michael Hoskin
Churchill College, Cambridge
Copernicus Kepler Dynamical Explanations of the Mars/Jupiter Gap The Possibility of Undiscovered Planets ... Piazzi and the Discovery of Ceres

1. Copernicus
When Copernicus's De revolutionibus appeared in 1543, it was valued by the professionals for its innovative planetary models rather than for anything it might have to say about which body is at the centre of the universe. In a volume dominated by complex geometry, and introduced by a misleading preface inserted without the author's authority to the effect that what followed was guided by the search for accuracy and convenience rather than the quest for truth, the cosmological Book I was largely overlooked. In Book I Copernicus shows in broad, qualitative terms, how so many of the hitherto-puzzling features of the observed motions of these `wandering stars' - such as their retrogressions - are readily explained if one begins from the assumption that the Earth is an ordinary planet orbiting the Sun. The planetary system is represented by Copernicus in simplified form in his famous diagram in Book I. But his figure is not to scale. A scale representation would have made it obvious that there is an astonishing gap between the orbit of the fourth planet, Mars, and that of the fifth, Jupiter.

83. IF HAGEN, SKÖVDE ***** 16e UNGDOMENS TIOMILA 1996-08-03
Djurbäck, anders Gunnarsson 58 Oxvretens SK / Södertälje IF (16) ( 9 4 20 42 4045 45 50 58) 387.27 Johan Israelsson, Jesper lexell, anders Axling, Susanna

84. Observatoriemuseet
Jacob Berzelius anders Celsius Carl V. Ludvig Charlier Nils C. Dunér Erik Ivar FredholmAlvar Gullstrand Hugo Gyldén Sven Hedin anders lexell Bertil Lindblad

(7 oktober 2000-11 mars 2001)
1600-talet: teleskopet och Galileo
1600-talet: teleskopet och Galileo

Den fotografiska tekniken

Efter Apollo

Storleken och utseendet
"Månljuset" Till "Månen" >> Publikation: Observatoriemuseets skriftserie nr 3. Stockholm 2000, ISSN 1404-3793. Bildtexter Den fotografiska tekniken Det var först i och med 1960-talets månutforskning med kulminering i Apollo-projektet som kratrarnas sanna natur framstod entydigt. En bild växte fram av planeter utsatta för ett ständigt bombardemang av projektiler i olika storlekar. De vanligaste, osynliga "dammpartiklar", hade lämnat spår efter sig i form av mikroskopiska kratrar i stenarna som Apolloastronauterna förde med sig hem. En typisk kropp på kollisionskurs i det inre planetsystemet slår ofta ned med en fart på tio eller tjugo kilometer per sekund, vilket gör att det mesta materialet i projektilen förångas med en våldsam explosionskrater som följd. Även "månhaven" är bildade genom nedslag, gigantiska kollisioner som bildat 30-100 mil stora sänkor omgivna av ringberg. Dessa händelser inträffade för ungefär fyra miljarder år sedan. Under några hundratal miljoner år därefter, då månen fortfarande hade ett aktivt inre, fylldes de största nedslagsbäckenen med lavaflöden underifrån och gav upphov till dagens stelnade lavaslätter. Redan med en måttlig kikare kan man dock se enstaka mer färska kratrar även på dessa slätter, vilket visar att bombardemanget inte helt upphört utan att många mil stora kratrar fortfarande bildas.

85. AF2025 V3c16-3a | Planetary Defense: Catastrophic Health... | (Ch 3a)
Nearly a century later, in 1777, anders lexell showed that the comet observed sevenyears earlier had made what is still the record confirmed closest approach
Chapter 3
Planetary Defense System (part A) Mission and Required Capability
Before describing the capability required in a PDS, it is important to define its intended mission. Simply stated, the PDS mission is "to defend the Earth-Moon system against all Earth-crossing-object threats." At this time, Planetary Defense (detecting, tracking, cataloging, or mitigating ECOs) is not an assigned or approved mission of the Department or Defense or the Air Force. Required Capability The capability required of a PDS varies with the scenarios that may occur. Table 3 provides four different scenarios which depend upon the path of the ECO. The ECO scenario reveals time available for action, nature of action required, probabilities of detection (percentage of currently estimated known ECOs greater than 1 kilometer diameter and percentage of those yet to be detected), distances at which they will likely be detected, deflection velocities (V) required to mitigate, and likely type of ECO (an ECA is an earth-crossing asteroid). An ideal PDS would provide adequate defense for all four scenarios. Table 3 - ECO Scenarios ECO Scenario Time Action Distance (AU) V (cm/s) ECO 1. Well-Defined Orbit

86. Personalen
Hemsida Referensperson anders lexell Tfn. 08 615 10 01. Växel EricssonBusinessPhone 50 (Fenix 50) med bl.a. Kösystem, röstbrevlådor etc.

