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         Lamy Bernard:     more books (87)
  1. Perspective made easie: or, the art of representing all manner of objects as they appear to the eye in all scituations Illustrated with above fifty figures Written originally in French by Bernard Lamy, 2010-06-16
  2. Les Elemens De Geometrie: Ou De La Mesure De Letendue; Qui Comprennent Les Elemens D'Euclide (1731) (French Edition) by Bernard Lamy, 2009-03-20
  3. Apparatus Biblicus: or, an introduction to the Holy Scriptures. In three books. In two volumes. Done into English from the French, with notes and additions ... revised, and corrected. Volume 1 of 2 by Bernard Lamy, 2010-06-24
  4. Traitez De Mechanique, De L'Equilibre Des Solides Et Des Liqueurs (1734) (French Edition) by Bernard Lamy, 2009-08-10
  5. Apparatus Biblicus; Or; an Introduction to the Holy Scriptures. in Three Books Done Into English From the French, With Notes and Additions. by Bernard Lamy, 2010-01-02
  6. Entretiens Sur Les Sciences, Dans Lesquels On Apprend Comme L'On Se Doit Servir Des Sciences (1684) (French Edition) by Bernard Lamy, 2009-07-17
  7. The History of Arianism by Louis Maimbourg, Bernard Lamy, et all 2010-08-30
  8. DICT.MONDIAL DES FILMS -NE by Bernard Rapp Jean-Claude Lamy, 2005-03-01
  9. Les Elemens De Geometrie: Ou De La Mesure De Letendue; Qui Comprennent Les Elemens D'Euclide (1731) (French Edition) by Bernard Lamy, 2010-09-10
  10. Les Elemens De Geometrie: Ou De La Mesure De Letendue; Qui Comprennent Les Elemens D'Euclide (1731) by Bernard Lamy, 2010-09-10
  11. La Rhetorique: Ou L'Art De Parler (1737) (French Edition) by Bernard Lamy, 2010-09-10
  12. Entretiens Sur Les Sciences, Dans Lesquels On Apprend Comme L'On Se Doit Servir Des Sciences (1684) (French Edition) by Bernard Lamy, 2010-09-10
  13. Apparatus Chronologicus Et Geographicus: Ad Commentarium In Harmomiam, Sive Concordiam Quatuor Evangelistarum (1735) (Latin Edition) by Bernard Lamy, 2010-09-10
  14. La Rhetorique: Ou L'Art De Parler (1737) (French Edition) by Bernard Lamy, 2010-09-10

61. Comité Flandres
Translate this page CODRON, Thierry DELEROT, Guy DOLIGER, Philippe DUFRESNE, René DUMARTIN, Roger DUPONT, Serge GUIDEZ, Maurice JANDAU, Jean-Louis lamy, bernard LEROY, Jearr~Luc
recherche par club Aire sur la Lys Amiens Armentieres Arras Bailleul Bethune Boulogne sur Mer Calais Cambrai Cappelle la Grande Charleville Mezieres Chateau Thierry Chauny Douai Doullens Douvrin Duisans Essomes sur Marne Etaples Fourmies Givet Grande Synthe Hazebrouck Hellemmes Lille Laon Le Touquet Leforest Lievin Lille Marcq en Baroeul Marquette lez Lille Maubeuge Phalempin Rethel Roubaix St Amand les Eaux St Pol sur Mer St Quentin Soissons St Omer Tourcoing Valenciennes Villeneuve dAscq Villiers Cotterets Vouziers Territoire
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Place Cadet Rousselle 59650 VilLeneuve d'Ascq Correspondance tel 03 20 19 02 60 fax 03 20 19 02 69
Richard GRADEL Membres Jean-Louis LAMY Benoit OSZUSTOWICZ, Jean-Pierre JUANCHICH

62. Bernard BUFFET ( 1928 - 1999 ) - Peintre Francais - French Painter
bernard Buffet textes de Annabel Buffet et Jean-Claude lamy photographies de Luc Fournol et Benjamin Auger Editions Flammarion.

