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         Kronecker Leopold:     more books (36)
  1. Vorlesungen ?ber die Theorie der einfachen und der vielfachen Integrale. by Leopold. NETTO, Dr. Eugen ed. KRONECKER, 1894
  2. Journal Für Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik, Volume 65 (German Edition) by Leopold Kronecker, August Leopold Crelle, et all 2010-03-22
  3. Vorlesungen uber Zahlentheorie (German Edition) by Leopold Kronecker, 1978
  4. Elliptic functions: Complex numbers by Leopold Kronecker, 1883
  5. Leopold Kronecker's Werke II - Zweiter Band
  6. Leopold Kronecker's Werke III - Dritten Bandes
  7. Leopold Kronecker's Werke IV - Vierter Band

41. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
2. kronecker, leopold (18231891) The Hutchinson Dictionary of ScientificBiography; January 1, 1998 kronecker, leopold (1823-1891) was

42. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
9. kronecker, leopold (18231891) The Hutchinson Dictionary of ScientificBiography; January 1, 1998 kronecker, leopold (1823-1891

43. Lexikon - Leopold Kronecker Definition Erklärung Bedeutung
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Leopold Kronecker
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Leopold Kronecker 7. Dezember ), deutscher Mathematiker Er arbeitete in Berlin auf den Gebieten der Algebra Zahlentheorie und Funktionentheorie . Er glaubte, die Mathematik sei auf ganze Zahlen zur¼ckzuf¼hren und wurde mit dieser Ansicht ein Gegner von Georg Cantor und dessen Mengenlehre B¼cher bei zum Stichwort: Leopold Kronecker Info:
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44. Alles Rund Um Die Sprechblase
Translate this page Gott erschuf die natürlichen Zahlen, und der Mensch erfand den Rest.Bewerten Send 2 Friend, kronecker, leopold. Sichtbar 1 1 von 1.

45. Leopold Kronecker - Reference Library
leopold kronecker. leopold kronecker (18231891) was a German mathematicianand logician who argued that arithmetic and analysis
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Leopold Kronecker
Leopold Kronecker ) was a German mathematician and logician who argued that arithmetic and analysis must be founded on "whole numbers", saying, " God made the natural numbers; all else is the work of man " (Bell 1986, p. 477). This put Kronecker in opposition to some of the mathematical extensions of Georg Cantor . Kronecker was a student and lifelong friend of Ernst Kummer Kronecker wrote his dissertation, at the University of Berlin, on number theory , giving special formulation to units in certain algebraic number fields After obtaining his degree, however, Kronecker managed the estate and business of his uncle, producing nothing mathematical for eight years. In his Kronecker also contributed to the concept of continuity , reconstructing the form of irrational numbers in real numbers . In analysis , Kronecker rejected the formulation of a continuous nowhere-differentiable function by his colleague, Karl Weierstrass . In his paper

46. Leopold Kronecker
Translate this page leopold kronecker (1823 bis 1891). kronecker wurde am 7. Dezember 1823in der kleinen Stadt Liegnitz geboren. Sein Vater, ein Kaufmann
Leopold Kronecker (1823 bis 1891) Kronecker wurde am 7. Dezember 1823 in der kleinen Stadt Liegnitz geboren. Sein Vater, ein Kaufmann in Liegnitz, war sehr gebildet, und sorgte für eine ordentliche Ausbildung des Sohnes. Zunächst wurde Kronecker von einem Hauslehrer unterrichtet, ging dann auf eine Vorschule, ehe er das städtische Gymnasium besuchte. Zu dieser Zeit unterichtete dort Ernst Eduard Kummer, der später Kollege von Kronecker in Berlin war. Im Frühjahr 1841 begann Kronecker das Studium an der Berlin er Universität. Vor allem hörte er dort Vorlesungen von Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet , Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi und Jakob Steiner. Von diesen Dreien hat ihn Dirichlet besonders nachhaltig beeinflußt. Er lehrte, wie man analytische Methoden auf zahlentheoretische Probleme anwendet. Neben seinem Studium der Mathematik widmete Kronecker seine Zeit auch der Philosophie. Er hörte unter anderem Vorlesungen von Friedrich Wilhelm Josef Schelling, und las die Werke von Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Überdies pflegte er seine liebe zu alten Sprachen als Mitglied der "Graeca", der Griechischen Gesellschaft in Berlin Im Jahr 1843 ging für ein Semester nach Bonn, und im Anschluß folgte er Kummer

47. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Leopold Kronecker
leopold kronecker Biography Dr. phil. According to our current onlinedatabase, leopold kronecker has 10 students and 1290 descendants.

48. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Leopold Kronecker
leopold kronecker Biography Dr. phil. According to our current onlinedatabase, leopold kronecker has 10 students and 1444 descendants.

