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         Leucippus:     more books (19)
  1. The Atomists: Leucippus and Democritus: Fragments (Phoenix Supplementary Volumes)
  2. Leucippus by Gregory Gregory, Gregory Zorzos, 2009-07-15
  3. 5th-Century Bc Philosophers: Democritus, Confucius, Leucippus, Heraclitus, Protagoras, Parmenides, Empedocles, Anaxagoras, Gorgias
  4. LEUCIPPUS AND DEMOCRITUS: An entry from Gale's <i>Encyclopedia of Philosophy</i> by G. Lloyd, 2006
  5. Leucippus: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  6. Ancient Thracian Greeks: Thucydides, Leucippus, Protagoras, Themistocles, Hero and Leander, Anaxarchus, Dionysius Thrax, Hermias of Atarneus
  7. Lq09 Quadrangle: Lunar Orbiter 3, Hertzsprung, Bell, Elvey, Leucippus, Laue, Michelson, Helberg, Mees, Sundman, Leuschner, Comstock, Berkner
  8. Leucippo: favola pastorale eroica. Per musica. Da rappresentarsi sopra il Teatro di S.M.B. = Leucippus: an heroic pastoral ... by Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli, 2010-05-29
  9. Ancient Greek Physicists: Aristotle, Plato, Archimedes, Thales, Leucippus, Anaximander, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Anaxagoras, Theophrastus
  10. The Atomists: Leucippus and Democritus: Fragments
  11. Democritus: Ancient Greek philosophy, Atomic theory, Leucippus, Atom, Aristotle, Plato, John Dalton
  12. The atomism of Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika and Leucippus-Democritus by Raj K Bansal, 1986
  13. Ancient Greek Philosophy: The Atomists - Leucippus, Democritus(ANCIENT GREEK PHILOSOPHY) by William Turner, 1903
  14. English & Continental Furniture & Decorations including Silver / Sale 2005 / July 15, 2000 - Boston by Inc. Skinner, 2000

1. Leucippus [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy]
leucippus (fifth century BCE.). leucippus was the founder of Atomism. Aristotle gives a clear and intelligible account of the way leucippus theory arose.
Leucippus (fifth century BCE.)
Leucippus was the founder of Atomism. We know next to nothing about his life, and his book appears to have been incorporated in the collected works of Democritus. No writer subsequent to Theophrastos seems to have been able to distinguish his teaching from that of his more famous disciple. Indeed his very existence has been denied, though on wholly insufficient grounds. Aristotle gives a clear and intelligible account of the way Leucippus' theory arose. It originated from Parmenides' denial of the void, from which the impossibility of multiplicity and motion had been deduced. Leucippus supposed himself to have discovered a theory which would avoid this consequence. He admitted that there could be no motion if there was no void, and he inferred that it was wrong to identify the void with the non-existent. Leucippus was the first philosopher to affirm, with a full consciousness of what he was doing, the existence of empty space. The Pythagorean void had been more or less identified with 'air', but the void of Leucippus was really a vacuum. Besides space there was body, and to this Leucippus ascribed all the characteristics of Parmenides notion of the real. The assumption of empty space, however, made it possible to affirm that there was an infinite number of such reals, invisible because of their smallness, but each possessing all the marks of the Parmenidean One, and in particular each indivisible like it. These moved in the empty space, and their combinations can give rise to the things we perceive with the senses. Pluralism was at least stated in a logical and coherent way. Democritus compared the motions of the atoms of the soul to that of the particles in the sunbeam which dart hither and thither in all directions even when there is no wind, and we may fairly assume that he regarded the original motion of the other atoms in much the same way.

2. Leucippus At -- Essays, Resources
Brief article on this early Greek atomist thinker, from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Start your day with a thought-provoking quote from the world's greatest thinkers and writers. Sign up to The Daily Muse for free. Leucippus 400 BC - 400 BC less famous than his successor, Democritus, Leucippus is credited with being the co-founder of atomism
LEUCIPPUS, Greek philosopher, born at Miletus (or Elea), founder of the Atomistic theory, contemporary of Zeno, Empedocles and Anaxagoras. His fame was so completely overshadowed by that of Democritus, who subsequently developed the theory into a system, that his very existence was denied by Epicurus (Diog. Laert. x. 7), followed in modern times by Rohde. Epicurus, however, distinguishes Leucippus from Democritus, and Aristotle and Theophrastus expressly credit him with the invention of Atomism. There seems, therefore, no reason to doubt his existence, although nothing is known of his life, an... [ read entire biography Source External Publication
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3. Leucippus
leucippus of Miletus. leucippus of Miletus carried on the scientific philosophy which had begun to become associated with Miletus.
Leucippus of Miletus
Born: about 480 BC in (possibly) Miletus, Asia Minor
Died: about 420 BC
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Leucippus of Miletus carried on the scientific philosophy which had begun to become associated with Miletus. We know little of his life but it is thought that he founder the School at Abdera on the coast of Thrace near the mouth of the Nestos River. Today the town is in Greece and is called Avdhira. At the time that Leucippus would have lived in Abdera it was a prosperous town which politically was a member of the Delian League The philosopher Protagoras was born in Abdera and he was a contemporary of Leucippus but Protagoras, the first of the Sophists , spent most of his life in Athens and may have left Abdera before Leucippus arrived there. Although now there seems little doubt that Leucippus existed, it is worth remarking that Epicurus , at the end of the fourth century BC, actually believed that Leucippus had never existed since so little was known of him. However we now know enough in the way of independent evidence to be sure that Leucippus did exist. Aristotle refers to Leucippus as a philosopher with rather different views to those of Parmenides Aristotle refers to him several times and quotes from his works on a number of occasions. For example in

