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         Laguerre Edmond:     more detail
  1. Recherches Sur La Geometrie De Direction (1885) (French Edition) by Edmond Nicolas Laguerre, 2010-09-10
  2. Recherches Sur La Géométrie De Direction: Méthodes De Transformation : Anticaustiques (French Edition) by Edmond Nicolas Laguerre, 2010-03-25
  3. Théorie Des Équations Numériques (French Edition) by Edmond Nicolas Laguerre, 2009-12-31
  4. Euvres De Laguerre (French Edition) by Edmond Nicolas Laguerre, Académie des Sciences, 2010-01-12
  5. Oeuvres de Laguerre, Vol. 1 (French Edition) by Edmond Nicolas Laguerre, 2006-09-13
  6. Euvres de Laguerre vol. 2 of 2 (French Edition) by Edmond Nicolas Laguerre, 2010-09-20
  7. Recherches sur la géométrie de direction: méthodes de transformation; anticaustiques (French Edition) by Edmond Nicolas Laguerre, 1885-01-01
  8. Recherches Sur La Geometrie De Direction (1885) (French Edition) by Edmond Nicolas Laguerre, 2010-09-10

41. Informations Généalogiques
Translate this page Retour à la page principale. laguerre, Alphonse Sexe Masculin Famille Retourà la page principale. St Onge, edmond Sexe Masculin Famille
Sexe: Masculin
Famille: Mariage:
Conjoint: Hamel, Delvina
Hamel-Lasalle, Antoine
Lavertu, Willie Sexe: Masculin
Famille: Mariage:
Conjoint: Hamel, Eveline
Hamel-Lasalle, Adolphe
Caron, Jacques Sexe: Masculin
Famille: Mariage:
Conjoint: Hamel, Amanda
Hamel-Lasalle, Adolphe
Piette, Marie Sexe: Masculin
Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Hamel, Marie Anne Parents Hamel-Lasalle, Adolphe
Hamel, Wilfrid Sexe: Masculin Parents Hamel, Jules Morissette, Henriette Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Gagnon, Marie Jeanne
Daneau, Ludger
Sexe: Masculin Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Hamel, Odile Parents Hamel, Jules Morissette, Henriette
Hamel, Jules Sexe: Masculin Parents Hamel, Jules Morissette, Henriette Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Piette, Marie
Laguerre, Alphonse
Sexe: Masculin Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Hamel, Silfrid Parents Hamel, Jules Morissette, Henriette
Asselin, Alfred Sexe: Masculin Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Hamel, Annie Parents
Leblanc, Joseph
Sexe: Masculin Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Hamel, Albertine Parents Hamel, Charles

42. Laar, Mart Estonian Polit. Reformer; Prime Min. Of Estonia 1992
metric system, calculus of variations _17361813 La Guardia, Fiorello Henry US polit.;mayor of New York City 1933-1945 _1882-1947 laguerre, edmond Nicolas Fr.

43. Institut De France - Recherche
Translate this page Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres LA GOURNERIE (Jules, Antoine, René,MAILLARD de) Académie des Sciences laguerre (edmond, Nicolas) Académie des
B C D ... Z

LABARTE (Charles, Jules)
Classe des Sciences morales et politiques (section de Morale)
Classe LABORDE (le Comte Alexandre, Louis, Joseph de) Classe LA BORDERIE (Louis, Arthur, LEMOYNE de) Ac LABUS (Giovanni) des Sciences (section d'Anatomie et Zoologie) Classe des Sciences (section d'Anatomie et Zoologie) LACOUR (Pierre) Classe Classe des Beaux-Arts LACOUR (Pierre) Classe des Beaux-Arts Ac LACRETELLE (Jean, Charles, Dominique) LACRETELLE (Pierre, Louis) Classe Classe des Sciences morales et politiques Ac LAGOY (le Marquis Louis, Roger, Xavier de Meyran de) LAGRANGE (le Comte Giuseppe, Luigi) Classe LAGUERRE (Edmond, Nicolas) LAKANAL (Joseph) Classe des Sciences morales et politiques (section de Morale) Classe Classe LAMARCK (le Chevalier Jean, Baptiste, Pierre, Antoine de MONET de)