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paris 1988-89



signatures album photos lettre d'Annabel ... le mot du webmestre
Secrets d'ateliers Bernard Buffet textes de Annabel Buffet et Jean-Claude Lamy photographies de Luc Fournol et Benjamin Auger Editions Flammarion Post scriptum Annabel Buffet Editions PLON

63. Rulon-Miller Books Catalogue 127, Oratory To Place Names
_ lamy, bernard. The art of speaking written in French by Messieurs du Port Royal in pursuance of a former treatise, intitled, The Art of Thinking.
Oratory to Place Names
TABLE OF CONTENTS ORATORY 561. [_] [Burgh, James.] The art of speaking. Containing I. An essay… II. Lessons… London: printed for T. Longman [et al.], 1761.
First edition, 8vo, pp. [4], 373, [19]; full contemporary calf neatly but not sympathetically rebacked, hinges strengthened; a good copy, with the half-title, from the library of R.C. Alston. More than 20 printings of this title appeared in the last part of the 19th century, the last in Baltimore in 1804. Alston VI, 334.
562. [_] Chapman, James. The music, melody and rhythmus of language;in which are explained... the five accdents of speech... and a musical notation... to which are added, outlines of gesture and a selection of pieces in verse and prose . Edinburgh: printed by Michael Anderson for Macredie, Skelly, and Co., 1818.
First edition, 8vo, pp. xxiv, 250, [1]; later half calf and maroon cloth, morocco spine label lettered in gilt, spine gilt, marbled endpapers, extremities rubbed, else a very good, sound copy. The author, a teacher of elocution, wrote the present work with his students in mind. He gives credit to Mr. Steele’s Prosodia Rationalis , a "work of great merit and ingenuity," for introducing the system that Chapman here sets out to explain and simplify. Steele’s system was a result of his effort to prove that the English language "has the same accidents of speech, viz. accent, emphasis, quantity, pause, and quality of sound, as the ancient Greek and Latin languages" (Introduction). Only 6 copies in OCLC (5 in the U.S.). Not in Kennedy.

64. Décision Du 8 Novembre 2000 Portant Nomination D'experts Auprès De La Commissi
bernard) ; Mme Keros (Liliane) ; M. Kintz (Pascal) ; M. lamy (bernard) ; Mme Laperche
J.O. disponibles Alerte par mail codes AdmiNet
Texte paru au JORF/LD page 19224
NOR : MESM0023495S M. Abecassis (Eric) ;
M. Antoniotti (Gilles) ;
M m e Arnoulet (Christine) ;
M. Assicot (Marcel) ;
M m e Audouin (Josette) ;
M. Ballet (Jean-Jacques) ;
M m e Benattar (Clarisse) ;
M m e Bene (Marie-Christine) ;
M m e Bernard (Marguerite) ;
M m e Bianchi (Anne) ; M. Bingen (Edouard) ; M. Bogard (Marc) ; M m e Bounaud (Marie-Paule) ; M. Boussairi (Abdelghani) ; M m e Boutron (Audrey) ; M m e Bressac (Brigitte) ; M m e Buffet-Janvresse (Claudine) ; M. Candolfi (Ermanno) ; M. Carayon (Alain) ; M. Carayon (Pierre) ; M m e Casadevall (Nicole) ; M m e Casin (Isabelle) ; M. Cazenave (Jean) ; M. Chabasse (Dominique) ; M. Charron (Dominique) ; M. Chiaroni (Jacques) ; M. Chyderiotis (Georges) ; M. Cimon (Bernard) ; M. Cohen (Richard) ; M. Collombel (Christian) ; M m e Courouce (Anne-Marie) ; M m e Darde (Marie-Laure) ; M. Daunizeau (Alain) ; M. de Graeve (Jacques) ; M. Delpech (Marc) ; M m e Dewilde (Anny) ;