4. The Atomistic Philosophy Of Leucippus And Democritus
leucippus and Democritus Abdera, 460 370 BC. With the work of leucippus and Democritus ancient Greek philosophy reaches its zenith
Leucippus and Democritus
[Abdera, 460 - 370 BC]
With the work of Leucippus and Democritus ancient Greek philosophy reaches its zenith when the initial question of Thales after the true nature of matter culminated 180 years later in the subtle concept of atoms, which bears an amazing resemblance to the twentieth century's view of chemistry. For this reason, Leucippus and Democritus have undoubtedly deserved the first price for the best guess in antiquity, as far as natural science is concerned. Unfortunately their contemporaries did not share their views with the same enthusiasm. Leucippus is a very shadowy figure; his exact dates are unknown, some even say he never existed, but it is likely that he was a contemporary of Empedocles (around 440 BC) and that he came either from Miletus or from Elea. Democritus, who was a disciple of Leucippus, is a more certain figure. He was born 460 BC in Abdera in the north of Greece and died at the age of 90 years, after leaving an expansive work elaborating his philosophy including the atomistic theory in great detail. Democritus has written approximately 70 books and hence overshadows his master by far. Unfortunately none of his writings remained intact, but a great deal of what he said has survived in Epicurus. The atomistic theory began as an endeavor to overcome the odd logical consequences of the Eleatic school. Leucippus and Democritus did not accept the Eleatic hypothesis that "everything is one" and that change and motion is an illusion. Parmenides had said the void is a fiction, because saying the void exists would mean to say there is something that is nothing, which he thought is a contradiction in itself, but he was deceived by thinking of "being" in the sense of "material being". Thinking of the void as real would have overthrown Parmenides' theory, because allowing the void to exist as "space bereft of body" (Aristotle) with adjoining plenums implies the opposite of classical monism.

5. Leucippus --  Encyclopædia Britannica
MLA style " leucippus." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. APA style leucippus. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved April 18, 2004, from

6. Leucippus Of Miletus (ca. 490-unknown BC) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scie
Philosophers. Nationality. Greek. leucippus of Miletus (ca. 490unknown BC) Greek philosopher who invented the theory of atomism, but did not pursue it. He believed that there were two states of matter atoms and voids.
Branch of Science Philosophers Nationality Greek
Leucippus of Miletus (ca. 490-unknown BC)

Greek philosopher who invented the theory of atomism, but did not pursue it. He believed that there were two states of matter: atoms and voids. He is supposed to have been the pupil of Zeno and instructor of Democritus . He is also supposed to have been the first to state the law of causality.
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews)

7. Leucippus
Biography of leucippus (480BC420BC) leucippus of Miletus. Born about 480 BC in (possibly) Miletus, Asia Minor leucippus of Miletus carried on the scientific philosophy which had begun to become associated with Miletus
Leucippus of Miletus
Born: about 480 BC in (possibly) Miletus, Asia Minor
Died: about 420 BC
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Leucippus of Miletus carried on the scientific philosophy which had begun to become associated with Miletus. We know little of his life but it is thought that he founder the School at Abdera on the coast of Thrace near the mouth of the Nestos River. Today the town is in Greece and is called Avdhira. At the time that Leucippus would have lived in Abdera it was a prosperous town which politically was a member of the Delian League The philosopher Protagoras was born in Abdera and he was a contemporary of Leucippus but Protagoras, the first of the Sophists , spent most of his life in Athens and may have left Abdera before Leucippus arrived there. Although now there seems little doubt that Leucippus existed, it is worth remarking that Epicurus , at the end of the fourth century BC, actually believed that Leucippus had never existed since so little was known of him. However we now know enough in the way of independent evidence to be sure that Leucippus did exist. Aristotle refers to Leucippus as a philosopher with rather different views to those of Parmenides Aristotle refers to him several times and quotes from his works on a number of occasions. For example in