44. Liste Alphabétique Des Mathématiciens
Translate this page Lagrange (comte Joseph Louis de), Français (1736-1813). laguerre (edmond),Français (1834-1886). La Hire (Philippe de), Français (1640-1718).
Abel (Niels Henrik) Agnesi (Maria Guetana) Italienne (1718-1799) Alembert (Jean Le Rond d') Alexander (James Waddell) Alexandroff (Pavel Sergeevich) Russe (1896-1982) Apian (Peter Benneuwitz, dit) Allemand (1495-1552) Apollonios de Perga Grec(v.~262-v.~180) Appel (Paul) Grec (~287-~212) Aristote Grec (~384-~322) Arzela (Cesare) Italien (1847-1912) Ascoli (Guilio) Italien (1843-1896) Babbage (Charles) Anglais (1792-1871) Banach (Stefan) Polonais (1892-1945) Argand (Jean Robert) Suisse (1768-1822) Barrow (Isaac) Anglais (1630-1677) Bayes (Thomas) Anglais (1702-1761) Bellavitis (Giusto) Italien (1803-1880) Beltrami (Eugenio) Italien (1835-1900) Bernays (Paul) Suisse (1888-1977) Bernoulli (Daniel) Suisse (1700-1782) Bernoulli (Jacques) Suisse (1654-1705) Bernoulli (Jean) Suisse (1667-1748) Allemand (1878-1956) Bernstein (Sergei Natanovich) Russe (1880-1968) Bertrand (Josepn) Bessel (Friedrich) Allemand (1784-1846) Birkoff (George David) Bliss (Gilbert Ames) Bochner (Salomon) Allemand (1899-1982) Bolyai (Janos) Hongrois (1802-1860) Bolzano (Bernhard) Bombelli (Raffaele) Italien (1522-1572) Bonnet (Ossian) Boole (George) Anglais (1815-1864) Bourbaki (Nicolas) Braikenridge (William) Anglais (v.1700-1762)

45. UBC Library - MARION
laguerre, edmond Nicolas, 18341886. (1 title); laguerre, Enrique A.(7 titles); laguerre, Georgette, 1895- (1 title); laguerre, John., R

46. Steps On Broadway
Hip Hop 2, Saturday, 215 PM, Shariffa laguerre, 900, 1230. Hip Hop 3, Saturday,115 PM, Jonathan Lee, 330, 630, Jazz F Tap, Saturday, 100 PM, Jeff edmond, 530,630,

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47. Collected Works In Mathematics And Statistics
Author, Title, Volumes, Call Number, Location. laguerre, edmond Nicolas,18341886, Oeuvres de laguerre, 2, QA 3 L2382 1972, Killam. Landau
Collected Works in Mathematics and Statistics
This is a list of Mathematics and Statistics collected works that can be found at Dalhousie University and at other Halifax universities. The vast majority of these works are located in the Killam Library on the Dalhousie campus. A guide to other locations is given at the end of this list. If a title is owned by both Dalhousie and another university, only the Dalhousie site is listed. For all locations, and for full bibliographic details, see the NOVANET library catalogue This list was compiled, and the collection is being enlarged, with the invaluable help of the Bibliography of Collected Works maintained by the Cornell University Mathematics Library. The thumbnail sketches of mathematicians were taken from the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive at the University of St. Andrews. For correction, comments, or questions, write to Karl Dilcher ( You can scroll through this list, or jump to the beginning of the letter:
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N.H. Abel

48. QA3 L258 V.1 ,1898, Laguerre, Edmond Nicolas, 1834-1886 , Oeuvres
QA3 L258 v.1 ,1898, laguerre, edmond Nicolas, 18341886 , Oeuvres de laguerre,publiees sous les auspices de l Academie des sciences par Ch.

