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         Levi Ben Gerson:     more detail
  1. The Astronomy of Levi ben Gerson (1288-1344): A Critical Edition of Chapters 1-20 with Translation and Commentary (Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences) by Bernard R. Goldstein, 1985-07-15
  2. The Astronomical Tables of Levi Ben Gerson (Connecticut Academy of Arts & Sciences Series, Vol 45) by Bernard R. Goldstein, 1974-06
  3. Philosophie religieuse de Lévi-Ben-Gerson (French Edition) by Isidore. Weil, 1868-01-01
  4. Astronomy of Levi Ben Gerson, 1288-1344
  5. Levi Ben Gerson's Prognostication for the Conjunction of 1345 (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society) by Bernard R. Goldstein, David Pingree, 1990-11
  6. Preliminary remarks on Levi ben Gerson's contributions to astronomy, (Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Proceedings) by Bernard R Goldstein, 1969
  7. R. Levi Ben Gerson: A bibliographical essay by Menachem Marc Kellner, 1979
  8. Introduction to the History of Science. Volume 3, Science and Learning in the Fourteenth Century. Part I, The Time of Abu-l-Fida, Levi ben Gerson, and William of Occam (First half of the fourteenth century) by G. Sarton, 1962
  9. Sefer Maassei Choscheb. Die Praxis des Rechners. Ein hebraisch-arithmetisches Werk des Levi Ben Gerschom aus dem jahre 1321. by Gerson (ed.). Levi ben Gershom [GERSONIDES]; LANGE, 1909-01-01

61. The Egyptian Mathematical Leather Roll (EMLR) By Milo Gardner
More recently, Victor Katz in his _A History of Mathematics_, pp 278 ff, describes induction as it was used by levi ben gerson in 1321, well before
The Egyptian Mathematical Leather Roll (EMLR) by Milo Gardner
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Subject: The Egyptian Mathematical Leather Roll (EMLR) Author: Date: The Math Forum

62. "Pré-história" Do Cálculo Das Probabilidades
Translate this page Acreditava-se que as conjugações dos Planetas tinham uma forte influênciasobre o Homem. levi ben gerson (1288-1344) - Maasei Hoshev (1321).
"Pré-história" do cálculo das Probabilidades
Dos astrálagos aos dados.
Capítulo 1 do livro "Games, Goods and Gambling", de F. N. David.
Jogo com astrálagos " Tali " e com dados " Tesserate ", do Império Romano. Os dados e a previsão do futuro. Capítulo 2 do livro "Games, Goods and Gambling", de F. N. David.
Capítulo3 do livro "Games, Goods and Gambling", de F. N. David.
Sobre os Dados e o Tarot
Os primeiros textos sobre dados. Capítulo 4 do livro "Games, Goods and Gambling", de F. N. David, páginas 31 a 35.
Um excerto de De Veluta de, possivelmente, Richard Fournival (1200 -1250 d.C.) A origem do cálculo combinatório Capítulo3 do livro "Games, Goods and Gambling", de F. N. David, pp. 23 - 26
History of Combinatorics, Robin Wilson em História e Educação Matemática , vol I, APM O I Ching Os filósofos Gregos e Romanos Xenocrates 396 a.C. - 314 a.C.)
De acordo com Plutarco este calculou o número total de sílabas que podiam ser formadas pelas letras do alfabeto, obtendo 1 002 000 000 000.

63. History Of Astronomy: Persons (G)
astronomy); Links to WWW sources. Gersonides see levi ben gerson (12881344);Getaldic Ghetaldi, Marin Marino (1568-1626) Biographical
History of Astronomy Persons
History of Astronomy: Persons (G)
Deutsche Fassung

64. History Of Astronomy: What's New At This Site On May 29, 2000
Joseph (18111877) Very short biography. levi ben gerson Gersonides(1288-1344) Very short biography. Levi-Civita, Tullio (1873
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65. Philosophische Buecherei - Philosophen G
Translate this page Georg von Trapezunt (1395-1472/1473). Gerbert von Aurillac (ca. 950-1003). JeanGerson (Johannes Gersonius) (1363-1429). levi ben gerson (Gersonides) (gest.
zum Inhaltsverzeichnis (Home) Philosophen
Philosophinnen: G ... besondere Empfehlung
D ... deutschsprachige Seite
... neu aufgenommene Seite Salomo ben Jehuda ibn Gabirol (Avicebron, Avencebrol) (ca. 1020-1058 od. ca. 1070) Hans Georg Gadamer (1900-2002)
  • D Gadamer Homepage (Etsuro Makita) D Philosophie Hans-Georg Gadamer ist tot (Spiegel online, 14.3.2002)
    Nachruf auf Hans Georg Gadamer The Hans Georg Gadamer Homepage (Kris Murray) D Festakt zu Ehren des 100. Geburtstages von Hans Georg Gadamer (Universität Heidelberg)
    Nicht nur eine Dokumentation des Festaktes am 11.2.2000, sondern auch eine profunde Einführung in Gadamers Biographie und Werk von Dieter Borchmeyer D Hans-Georg Gadamer: Aus: Wahrheit und Methode (Axel W. Bauer) D Jens Kertscher: Wahrheit mit Methode - Gadamer zum 100.
  • Galenos (Galen) (129-210) Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

