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         Kirchhoff Gustav:     more books (42)
  1. Vorlesungen Über Mathematische Physik, Volumes 2-3 (German Edition) by Gustav Kirchhoff, Kurt Hensel, 2010-03-31
  2. Gesammelte Abhandlungen (German Edition) by Gustav Kirchhoff, 2010-02-04
  3. Vorlesungen Uber Mathematische Physik (German Edition) by Gustav Robert Kirchhoff, 2010-04-02
  4. Vorlesungen Über Mathematische Physik (German Edition) by Gustav Robert Kirchhoff, 2010-03-05
  5. Vorlesungen Über Mathematische Physik, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Gustav Kirchhoff, 2010-03-16
  6. Researches On the Solar Spectrum, and the Spectra of the Chemical Elements, Tr. by H.E. Roscoe by Gustav Robert Kirchhoff, 2010-02-28
  7. Abhandlungen Uber Mechanische Warmetheorie (1898) (German Edition) by Gustav Kirchhoff, 2010-05-22
  8. Abhandlungen Uber Emission Und Absorption (1898) (German Edition) by Gustav Kirchhoff, 2010-05-23
  9. Vorlesungen Über Mathematische Optik (German Edition) by Gustav Kirchhoff, Kurt Hensel, 2010-02-28
  10. Vorlesungen Über Mathematische Physik, Volume 4 (German Edition) by Max Planck, Gustav Kirchhoff, et all 2010-03-05
  11. Gesammelte Abhandlungen: Nachtrag (German Edition) by Gustav Kirchhoff, Ludwig Boltzmann, 2010-03-09
  12. Gesammelte Abhandlungen, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Gustav Kirchhoff, 2010-04-02
  13. Chemische Analyse Durch Spectralbeobachtungen, 1860 (1895) (German Edition) by Gustav Kirchhoff, Robert Bunsen, 2010-09-10
  14. People From East Prussia: Immanuel Kant, Gustav Kirchhoff, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Leah Goldberg, Ferdinand Gregorovius, August Wilhelm Zumpt

81. Gustav Kirchhoff - InformationBlast
gustav kirchhoff Information Blast. gustav kirchhoff. gustav kirchhoff.jpg.gustav Robert kirchhoff (March 12, 1824 - October 17, 1887
Gustav Kirchhoff
Gustav Robert Kirchhoff March 12 October 17 physicist who is well known for his electrical rules , Kirchhoff's voltage law and Kirchhoff's current law, which are fundamental to circuit analysis in electrical engineering . He was born in Königsberg Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia ) and died in Berlin , Germany. In his spectroscopic collaboration with Bunsen , he was a co-discoverer of caesium and rubidium
Kirchhoff's Law of Radiation
Kirchhoff formulated the following law in , followed by a proof in
The rate of emission of energy by a body is equal to the rate at which the body absorbs energy (both emission and absorption being in a given direction at a given wavelength).
In he introduced the term black body radiation . Later, he produced three empirical laws describing the spectral composition of light emitted by incandescent objects.
Kirchhoff's Radiation Laws
  • A hot solid object produces light with a continuous spectrum. A hot tenuous gas produces light with spectral lines at discrete wavelengths (i.e. specific colors) which depend on the energy levels of the atoms in the gas. A hot solid object surrounded by a cool tenuous gas (i.e. cooler than the hot object) produces light with an almost continuous spectrum which has gaps at discrete wavelengths depending on the energy levels of the atoms in the gas.
  • 82. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Gustav Kirchhoff
    gustav kirchhoff Biography Dr. phil. According to our current onlinedatabase, gustav kirchhoff has 5 students and 25 descendants.

    83. Kirchhoff
    kirchhoff, gustav Robert, (szül. 1824. márc. 12. Königsberg, Poroszország megh. 1887. okt. 17. Berlin), német fizikus, a

    84. Gustav Robert Kirchhoff Schulreferat
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    85. Learn More About Gustav Kirchhoff In The Online Encyclopedia.
    Visit the Online Encyclopedia and learn more and get your questions answeredabout gustav kirchhoff. see previous page. gustav kirchhoff.
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    Gustav Kirchhoff
    Gustav Robert Kirchhoff March 12 October 17 physicist who is well known for his electrical rules , Kirchhoff's voltage law and Kirchhoff's current law, which are fundamental to circuit analysis in electrical engineering . He was born in Königsberg Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia ) and died in Berlin , Germany. In his spectroscopic collaboration with Bunsen , he was a co-discoverer of caesium and rubidium Table of contents 1 Kirchhoff's Law of Radiation
    2 Kirchhoff's Radiation Laws

    3 Reference
    Kirchhoff's Law of Radiation
    Kirchhoff formulated the following law in , followed by a proof in
    The rate of emission of energy by a body is equal to the rate at which the body absorbs energy (both emission and absorption being in a given direction at a given wavelength).
    In he introduced the term black body radiation . Later, he produced three empirical laws describing the