49. Leopold Kronecker
Translate this page leopold kronecker nasceu na Alemanha, de pais judeus embora tenhaoptado pelo protestantismo. leopold kronecker ( 1823 - 1891 ). .htm
Leopold Kronecker nasceu na Alemanha, de pais judeus embora tenha optado pelo protestantismo. F D I p K E Leopold Kronecker ( 1823 - 1891 ) Bibliografia Gelson Iezzi Atual Editora

50. Science Jokes:Leopold Kronecker
Index Comments and Contributions Index Jokes with Famous Scientists.leopold kronecker. leopold kronecker (18231891), German mathematician.
Index Comments and Contributions Index Jokes with Famous Scientists
Leopold Kronecker
Leopold Kronecker (1823-1891), German mathematician

51. Leopold Kronecker :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
leopold kronecker. Online Encyclopedia leopold kronecker (18231891)was a German mathematician and logician who argued that arithmetic
Quantum Physics Pampered Chef Paintball Guns Cell Phone Reviews ... Science Articles Leopold Kronecker
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Leopold Kronecker ) was a German mathematician and logician who argued that arithmetic and analysis must be founded on "whole numbers", saying, " God made the natural numbers; all else is the work of man " (Bell 1986, p. 477). This put Kronecker in opposition to some of the mathematical extensions of Georg Cantor . Kronecker was a student and lifelong friend of Ernst Kummer Kronecker wrote his dissertation, at the University of Berlin, on number theory , giving special formulation to units in certain algebraic number fields After obtaining his degree, however, Kronecker managed the estate and business of his uncle, producing nothing mathematical for eight years. In his Kronecker also contributed to the concept of continuity , reconstructing the form of irrational numbers in real numbers . In analysis , Kronecker rejected the formulation of a continuous nowhere-differentiable function by his colleague, Karl Weierstrass . In his paper

52. Biografia De Kronecker, Leopold
Imago Mundi kronecker. - Translate this page kronecker, leopold, mathématicien né en 1823 en Prusse polonaise,mort en 1891 à Berlin. Etudiant à l’université de Berlin
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Kronecker, Leopold (Liegnitz, hoy Legnica, Polonia, 1823-Berlín, 1893) Matemático alemán. Estudió en la Universidad de Berlín, donde tuvo como profesores a Jacobi y Dirichlet. Más tarde retomaría el contacto con otro antiguo profesor y eminente matemático, Ernst Kummer, cuya influencia sobre su trabajo resultó decisiva. Kronecker fue uno de los primeros en comprender plenamente los resultados de Galois; así, en 1870, ofreció la primera definición axiomática de un grupo conmutativo finito. En 1882 introdujo el concepto de sistema modular, gracias al cual estudió la divisibilidad del anillo de los polinomios de grado n. Su consideración de que todo teorema de existencia debía estar fundado en una construcción efectiva y ser desarrollado en un número finito de etapas le condujo a rechazar formalmente a la teoría de conjuntos propuesta por su contemporáneo Cantor y generó un enconado debate que polarizó las matemáticas de su tiempo. Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

53. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Leopold Kronecker (Mathematics, Biographies) - Encyclope reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information onLeopold kronecker, Mathematics, Biographies. Includes related research links.
AllRefer Channels :: Health Yellow Pages Reference Weather SEARCH : in Reference May 31, 2004 You are here : Reference Encyclopedia Mathematics, Biographies ... Leopold Kronecker
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  • Encyclopedia U com Check out around 175,000 brief encyclopedia articles on almost all topics.
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  • 54. References For Kronecker
    References for leopold kronecker. 13 (3) (1986), 255276. H Perfect, leopoldkronecker a great gentleman in science, Mathematical Spectrum 24, 1-7.
    References for Leopold Kronecker
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990).
  • Biography in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Books:
  • W Purkert, Kronecker, in H Wussing and W Arnold, Biographien bedeutender Mathematiker (Berlin, 1983). Articles:
  • F Arzarello, The finite in Kronecker (Italian), Epistemology of mathematics: 1989-1991 Seminars (Italian) (Rome, 1992), 135-146.
  • R Crespo, Leopoldo Kronecker (Spanish), Gaceta Mat.
  • H M Edwards, An Appreciation of Kronecker, The Mathematical Intelligencer
  • H M Edwards, Kronecker's views on the foundations of mathematics, in The history of modern mathematics Vol. I (Boston, MA, 1989), 67-77.
  • H M Edwards, Kronecker's place in history, in History and philosophy of modern mathematics (Minneapolis, MN, 1988), 139-144.
  • H M Edwards, On the Kronecker Nachlass, Historia Math.
  • H M Edwards, Kronecker's arithmetical theory of algebraic quantities, Jahresberichte der Deutschen Mathematiker vereinigung
  • F Gana, God and Man in Kronecker's mathematics (Italian), Historia Math.
  • 55. Re: Leopold Kronecker
    Re leopold kronecker. Posted by mathman on February 03, 2003 at 204804 In Replyto Re leopold kronecker posted by DickT on February 03, 2003 at 064611
    String Theory Discussion Forum String Theory Home Forum Index
    Re: Leopold Kronecker
    Follow Ups Post Followup Geometry III FAQ Posted by mathman on February 03, 2003 at 20:48:04: In Reply to: Re: Leopold Kronecker posted by DickT on February 03, 2003 at 06:46:11: DickT
    I am familiar with most of your comment, but I was not aware of the constructive proof of the existence of a transendental number. Do you any more details? Thanks mathman
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    56. Re: Leopold Kronecker
    Re leopold kronecker. Posted by DickT on February 04, 2003 at 064805 In Replyto Re leopold kronecker posted by mathman on February 03, 2003 at 204804
    String Theory Discussion Forum String Theory Home Forum Index
    Re: Leopold Kronecker
    Follow Ups Post Followup Geometry III FAQ Posted by DickT on February 04, 2003 at 06:48:05: In Reply to: Re: Leopold Kronecker posted by mathman on February 03, 2003 at 20:48:04: mathman, There was an introductory book on these matters by Niven - I can't rrecall the name - years ago. Whover the mathematician was, established that you can get closer to a transcendental number with fractions of a given denominator than you can with algebraic numbers. He then constructed a number that met this criterion, a decimal that had zeroes at most places and ones at exponentially separated places. I didn't explain that well. I mean the nth 1 is in position 10 n , and all the other positions are 0. Regards,
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    Translate this page DEUS CRIOU OS NÚMEROS INTEIROS. leopold kronecker nasceu na Alemanha, de pais judeusembora tenha optado pelo protestantismo. leopold kronecker ( 1823 - 1891 ).
    DEUS CRIOU OS NÚMEROS INTEIROS Leopold Kronecker nasceu na Alemanha, de pais judeus embora tenha optado pelo protestantismo. Foi um homem de negócios muito próspero e que mantinha fortes ligações com professores da Universidade de Berlim, onde aceitou um posto em 1883. Em contato com Weierstrass, Dirichlet, Jacobi e Steiner obteve seu doutoramento em 1845 com uma tese sobre teoria algébrica dos números. De acordo com Weierstrass, aprovava a aritmetização universal da Análise mas defendia uma Aritmética finita, entrando em conflito com Cantor. Insistia na idéia de que Aritmética e Análise deveriam basear-se nos números inteiros, os quais considerava como tendo sentido dado por Deus e rejeitava a construção dos números reais porque não poderia ser feita por processos finitos. Achava que os números irracionais não existiam, lutando pela sua extinção. Diz-se que perguntava a Lindemann para que servia sua prova de que p não é algébrico, já que os números irracionais não existiam. Kronecker contribuiu significativamente para a Álgebra embora suas idéias na época, fossem consideradas metafísicas. Seu finitismo chegava a embaraçar Weierstrass mas foi a Cantor que atacou mais gravemente, opondo-se a que lhe dessem uma posição na Universidade de Berlim e, além disso, tentando derrotar e extinguir o ramo da Matemática que Cantor estava criando sobre a existência dos números transfinitos. Cantor defendeu-se num de seus artigos dizendo que numerações definidas podem ser feitas com conjuntos infinitos tão bem quanto com finitos, mas Kronecker continuava seus ataques e críticas. Este conflito entre Cantor e Kronecker é considerado como a mais forte controvérsia do século XIX.

    58. Los Grandes Matemáticos. E. T. Bell
    Translate this page enteros. leopold kronecker. Los matemáticos Matemática. La vida de leopoldkronecker fue fácil desde el día de su nacimiento. Hijo de
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    Todos los resultados de la más profunda investigación matemática deben en definitiva ser expresables en la forma simple de propiedades de los números enteros. Leopold Kronecker.
    El anverso de la carrera de Kronecker se encuentra, según una tradición familiar a los matemáticos americanos, en las empresas de John Pierpont Morgan, fundador de la banca Morgan and Company. Si es cierta esta tradición, Morgan, siendo estudiante en Alemania, mostró una capacidad matemática tan extraordinaria que sus profesores trataron de convencerle de que se dedicara para siempre a la Matemática, ofreciéndole un cargo universitario en Alemania que le facilitaría la labor. Morgan se negó, y dedicó todo su talento a las finanzas con los resultados que todos conocen. Los especuladores (en estudios académicos, no en Wall Street) pueden entretenerse reconstruyendo la historia del mundo sobre la hipótesis de que Morgan se hubiera dedicado a la Matemática.
    Lo que habría sucedido en Alemania si Kronecker no hubiese abandonado las finanzas por la Matemática, ofrece también un amplio campo para la especulación. Su capacidad para los negocios era de primer orden; además era un ardiente patriota con una notable visión de la diplomacia europea, y un astuto cinismo que sus admiradores llamaron realismo.

    59. Bibliography
    kronecker, leopold, 18231891, leopold kronecker s werke / hrsg. kronecker,leopold, 1823-1891, leopold kronecker s Werke / hrsg.

    60. Jason Clarke's Biggerboat - Happy Birthday Leopold Kronecker
    Biggerboat. happy birthday leopold kronecker. I share my birthday with Ted Danson,Jude Law, Jon Voight and obscure mathematician leopold kronecker.
    happy birthday leopold kronecker
    That last entry looked so lonely, I decided I had to give it at least one more post to hang out with. Oh, and today is my birthday. I have officially been alive for a quarter of a century. And I can rent a car now, too. I share my birthday with Ted Danson, Jude Law, Jon Voight and obscure mathematician Leopold Kronecker. Posted by JC on 12/29/2003 at 11:05 AM

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