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         Kummer Eduard:     more books (21)
  1. Die Mutter Als Erzieherin Ihrer Tochter Und Söhne Zur Physischen Und Sittlichen Gesundheit Vom Ersten Kindesalter Bis Zur Reife by Hermann Klencke, 1892-01-01
  2. DIE LEBERMOOSE DEUTSCHLANDS, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz, mit Berücksichtigung der übrigen Länder Europas, volumes 1 and 2, complete. by K. Müller, 1934
  3. Ascomyceten: Hysteriaceen und Discomyceten (Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz / L. Rabenhorst) by Heinrich Rehm, 1896
  4. DIE LEBERMOOSE DEUTSCHLANDS, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz, mit Berücksichtigung der übrigen Länder Europas, volumes 1 and 2, complete.
  5. Lustspiele
  6. HAUSLEXICON DER GESUNDHEITSLEHRE FUR LEIB UND SEELE [two volume set]. by Dr. Hermann Klencke., 1872

21. Berühmte Mathematik: Mathematiker > Kummer
Translate this page Ernst eduard kummer (1810 bis 1893). kummer wurde am 28. Jänner 1810in Sorau als Sohn eines Arztes geboren. Der Vater, Carl Gotthelf
Ernst Eduard Kummer (1810 bis 1893) Kummer wurde am 28. Jänner 1810 in Sorau als Sohn eines Arztes geboren. Der Vater, Carl Gotthelf Kummer, starb drei Jahre danach an Typhus, so wuchs Kummer eher in ärmlichen Verhältnissen auf, aber seine Mutter ermöglichte ihm dennoch den Besuch des Gymnasiums von Sorau bis zur Reife für die Universität. 1828 inskripierte Kummer in der Universität von Halle Theologe, aber wechselte schon bald wegen seiner philosophischen Studien zur Mathematik. Dort lehrte damals Heinrich Friedrich Scherk, der Kummer während seiner Studienzeit am meisten beeinflußte. Im dritten Studienjahre löste Kummer eine von Scherk gestellte Aufgabe und erhielt dafür Preis, und noch im selben Jahr erhielt er am 10. September sein Doktorat. Nach Abschluß seiner Hochschulstudien wurde er zunächst Gymnasiallehrer in Sorau, seiner Heimatstadt, und lehrte von 1832 bis 1842 am Gymnasium von Liegnitz. Dort verfaßte Kummer mehrere Arbeiten über Funktionentheorie. Eine Arbeit über hypergeometrische Reihen veröffentlichte 1836 er im Crelle's Journal, und sandte ein Kopie an Jacobi . Dieser, und später auch Dirchlet, mit dem Kummer einen Briefwechsel pflegte, erkannten dessen mathematischen Fähigkeiten. So wurde Kummer schon 1939 in Berlin

22. Ernst Kummer - Encyclopedia Article About Ernst Kummer. Free Access, No Registra
Ernst eduard kummer (29 January January 29 is the 29th day of the year in the GregorianCalendar. There are 336 days remaining, (337 in leap years). Events. Kummer
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Ernst Kummer
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Ernst Eduard Kummer 29 January January 29 is the 29th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. There are 336 days remaining, (337 in leap years).
  • 1676 - Feodor III becomes Tsar of Russia.
  • The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe is published for the first time ( New York Evening Mirror
  • 1850 - Henry Clay introduces the Compromise of 1850 to the United States Congress.

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 18th century - 19th century - 20th century Decades: 1760s 1770s 1780s 1790s 1800s - Years: 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 -
  • January 10 - Marriage of Napoleon and Josephine is annulled
  • February 11 - Napoleon marries Marie-Louise of Austria.
  • April 19 - Venezuela achieves home rule: Emparan, Governor of the Captaincy General is removed by the people of Caracas and a Junta is installed.

Click the link for more information. in Sorau, Brandenburg This article is about the state of Brandenburg. There is also a town in it called Brandenburg. For other towns of the same name, see Brandenburg (disambiguation).

Capital: Potsdam
Inhabitants: 2.593.040

23. Regular Prime - Encyclopedia Article About Regular Prime. Free Access, No Regist
described by Ernst kummer Ernst eduard kummer (29 January 1810 in Sorau, Brandenburg,Prussia 14 May 1893 in Berlin, Germany) was a German mathematician. prime
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Regular prime
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition In mathematics Mathematics is commonly defined as the study of patterns of structure, change, and space; more informally, one might say it is the study of 'figures and numbers'. In the formalist view, it is the investigation of axiomatically defined abstract structures using logic and mathematical notation; other views are described in Philosophy of mathematics. Mathematics might be seen as a simple extension of spoken and written languages, with an extremely precisely defined vocabulary and grammar, for the purpose of describing and exploring physical and conceptual relationships.
Click the link for more information. regular primes are a certain kind of prime numbers In mathematics, a prime number , or prime for short, is a natural number greater than 1 whose only positive divisors are 1 and itself. The sequence of prime numbers (sequence A000040 in OEIS) begins See list of prime numbers for the first 500 primes.
Click the link for more information.