65. Arrêté Du 12 Octobre 1999 Fixant La Liste D'aptitude Des Directeurs D'établis
Translate this page Kazup (Philippe-Antoine). Klein (Jean). Lacombe (Christian). lamy (bernard). Lapègue (Régine). Lassale (bernard). Le Brun (Emmanuel). Le Faou (Thérèse).
J.O. disponibles Alerte par mail codes AdmiNet
Texte paru au JORF/LD page 16687
NOR : MESP9923166A Section I
Abid (Adda).
Arnuti (Brigitte).
Aufeuvre (Jean-Pierre).
Aubert (Charles).
Barat (Laurent).
Bastit Barrau (Dominique).
Benoist (Bernard).
Bertrand (Michelle).
Bidet (Marie-Laure). Brunot Ojeda (Annick). Cabantous (Alain). Cabaud (Jean-Jacques). Calot (Mady). Capdeville (Jacques). Casman (Odette). Cavelier (Brigitte). Celton (Jean-Louis). Chicheportiche (Colette). Chidiac (Antoine). Coffe (Christian). Conte (Philippe). Coquin (Elizabeth). Coudurier (Nicole). Court (Elizabeth). Delgendre (Anne). Deprade (Jean-Luc). Demaret (Jean-Luc). Duhau (Anne-Marie). Fernandez (Alain). Filliol (Christian). Fontaine (Odile). Fressy (Pierre). Garnier (Sylvie). Girard (Michel). Grecourt (Yann). Halbout (Philippe-Antoine). Heshmati (Farhad). Houssay (Denys). Hoyrup (Aksel). Jan (Didier). Janot (Christian). Josse (Marie-Odile). Jullien (Anne-Marie). Kazup (Philippe-Antoine). Klein (Jean).

66. Ingrid Lamy
Translate this page Ingrid lamy is on www.mudam - Ingrid lamy est sur Ian Hamilton Finlay, Roland Fischer, Günther Förg, Katrin Freisager, bernard Frize, Dominique
Ingrid Lamy is on www.mudam - Ingrid Lamy est sur
mudam is the web site of the Grand-Duc Jean Museum of Modern Art in Luxembourg.
It is a magazine, a virtual gallery for online art works, information about its activities and collection. Marie-Claude Beaud Claude Closky Baldessin et Scandella Heath Bunting ... Google

67. Data Pages
Translate this page BALLET, Moïse, BALLET, Isaac × 1631 TANVOL, Anne, ° 1610 -. BALLET, Jacob × 1636 bernard, Judith, ° 1612 -. BALLET, Jeanne × lamy, Benjamin, ° 1615 -.
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BERNARD, Moyse Gender: male
Birth: about 1551
Family BERNARD - X The 3 children of BERNARD - X BERNARD, Anne
BERNARD, Philibert

Pont-de-Veyle, Pont-de-Veyle, BERNARD, Suzanne
Family BERNARD - le GUA Marriage:
le GUA, Jeanne
Gender: Female
Occupation: Papiste
The child of BERNARD - le GUA BERNARD, Sarah
Pont-de-Veyle ER,
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BOUVEROT, Henri BOUVEROT, Jean RABUEL, Anne Gender: male Birth: after 1616 Occupation: Cordonnier Family BOUVEROT - VIARD VIARD, Jeanne Gender: Female Family BOUVEROT - JONCHEY JONCHEY, Anne Gender: Female Family BOUVEROT - X The child of BOUVEROT - X BOUVEROT, Jean
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BULION, Philiberte Gender: Female Birth: before 1637 Family du PLANTAT - BULION Marriage: before 1649 du PLANTAT, Jean Gender: male Birth: before 1633 in Quissac en Languedoc, Death: before 1650 Occupation: Family REGNAUD - BULION Marriage: before 1650 REGNAUD, Gilbert REGNAUD, Jacques de SACHINS, Marguerite N Gender: male Birth: march 1598 in Pont-de-Veyle, Baptism: 29 march 1598 in Pont-de-Veyle ER, Death: 25 August 1660 Inhumation: Pont-de-Veyle ER

68. Data Pages
Translate this page tanneur. Family lamy - bernard. Marriage 01 December 1635 in Me Guichenon, Châtillon Cm,. bernard enfants. The 4 children of lamy - bernard, lamy
Data pages
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REGNAUD, Jacques

REGNAUD, Jacques BULION, Philiberte
Gender: male
Birth: in Pont-de-Veyle,
Baptism: in Pont-de-Veyle ER,
Ecuyer seigneur de Colan