    66. Islamic Philosophy: Transmission Into Western Europe
    several scholars in the south of France, Catalonia and Italy, including Moses ibnTibbon, Shem Tov Ibn Falaquera, levi ben gerson (see Gersonides) and Moses of
    Islamic philosophy: transmission into Western Europe
  • Early translations: twelfth century Thirteenth-century translations The contribution of Jewish scholars The beginnings of Arabic scholarship
  • 1. Early translations: twelfth century
    Some seventy works were translated from Arabic by Gerard of Cremona , nicknamed 'the Master' ( dictus magister ), at the cathedral of Toledo. These included Aristotle's Posterior Analytics Physics On Generation and Corruption and Meteorology I-III (see Aristotle ), as well as four short tracts on natural science by Alexander of Aphrodisias . To these originally Greek works, Gerard added four philosophical letters of al-Kindi , a letter on proof by the Ikhwan al-Safa' and al-Farabi's Kitab ihsa' al-'ulum (On the Classification of the Sciences) (see al-Farabi Also at this time, the importance of the al-Shifa' (Healing) of Avicenna (Ibn Sina) was brought to the notice of Archbishop John of Toledo by a Jewish scholar called 'Avendauth' (perhaps the same as Abraham Ibn Daud , the author of al-'Aqida al-rafi'a (The Exalted Faith) ). Portions of the text, including those on universals, physics (in part), the soul and metaphysics, were translated by Avendauth, Dominicus Gundissalinus (an archdeacon in the cathedral

    67. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï
    Born 22 Jan 1908 in Baku, Azerbaijan, Russian Empire Died 1 April 1968 in Moscow,USSR Levi, levi ben gerson Born 1288 in Bagnols, Gard, France Died 1344

    68. A Fase Da Decadência
    Translate this page Não foi outro senão Rabi levi ben gerson, Ralbag, e não há mais dúvidasque a viagem de Colombo só foi possível graças aos astrônomos judeus.

    Coleção Judaísmo

    Breve História da Literatura Judaica

    Mas mesmo então encontramos alguns judeus que, embora talmudistas, tiveram grandes conhecimentos da cultura leiga da sua época como, por exemplo, o Rabi Tam e o Rabi Moisés Nahmânides, que era médico, comendador, autor religioso e cabalista. Outros judeus distinguiram-se no campo da matemática e de outras ciências (o quadrante, o globo e o relógio do sol foram inventados pelos judeus). Diz-se que Ibn Ezra foi o primeiro que dividiu o globo terrestre em partes, por meio do equador. Sabe-se que Leon de Bonclas inventou o telescópio, tornando assim possível a navegação durante a noite pela observação das estrelas. Quem foi esse Leon? Não foi outro senão Rabi Levi ben Gerson, Ralbag, e não há mais dúvidas que a viagem de Colombo só foi possível graças aos astrônomos judeus. No século XIV, a literatura judaica entrou numa fase de decadência. As condições terríveis que impunham à vida dos judeus reagiram sobre o espírito, tornando-se manifesta a sua tendência de se retirarem do domínio da pesquisa livre. Contudo, até nesse período de trevas podemos apontar luminares no campo da literatura e da filosofia. Iudá Alharisi escreveu uma belíssima coleção de poemas sob o nome de Tahkemoni, uma das obras primas da produção medieval. Iedidia Bedrachi ganhou fama com o seu Exame do Mundo , traduzido para muitas línguas, inclusive para o inglês. Levi, o filho de Guershom - Gersônides - notável astrônomo do século XIV, cujos trabalhos sobre astronomia, escritos em hebraico, foram traduzidos para o latim pelo papa Clemente VI, escreveu uma famosa obra filosófica:

    69. Una Storia Della Fotografia
    Translate this page noi noti. Da allora si evolse con estrema rapidità (Bacone 1214/1294,levi ben gerson, Leonardo da Vinci 1452/1519). Al semplice
    Una breve storia della fotografia mondiale La Fotografia, che ha influenzato notevolmente la nostra percezione del mondo ed ancor oggi è molto usata, ha origini assai recenti e volerne tracciare la storia è prematuro, anche se essa è perfettamente nota e ben delineata. Tanto nota da permettere di affermare che il disquisire sulla sua nascita corrisponde al relazionare su una scoperta annunciata, tanto annunciata da delinearne già la scomparsa. Questo perché la fotografia ha radici molto ma molto lontane dal 1839, anno della sua ufficializzazione, tant'è che già i greci d'Aristotele conoscevano il foro stenopeico
    In realtà le problematiche connesse alla fotografia sono un po' più vaste di quanto si possa pensare. Non basta ottenere l'immagine, bisogna anche poterla conservare. Tutti i tentativi fatti prima del 1839 sfumavano nel totale degrado del sale d'argento in breve, brevissimo tempo. E, fatto assai più importante, almeno allora, tutti cercavano l'immagine direttamente positiva, il concetto di negativo/positivo è incredibilmente moderno. Questo provocò un ritardo, se non altro, di almeno vent'anni sulla realizzazione della prima fotografia.
    In base a quanto detto può essere interessante leggere in modo un poco diverso la storia della fotografia, storia tecnica beninteso, perché la filosofia dell'immagine fotografica, anche se citata spesso nell'elenco cronologico a seguire, è tutt'altra cosa, decisamente più antica dell'arco storico trattato, molto complessa e assai contorta nella sua parte contemporanea.

    70. UBC Library - MARION
    levi ben gerson, 12881344. See Levi ben Gershom, 1288-1344. Levi, BenjaminH. (Benjamin Horowitz), 1961- (1 title); Levi Bianchi, Fulvia., An

    71. Lunar Republic : Craters
    81. levi ben gerson (12881344), French-born Jewish philosopher, mathematicianand astronomer; invented Jacob s Staff, an instrument to measure the angular
    Craters (R)
    Craters A B C D ... Return To Gazetteer Index Latin Name Lat Long Diam Origin Rabbi Levi Levi ben Gerson (1288-1344), French-born Jewish philosopher, mathematician and astronomer; invented Jacob's Staff, an instrument to measure the angular distance between celestial objects. Racah Giulio ~ (1909-1965), Italian-Israeli physicist. Racine Jean-Baptiste ~ (1639-1699), French classical playwright. Raimond J. J. ~, Jr. (1903-1961), Dutch astronomer. Raman Chandrasekhra Venkata ~ (1888-1970), Indian physicist; in 1930, he became the first Asian to receive a Nobel Prize in science (physics). Ramsay Sir William ~ (1852-1916), Scottish chemist; awarded Nobel Prize in chemistry (1904). Ramsden Jesse ~ (1735-1800), British inventor; perfected early sextants and barometers; devised the first satisfactory screw-cutting lathes at dawn of the Industrial Revolution. Rankine William John Macquorn ~ (1820-1872), Scottish inventor, civil engineer, poet and molecular physicist. Raspletin Aleksandr Andreyevich ~ (1908-1967), Soviet radio and electronics engineer.

    72. Olivier's Opinion #006
    If we come back to Rabbi levi ben gerson, I agree with Doron that probably, likemany of us, he was fascinated by the plays of these charming entities that
    About Doron Zeilberger's Opinion #36
    While I am very sympathetic with Doron Zeilberger's frank and direct way of expressing his ideas and while most of the mathematics he does with his companion Shalosh B. Ekhad has a strong appeal to me, I am far to agree with it on many minor aspects of his opinions. (It is better to have read Doron Zeilberger's text before reading this. See: and for the feedback he received from various people go to As english is not my mother tongue, any comment on the spelling, grammar or style of this text is welcome. Please mail it to me
      Mathematician=programmer ?
    • No, a Ph. D. in math does not warrant at all the ability to learn programming, even when one has removed those very common psychological blocks DZ refers to. There is a lot to unlearn, there is the whole social implication of a researcher in the academic system. Moreover, we all now math Ph. D. who aren't smart *at all* and especially about mathematics. Introducing this kind of public to even mathematically-minded computer macro-languages like TeX is sometimes worth Hercules' works. Part of the trouble with any academic system is that there are areas, times and circonstances were you can be dubbed "researcher" or "professor" by only being a good schoolboy, no need to be smart or creative about the subject. In fact, the mathematics researchers I know who program well had most of the time a keen interest in programming or computers before they graduated. It makes me appreciate even more the senior mathematicians who are good with these tools or who switched successfully at a late stage in their career.

