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Kovalevskaya Sofia: more books (16) | ||||
21. Sofia sofia kovalevskaya 18501891 was the middle child of Vasily Korvin-Krukovsky, an artillery general, and Velizaveta Shubert, both well-educated members of the Russian nobility. sofia was educated by http://hypatia.ucsd.edu/~kl/kovalevskaya.html | |
22. LookSmart - Directory - Mathemeticians Women of Mathematics Find biographies and academic papers on women mathematiciansincluding Hypathia, Emmy Amalie Noether, and sofia Vasilyevna kovalevskaya. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us53764/us62644/us4942205/ | |
23. Sonya Kovalevskaya - Germantown Academy Mathematica Biographies " sofia Vasilyevna kovalevskaya" by Lauren Kupersmith '00. ( 1850 1891) Mathematician and Educator. The German Gem. February 10, 239. Volume 314159 to go back in time to interview sofia Vasilyevna kovalevskaya (1850-1891), a famous mathematician, novelist, and http://www.ga.k12.pa.us/academics/US/Math/Millar/kovalevskaya/Kupersmith.htm | |
25. Encyclopedia: Sofia Kovalevskaya Updated Apr 24, 2004. Encyclopedia sofia kovalevskaya. sofia Vasilyevnakovalevskaya (January 15, 1850 February 10, 1891) was http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Sofia-Kovalevskaya | |
26. Sofia Kovalevskaya First Previous Next Last Index Text, Slide 5 of 7. http://www.cchs165.jacksn.k12.il.us/Mathematics/Classes/calculus/WOMEN/sld005.ht |
27. Sofia Kovalevskaya: Biography Links Links to sofia kovalevskaya s Biography. Link to sofia kovalevskaya sWorks. Links to sofia kovalevskaya s Memorial Events S.Kowalewski http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/EIMI/2000/sofia/biography.html | |
28. Sofia Kovalevskaya - Encyclopedia Article About Sofia Kovalevskaya. Free Access, encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/sofia%20Vasilyevna%20kovalevskaya More results from encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com sofia Vasilyenvna kovalevskayasofia Vasilyenvna kovalevskaya. 19th century woman Russian mathematiciansofia kovalevskaya, 19thcentury woman Russian mathematician http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Sofia Kovalevskaya | |
29. Russian Scientists .com sofia kovalevskaya (18501891) was destined to become a woman of great strengths,and the contributions she made to mathematics promise to be enduring ones. http://russianscientists.com/history/kovalevskaya.php3 | |
30. Sofia Kovalevskaya / Matematica / Materiali / Cartesio sofia kovalevskaya (15 Gennaio 1850 Mosca- 10 Febbraio 1891 - Stoccolma). Indice biografie. Essendo negato http://www.cartesionline.it/materiali/matematica_biografie_kovalevskaya.cfm | |
31. Belarus: History And Famous Personalities: A List Of People With Roots In Belaru sofia kovalevskaya, from SJSU Virtual Museum (en); sofia kovalevskaya,from the Biographies of Women Mathematicians (en); sofia kovalevskaya http://www.geocities.com/albaruthenia/IA/belroots.html | |
32. - Great Books - sofia kovalevskaya (18501891), sofia kovalevskaya was the middle childof Vasily Korvin-Krukovsky, an artillery general, and Velizaveta http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_731.asp | |
33. - Great Books - Science 70. Kindi (al) (800-873), Medieval Literature/Science 71. kovalevskaya,sofia (1850-1891), Romantic Science 72. Kuhn, Thomas http://www.malaspina.com/site/results_c9_page1.htm | |
34. Quotations By Kovalevskaya Quotations by sofia Vasilyevna kovalevskaya. Say what you know, dowhat you must, come what may. Motto on her paper On the Problem http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/~DZ209.htm | |
35. Sofia Kovalevskaya Translate this page Une femme extraordinaire, sofia kovalevskaya était non seulement une grande mathématicienne,mais également un auteur et une avocate des droits des femmes http://www.etab.ac-caen.fr/cdgaulle/discip/scphy/femmescien/SofiaKOVALESKAIA/Bio | |
36. Mathematikerinnen In Deutschland - Sofja Vasilyevna Kovalevskaya Translate this page 1869 reiste sofia kovalevskaya nach Heidelberg, um Mathematik und Naturwissenschaftenzu studieren, wo sie aber erfahren mußte, daß es Frauen nicht erlaubt http://www.mathematikerin.de/kovalevskaya.htm | |
37. Sofia Kovalevskaya, Great Russian Mathematician Home. Great Russian Women. Olga, Russian princess Ruler Of Russia from954 to 969. Behind every great man stands a woman, goes the saying. http://great.russian-women.net/Olga_Russian_princess.shtml | |
38. The History Of Mathematics sofia kovalevskaya (1850 1891). sofia was attracted to mathematicsat a very young age. When she was 11 years old, her bedroom http://www.liz.richards.btinternet.co.uk/kovalevskaya.htm | |
39. PowerPoint Presentation - Sofia Kovalevskaya: http://www.cs.appstate.edu/~sjg/womenandminoritiesinmath/present/kovalevsky/kova |
40. PowerPoint Presentation - Sofia Kovalevskaya: http://www.cs.appstate.edu/~sjg/womenandminoritiesinmath/present/kovalevsky/kova | |
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