8. References For Leucippus
References for leucippus. Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 19701990). Articles J Barnes, Reason and necessity in leucippus, in Proc.
References for Leucippus
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990).
  • Biography in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Books:
  • C Bailey, The Greek Atomists and Epicurus (Oxford, 1928).
  • J Barnes, Early Greek Philosophy
  • W K C Guthrie, History of Greek Philosophy II (Cambridge, 1965).
  • G S Kirk and J E Raven, The Presocratic Philosophers (Cambridge, 1957). Articles:
  • J Barnes, Reason and necessity in Leucippus, in Proc. First International Congress on Democritus (Xanthi, 1984), 141-158.
  • E Craig (ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (London-New York, 1998), 578-579.
  • B Russell, History of Western Philosophy (London, 1961), 82-90. Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
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  • 9. Democritus [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy]
    4th century BCE philosopher of Abdera who expanded the atomic theory of leucippus.
    Democritus (460-370 BCE.)
    Credit cannot be given to the tale that Democritus spent his leisure hours in chemical researches after the philosopher's stone the dream of a later age; or to the story of his conversation with Hippocrates concerning Democritus's supposed madness, as based on spurious letters. Democritus has been commonly known as "The Laughing Philosopher," and it is gravely related by Seneca that he never appeared in public with out expressing his contempt of human follies while laughing. Accordingly, we find that among his fellow-citizens he had the name of "the mocker". He died at more than a hundred years of age. It is said that from then on he spent his days and nights in caverns and sepulchers, and that, in order to master his intellectual faculties, he blinded himself with burning glass. This story, however, is discredited by the writers who mention it insofar as they say he wrote books and dissected animals, neither of which could be done well without eyes. Democritus expanded the atomic theory of Leucippus. He maintained the impossibility of dividing things ad infinitum . From the difficulty of assigning a beginning of time, he argued the eternity of existing nature, of void space, and of motion. He supposed the atoms, which are originally similar, to be impenetrable and have a density proportionate to their volume. All motions are the result of active and passive affection. He drew a distinction between primary motion and its secondary effects, that is, impulse and reaction. This is the basis of the law of necessity, by which all things in nature are ruled. The worlds which we see with all their properties of immensity, resemblance, and dissimilitude result from the endless multiplicity of falling atoms. The human soul consists of globular atoms of fire, which impart movement to the body. Maintaining his atomic theory throughout, Democritus introduced the hypothesis of images or idols (

    10. Leucippus Source 2 Biography At
    One of several comprehensive biographies on leucippus at leucippus, Greek philosopher, born at

    11. Perseus Lookup Tool
    Collections Classics ·. Papyri ·. Renaissance ·. London ·. California ·. Upper Midwest ·. Chesapeake ·. Boyle ·. Tufts History. Configure display ·. Help ·. Tools ·. Copyright ·. FAQ ·. Publications

    12. Cls 189 Short Web Paper
    The Atomists leucippus of Miletus and Democritus of Abdera. by Marc Wohnsigl April 14, 1994. I. Introduction; II. Conclusion. Introduction. leucippus, born ca.
    Please note: These papers were prepared for the Greek Science course taught at Tufts University by Prof. Gregory Crane in the spring of 1995. The Perseus Project does not and has not edited these student papers. We assume no responsibility over the content of these papers: we present them as is as a part of the course, not as documents in the Perseus Digital Library . We do not have contact information for the authors. Please keep that in mind while reading these papers.
    The Atomists: Leucippus of Miletus and Democritus of Abdera
    by Marc Wohnsigl April 14, 1994
    Introduction Leucippus, born ca. 500 BCE, and his pupil, Democritus, born ca. 460 BCE, are credited with postulating the theory of Atoms and Void. Democritus expanded upon Leucippus' original theory and theorized on many of its detailed applications like perception. Leucippus is credited with writing only a few works, including The Great World System , in which he postulates his theory on atoms and void. Democritus was a much more prolific writer and is credited with writing fifty-two works, although some were quite short. These included his expansion on Leucippus' work in The

    13. TMTh:: LEUCIPPUS
    AGRICULTURALISTSARCHITECTSARTISTSASTRONO MERSBIOLOGISTSBOTANISTSCHEMISTSENGINEERS GEOGRAPHERSINVENTORSMATHEMATICIANSMETEOR OLOGISTSPHARMACOLOGISTSPHYSICIANSPHYSICI STS. PHYSICISTleucippus( fl. 5th century BC) Life records that there was no essential difference between the teachings of leucippus and those of his disciple Democritus master is forgotten. leucippus lived in the 5th century BC and