BATAILLARD, Catherine VIOLANT, Jeanne Gender: Female Birth: The 3 children of REGNAUD - BATAILLARD REGNAUD, Esther Gender: Female Birth: in Pont-de-Veyle, Baptism: in Pont-de-Veyle ER, REGNAUD, Marie Gender: Female Birth: in Pont-de-Veyle, Baptism: in Pont-de-Veyle ER, Gender: Female Birth: in Pont-de-Veyle, Baptism: in Pont-de-Veyle ER,
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BATAILLARD, Alphonse BATAILLARD, Isaac BATAILLARD, Isaac REPEY, Catherine VEYROLLET, Suzanne Gender: male Birth: Death: after 1693 in , CH Occupation: Family BATAILLARD - BERNARD BERNARD, Anne Gender: Female The 2 children of BATAILLARD - BERNARD BATAILLARD, Charlotte Gender: Female BATAILLARD, Jean Charles Gender: male Birth: about 1687
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BATAILLARD, Alphonse BATAILLARD, Claude Gender: male Birth: Occupation: Family BATAILLARD - VIOLANT Marriage: VIOLANT, Jeanne

69. Blood -- Table Of Contents (90 [8])
JeanLuc Harousseau, Jean-Yves Cahn, bernard Pignon, Francis Witz, Noël Milpied, Martine Delain, Bruno Lioure, Thierry lamy, bernard Desablens, François
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October 15 1997; 90 (8) [Index by Author] [Cover Caption] RAPID COMMUNICATIONS REVIEW ARTICLES ... CORRESPONDENCE Find articles in this issue containing these words:
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To see an article , click its [Full Text] link. To review many abstracts , check the boxes to the left of the titles you want, and click the 'Get All Checked Abstract(s)' button. To see one abstract at a time , click its [Abstract] link. RAPID COMMUNICATIONS:
Ann M. Dvorak, John J. Costa, Ellen S. Morgan, Rita A. Monahan-Earley, and Stephen J. Galli
Diamine Oxidase-Gold Ultrastructural Localization of Histamine in Human Skin Biopsies Containing Mast Cells Stimulated to Degranulate In Vivo by Exposure to Recombinant Human Stem Cell Factor
Blood 1997 90: 2893-2900. [Abstract] [Full Text]
Martin U. Kuefer, A. Thomas Look, Karen Pulford, Frederick G. Behm, Paul K. Pattengale, David Y. Mason, and Stephan W. Morris
Retrovirus-Mediated Gene Transfer of NPM-ALK Causes Lymphoid Malignancy in Mice
Blood 1997 90: 2901-2910.

70. Perspective, Antiquariaat Forum
61. lamy, bernard. (2), XV, (3), 154, (6) pp. Rare Amsterdam edition of a famous manual on perspective by bernard lamy (16401715).
103 items were found for this query
Page 5 of 7
Itinerarium Frisio-Hollandicum, et abr. Ortelii Itinerarium Gallo-Brabanticum. In quibus quae visu, quae lectu digna.
Leiden, Ex officina Elzeviriana (Bonaventura and Abraham), 1630. 18mo. Contemporarry parchment with turned edges. Title printed in red and black, with the Elzevier printer's device, some woodcut tailpieces. 177(178), (8), 183-343 (344), (16) pp.
Original edition of Gotfridus Hegenitius's description of his journey to Groningen, Friesland and Holland during the years 1626-7. Hegenitius (ca.1597 - after 1646) was born in Silesia. Before he matriculated at Leiden University to study Law in 1627, he made this journey starting from Hamburg to Defzijl, Groningen, Leeuwarden, Franeker, Harlingen, Dokkum, Stavoren, Enkhuisen, Hoorn, Alkmaar, Amsterdam, Haarlem, Leiden, The Hague, Rotterdam Dordrecht and other Frisian and Dutch cities. On his travels he recorded many texts of epitaphs and inscriptions, mirroring one of the main interests of the time. He dedicated his description to his fellow students Arnold van der Mijle and Frederick Lodewijk van Aitzema, dated Leiden, July 1628 while the three of them were living in the house of the famous Leiden professor and Neo-Latin poet Caspar Barlaeus.
Elzeviers decided to add the well-known travel report of the famous cartographer Abraham Ortelius and Johannes Vivianus of their archeological, cultural and historical journey through the Southern Low Countries and Luxembourg, up to Nancy and, on their way back, to Koblenz and Frankfurt in Germany during the late summer of 1575, which was first published in 1584 by Plantin at Antwerp. The contents is conceived as a letter from Ortelius and Vivianus to Gerard Mercator, personal friend and cartographic collegue of Ortelius. An extensive article on this description, together with a map of the itinerary and further literature was published by Klaus Schmidt-Ott in 1998.