Kommentus Gruppen AB

Referensperson: Bobo Lundell
Tfn. direkt:08 709 59 78
Ericsson BusinessPhone 250 (Fenix 250) med bl.a. OWS (PC-telefonist) samt fasta systemtelefoner kompletterade med Business Cordless
197 91 BRO Hemsida: Referensperson: Mattias Eriksson
Tfn. 070 265 56 30 Ericsson BusinessPhone 250 (Fenix 250) med bl.a. Hemsida: Referensperson: Anders Lexell Tfn. 08 615 10 01 Ericsson BusinessPhone 50 (Fenix 50) med bl.a.

87. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï
15 Sept 1886 in Paris, France Died 15 Dec 1971 in Paris, France lexell, AndersJohan lexell Born 24 Dec 1740 in ?bo, Sweden (now Turku, Finland) Died 11

88. Örebro Universitet - Beteende-, Social- Och Rättsvetenskap - Lagerstedt, Ander
Örebro University Department of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences AndersLagerstedt SE Updated 200402-12, Sidansvarig Responsible Kristina lexell.

89. Virtual Finland — Information About Finland — Facts About Finland
Nevanlinna, mathematician; Ernst Lindelöf, mathematician; anders JohanLexell, mathematician, astronomer; Olli V. Lounasmaa, physicist; A
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90. Uranus
For a while they weren t sure what it was. Finally, an astronomer from Russia namedAnders lexell determined that it must be a planet by calculating its orbit.
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By Sharon Fabian As long as people have lived on Earth, they have been able to look up in the sky and see planets. Prehistoric people looked up and saw Mars and some of the other planets; they just didn't know that they were planets. By the time of the ancient Greeks, some logically-minded people had figured out that not everything up there was a star. Stars stayed in one place, but other heavenly bodies, such as planets, moved. In this way, they discovered the planets closest to Earth: Mercury, Venus, and Mars, and also two of the giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn.
It wasn't until the age of astronomy and telescopes that people were able to learn much more about the solar system.
William Herschel was an astronomer in the 18th century who enjoyed looking through his telescope to see what he could see. In fact, he became so interested in astronomy that he began to build his own telescopes. In 1781, Herschel was looking through one of his own telescopes in his hometown of Bath, England. It was a seven-foot long telescope with a seven-inch lens. When he noticed an interesting dot in the sky, he reset his telescope to a higher magnification and looked again. The dot was bigger. At an even higher magnification, the dot was bigger still. Since stars always look about the same size because they are so far away, this told him that what he was looking at must be something else. At first he thought he had sighted a comet.

91. Urano
Translate this page Saturno. Baseado nas primeiras observações, o astrônomo anders Lexellcalculou a órbita do corpo como sendo circular. Quem sugeriu
Urano raio equatorial = 26320 km
massa = 8,70E25 kg = 14,56 massas terrestres = 1/22869 massas solares
densidade = 1,1 g/cm^3
período de rotação = 17 h 14 min
inclinação do equador
= 65 K
albedo geométrico

magnitude absoluta

número de satélites conhecidos
Urano foi descoberto em 1781 pelo astrônomo amador William Herschel, que pensou inicialmente que se tratava de um cometa. O movimento lento indicava que o corpo estava além da órbita de Saturno. Baseado nas primeiras observações, o astrônomo Anders Lexell calculou a órbita do corpo como sendo circular. Quem sugeriu o nome Urano ao planeta foi Johann Bode, mas passaram cinco décadas até que o nome fosse completamente aceito.
Urano se encontra a uma distância média de 19 UA do Sol e leva 84 anos para completar uma revolução em torno do Sol. A inclinação de seu eixo de rotação é de 98°, o que faz com que um dos polos fique iluminado e o outro não por décadas. Seu período de rotação é 17.3 horas. Quando visto através de telescópio, o planeta apresenta uma coloração esverdeada, esta cor se deve a existência de metano em sua atmosfera. A estrutura interna de Urano é prevista como sendo diferente dos outros planetas gasosos. Há um núcleo rochoso e ao redor deste há uma camada de água, esta por sua vez fica envolta por um manto formado por hidrogênio e hélio. Urano possui campo magnético, a existência deste é devido a existência da mistura de água, metano e amônia no interior do planeta, que devido a alta pressão se dissociam em íons, fazendo com que o meio se torne um eletrólito; as correntes de convecção existentes neste meio são as geradoras do campo magnético. A intensidade do campo magnético no topo das nuvens é similar ao terrestre, mas como Urano é maior que a Terra, a força de seu campo magnético é maior. O campo magnético de Urano está inclinado 60° com relação ao eixo de rotação, sendo o planeta onde esta inclinação é máxima.

Munhälsogruppering ett sätt att förbättra kvalitet och samarbete. Jan LexellBerit Morsing. anders Rönnblom. Magtarmbesvär vid Dystrofia Myotonica.