    73. Trigonometry And Basic Functions - Numericana
    c is twice the side opposite to an angle g in a right triangle of hypotenuse r. Aproof was published in 1342 by the Provençal rabbi levi ben gerson (12881344
    home index units counting ... physics
    Final Answers
    , Ph.D.
    Trigonometry and Functions
    Related articles on this site:
    Related Links (Outside this Site)
    An introduction to Trigonometry : A Math Tutorial by Johan.Claeys

    74. US Book Review Form
    bar Hiyya, Joseph ibn Zaddik, Judah HaLevy, Moses and Avraham ibn Ezra, Abrahamibn Daud, Moses Maimonides, Hillel ben Samuel, levi ben gerson, Aaron ben

    75. Jewthink - Authorities Cited
    Gersonides – (R levi ben gerson) (12881344) A great mathematicianand astronomer as well as a taimudic scholar and philosopher.'avi/jewthink22.htm
    WebCounter JEW THINK בעה"י A manual of Jewish belief (a guide to real Judaism) for the thinking individual. [Web Page Last Revised: Monday, May 10, 2004 08:36 AM Authorities Cited Amoraim (sing. Amora ) – the expounders of the Mishna in the Talmud who lived from approximately the 3rd century until approximately the 6th. C.E. Rabbi Joseph Albo – (1380-1444) A post-Maimonidean philosopher whose work Sefer Haikkarim deals with the codification of the dogmata of Judaism. According to him, the three basic dogmas are 1) the existence of G~d, 2) divine reward and punishment and 3) the divineness of the Torah. Rabbi Abraham ibn Daud (1110-1180) – Probably the first Jewish thinker to attempt to explain his religion in the light of Aristotelian philosophy. He wrote religious, historical, and scientific works and is thought to have been an influence on Maimonides. R. Bachya ibn Pakudah – (1090-1156) A famous Jewish thinker whose major work, The Duties of the Heart reflects the distinction between outward observance (the "duties of the limbs ") and inward f eeling (the " duties of the heart"). He sought to purify his religion from within, not to reconcile it with any philosophical system. However, he does not hesitate to make use of involved philosophical speculation. Chasam Sofer – (1763-1839) Rabbi Moses Sofer was a Torah-giant who during his lifetime was looked to by world Jewry for the final word on religious matters. He battled, vigorously and successfully, to hinder the fungus of Reform Judaism as it began to spread in Europe. Yet he was known by all as a gentle and saintly man.

    76. Enrico II E La Navigazione Portoghese
    levi ben gerson, la sua introduzione a bordodelle navi portoghesi segue di poco il grande viaggio di Vasco de Gama del
    Enrico II
    e la navigazione portoghese
    I Portoghesi, guidati dal principe Enrico il Navigatore (1394-1460), affrontarono il problema della navigazione in modo innovativo, quando iniziarono i grandi viaggi di esplorazione lungo la costa occidentale dell'Africa. Nel 1420 furono colonizzate le Isole Canarie, e nel 1433 fu il turno delle isole Azzorre. In questo periodo fu studiato con cura il sistema di venti dell'Oceano Atlantico, e presto i marinai si convinsero che sarebbero sempre potuti tornare a casa, sia che si muovessero verso Sud, sia che navigassero verso Ovest. Infatti scoprirono che la direzione del vento dominante cambiava con la latitudine e con la stagione.
    e riportarli correttamente sulla carta geografica. A causa del moto apparente della Polare attorno al polo nord celeste, si raccomandava al navigante di osservare la stella quando le Guardas
    La costellazione dell'Orsa Minore con la posizione della stella
    polare e delle "guardas" rispetto al polo nord celeste
    Con questo sistema, quando il navigante voleva recarsi in un luogo la cui altezza polare fosse riportata sul suo quadrante, non doveva fare altro che navigare verso Nord o verso Sud fino a che la Polare non avesse avuto l'altezza voluta e poi muoversi verso Est o verso Ovest, a seconda di casi. In seguito fu insegnato ai naviganti come convertire le differenze di gradi di altezza in leghe, per conoscere di quanto si era navigato nella direzione Nord-Sud, moltiplicando i gradi per 16 e due terzi. altezza del Sole, al passaggio al meridiano, nei diversi giorni dell'anno, alle diverse latitudini.