71. Grundriss Der Geschichte Der Philosophie. Die Philosophie Des 17. Jahrhunderts.
lamy - bernard lamy - Henri Lelevel Die
Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie Begr. von Friedrich Ueberweg
Die Philosophie des 17. Jahrhunderts
Band 2: Frankreich und Niederlande
Herausgegeben von Jean-Pierre Schobinger unter Mitwirkung von 27 namhaften internationalen Autoren. ISBN 3-7965-0934-7 Bestellhilfe

Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie
Die Philosophie des 17. Jahrhunderts
Band 2: Frankreich und Niederlande

Die Schulphilosophie
Frankreich - Spanische Niederlande - Vereinigte Niederlande
Die protestantische Rechtsphilosophie Hugo Grotius Humanisten, Weltmänner, Moralisten Gassendi, Gassendismus, Libertinismus Pierre Gassendi - Savinien de Cyrano Bergerac - François Bernier - Gilles de Launay - Theophrastus Redivivus Descartes und der Cartesianismus René Descartes - Der Cartesianismus in den Niederlanden - Arnold Geulincx - Der Cartesianismus in Frankreich: u. a. Louis de La Forge, Géraud de Cordemoy, Robert Desgabets, Pierre-Sylvain Regis, Pierre Cally Jansenismus, Port-Royal, Pascal

72. Find All Language, Literature And Biography Book By Author, Starting With L
Lambrechts, Eric, Lamson, Roswell H. Lambright, Anne, lamy, bernard. Lambright, W. Henry, lamy, MarieNoelle. Lambron, Marc, lamy, Marie-Noklle.
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  • 73. Colisciences -
    Translate this page (1939), lamy Pierre, Claude bernard et le matérialisme, Paris, Félix Alcan. (1940 ou 1954), MAURIAC Pierre, Claude bernard, Paris, Grasset.

    74. Maroteaux-Lamy Syndrome IV (
    P. Maroteaux, M. lamy, J. bernard La dysplasie spondyloepiphysaire tardive. La presse médicale, Paris, 1957, 65 1205-1208. © 1994-2001 Ole Daniel Enersen.


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    Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome IV Synonyms:
    Dysplasia spondyloepiphysaria tarda; spondylo-epiphyseal dysplasia, late type, spondylo-epiphyseal dysplasia tarda, X-linked spondylo-epiphyseal dysplasia.
    Associated persons: Maurice Emile Joseph Lamy Pierre Maroteaux Description: A familial type of bone dysplasia marked by short-trunk dwarfism, back pain, pain in the hips, and limitation of joint movement. May be associated with a large number of anomalies. Onset between the ages of 5 and 10 years. Inheritance is X-linked recessive. Bibliography:
    • A. W. Jacobsen: Hereditary osteochondrodystrophia deformans. A family with twenty members affected in 5 generations.

    75. Cahiers Des Sciences Humaines
    lamy, bernard; Roux, Jean-Claude Document au
    p. 3-10
    Cantrelle, Pierre
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    p. 11-42
    Lacombe, Bernard
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    p. 43-74
    Cantrelle, Pierre; Diagne, M.; Raybaud, N.; Vignac, B.
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    p. 75-91
    Lamy, Bernard; Roux, Jean-Claude
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    p. 93-127
    Gendreau, Francis
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    76. Cahiers Des Sciences Humaines
    lamy, MJ. 1, p. 89-103 Document au format PDF lamy, bernard lamy, bernard; Roux, Jean-Claude.