24. Anecdote - Ernst Eduard Kummer - Simple Arithmetic
Only 63 is left. kummer, Ernst eduard (18101893) German mathematician notedfor his creation of ideal numbers and for his demonstration that a complete

25. Anecdote - Ernst Eduard Kummer - Going Ballistic
kummer, Ernst eduard (18101893) German mathematician noted for his creation of ideal numbers and for his demonstration that a complete proof of Fermat s

26. Kummer - 1878
Translate this page Ernst eduard kummer - 1878. Der Beweis von kummer ist noch einleuchtenderals der von Euklid und so schön kurz und einfach, so daß
Ernst Eduard Kummer - 1878
p , p , ..., p r n = p * p * ... * p r . Die Zahl n - 1 hat dann unter der Annahme einer endlichen Primzahlmenge einen gemeinsamen Primteiler p i mit n p i den Term n n - 1) = 1 teilt.
Paulo Ribenboim, The Book of Prime Number Records, Springer-Verlag 1989, 2. Auflage

27. VEDA
26.8. MATEMATIKOVÉ V HISTORII Ernst eduard kummer Jirí Svršek narozen29. ledna 1810 v Sorau, Brandenburg, Prusko (nyní Nemecko) zemrel 14.
Nedìle 26.8.2001
Svátek má Ludìk
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Alena Marešová Neviditelný pes již pøed èasem uveøejnil dotazník paní doktorky Marešové z Institutu pro kriminologii a sociální prevenci v Praze, týkající se extremismu. Nyní vás znovu prosí o pomoc. Institut pro kriminologii a sociální prevenci se t.è. zabývá trestnou èinností policistù - jejími pøíèinami, nezbytnými podmínkami její existence a možnostmi její redukce. Dílèím úkolem je zjištìní, jak v souèasnosti policii a policisty vnímá veøejnost a odborná veøejnost. Ze zkušených pracovníkù justice a policie byl vytvoøen soubor expertù, jejichž názory budou zpracovány a interpretovány zvl᚝ .Vzhledem k vynikajícím zkušenostem ze sbìru názorù prostøednictvím dotazníkù pøedložených internetové èásti veøejnosti, také v tomto pøípadì jsem zpracovala krátký dotazník a prosím uživatele internetu o jeho vyplnìní.
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28. Auteur - Kummer, Ernst Eduard

29. :: Matematikçiler ::
Hârizmî. Kerim ERIM. KRONECKER, Leopold. kummer, eduard. LAGRANGE, JosephLouis. LAMBERT, Jean Henri. LAPLACE, Pierre Simon. LEBESGUE, Henri Leon.
Menü Ana Sayfa Matematik Tarihi Matematikçiler NETMatematik ... Linkler
Bir Söz Size ne yapacaðýnýzý söyleyebilirler, ama ne düþüneceðinizi asla!.. Socrates
Üye Sayýsý: Baþlýk Sayýsý: Mesaj Sayýsý:
Yeni Üyelerimiz assmkbe lidda buazizi hayati þimþek harun
Yeni Matematikçiler ÖKLÝD (Eukleides) Uluð Bey Tosun TERZÝOÐLU Selman AKBULUT Salih Zeki Bey
Yeni Eklenen Konular Çarpým Hileleri Topoloji Nedir? Möbius Þeridi Fraktallar Ýlginç Diziler
Son Makaleler Matematiðin Fel... Matematik Öðren... Matematik Neye ... Matematiðin Ýki... Baþka Türlü Bir...
Yeni Eklenen Kitaplar Bilgisayarda 101 Proje Dünyayý Saran Að: www Bilgisayarlar Feynman'ýn Kayýp Dersi Bilgisayar Ne Sayar
var USER=28535;
Sitemizde toplam matematikçinin biyografisi bulunmaktadýr. Yeni Eklenen Matematikçiler ÖKLÝD (Eukleides) Öklid, Mýsýr'ýn Ýskenderiye þehrinde doðdu. "Temel Öðeler" adlý yapýtýyla , son zamanlara dek geçerliliðini koruyan matematiðin temellerini atmýþtý. Bu geometri, halen lise öðrencilerine okutulmaktadýr.
Uluð Bey Türk matematikçilerinden birisi olan Uluð Bey, Timur'un erkek torunlarýndan hükümdar olanlardan birinin oðludur. Asýl adý Mehmet'tir. Fakat o, daha çok Uluð Bey adý ile ünlü olmuþtur. 1393 yýlýnda Sultaniye kentinde doðmuþtur.

30. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article
kummer, Ernst eduard (18101893). The Hutchinson Dictionary of ScientificBiography; 1/1/1998. Read the Full Article, Get a FREE Trial

31. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
Helicon Publishing Ltd 3. kummer, Ernst eduard (18101893) TheHutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography; January 1, 1998

32. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With K
Translate this page EST 1830-) Küffer, Johann Jakob (EST 1800-) Kuhn, Anna (ABT 1692-) Kühner, Christianeduard Karl (EST 1880-) Küller, Rosina (-) kummer, eduard (EST 1870
Genealogy Index for surnames beginning with K
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(EST 1830-)
Kaiser, Alfred
(EST 1830-)
Kaisin, Irma

Kamber, Bertha
(7 Nov 1876-12 Feb 1912)
Kamber, Joseph
(EST 1840-)
Kampfer, Christina
(ABT 1748-)
(EST 1830-)
(EST 1840-)
(ABT 1875-)
(10 Dec 1797-19 Apr 1873)
(ABT 1758-) (ABT 1742-) (EST 1800-) (ABT 1700-) Kaufmann, Friedrich (EST 1870-) Kaufmann, Ida (2 Jul 1873-8 Feb 1956) Kaufmann, Jakob (EST 1840-) Keating, John (EST 1890-) Keating, Roma (22 Feb 1926-16 Sep 1999) Kernen, Jakob (EST 1860-) Kesselring, Johann Heinrich (EST 1830-) Kesteman, Bartholomeus Jacobus (20 Aug 1705-26 May 1750) Kesteman, Carolus Jacobus Joannes (9 Jan 1750-12 Sep 1836) Kesteman, Jacobus (BEF 1623-13 Nov 1669) Kesteman, Joannes (1647-11 Mar 1712) Kesteman, Maria Theresia (2 Aug 1781-12 Jan 1851) Kesteman, Martinus Kesteman, Petronilla Francisca (2 Nov 1695-19 Nov 1777) Keutgen, Antonius Michael (9 Dec 1810-) Keutgen, Maria Anna Kiekens, Joseph (ABT 1782-12 Mar 1846) (9 Apr 1825-1895) (10 Oct 1853-) Kissling, Alois (EST 1890-) Kistler, Jakob

33. Genealogy Data
Translate this page Family Marriage 29 Aug 1903 Spouse kummer, eduard Birth EST 1870Gender Male. Back to Main Page. Horisberger, Johannes Birth
Genealogy Data
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Birth : 13 Feb 1814 Wimmis, , Switzerland
Gender: Female
Family: Marriage: 11 Jan 1839
Spouse: Horisberger, Johannes
Birth : 9 Oct 1814 Auswil, Bern, Switzerland
Death : 17 Nov 1852 Thun, Bern, Switzerland
Gender: Male
Parents: Father: Horisberger, Andreas
Mother: Roschi, Verena
Family: Marriage: 15 Dec 1855
Spouse: Graf, Christian Birth : EST 1810 Gender: Male
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Berger, Margaritha Birth : 1767 Eggiwil, Bern, Switzerland Death : 15 Nov 1847 Steffisburg, Bern, Switzerland Gender: Female Family: Marriage: 30 Jun 1825 Spouse: Horisberger, Andreas Family: Spouse: Siegenthaler, Birth : EST 1770 Death : BEF 1825 Gender: Male
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Gerber, Anna Maria Birth : 13 Oct 1822 Schangnau, , Switzerland Gender: Female Parents: Father: Gerber, Christien Family: Marriage: 1 Apr 1843 Spouse: Horisberger, Samuel Birth : 10 Sep 1815 Auswil, Bern, Switzerland Death : 11 Sep 1855 Steffisburg, Bern, Switzerland Gender: Male Parents: Father: Horisberger, Ulrich

34. Kummer
Translate this page Zurück zur Übersicht Biografien. kummer, Ernst eduard, deutscher Mathematiker* 29. 1. 1810 Sorau, † 14. 5. 1893 Berlin. Arbeitsgebiete
Zurück zur Übersicht Biografien Kummer , Ernst Eduard, deutscher Mathematiker
Arbeitsgebiete: Zahlentheorie, Differentialgeometrie Kummer lehrte in Breslau und (seit 1855) Berlin.

