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         Kleene Stephen:     more books (25)
  1. Mathematical Logic by Stephen Cole Kleene, 2002-12-18
  2. Introduction to Metamathematics by Stephen Kleene, 1967-01-01
  3. The Kleene Symposium: Proceedings of the Symposium Held June 18-24, 1978 at Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A. (Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, V. 101) by Stephen C. Kleene, Jon Barwise, et all 1981-06
  4. Two Papers on the Predicate Calculus (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society , Vol 1) by Stephen C. Kleene, Stephen C. Keene, 1997-07
  5. Collected Works: Volume II: Publications 1938-1974 (Collected Works (Oxford)) by Kurt Gödel, 2001-06-21
  6. Biography - Kleene, Stephen Cole (1909-1994): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2003-01-01
  7. Collected Works: Volume I: Publications 1929-1936 (Collected Works (Oxford)) by Kurt Gödel, 2001-05-31
  8. Sets, logic, and mathematical foundations by Stephen Cole Kleene, 1956
  9. Mathematical logic by Stephen Cole Kleene, 1967
  10. Introduction to mathematics by Stephen Cole Kleene, 1952
  11. Formalized Recursive Functionals and Formalized Realizability (Amer Math Soc Memoir - # 89) by Stephen C. Kleene, 1969-06
  12. Introduction to Mathematics;the University Series in Higher Mathematics by Stephen Cole Kleene, 1952
  13. University of Wisconsin-madison Faculty: Stephen Cole Kleene, Eugene Wigner, Harrison Schmitt, Stanislaw Ulam, Henry Barnard, Harry Harlow
  14. Stephen Cole Kleene: Algèbre de Kleene, Fonction Récursive, Théorème de Récursion de Kleene, Fermeture de Kleene, Théorème D'itération (French Edition)

1. Kleene
Stephen Cole Kleene. Born 5 Jan 1909 in Stephen C Kleene studiedfor his first degree at Amherst College. He went on to receive
Stephen Cole Kleene
Born: 5 Jan 1909 in Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Died: 25 Jan 1994 in Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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Stephen C Kleene studied for his first degree at Amherst College. He went on to receive a doctorate from Princeton University in 1934, supervised by Church , for a thesis entitled A Theory of Positive Integers in Formal Logic. Then Kleene taught at Princeton until he joined the University of Wisconsin at Madison in 1935. He became a full professor at the University of Wisconsin at Madison in 1948 and remained on the staff there until he retired in 1979. Kleene's research was on the theory of algorithms and recursive functions. He developed the field of recursion theory with Church Turing and others. He contributed to mathematical Intuitionism which had been founded by Brouwer His work on recursion theory helped to provide the foundations of theoretical computer science. By providing methods of determining which problems are soluble, Kleene's work led to the study of which functions can be computed. At a lecture in the University of Chicago in 1995

2. Stephen Kleene Definition Of Stephen Kleene In Computing. What Is Stephen Kleene
Computer term of Stephen Kleene in the Computing Dictionary and Thesaurus.Stephen encyclopedia. Provides search by definition of Stephen Kleene. Kleene
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Stephen Kleene
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition (person) Stephen Kleene - Professor Stephen Cole Kleene (1909-01-05 - 1994-01-26) /steev'n (kohl) klay'nee/ An American mathematician whose work at the University of Wisconsin-Madison helped lay the foundations for modern computer science. Kleene was best known for founding the branch of mathematical logic known as recursion theory and for inventing regular expressions. The Kleene star and Ascending Kleene Chain are named after him.
Kleene was born in Hartford, Conneticut, USA. He received his bachelor of arts degree from Amherst College in 1930. From 1930 to 1935, he was a graduate student and research assistant at Princeton University where he received his doctorate in mathematics in 1934. In 1935, he joined UW-Madison mathematics department as an instructor. He became an assistant professor in 1937.
From 1939 to 1940, he was a visiting scholar at Princeton's Institute for Advanced Study where he laid the foundation for recursive function theory, an area that would be his lifelong research interest. In 1941 he returned to Amherst as an associate professor of mathematics.
During World War II Kleene was a lieutenant commander in the United States Navy. He was an instructor of navigation at the U.S. Naval Reserve's Midshipmen's School in New York, and then a project director at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C.