49. :: Ez2Find :: People
URL http//; edmond laguerre Site Info - Translate- Open New Window Includes a brief biography and bibliography.
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50. Loodus- Ja Täppisteadlaste Eluaastaid
L Lagrange, Joseph Louis de (17361813) (FRA matemaatik) laguerre, edmond Nicolas(1834-1886) (matemaatik) Lambert, Johann Heinrich (1728-1777) (GER matemaatik

B C D ... Y A
Abbe, Ernst
Abbot, Charles Greeley
Abel, Niels Henrik (1802-1829) (NOR matemaatik)
Abelson, Philip Hauge
Abraham, Max
Abrikossov, Aleksei A.
Adams, John Couch (1819-1892) (GBR astronoom)
Aepinus, Franz Ulrich Theodor
Agnesi, Maira Gaetana (1718-1799) (matemaatik) d'Alembert, Jean Baptiste Le Round (1717-1783) (FRA filosoof ja matemaatik) Amontons, Guillaume Ampére, André Marie Anaxagoras Anaximandros Anaximenes Apollonios, Pergest (~260-~170 e.m.a.) (kreeka matemaatik) Arago, Dominique Francois Aragon Armand Archimedes Aristarchos (320-250 e.m.a.) Aristoteles Arzela, Cesare (1847-1912) (matemaatik) Tagasi algusesse / Up B Babinet, Jacques Bacon, Roger (1214-1294) (inglise filosoof ja looduseuurija) Baire, Louis René (1874-1932) (matemaatik) Banach, Stefan (1892-1945) (POL matemaatik) Barrow, Isaac Bartels, Johann Martin Christian (1769-1836) (matemaatik) Bartholinus, Erasmus (1625-1698) (DEN loodusteadlane) Bateman, Harry (1882-1946) (matemaatik) Bayes, Thomas (1702-1761) (GBR matemaatik) Becquerel, Antoine Henri Bell, Alexander Graham

51. TechWiki: GadallaBuraeElBadawi
edmondNicolas laguerre (Bar-Le-Duc 1834-1886) was an officer at the army(Artillery),thena professor of Geometry at the academy of the sciences of Paris(1874

52. 1834
Translate this page laguerre, edmond-Nicolas (Bar-le-Duc, Meuse 1834-1886) matematico francese,si occupò in particolare di geometria Ricerche sulla geometria di direzione secolo/1834.php
Il Viandante in rete dal 1996 HOME E-MAIL STORIA GIALLI ... VIAGGI NUOVO CERCA
FORUM una storia particolare Nuova Ricerca Papa Gregorio XVI
«segue» 1834, con l'enciclica Singulari nos ripete la condanna del "cattolicesimo liberale" di Lamennais ANNO 1834 – Acri, Francesco (Catanzaro 1834-Bologna 1913) filosofo e letterato italiano, esponente dello "spiritualismo", infuenzato da Gioberti e Rosmini
1862-1889, insegna storia della filosofia a Bologna; si batte contro il divorzio e favorisce l'introduzione del catechismo nelle scuole;
Videmus in aenigmate
Amore, dolore e fede
di Platone (1913-15, in 3 voll, traduzione di dodici dialoghi)
Dialettica serena – Acton, John Emerich Dalberg (Napoli 1834-Tegernsee, Baviera 1902) storico inglese, in opposizione ai decreti del Concilio Vaticano I
Progettò la Storia del mondo moderno dell'università di Cambridge. – Altamirano, Ignacio Manuel (Tixtla de Guerrero, Chilpancingo 1834-Sanremo 1893) uomo politico e scrittore messicano, di origine india; scrisse su «El renacimiento»;