    77. Encyclopedia4U - Gersonides - Encyclopedia Article
    Rabbi levi ben gerson (Gershon), better known as Gersonides or the Ralbag (1288—1344CE), was a Jewish philosopher and commentator, was born at Bagnols in
    ENCYCLOPEDIA U com Lists of articles by category ...
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    Rabbi Levi ben Gerson (Gershon), better known as Gersonides or the 'Ralbag (1288—1344 CE), was a Jewish philosopher and commentator, was born at Bagnols in Languedoc. Table of contents showTocToggle("show","hide") 1 Biography
    2 Works

    3 Views on God and omnipotence

    4 Views of the afterlife
    As in the case of the other medieval Jewish philosophers little is known of his life. His family had been distinguished for piety and exegetical skill, but though he was known in the Jewish community by commentaries on certain books of the Bible , he never seems to have accepted any rabbinical post. Possibly the freedom of his opinions may have put obstacles in the way of his preferment. He is known to have been at Avignon and Orange during his life, and is believed to have died in 1344, though Zacuto asserts that he died at Perpignan in 1370.
    Part of his writings consist of commentaries on the portions of Aristotle then known, or rather of commentaries on the commentaries of Averroes . Some of these are printed in the early Latin editions of Aristotle’s works. His most important treatise, that by which he has a place in the history of philosophy, is entitled

    78. BSHM: Abstracts -- M
    Mancha, JL, ‘Heuristic reasoning approximation procedures in levi ben gerson’sastronomy’, Archive for history of exact sciences 52 (1998), 1350 An
    The British Society for the History of Mathematics HOME About BSHM BSHM Council Join BSHM ... Search
    BSHM Abstracts
    A B C D ... Z These listings contain all abstracts that have appeared in BSHM Newsletters up to Newsletter 46. BSHM Abstracts - M Maanen, Jan van, ‘Seventeenth century instruments for drawing conic sections’, Mathematical gazette
    A consequence of Descartes’ new approach to geometry (1637) was an increased interest in instruments for drawing conic sections. This article sketches the background to this growing interest and describes some of the instruments designed by the Dutch mathematician Van Schooten (1615/6-1660). Maanen, Jan van, ‘The ‘double-meaning’ method for dating mathematical texts’, M. Folkerts and J.P. Hogendijk (eds), Vestigia mathematica , Rodopi 1993, pp. 253-263
    A mathematical text may contain numerical data concealing information about the text or its author. Questions of dating and authorship of certain texts can be resolved by decoding such information. Notices of the AMS
    MacKenzie, Donald, ‘Slaying the Kraken: the sociohistory of a mathematical proof’

    79. Biblio_occ
    GOLDSTEIN, BR, levi ben gerson s Preliminary Remarks for a Theoryof Planetary Latitudes , in Aleph, 2 (2002), 1530. KUNITZSCH
    Occidental Medieval World
    • EASTWOOD, B., "Johannes Scottus Eriugena, Sun-centred Planets, and Carolingian Astronomy," in Journal for the History of Astronomy EASTWOOD, B., "Astronomia, computo e astrologia," in S. Petruccioli (general editor), Storia della Scienza , IV: Medioevo, Rinascimento , II: La Scienza Bizantina e Latina , ed. J. D. North (Rome: Enciclopedia Italiana, 2001), pp. 149-168. EASTWOOD, B., The Revival of Planetary Astronomy in Carolingian and Post-Carolingian Europe (Aldershot: Ashgate Variorum, 2002), 334pp. GOLDSTEIN, B.R., "The Maximum Solar Equation in the Alfonsine Tables", in Journal for the History of Astronomy GOLDSTEIN, B.R., "The Astronomical Tables of Judah ben Verga", in Suhayl GOLDSTEIN, B.R., "Levi ben Gerson's Preliminary Remarks for a Theory of Planetary Latitudes", in Aleph KUNITZSCH, P., "La table des climats dans le corpus des plus anciens textes latins sur l'astrolabe", in Callebat, L. ; Desbordes, O. (Hrsg.) : KUNITZSCH, P., "A Note on Ascelinus'Table of Astrolabe Stars", in

    80. Faculty
    Professor Goldstein has written extensively on medieval Jewish science with specialattention to the work of levi ben gerson Gersonides, and he has also
    Core faculty
    David Brodsky
    holds the Perlow Family Lectureship in Classical Judaism. Mr. Brodsky offers courses that introduce students to Rabbinic literature, Talmud and Midrash, and to the growth and development of Rabbinic thought in the first six centuries of the common era. Mr. Brodsky may be reached at (412) 624-5986 or via email Alexander Orbach is associate professor of Modern Jewish History in the Department of Religious Studies and the Department of History at the University of Pittsburgh. He teaches a variety of courses focused on the Jewish experience in the modern age including courses on Russian Jewry, Zionism, the State of Israel, and the Holocaust. Mr. Orbach has written on each of these themes and is currently working on a study of Jewish politics in Tsarist Russia in the period 1900-1914. Alexander Orbach is the Director of the Jewish Studies Program and may be reached at (412) 624-2279 or by e-mail

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