3. Stephen KLEENE - Vikipedio
Presebla versio Malgarantio. Ne ensalutinta. Ensalutu Helpo. Stephen KLEENE. El Vikipedio, la libera enciklopedio. Kleen naskiis en Hartford, Konetikuto. Li dokotoriis e la Universitato Princeton
Stephen KLEENE
El Vikipedio, la libera enciklopedio.
Matematiko Matematikistoj > Stephen KLEENE Stephen Cole KLEENE ) estis usona matematikisto kies laboro pri komputebleco provizas la fundamenton de teoria komputiko Kleen naskiĝis en Hartford Konetikuto . Li dokotoriĝis ĉe la Universitato Princeton en . Lia tez-direktoro estis Alonzo CHURCH kaj la titolo de lia tezo estis Teorio de Pozitivaj Intjeroj en Formala Logiko . Poste, Kleene instruis ĉe la universitato ĝis li membriĝis la fakultaton de la Universitato de Viskonsino en . Li fariĝis plena profesoro en kaj restis tie ĝi emeritiĝo en La esplorado de Kleene temis pri la teorio de algoritmoj kaj rekursiaj funkcioj . Li disvolvis la fakon de la teorio de rekursio kun Alonzo CHURCH Kurt GOEDEL Alan TURING , kaj aliaj. Li kontribuis al matematika Intuiciismo kiun fondis Luitzen BROUWER Lia laboro pri la teorio de rekursio helpis provizi la bazojn de teoria komputiko. Per provizi metodojn por determini kiuj problemoj estas solveblaj, lia laboro kondukis al la studado de kiuj funkcioj povas esti komputitaj. La plej konataj libroj de Kleene estas (en la angla) Enkonduko al Matematiko ) kaj Matematika Logiko Views Personal tools Navigado Serĉu Iloj

4. Stephen Cole Kleene - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Printable version Disclaimers. Not logged in. Log in Help. Other languages Français. Stephen Cole Kleene. Kleene was born in Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He received his bachelor of arts degree
Stephen Cole Kleene
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
(Redirected from Stephen Kleene Stephen Cole Kleene January 5 January 25 ) was an American mathematician whose work at the University of Wisconsin - Madison helped lay the foundations for theoretical computer science . Kleene was best known for founding the branch of mathematical logic known as recursion theory together with Alonzo Church Alan Turing and others; and for inventing regular expressions . By providing methods of determining which problems are solutionable, Kleene's work led to the study of which functions are computable . The Kleene star Kleene's recursion theorem and the Ascending Kleene Chain are named after him. He also contributed to mathematical intuitionism as founded by Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer Kleene was born in Hartford Connecticut USA . He received his bachelor of arts degree from Amherst College in . From 1930 to , he was a graduate student and research assistant at Princeton University , where he received his doctorate in mathematics in , supervised by Alonzo Church , for a thesis entitled A Theory of Positive Integers in Formal Logic . In 1935, he joined the UW-Madison mathematics department as an instructor. He became an assistant professor in

5. Stephen Kleene From FOLDOC
Free Online Dictionary of Computing. Stephen Cole Kleene . StephenKleene. person Professor Stephen Cole Kleene (1909-01-05 - 1994 Cole Kleene

6. Computer Dictionary Definition Of Kleene Stephen Cole
Computer Dictionary Definition of kleene stephen Cole. Search dictionary. Displayingall Computer dictionary definition of kleene stephen Cole. Definition
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7. Stephen Kleene From FOLDOC
Stephen Cole Kleene . Stephen Kleene. person Professor StephenCole Kleene (190901-05 - 1994-01-26) /steev n (kohl) klay nee Cole Kleene

8. Stephen Cole Kleene - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Stephen Cole Kleene. (Redirected from Stephen Kleene). Stephen Cole Kleene(January 5, 1909 January 25, 1994) was an American mathematician
Stephen Cole Kleene
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
(Redirected from Stephen Kleene Stephen Cole Kleene January 5 January 25 ) was an American mathematician whose work at the University of Wisconsin - Madison helped lay the foundations for theoretical computer science . Kleene was best known for founding the branch of mathematical logic known as recursion theory together with Alonzo Church Alan Turing and others; and for inventing regular expressions . By providing methods of determining which problems are solutionable, Kleene's work led to the study of which functions are computable . The Kleene star Kleene's recursion theorem and the Ascending Kleene Chain are named after him. He also contributed to mathematical intuitionism as founded by Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer Kleene was born in Hartford Connecticut USA . He received his bachelor of arts degree from Amherst College in . From 1930 to , he was a graduate student and research assistant at Princeton University , where he received his doctorate in mathematics in , supervised by Alonzo Church , for a thesis entitled A Theory of Positive Integers in Formal Logic . In 1935, he joined the UW-Madison mathematics department as an instructor. He became an assistant professor in