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    Lacombe, Bernard

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    Lahuec, Jean-Paul
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    Lallemant, Marc
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    Landais, E.
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    Landy, F.
    Landy, F.. Campagnes et villes de l'Inde : deux cultures antagonistes ?. Cahiers des Sciences Humaines, 1993, Vol. 29, Num. 2-3, p. 313-332
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    77. BERNARD ROY - "Reasoned Grammar, Logic And Rhetoric At Port-Royal" - Page 2
    anonymously published in 1675 in Paris, was thought to have been written by the Port Royal authors until its real author, the Oratorian bernard lamy (1640-1715
    Tradition relegates reasoning to logic. The Port-Royal authors, however, claim that the inclusion of a book on reasoning in a treatise on logic is inessential partly because reasoning is an extension of judging and partly because inferential errors are rare. And, of course, logic plays no role in the discovery process. That, which reasoning extends to judging, is a third idea needed to link two ideas that are not conceived well enough; so, reasoning comes to the help of (extends) judging. The Grammar , before The Logic , had argued that reasoning was nothing but an extension of judging: "To reason is to use two judgments to generate a third one [...]. Hence we see that the third operation of the mind is nothing other than an extension of the second . The Logic later echoes the same sentiment when Arnauld and Nicole argue in the book devoted to reasoning (1) that reasoning is a way to clarify judgments which contain confused terms: "when, then, the consideration alone of two ideas is not sufficient to allow us to judge whether one must affirm or deny one of the other, it is necessary to have recourse to a third idea" ; (2) that the rules of the syllogism are based on the axioms of propositions (183); and (3) that the dictum de omni et nullo , which validates the syllogisms of the first figure, "has been so elucidated in the chapter where we treated affirmative propositions that it is not necessary to elucidate it further here [in a book on reasoning]".

    78. AD HOC BIBLIO - INDEX AUTEURS LETTRE L Compile Le 26/01/03
    bernard Le pari chilien m; lamy, Etienne
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    Title THE RHETORICS OF THOMAS HOBBES AND bernard lamy. Landmarks in Rhetoric and Public Address Author Harwood, John T. (editor).
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    Fax:919-942-1837 Title: THE RHETORICS OF THOMAS HOBBES AND BERNARD LAMY. Landmarks in Rhetoric and Public Address Author: Harwood, John T. (editor).
    Description: Item # Order Now Open 11AM-9PM Monday-Friday; 11AM-6PM Saturday; 1-5PM Sunday. Please call during these hours, as we do not have an answering machine. Scans available of items listed. Payment with order: Check (in US funds drawn on a US bank), Visa, MC, Discover. North Carolina residents must pay the 7% sales tax. Postage. U.S. 4th class media rate: $3.00 for the first volume, 50 cents for each additional. Priority Mail: $5.50 for the first volume, $2.00 for each additional. UPS: $12.00 for the 1st volume, 50 cents each additional. FOREIGN postage will be quoted for each order. In many cases, a single-volume work can be shipped to foreign countries by Global Priority (Air) mail for $10.00. Books returnable within 2 weeks of receipt. Want lists welcome.

    80. Informations Généalogiques
    Translate this page Retour à la page principale. BERTRAND, bernard, Sexe Masculin Naissance EST 1838 Décès après décembre 1888. lamy, Joseph, Sexe Masculin.
    BERTRAND, Bernard
    Sexe: Masculin
    Naissance : EST 1838
    Famille BERTRAND - VALTON VALTON, Louise
    BERTRAND, Marie Henriette
    JOLY POTTUZ, Jean Joseph
    Sexe: Masculin
    Naissance : EST 1846
    Naissance : EST 1853
    JOLY POTTUZ, Nicolas Ernest Sexe: Masculin
    BONFILS, Mathieu
    Sexe: Masculin Famille BONFILS - POMPEL POMPEL, Catherine BONFILS, Jean Baptiste
    LAMY, Joseph Sexe: Masculin Famille LAMY - BONGRAIN LAMY, Charles
    JOLY POTTUZ, Joseph Marie
    JOLY POTTUZ, Joseph Cyrille BERTRANT, Jean ... PICHON, Marguerite Sexe: Masculin Famille JOLY POTTUZ - YOOS Mariage: YOOS, Louis Emmanuel CORET, Louise Marguerite JOLY POTTUZ, Louise Henriette JOLY POTTUZ, Aline Marguerite
    JOLY POTTUZ, Joseph Cyrille
    BERTRANT, Marguerite YOOS, Louis Emmanuel CORET, Louise Marguerite Sexe: Masculin Famille JOLY POTTUZ - COURTIN Mariage:
    YOOS, Louis Emmanuel
    Sexe: Masculin Famille YOOS - CORET CORET, Louise Marguerite
    PELLOUX, Pierre Marie
    PELLOUX, Pierre Joseph FLANDIN, Josephte Sexe: Masculin Famille PELLOUX - CAHIER Mariage: LEDUC, Victoire PELLOUX, Armandine Estelle
    PELLOUX, Pierre Marie Sexe: Masculin Famille PELLOUX - FLANDIN FLANDIN, Josephte

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