    Ancient Greek Scientists
    Ancient philosopher, founder of the atomic theory. His birthplace is variously given as Miletus, Abdera and Elea. The Epicureans doubted his existence. Aristotle records that there was no essential difference between the teachings of Leucippus and those of his disciple Democritus. The powerful personality of the latter appears to overshadowed the former, and the disciple has remained famous while the master is forgotten.
    Leucippus lived in the 5th century BC and was a contemporary of Empedocles and Anaxagoras. He is credited with two treatises, the "Great World System" (Megas Diakosmos), the fundamental textbook of the atomist school, and the "On the mind". While nothing definite is known of the second, a short account of the first has survived.
    the Technology Museum

    14. Leucippus. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
    2001. leucippus. (l s p´ s) (KEY) , 5th cent. Aristotle believed that leucippus inspired the atomistic theory with which Democritus is identified.
    Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Leucippus (l s s) ( KEY ) , 5th cent.

    leucippus, Greek philosopher, born at Miletus (or Elea), ounder of the Atomistic theory, contemporary of Zeno, Empedocles and Anaxagoras. His fame wa Epicurus, however, distinguishes leucippus
    LEUCIPPUS See DEMOCRITUS. On the Rohde-Diels controversy as to the existence of Leucippus, see F. Lortzing in Bursian's Jahresbericht, vol. cxvi. (1904); also J. Burnet, Early Greek Philosophy (1892). LEUCADIA (ISL.) LEUCITE

    TMTh leucippusPHYSICIST. leucippus (fl. Aristotle records that there was no essential difference between the teachings of leucippus and those of his disciple Democritus.

    17. Leucippus From FOLDOC
    leucippus. history of philosophy, biography Presocratic philosopher (c 450 BC) and atomist who opposed the Eleatics and argued

    leucippus, Greek philosopher, born at Miletus (or Elea), ounder of the Atomistic theory, contemporary of Zeno, Empedocles and Anaxagoras. leucippus.
    LEUCIPPUS See DEMOCRITUS. On the Rohde-Diels controversy as to the existence of Leucippus, see F. Lortzing in Bursian's Jahresbericht, vol. cxvi. (1904); also J. Burnet, Early Greek Philosophy (1892). LEUCADIA (ISL.) LEUCITE

    19. Philosophy - Presocratics: Leucippus
    leucippus (5th Cent. BC). leucippus was the founder of Atomism. We know next to nothing about his life, and his book appears to
    LEUCIPPUS (5th Cent. B.C.) L eucippus was the founder of Atomism . We know next to nothing about his life, and his book appears to have been incorporated in the collected works of Democritus . No writer subsequent to Theophrastus seems to have been able to distinguish his teaching from that of his more famous disciple. Indeed his very existence has been denied, though on wholly insufficient grounds. Aristotle gives a clear and intelligible account of the way Leucippus' theory arose. It originated from Parmenides ' denial of the void, from which the impossibility of multiplicity and motion had been deduced. Leucippus supposed himself to have discovered a theory which would avoid this consequence. He admitted that there could be no motion if there was no void, and he inferred that it was wrong to identify the void with the non-existent. Leucippus was the first philosopher to affirm, with a full consciousness of what he was doing, the existence of empty space. The Pythagorean void had been more or less identified with 'air', but the void of Leucippus was really a vacuum. Besides space there was body, and to this Leucippus ascribed all the characteristics of Parmenides notion of the real. The assumption of empty space, however, made it possible to affirm that there was an infinite number of such reals, invisible because of their smallness, but each possessing all the marks of the Parmenidean

    20. Leucippus
    leucippus. leucippus atomism). In fact, it is virtually impossible to identify any views about which Democritus and leucippus disagreed.
    Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
    Leucippus was the originator of atomism (in the 5th century), the philosophical belief that everything is composed entirely of various imperishable, indivisible elements called atoms There are no existing writings which we can attribute entirely to Leucippus, since his writings seem to have been enfolded into the work of his famous student Democritus (see for more on atomism). In fact, it is virtually impossible to identify any views about which Democritus and Leucippus disagreed. In Greek mythology Leucippus , son of Gorgophone and Perieres , was the father of Phoebe and Hilaeira Castor and Polydeuces abducted and married Phoebe and Hilaeira , the daughters of Leucippus. In return, Idas and Lynceus , nephews of Leucippus (or rival suitors), killed Castor. Polydeuces was granted immortality by Zeus, and further persuaded Zeus to share his gift with Castor. Ovid
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