9. Kleene Stephen Cole
Computing (FOLDOC) Kleene, Stephen Cole. Stephen KleeneVietnamese English French Online Dictionary. stephen cole.html
Computing (FOLDOC) Kleene, Stephen Cole
Stephen Kleene

Vietnamese English French Online Dictionary

10. Stephen Cole Kleene
Stephen Cole Kleene. Stephen Cole Kleene (January 5, 1909 January 25,1994) was an American mathematician whose work at the University
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Stephen Cole Kleene
Stephen Cole Kleene January 5 January 25 ) was an American mathematician whose work at the University of Wisconsin - Madison helped lay the foundations for theoretical computer science . Kleene was best known for founding the branch of mathematical logic known as recursion theory together with Alonzo Church , Alan Turing and others; and for inventing regular expressions . By providing methods of determining which problems are soluble, Kleene's work led to the study of which functions are computable . The Kleene star Kleene's recursion theorem and the Ascending Kleene Chain are named after him. He also contributed to mathematical intuitionism as founded by Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer Kleene was born in Hartford Connecticut USA . He received his bachelor of arts degree from Amherst College in . From 1930 to , he was a graduate student and research assistant at Princeton University , where he received his doctorate in mathematics in , supervised by Alonzo Church , for a thesis entitled A Theory of Positive Integers in Formal Logic . In 1935, he joined the UW-Madison mathematics department as an instructor. He became an assistant professor in

11. Stephen Cole Kleene Mathematical Logic
Title Mathematical Logic kleene stephen Cole Stephen Cole Kleene SubjectLogic Category Science Nature Mathematics General Format Hardcover
Stephen Cole Kleene Mathematical Logic
Author or Artist : Stephen Cole Kleene
Title: Mathematical Logic
Kleene Stephen Cole
Stephen Cole Kleene
Subject: Logic
Category: Science Nature Mathematics General
Format: Hardcover
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12. Stephen Kleene
Stephen Kleene. Stephen Cole Kleene was born on January 5, 1909 in Hartford,Connecticut. He received his Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1934.
Stephen Kleene
Stephen Cole Kleene was born on January 5, 1909 in Hartford, Connecticut. He received his Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1934. He taught at the University of Wisconsin, Madison from 1935 until 1979. Kleene worked in mathematical logic, particularly in recursion theory. In a 1956 paper, Kleene introduced the notion of regular expression, and proved that the languages specified by regular expressions and the languages generated by finite automata constituted the same class, a basic result today known as Kleene's Theorem. Kleene wrote two books, one of which was Introduction to Metamathematics (North-Holland, 1952). Kleene died in Madison, Wisconsin on January 25, 1994.
  • S. C. Kleene, "Representation of events in nerve nets and finite automata", in C. E. Shannon and J. McCarthy, eds., Automata Studies , Annals of Mathematics Studies No. 34, Princeton University Press, 1956, pp. 3-42. Back to Theory of Computing Hall of Fame Main Page
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    September 10 1997
  • 13. Stephen Cole Kleene
    Stephen Cole Kleene. Stephen Cole Kleene (Leden 5, 1909 Leden 25, 1994)byl American matematik jehož práce u Univerzita Wisconsinu
    švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
    Stephen Cole Kleene
    Stephen Cole Kleene Leden 5 Leden 25 ) byl Američan matematik jehož pr¡ce u Univerzita Wisconsinu - Madison pom¡hal položit z¡klady pro teoretick½ informatika . Kleene byl nejlepÅ¡­ zn¡m½ pro založen­ větev form¡ln­ logika zn¡m½ jak rekurzivn­ teorie spolu s Alonzo Church Kurt G¶del , Alan Turing a jin­; a pro vym½Å¡len­ pravideln© v½razy . T­m, že poskytuje postupy určovat kter©ho studie jsou rozpustn©, Kleene m¡ pr¡ci vedl ke studiu kter©ho funkce jsou vypočitateln½ Kleene hvězda Kleene je rekurze teor©m a stoup¡n­ Kleene řetěz b½t pojmenoval podle jej. On tak© přispěl k matematick½ intuitionism jak založen½ Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer Kleene byl narozen½ v Hartford Connecticut USA . On přj­mal jeho bakal¡Å™ uměn­ m­ra od Amherst vysok¡ Å¡kola v . Od 1930 k , on byl student a studium asistent u Princeton univerzita , kde on přj­mal jeho doktor¡t v matematika v , ř­dil Alonzo Church , pro doktorskou pr¡ci pojmenoval Teorie pozitivn­ch cel½ch č­sel v form¡ln­ logice . V 1935, on se spojil UW-Madison matematick© oddělen­ jako vychovatel. On se st¡l asistent v