53. Prime Numbers
VisitChristoffel Number edmond laguerre is known for contributingthe laguerre equation and polynomials. The laguerre equation is
Difference Equations
Recursive Relations
Difference Equations and Recursive Relations index History Topics Index Difference equations and recursive relations were first studied extensively by the ancient Greek mathematicians.
The major contributors to the theory of difference equations and recursive relations during the period of 1876-1900 were: Hermite Christoffel Routh Laguerre ... Chebychev and Peano.
Charles Hermite is known for introducing Hermite equations y" - 2xy' + 2 n y = where n is a constant, not necessarily an integer. Hermite functions is the solutions of an equation related to Hermite's equations. By the method of solution in series, the general solution of Hermite's equation is y(x) = c y (x) + c y (x) where c and c are arbitraty constants and the functions y (x) and y (x) are defined by the equations y (x) = 1 - 2 n/ 2! x n(n-2)/4! x n(n-2)(n-4)/6! x y (x) = x [ 1 - 2 ( n-1)/3 ! x n-1)(n-3)/5! x In solutions of the Hermite equation, when n is a positive integer; it then has a polynomial solution.
If n is an even integer n, we take

54. Browse The Cornell Library Historical Math Monographs
Eugène. Recherches sur la géométrie de direction; méthodes de transformation;anticaustiques by laguerre, edmond Nicolas. Recherches
A B C D E ... Q R S T U V ... WXYZ Titles "R" Randwertaufgaben bei Systemen von Linearen Partiellen Differentialgleichungen erster Ordnung
by Hurwitz, Wallie Abraham Recherche méthodique et propriétés des triangles rectangles en nombres entiers
by Bahier, Eugène Recherches sur la géométrie de direction; méthodes de transformation; anticaustiques
by Laguerre, Edmond Nicolas Recherches sur les substitutions, et en particulier sur les groupes transitifs
by Maillet, Edmond Théodore Recreations in Science and Natural Philosophy
by Ozanam, Jacques Réduction des intégrales définies générales. [Integral sign]_[infinity symbol] F(x)cos. pxdx/q²+x², [integral sign]_[infinity symbol] F(x)sin. pxdx/q²+x², et application de ces formules au cas, que F(x) a un facteur de la fornie sin
by Haan, D. Bierens Repertorio di matematiche superiori (definizioniformoleteoremicenni bibliografici) (Volume 1)
by Pascal, Ernesto Repertorio di matematiche superiori (definizioniformoleteoremicenni bibliografici) (Volume 2)
by Pascal, Ernesto Researches on curves of the second order, also on cones and spherical conics treated analytically, in which the tangencies of Apollonius are investigated, and general geometrical constructions deduced from analysis; also several of the geometrical conclusions of M. Charles are analytically resolved, together with many properties entirely original
by Hearn, George Whitehead
Send us E-mail: Reference question?

55. This Document In[* DVI ..]format.
$42.00. ISBN 3540-16059-0 _Contents\ Claude Brezinski, edmond Nicolas laguerre (pp.

56. SearchBug Directory: Science: Physics: Mathematical_Physics: People
edmond laguerre http// a brief biography and bibliography.
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Web Pages - ranked by popularity Jean Fourier

57. Kramer
discussed the geometric properties of polygenic functions, extending the work ofEdward Kasner, her thesis supervisor, George Scheffers and edmond laguerre.
Edna Ernestine Kramer Lassar
Born: 11 May 1902 in Manhattan, New York, USA
Died: 9 July 1984 in Manhattan, New York, USA
Edna Ernestine Kramer Lassar was born on 11 May 1902, in New York City in the borough of Manhattan. Named after her uncle, Edward Elowitch who had died shortly before her birth and who had shown a gift for mathematics, Kramer's childhood ambition was to do well in his honour. She was the eldest child of Joseph and Sabine Kramer who were both Jewish immigrants from Europe. They had come to Manhattan as children, having to go out to work at an early age but nevertheless attending Night School to obtain their high school education. Both grew up to become intellectual, ambitious adults; a trait they passed to their children. They were both excellent linguists and while speaking and writing English well they also retained their native German.
Kramer's parents believed strongly in the importance of education and her father was proud to serve on the New York City Board of Education, despite having no academic affiliation. Kramer and her two siblings, Martha, who was two years younger and Herbert, born in 1911 were held to high standards by their parents with the result that they were all prize-winning students, who were all elected to the Phi Beta Kappa and became teachers.
Kramer was a precocious child who intrigued her relatives. Their interest in her was to have a huge effect. She was especially influenced by her young Aunt Therese Elowitch, who lived nearby and was a lawyer by profession and by a cousin, Josephine Schwartz, who lived with the Kramers as a child. They challenged Kramer to card games, such as Hearts and feats of memory, including reciting poetry. By the time Kramer entered first grade, in May 1908, she had already studied many of her cousin's higher-level elementary school assignments. Kramer was also impressed by her mother and aunt's involvement within the Suffragette movement.