    86. Gustav Kirchhoff Definition Meaning Information Explanation
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    Gustav Kirchhoff
    Gustav Robert Kirchhoff March 12 October 17 physicist who is well known for his electrical rules , Kirchhoff's voltage law and Kirchhoff's current law, which are fundamental to circuit analysis in electrical engineering . He was born in K¶nigsberg Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia ) and died in Berlin , Germany. In his spectroscopic collaboration with Bunsen, he was a co-discoverer of caesium and rubidium
    Kirchhoff's Law of Radiation
    Kirchhoff formulated the following law in , followed by a proof in
    The rate of emission of energy by a body is equal to the rate at which the body absorbs energy (both emission and absorption being in a given direction at a given wavelength).
    In he introduced the term black body radiation . Later, he produced three empirical laws describing the spectral composition of light emitted by incandescent objects.
    Kirchhoff's Radiation Laws
  • A hot solid object produces light with a continuous spectrum. A hot tenuous gas produces light with spectral line s at discrete wavelength s (i.e. specific colors) which depend on the energy levels of the atoms in the gas.
  • 87. Gustav Robert Kirchhoff
    Translate this page gustav Robert kirchhoff. (1824-1887). Nasceu na actual cidade de Kaliningradna Rússia. Apesar de maior parte da sua vida ter andado
    Gustav Robert Kirchhoff
    Ohm Ampere Pioneiros do electromagnetismo.

    88. Anecdote - Gustav Robert Kirchhoff - Pure Science
    As the heated air in the boxes expanded, the water was forced through conduits torun a small fountain in an adjacent room. kirchhoff, gustav Robert (18241887

    89. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Gustav Robert Kirchhoff (Physics, Biographies) - Encyclo reference and encyclopedia resource provides completeinformation on gustav Robert kirchhoff, Physics, Biographies.
    AllRefer Channels :: Health Yellow Pages Reference Weather SEARCH : in Reference May 31, 2004 You are here : Reference Encyclopedia Physics, Biographies ... Gustav Robert Kirchhoff
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    Gustav Robert Kirchhoff, Physics, Biographies
    Related Category: Physics, Biographies Gustav Robert Kirchhoff O Pronunciation Key spectroscope in association with R. W. Bunsen, with whom he discovered the elements cesium and rubidium, and for his explanation of the Fraunhofer lines in the solar spectrum . He also did important research in electricity (he formulated Kirchhoff's laws ) and thermodynamics.
    Topics that might be of interest to you: Kirchhoff's laws


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    Content on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. We accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by any person resulting from information published on this site. We encourage you to verify any critical information with the relevant authorities.
  • 90. Template Page
    gustav kirchhoff German Physicist. (18241887), Contribution to the Developmentof the Atomic Concept. Slider Encyclopeadia kirchhoff, gustav Robert.
    Traveling with the Atom Allegheny College Compiled by Glen E. Rodgers
    Andrea Price

    Drawing of Spectroscope that appeared in Kirchhoff's and Bunsen's 1860 paper entitled "Chemical Analysis by Observation of Spectra."(Photo source: Classic Papers from the History of Chemistry webpage)
    Robert Bunsen, Kirchhoff's partner and co-discoverer of cesium and rubidium (Photo source: ChemTeam Photo Gallery Gustav Kirchhoff
    German Physicist

    Contribution to the Development of the Atomic Concept
    Web Sources of Biographical Information HAO (High Altitude Observatory) History Web Pages: Gustav Kirchhoff (1824-1887) Slider Encyclopeadia: Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert Web link #3 (put in descriptive title) Some Web Sources on the History of Atomic Scientists:
    The History of Chemistry 1992 Woodrow Wilson Summer Institute

    Selected Classic Papers from the History of Chemistry

    Classic Papers from the History of Chemistry (and Some Physics too)

    Classic Chemistry compiled by Carmen Giunta
    ... Elements and Atoms: Case Studies in the Development of Chemistry Selected Biographical Books, Sections of Books, and Articles Sacks, Oliver.

    91. Gustav Kirchhoff [Pictures And Photos Of]
    gustav kirchhoff. gustav kirchhoff Picture, Photo, Photograph; middleage ; threequarter view ; suit ; beard; kirchhoff A1. gustav kirchhoff.
    A larger image of any photo may be purchased. Click on an image to place an order.
    For more information visit our home page Gustav Kirchhoff Description middle age ; three-quarter view ; suit ; beard Item ID Kirchhoff A1 Gustav Kirchhoff Description young ; three-quarter view ; suit Item ID Kirchhoff A2

    92. Gustav Robert Kirchhoff Schulreferat Und Gutachtenstil Bürgerliches Recht Klaus
    Translate this page gustav robert kirchhoff schulreferat und gutachtenstil bürgerlichesrecht klausur. gustav robert kirchhoff schulreferat und gustav