93. Biographical Notes
Biographical notes. Aa, Petrus Boudewyn van der (??). Dutch. Publisher and bookseller in Leiden, 1700-1750. Also known as Van der Aa. Aa, Pieter van der (1659-1733). Dutch. Publisher and bookseller

94. Nyheter
Om Ni behöver hjälp under denna tid så kan Ni ringa till AndersLexell, 070689 28 47 eller Mattias Åslund, 070-288 42 82. Ni
Datum Nyhetsrubrik GraFu flyttar till nya lokaler Lokalkontor i Norrland Koppling mellan Grafisk planering/EQ-Plan och GraFu-Kalk Testa GraFu-Webb Grafisk planering/EQ-Plan GraFu och Vis-able Koppling till Grafisk Planering/EQ-Plan Hogia-koppling klar GraFu flyttar till nya lokaler Linbanegatan 10 Box 833 Vi har samma telefonnummer: . Vi byter dock faxnr:
Vi har naturligtvis samma postgiro, bankgiro, organisationsnummer, webbadress och epostadresser! Tillbaka Tillbaka 24 december t o m 6 januari Anders Lexell eller RIKTIGT GOD JUL OCH Tillbaka Tillbaka Lokalkontor i Norrland Tillbaka lokalkontor, GraFu-syd,

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95. JANNET Person Page
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JANNET Home Page $B$X(B
  • $B$3$N%j%9%H$O;CDjE*$J$b$N$G!" )$B$^$G$4O"Mm$/$@$5$$!#(B $B@+L>(B $B@-(B $B9q@R(B $B Abell, George Ogden $B%(! <%Y%k(B, $B%8%g! <%8(B $B%*%0%G%s(B $BCK(B $B%"%a%j%+?M(B $B6d2OCD%+%?%m%0(B Abott, Charles Greeley <%k%:(B $B%0%j! <%j! <(B $BCK(B $B%"%a%j%+?M(B $BB@M[Dj?t$N@:L)B,Dj(B Adams, John Couch $B%"%@%`%:(B, $B%8%g%s(B C. $BCK(B $B%$%.%j%9?M(B Adams, Walter Sydney <(B $B%7%I%K! <(B $BCK(B $B%"%a%j%+?M(B $B91@1E7J83X(B, $B;k@~B.EY$NB,Dj(B Airy, George B. $B%(%"%j! <(B, $B%8%g! <%8(B B. $BCK(B $B%$%.%j%9?M(B $B%(%"%j! <%G%#%9%/(B,$B%0%j%K%C%8E7J8BfD9(B Aitken, Robert G. $B%(%$%H%1%s(B, $B%m%P! <%H(B G. $BCK(B $B%"%a%j%+?M(B $B#2=E@1%+%?%m%0(B Akiyama Toyohiro $B=);3(B $BK-42(B $BCK(B
    Aksnes, Kaare $B%"%/%9%M%9(B, $B%+! <%l(B $BCK(B
    $BE7J8NO3X(B Alfven, Olof G. $B%"%k%Y! <%s(B, $B%*%m%U(B G. $BCK(B <%G%s?M(B
    $B1'ChEE <'N.BNNO3X(B Alkock $B%*%k%3%C%/(B $BCK(B $B%$%.%j%9?M(B
    $BWB@1$NH/8+(B Arend, Sylvain $B%"%i%s(B, $B%7%k%Y%s(B
  • 96. Zanimljivosti O Uranu
    Da je u pitanju planeta utvrdio je finski matematicar Andres Leksel (AndersLexell, 17401784) nekoliko meseci nakon sto je Hersel uocio objekat na nebu. Uran Otkrice
    Mit o Uranu

    Opste o Uranu

    ... Sadržaj AM
    uran Zanimljivosti
    otkrice Uran je otkrio 13. marta 1781. godine astronom amater Viljam Hersel, pomocu svog teleskopa od 6,2 inca koji je sam konstruisao. Hersel je zapravo samo utvrdio da posmatrani objekat nije zvezda, vec neki drugi objekat, najverovatnije neka kometa. Da je u pitanju planeta utvrdio je finski matematicar Andres Leksel (Anders Lexell, 1740-1784) nekoliko meseci nakon sto je Hersel uocio objekat na nebu. Leksel je izracunao orbitu novog tela, utvrdio da se ono nalazi na rastojanju od 19 a.j. i da je njen orbitalni period izmedju 82 i 83 godine. Izgleda da je nezavisno od Leksela i francuski astronom amater J. de Saron (maja 1781.) utvrdio da se radi o novoj planeti. (Nesto kasnije, 1794. u vreme Francuske revolucije J. de Saron je giljotiniran.) Da bi preciznije utvrdili orbitu Urana astronomi su tragali za nekim eventualno jos starijim podacima o Uranu. I zaista desilo se da je Uran bio osmatran vise puta (tacnije 21 put) pre Hersela. Naravno ti raniji osmatraci nisu znali da je rec o novoj planeti. Najstarije osmatranje Urana pripada Dzonu Flemstidu, 23. decembra 1690. kada je planeta bila u Biku. Osmatranja Urana pre Hersela Flamsteed 1690, 1712. i cetiri puta 1715.

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