    14. Stephen Cole Kleene - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    Back to Encyclopedia Main Page Printable Version of this Page Encyclopediahelp PhatNav s Encyclopedia A Wikipedia . Stephen Cole Kleene.

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    Stephen Cole Kleene. Everything you wanted to know about Stephen Cole Kleene buthad no clue how to find it.. Learn about Stephen Cole Kleene here!
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    Stephen Cole Kleene
    (Redirected from Stephen Kleene Stephen Cole Kleene January 5 January 25 ) was an American mathematician whose work at the University of Wisconsin - Madison helped lay the foundations for theoretical computer science . Kleene was best known for founding the branch of mathematical logic known as recursion theory together with Alonzo Church Alan Turing and others; and for inventing regular expressions . By providing methods of determining which problems are solutionable, Kleene's work led to the study of which functions are computable . The Kleene star Kleene's recursion theorem and the Ascending Kleene Chain are named after him. He also contributed to mathematical intuitionism as founded by Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer Kleene was born in Hartford Connecticut USA . He received his bachelor of arts degree from Amherst College in . From 1930 to , he was a graduate student and research assistant at Princeton University , where he received his doctorate in mathematics in , supervised by Alonzo Church , for a thesis entitled A Theory of Positive Integers in Formal Logic . In 1935, he joined the UW-Madison mathematics department as an instructor. He became an assistant professor in

    16. Stephen Cole Kleene - Information
    An online Encyclopedia with information and facts Stephen Cole Kleene Information,and a wide range of other subjects. Stephen Cole Kleene - Information.
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    Stephen Cole Kleene January 5 January 25 ) was an American mathematician whose work at the University of Wisconsin - Madison helped lay the foundations for theoretical computer science . Kleene was best known for founding the branch of mathematical logic known as recursion theory together with Alonzo Church Alan Turing and others; and for inventing regular expressions . By providing methods of determining which problems are solutionable, Kleene's work led to the study of which functions are computable . The Kleene star Kleene's recursion theorem and the Ascending Kleene Chain are named after him. He also contributed to mathematical intuitionism as founded by Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer Kleene was born in Hartford Connecticut USA . He received his bachelor of arts degree from Amherst College in . From 1930 to , he was a graduate student and research assistant at Princeton University , where he received his doctorate in mathematics in , supervised by Alonzo Church , for a thesis entitled A Theory of Positive Integers in Formal Logic . In 1935, he joined the UW-Madison mathematics department as an instructor. He became an assistant professor in

    17. Dictionary Definition Of "Stephen Cole Kleene"
    Customer Support Center Dictionary Definition of Stephen Cole Kleene . StephenCole kleene stephen Kleene. This document appears courtesy of FOLDOC. Cole Kleene

    18. Editions Jacques Gabay - Stephen C. KLEENE
    Translate this page Recherche. Aide. Divers Nouveautés 2003 Contacts. Stephen C. KLEENE.Stephen C. KLEENE. 1909 - 1994. Au catalogue des Editions Jacques Gabay Stephen C.

    19. Stephen C. Kleene
    Stephen C. Kleene. Stephen C. Kleene. Origins of recursive function theory.In 20th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
    Stephen C. Kleene
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  • 20. Stephen Cole Kleene
    Wikipedia Article Stephen Cole Kleene. Stephen License. It uses materialfrom the Wikipedia article Stephen Cole Kleene . Buying a book? Cole Kleene

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