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    93. Gustav Robert Kirchhoff
    Translate this page gustav Robert kirchhoff. - Kostenloses Online-Lexikon. gustavRobert kirchhoff. gustav Robert kirchhoff (*12. März 1824
    Gustav Robert Kirchhoff - Kostenloses Online-Lexikon
    Hauptseite Edit this page
    Gustav Robert Kirchhoff
    Gustav Robert Kirchhoff 12. März in Königsberg/ Ostpreußen (heutiges Kaliningrad 17. Oktober in Berlin ) war ein deutscher Physiker , der sich insbesondere um die Erforschung der Elektrizität verdient gemacht hat.
    Gustav Kirchhoff
    Kirchoff ist bekannt für seine Regeln der elektrischen Stromkreise, die die Abhängigkeit der elektrischen Spannung elektrischen Stroms und des elektrischen Widerstands angeben und die fundamental für Aufbau und Analyse elektrischer Schaltungen und die Elektrotechnik sind. Kirchhoff hat auch zusammen mit Robert Wilhelm Bunsen das Caesium und das Rubidium entdeckt. Die Kirchhoffschen Strahlungsgesetze besagen: Materie gleich welcher Art sendet bei Erhitzung eine kontinuierliche Strahlung aus, die je nach der Temperatur unsichtbar oder sichtbar ist. Diese Strahlung nennt man Temperatur- oder Wärmestrahlung . An eine ausgedehnte experimentelle Untersuchung dieses Gesetzes war zunächst nicht zu denken, da die Mittel für die Messung höherer Temperaturen und kleinerer Strahlungsenergie fehlte. Die weitreichende Bedeutung wurde jedoch sofort erkannt. Das daraus entwickelte Konzept des Schwarzen Körpers führte schließlich zur Quantentheorie Max Planck Nobelpreis für Physik ZumWikipedia-Artikel ... Sitemap all
    All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License

    94. Gustav Kirchhoff - Wikipedia
    gustav kirchhoff. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. gustav kirchhoff.jpg.gustav Robert kirchhoff (March 12, 1824 October 17
    An Online Dictionary For Everyone
    Gustav Kirchhoff
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    Gustav Robert Kirchhoff March 12 October 17 physicist who is well known for his electrical rules , Kirchhoff's voltage law and Kirchhoff's current law, which are fundamental to circuit analysis in electrical engineering . He was born in Koenigsberg, Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia ) and died in Berlin , Germany. In his spectroscopic collaboration with Bunsen , he was a co-discoverer of caesium and rubidium
    Kirchhoff's Law of Radiation
    Kirchhoff formulated the following law in , followed by a proof in
    The rate of emission of energy by a body is equal to the rate at which the body absorbs energy (both emission and absorption being in a given direction at a given wavelength).
    In he introduced the term black body radiation . Later, he produced three empirical laws describing the spectral composition of light emitted by incandescent objects.
    Kirchhoff's Radiation Laws
  • A hot solid object produces light with a continuous spectrum. A hot tenuous gas produces light with spectral lines at discrete wavelengths (i.e. specific colors) which depend on the energy levels of the atoms in the gas.
  • 95. Wikino - Alle Artikel - Lexikon
    Translate this page Adolf (Schweden), gustav Johann Georg von Rauch, gustav Just. gustav kirchhoff, gustavKlimt, gustav Knuth. gustav Regler, gustav Robert kirchhoff, gustav Schickedanz.

    96. Kirchhoff's Laws
    Related content from HighBeam Research on kirchhoff s laws. kirchhoff, GustavRobert (18241887) (The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography).
    in All Infoplease Almanacs Biographies Dictionary Encyclopedia
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    97. TeleMath - ÌáèçìáôéêÜ êáé Öéëïôåëéóìüò
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    KIRCHHOFF, Gustav

    98. Kirchhoff
    kirchhoff a
    Kirchhoff Gustav Robert
  • Né en 1824 à Königsberg et décédé à Berlin en 1887 Nationalité allemande Physicien Kirchhoff a inventé le spectroscope qu'il a utilisé avec Bunsen pour montrer que chaque élément possède son propre spectre. Il a ainsi fondé l'analyse spectrale. Dans le domaine de l'électricité, il a énoncé les lois générales des courants dérivés. Il a aussi imaginé le concept de "corps noir" qui allait permettre avec les travaux de Planck , d'ouvrir la voie à la mécanique quantique.
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    99. Ê׶¼¿Æ¼¼Íø
    The summary for this Chinese (Simplified) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
    English num=9; ¿ËÏ£ºÉ·ò(Kirchhoff,Gustav Robert)(1824-1887)
    ¡¡¡¡Ò»°ËÁùÁãÄ꣬Ëû‚ƒÀûÓ¹â×VŒWµÄ·½·¨°l¬FÁ˃ɷNÔ­ËØ - caesium ¼° rubidium ¡£ËûÓ֌¦Ý—ÉäŸá‚÷Œ§ß^³ÌßMÐÐ×мšÑо¿KÌá³öƒÉ—lêPì¶ëŠÂ·ÖÐëŠÁ÷·ÖÑµÄ¶¨ÂÉ -¡¸¿ËÏ£ºÉ·ò¾W½j¶¨ÂÉ¡¹(Kirchhoff's laws of networks)¡£

    100. Universitätsbibliothek Karlsruhe

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