35. Ernst Eduard Kummer
Ernst eduard kummer. Born 29 Jan 1810 in May 1893 in Berlin , Germany.eduard kummer s father, Carl Gotthelf kummer was a physician. Eduard Kummer .htm
Ernst Eduard Kummer
Born: 29 Jan 1810 in Sorau Brandenburg Prussia (now Germany
Died: 14 May 1893 in Berlin Germany
Eduard Kummer 's father, Carl Gotthelf Kummer was a physician. However he died when Eduard was only three years old and Eduard and his elder brother were brought up by their mother. Eduard received private coaching before entering the Gymnasium in Sorau when he was nine years old. In 1828 Kummer entered the University of Halle with the intention of studying Protestant theology. Fortunately for the good of mathematics, Kummer received mathematics teaching as part of his degree, designed to provide a proper foundation to the study of philosophy. Kummer's mathematics lecturer H F Scherk inspired his interest in mathematics and Kummer soon was studying mathematics as his main subject, although at this stage he still saw it as leading to a later study of philosophy. In 1831 Kummer was awarded a prize for a mathematical essay he wrote on a topic set by Scherk. In the same year he was awarded his certificate to enable him to teach in schools and, on the strength of his prize winning essay, he was awarded a doctorate. During session 1831-32 Kummer taught a probationary year at the Gymnasium in Sorau where he had been educated. Then he was appointed to a teaching post at the Gymnasium in Liegnitz, now Legnica in Poland Kummer held this teaching post in Liegnitz for 10 years. There he taught mathematics and physics and sometimes other topics. Some of his pupils had great ability, and conversely they were extremely fortunate to find a school teacher of Kummer's quality and ability to inspire. His two most famous pupils were

36. - Math Site For Kids! Home Of Flashcards, Math
Click Here kummer, Ernst eduard. (181093). Mathematician, born in Sorau, Germany.He studied at Halle, and taught at the Gymnasium in Liegnitz (183242).

37. Wielka Ksiega Legniczan - Oficjalny Portal Miasta - Miasto
Ernest eduard kummer. Ernest eduard kummer ur. 29 1810 r., zm. 1893 r.; nauczyciellegnickiego gimnazjum. Urodzil sie w Zorach. Jego ojciec byl fizykiem.

38. Ernst Kummer - Information
Ernst eduard kummer (29 January 1810 in Sorau, Brandenburg, Prussia 14 May 1893 in Berlin, Germany) was a German mathematician.
Ernst Kummer - Information Home
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Ernst Eduard Kummer 29 January in Sorau Brandenburg Prussia 14 May in Berlin Germany ) was a German mathematician . Capable in applied mathematics , Kummer trained German army officers in ballistics ; afterwards, he taught for 10 years in a Gymnasium (the German equivalent of high school), where he inspired the mathematical career of Leopold Kronecker . In , Kummer retired from teaching and from mathematics. Kummer made several contributions to mathematics in different areas; he codified some of the relations between different hypergeometric series (contiguity relations). The Kummer surface results from taking the quotient of a two-dimensional abelian variety orbifold : it has 16 singular points, and its geometry was intensively studied in the nineteenth century Kummer also proved Fermat's last theorem for a considerable class of prime exponents (see regular prime ideal class group ). His methods were closer, perhaps, to p-adic ones than to ideal theory as understood later, though the term 'ideal' arose here. He studied what were later called

39. List Of Mathematical Topics (J-L) - Information
Kruskal, Martin Kruskal s algorithm Ktheory Kullback-Leibler divergence kummer kummer, Ernst kummer, Ernst eduard Kuratowski, Kazimierz
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J-invariant Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jakob Jacobi identity Jacobi's elliptic functions ... Julia set
K-Hyperperfect number K-fold perfect number Kac Kac, Mark ... Kutta, Martin Wilhelm
L-function L-system La Géometrie Lafforgue ... LZW All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (see for details). . Wikipedia is powered by MediaWiki , an open source wiki engine.

40. Kummer
Poincare. Poncelet. Riemann. SonjaKowalewski. Steiner. Sylvester. Weierstrass.kummer,Ernst eduard (18101893) ?,EE(kummer,Ernst eduard).
Abel Bernoulli-Daniel Bernoulli-Jocob Bernoulli-Johannes ... Weierstrass Kummer,Ernst Eduard ¡]18101893¡^ ®wÀqº¸¡AE.E.(Kummer,Ernst Eduard) 1810 ¦~1 ¤ë 29 ¤é¥Í©ó¼w°ê¯Á³Ò (Sorau);
1893 ¦~5¤ë 14 ¤é¨ò©ó¼w°ê¬fªL¡C ¼Æ¾Ç¡C

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