58. Pedmundo
Translate this page Bibliografía edmond laguerre (Francia1834 -1886) Matemático francés. Especializado en ecuaciones.
E n esta página se relacionan las "Denominaciones de Origen" Edmundo. Personas reales o de ficción con cierto reconocimiento universal, o "cosas" con nuestro nombre.
Edmond Rostand
(Francia 1868 - 1918)

Dramaturgo autor entre otros de Cyrano de Bergerac
Edmond Jabes (Egipto 1912)
Poeta, humanista, filosofo, autor inclasificable por la variedad de temas que ha tratado.
Edmond Laguerre (Francia 1834 -1886)
Especializado en ecuaciones.
Edmond Hillary
(Nueva Zelanda 1919) Edmond Biniamin Rothschild (Alemania 1845 -1934) Edmond de Goncourt (Francia 1822-1918) Edmondo de Amicis (Italia 1846 - 1908)
Narrador y periodista. Una de sus obras mas internacionales es "Corazón" Estilo: 347B "Edmond" Tamaño del ala: 2 3/4" Borde cocido a la orilla del ala Tamaño de la copa: 4" Color: Beige Tallas: 6 7/8 - 7 3/4 Precio: $60.00 U.S.

59. People
edmond laguerre http// a brief biography and bibliography.
People Directory: Guide to People sites on the internet. Search Engines: Google Yahoo MSN FindWhat ... City Guides
Science Physics Mathematical Physics People Websites Charles Hermite
Includes a biography comparing him with other contemporaries of his, references and quotations.
Elie Cartan
A brief biography of Cartan and exposition of his work in applied topology.
Jacobi and Dirichlet
A biography of these two mathematical physicists.
Sophus Lie
A short history of the life and work of Sophus Lie, whose work, Lie groups, has applications in quantum mechanics in relativity.
Hermann Hankel
The mathematician who developed Hankel functions and the Hankel transform.
Gustav Jacobi The mathematician whose work with coordinate transformations is still common in mathematical physics Jean Fourier

60. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern
Translate this page de La Faille, Charles (1597 - 1652) de Lagny, Thomas (1660 - 1734) Lagrange, JosephLouis (25.1.1736 - 10.4.1813) laguerre, edmond Nicolas (1834 - 1886) de La
Diese Seite ist dem Andenken meines Vaters Otto Hebisch (1917 - 1998) gewidmet. By our fathers and their fathers
in some old and distant town
from places no one here remembers
come the things we've handed down.
Marc Cohn Dies ist eine Sammlung, die aus verschiedenen Quellen stammt, u. a. aus Jean Dieudonne, Geschichte der Mathematik, 1700 - 1900, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1985. Helmut Gericke, Mathematik in Antike und Orient - Mathematik im Abendland, Fourier Verlag, Wiesbaden 1992. Otto Toeplitz, Die Entwicklung der Infinitesimalrechnung, Springer, Berlin 1949. MacTutor History of Mathematics archive A B C ... Z Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909)
Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829)
Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130)
Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922)
Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930)
Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998)
Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843)

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