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         Kirchhoff Gustav:     more books (42)
  1. Mathematische Physik (German Edition) by Gustav Kirchhoff, 2010-04-04
  2. Chemische Analyse Durch Spectralbeobachtungen (German Edition) by Gustav Kirchhoff, 2010-03-16
  3. Abhandlungen Uber Emission Und Absorption (1898) (German Edition) by Gustav Kirchhoff, 2010-09-10
  4. Abhandlungen Uber Mechanische Warmetheorie (1898) (German Edition) by Gustav Kirchhoff, 2010-09-10
  5. Chemische Analyse Durch Spectralbeobachtungen, 1860 (1895) (German Edition) by Gustav Kirchhoff, Robert Bunsen, 2010-09-10
  6. Abhandlungen Uber Mechanische Warmetheorie (1898) (German Edition) by Gustav Kirchhoff, 2010-09-10
  7. Abhandlungen über Emission und Absorption: I. Ueber die Fraunhofer'schen Linien.(1859.) II. Ueber de by Max Planck, Gustav Kirchhoff, 2009-08-19
  8. Ohm's Law: Electrical Circuit, Voltage, Ohm, Electrical Resistance, Georg Ohm, Gustav Kirchhoff
  9. Chemische Analyse durch Spectralbeobachtungen. by Gustav Kirchhoff, Robert Bunsen, et all 1996-01-01
  10. Vorlesungen uber Mathematische Physik, Bande I-IV (4 volumes in 2 books) Vorlesungen uber Mathematische Optik; Vorlesungen uber Theorie der Warme; Vorlesungen uber Electricitat und Magnetismus by Gustav; Dr. Kurt Hensel & Wien, W. (Eds.) Kirchhoff, 1891
  11. Vorlesungen über Mathematische Physik … Mechanik. by Gustav Robert (1824-1887). KIRCHHOFF, 1876
  12. Vorlesungen uber Mathematische Optik. 1891 Edition by Gustav Kirchhoff, 1891
  13. Anleitung Zur Deutschen Landes Und Volksforschung (1889) (German Edition)

41. Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert - Physik Lexikon - Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert
Translate this page kirchhoff, gustav Robert. kirchhoff, gustav Robert. Diese Seite ist unterder GNU FDL verfügbar Beiträge sind teilweise von Wikipedia., Gustav Robert

42. Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert - Physik Lexikon - Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert
Translate this page kirchhoff, gustav Robert. kirchhoff, gustav Robert (1824-1887), deutscherPhysiker, geboren in Königsberg (heute Kaliningrad, Russland, Gustav Robert

43. Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert
encyclopediaEncyclopedia kirchhoff, gustav Robert, goos täf rO bert kirkh hôfPronunciation Key. kirchhoff, gustav Robert , 1824–87, German physicist.
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kirchhoff, gustav ROBERT (18241887), German physicist, was born at KOnigsberg (Prussia)on the 12th of March 1824, and was educated at the university of his

45. Gustav Kirchhoff
Translate this page gustav kirchhoff Salford 1818-Sale, Cheshire, 1889. kirchhoff (gustav).Físico alemán (Königsberg 1824 -Berlin 1887). Inventó
Gustav Kirchhoff
Salford 1818-Sale, Cheshire, 1889 KIRCHHOFF (Gustav). Físico alemán (Königsberg 1824 -Berlin 1887). Inventó el espectroscopio y junto con Bunsen, descubrió el rubidio y el cesio por métodos espectrales. Identificó la raya D del espectro solar como la producida por sodio vaporizado. Descubrió las leyes generales que rigen el comportamiento de un circuito eléctrico. Se dedicó al estudio de la Termodinámica y realizó investigaciones sobre la conducción del calor. Estudió los espectros del Sol, de las estrellas y de las nebulosas, confeccionando un atlas del espacio y demostró la relación existente entre la emisión y la absorción de la luz por los cuerpos incandescentes. Aceptamos saludos, felicitaciones, colaboraciones, aportaciones, información, sugerencias, patrocinios, donaciones en capital o especie.
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46. Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert
encyclopediaEncyclopedia kirchhoff, gustav Robert, goos täf rO bert kirkh hôfPronunciation Key. kirchhoff, gustav Robert , 1824–87, German physicist.


Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert O Pronunciation Key Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert spectroscope in association with R. W. Bunsen, with whom he discovered the elements cesium and rubidium, and for his explanation of the Fraunhofer lines in the solar spectrum . He also did important research in electricity (he formulated Kirchhoff's laws ) and thermodynamics. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,
Kircher, Athanasius
Kirchhoff's laws
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47. Lexikon: Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert
Translate this page kirchhoff, gustav Robert * 12. März 1824 in Königsberg † 17.Oktober 1887 in Berlin Physiker Im Alter von 21 Jahren stellte
Kirchhoff , Gustav Robert

48. Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert - Gedächtnis Berlin
Translate this page kirchhoff, gustav Robert. * 12.03.1824 Königsberg (Provinz Preußen). Straße Kontextgustav-kirchhoff-Straße gustav-kirchhoff- Straße, Treptow-Köpenick.
Kirchhoff Gustav Robert Physiker Briefmarke: Deutsche Bundespost Berlin, Erstausgabetag 15.02.1974 (Mi 465) Ehrengrab: Gedenktafel: Am Kupfergraben 7, Mitte

49. Kirchhoff
gustav kirchhoff was born in Königsberg, Prussia. He was the son ofa lawyer. When gustav kirchhoff was also a student of Gauss. His
Gustav Robert Kirchhoff
died Oct. 17, 1887, Berlin, Germany
Kirchhoff was one of the foremost physicists of the 19 th century and is remembered as one of the founders of the science of spectroscopy. He is also known for Kirchhoff's laws, formulated in 1845 while he was still a student, which refer to the currents and electromotive forces in electrical networks.

Gustav Kirchhoff In 1845 Kirchhoff first announced Kirchhoff's laws, which allow calculation of the currents, voltages, and resistances of electrical networks. Extending the theory of the German physicist Georg Simon Ohm, he generalized the equations describing current flow to the case of electrical conductors in three dimensions. In further studies he demonstrated that current flows through a conductor at the speed of light. He was a physicist who made important contributions to the theory of circuits using topology and to elasticity. Kirchhoff's laws, finally announced in 1854, allow calculation of currents, voltages and resistances of electrical circuits extending the work of Ohm. In 1857, he worked on conduction in telegraph wires. He discovered that the velocity of transmission is the same as the speed of light.
Kirchhoff's circuit rules
named after Gustav Robert Kirchhofft are two statements about multi-loop electric circuits that embody the laws of conservation of electric charge and energy and that are used to determine the value of the electric current in each branch of the circuit.

50. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article
kirchhoff, gustav Robert (18241887). The Hutchinson Dictionary ofScientific Biography; 1/1/1998. Read the Full Article, Get a FREE

51. Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Bunsen And Gustav Robert Kirchoff
In 1860 Robert Bunsen (1811–1899) and gustav kirchhoff (1824–1887) discoveredtwo alkali metals, cesium and rubidium, with the aid of the spectroscope they

    In 1860 Robert Bunsen (1811–1899) and Gustav Kirchhoff (1824–1887) discovered two alkali metals, cesium and rubidium, with the aid of the spectroscope they had invented the year before. These discoveries inaugurated a new era in the means used to find new elements. The first fifty elements discovered—beyond those known since ancient times—were either the products of chemical reactions or were released by electrolysis. From 1860 the search was on for trace elements detectable only with the help of specialized instruments like the spectroscope. Bunsen, the son of a professor of modern languages at Göttingen University, earned his doctorate from that university in 1830. He was then given a three-year travel grant that took him to factories, places of geologic interest, and famous laboratories, including Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac's in Paris. Early in his career he did research in organic chemistry, which cost him the use of his right eye, when an arsenic compound, cacodyl cyanide, exploded. Throughout his career he remained deeply interested in geological topics and once made daring temperature measurements of the water in the geyser tube of Iceland's Great Geyser just before it erupted. Bunsen and Kirchoff, a physicist trained at Königsberg, met and became friends in 1851, when Bunsen spent a year at the University of Breslau, where Kirchoff was also teaching. Bunsen was called to the University of Heidelberg in 1852, and he soon arranged for Kirchoff to teach at Heidelberg as well.

52. Mathematiker Im Heidelberger Gelehrtenlexikon / Gustav Kirchhoff
Translate this page Heidelberger Gelehrtenlexikon / Dagmar Drüll. - Heidelberg Bd. 2. 1803-1932.- 1986, S. 135 kirchhoff, gustav Robert. 1854-1875 Phil. Fak. Physik. *, 12.
Bd. 2. 1803-1932. - 1986, S. 135 Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert 1854-1875 Phil. Fak. Physik 17. Okt. 1887 Berlin (ev.) V Carl Friedrich K., Richter M Johanna Henriette Wittke H H K 2 S, 2 T Lb 1865 Prorektor H; 1859/60, 1869/70 Mitgl. des Engeren Senats H; 1858, 1869/70 Dekan der Phil. Fak. H E
UAH A-219/PA; Bf. UBH
NDB 11 (1977) S. 649-653

53. Gustav R. Kirchhoff
Translate this page kirchhoff, gustav Robert (12.3.1824 - 12.3.1887). kirchhoff, gustav Robert, Physiker* Königsberg (heute Kaliningrad) 12.3.1824, + Berlin 17.10.1887.
Gustav Robert Kirchhoff
Physikdozent in Heidelberg
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert (12.3.1824 - 12.3.1887)
Lexika (Printausgaben) WWW-Biographien Print-Biographien Werk Bibliographien
Bd. 12 (1996), S. 24
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert, Physiker
1854 nach Heidelberg Werk:

Bd. 2. 1803-1932. - 1986, S. 135
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert 1854-1875 Phil. Fak. Physik 17. Okt. 1887 Berlin (ev.) V Carl Friedrich K., Richter M Johanna Henriette Wittke H H K 2 S, 2 T Lb 1865 Prorektor H; 1859/60, 1869/70 Mitgl. des Engeren Senats H; 1858, 1869/70 Dekan der Phil. Fak. H E
UAH A-219/PA; Bf. UBH
NDB 11 (1977) S. 649-653
Biographie vom St. Andrews Archiv Eric Weisstein's Scientific Biography Encyclopaedia Britannica High Altitude Observatory Weitere WWW-Biographien The Mathematics Genealogy Project Top
Neue Deutsche Biographie. - Berlin
Bd. 11 (1977), S. 649-653
UB-Signatur: LSN B-AE 014 Dictionary of Scientific Biography. - New York

54. Gustav Robert Kirchhoff (1824-1887)
Translate this page gustav Robert kirchhoff (1824-1887). Un poco de su biografía. Físicoalemán nacido en Koenigsberg (actualmente Kaliningrado, Rusia).
web hosting domain names email addresses Gustav Robert Kirchhoff (1824-1887) Un poco de su biografía. Físico alemán nacido en Koenigsberg (actualmente Kaliningrado, Rusia). Hizo contribuciones importantes al análisis espectral, a la teoría de los circuitos eléctricos y a la física teórica. Al lado de Bunsen trabajó trabajo en la aplicación de espectroscopia a la identificación de los elementos y, en particular, al análisis químico de las estrellas. Identifico numerosas líneas de hierro en el espectro solar y, junto con Bunsen, descubrió espectroscopicamente los elementos cesio y bario. Explico, además, las líneas de Fraunhofer (rayas negras del espectro). El principal aporte de Kirchhoff a la electricidad es el enunciado de las leyes que llevan su nombre. Fue uno de los primeros científicos de su siglo que adoptaron el positivismo. Constante de Kirchhoff. La velocidad del sonido en el aire encerrado en un tubo cilíndrico es: donde: V es la velocidad al aire libre, r el radio del tubo y f la frecuencia. K es la constante de Kirchhoff.

55. Lebenslauf Von Gustav-Robert-Kirchhoff
Translate this page gustav Robert kirchhoff. 12. März 1824, geboren in Königsberg. 1845, kirchhoffscheGesetze. 1859, Entwicklung der Spektralanalyse. 1860, Entdeckung des Cäsiums.
Gustav Robert Kirchhoff
Kirchhoffsche Gesetze Entwicklung der Spektralanalyse Entdeckung des Rubidiums gestorben in Berlin Seine Arbeiten:

56. Kirchhoff
kirchhoff, gustav. (18241887). Nemecký fyzik, který formuloval dvakirchhoffovy zákony týkají se stacionárního elektrického proudu.
Kirchhoff, Gustav
Nìmecký fyzik, který formuloval dva Kirchhoffovy zákony týkají se stacionárního elektrického proudu. Tyto zákony umožòují výpoèet proudù a napìtí v elektrických obvodech. Studoval zejména spektrum svìtla procházejícího plynem. Sledoval jeho vlnovou délku a emisní èáry. Jako první vysvìtlil tmavé absorpèní èáry ve spektru Slunce. Jeho práce o záøení èerného tìlesa pøispìly zásadním zpùsobem ke vzniku kvantové teorie.

57. MSN Encarta - Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert
Translate this page kirchhoff, gustav Robert. Un guide du Web. Plus de résultats pour kirchhoff, gustavRobert, Autres fonctionnalités Encarta. Rechercher kirchhoff, gustav Robert.
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Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif, un guide du Web et une palette compl¨te de ressources et d'outils ©ducatifs. 34,99 € par an (service d’acc¨s   Internet non compris). En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert (1824-1887), physicien allemand, dont l'œuvre, tr¨s vaste, aborde des domaines de la physique tr¨s diff©rents. N©   K¶nigsberg... M©dias Encadr©s Sciences
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58. Kirchhoff-Gustav Robert 1824-1887
Educ. 4 (November 1969) 341343. kirchhoff-gustav Robert 1824-1887. AS Everest RugbySchool URL DOI 10.1088/0031-9120/4/6/304.
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Strona glówna / hasla, Powrót. kirchhoff, gustav Robert. 1824 1887Fizyk niemiecki, twórca analizy widmowej. Zobacz - prawa kirchhoffa.

60. Gustav Robert Kirchhoff
Translate this page gustav Robert kirchhoff (1824 - 1887) Físico alemão natural de Königsberg,leste da Prússia, depois Kaliningrado, Rússia, cujas

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