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         Killing Wilhelm:     more books (27)
  1. Briefwechsel mit Friedrich Engel zur Theorie der Lie-Algebren: Zum 150. Geburtstag von Wilhelm Killing (Dokumente zur Geschichte der Mathematik) (German Edition) by Wilhelm Killing, 1997
  2. Einführung in Die Grundlagen Der Geometrie, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Wilhelm Killing, 2010-02-11
  3. Lehrbuch Der Analytischen Geometrie: T. Die Ebene Geometrie (German Edition) by Wilhelm Karl Joseph Killing, 2010-04-08
  4. Einführung in Die Grundlagen Der Geometrie: Bd. 5. Abschnitt. Kongruenz Und Messung. 6. Abschnitt. Abschlues Der Projektiven Geometrie. 7. Abschnitt. Grundbegriffe ... Der Transformations-Gruppen (German Edition) by Wilhelm Killing, 2010-02-13
  5. Lehrbuch Der Analytischen Geometrie: T. Die Geometrie Des Raumes (German Edition) by Wilhelm Karl Joseph Killing, 2010-04-03
  6. Lehrbuch der analytischen Geometrie in homogenen Koordinaten (German Edition) by Wilhelm Karl Joseph Killing, 2010-05-14
  7. Die nicht-euklidischen Raumformen in analytischer Behandlung (German Edition) by Wilhelm Karl Joseph Killing, 2010-05-13
  8. Hochschullehrer (Braunsberg): Karl Weierstraß, Philipp Funk, Wilhelm Killing, Carl Arnold Willemsen, Joseph Lortz, Gottlieb Söhngen (German Edition)
  9. Person (Siegerland): Hans-Ulrich Wehler, Johann Heinrich Jung-Stilling, Wilhelm Killing, Lothar Irle, Maria Homscheid, Karl Hartmann (German Edition)
  10. Die Nicht-Euklidischen Raumformen In Analytischer Behandlung (1885) (German Edition) by Wilhelm Killing, 2010-09-10
  11. Die Nicht-Euklidischen Raumformen in Analytischer Behandlung by Dr. Wilhelm Killing, 1885
  12. Lehrbuch Der Analytischen Geometrie: T. Die Geometrie Des Raumes (German Edition) by Wilhelm Karl Joseph Killing, 2010-03-16
  13. Die nicht-enklidischen Raumformen in analytischer Behandlung (German Edition) by Wilhelm Killing, 1885-01-01
  14. Einführung in die Grundlagen der Geometrie (German Edition) by Wilhelm Killing, 1893-01-01

61. Das Virtuelle Bücherregal NRW
Translate this page 402 7.147.204 7.147.211 7.559.307 Killerzelle 6.259.376 6.406.918 7.215.477 Killesbergturm13.157.075 Killian, Hermann 3.746.767 killing, wilhelm 12.791.386
Ein freundliches Angebot des Hochschulbibliothekszentrums des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Kilian, Gundel
Kilian, Rudolf
Kilikia Tracheia
Kilikia-Museum Antelias
Kilkenny Killertoxin Killerzelle Killesbergturm Killian, Hermann Killing, Wilhelm Killmayer, Wilhelm Kilpatrick, George Dunbar Kilpatrick, William Heard Kilusang Mayo Uno Kilwa Kim Kim Phúc Kim, Dongyeon Kim, Il-sÆong Kim, Tae-jung Kim, U-jin Kimball, Nell Kimbangu, Simon Kimbanguistenkirche Kimbangwa Kimberleyplateau Kimberlit Kimchi Kimchi, Isaak Ben-Mordechai Kimchi, Mordechai Ben-Isaak Kime-no-kata Kimigayo Kimmeridge Clay Kimmerier Kimmerle, Heinz Kimono Kimpa, Vita Kimspiel Kimura, SÅota Kin'yÅo wakashÅu Kina Kina Kinasen Kinbusen-Shugen-HonshÅu Kincaid, Jamaica Kind Florian Seiffert HBZ , Stand: 08.08.2002

62. Wilhelm Tell Toutu Bedeutungen
Translate this page Themengebiete der Herkunft Altes Testament Tochter vornamenbuch meine wilhelm telleuch die in hohem Ansehen Steh endeGeschlecht weiblich killing in the name
namenskarte name bedeutung
wilhelm tell was Angaben zur Herkunft Angaben zur männlichen Form Johannes:
istVerschwindet namenskunde Varianten Annabella Deutsch Engl isch Italienischsternzeichen deutung Sprachen des Gebrauchs Deutsch eine blöde chinesische schriftzeichen bedeutung Alte ursprüngliche Formen Iolanthe Altgriechisch Geschlecht weiblich namen herkunft bedeutung namens bedeutungen Antonietta Italienisch vornamenliste alexander rosenbaum Bedeutung Übersetzung Gott ist gnädig gütig Bedeutung Übersetzung Granat übersetzung deutsch französisch online liebe finden Angaben zur Herkunft in der Bibel Hannah die Mutter MariasWörter katharos rein Charakter EigenschaftenGeschlecht weiblich ortsname bedeutung von rosen Wörter iwa die Eibe der Pfeilbo gen Pflanzen KonfliktGeschlecht weiblich ursprungs Ashlyn Englisch unabwendbar
meine Welsche wilhelm tell
namenskarte KADMOS:O Alte ursprüngliche Formen Abigajil Hebräisch Tochter Tochter istVerschwindet nachnamen nachnamen bedeutungen KADMOS:O
aszendent namen vornamenforschung
nachnahme französisch wörterbuch blutwerte namen namens bedeutungen rooij brenda ... anne wilson tags
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63. Morte Rage Against The Machine Killing In The Name Of Tarot Bedeutung
wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre
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64. Speech By Ernst Klee
of killing them. IG Farben Ludwigshafen supplied the poisonous gas. Gold crownsand fillings go to Degussa. The brains were processed by the Kaiserwilhelm-
Ernst Klee Killing by starvation in the institutions
and other previous crimes of psychiatry (translated from German by Ilka Rauch) Those who honor the perpetrators murder their victims a second time.
Between 1940 and 1941 70,273 people were killed. They were gassed in six institutions especially designed for the purpose of killing them. IG Farben Ludwigshafen supplied the poisonous gas. Gold crowns and fillings go to Degussa. The brains were processed by the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institute of Neurological Research in Berlin and the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institute of Psychiatry in Munich (today Max-Planck-Institutes).
The gassings were organized by Central Office in Berlin, Tiergartenstrasse 4. In August 1941, Hitler orders a stop to the practice. Yet, the murders continue: people die as a result of medical experiments, of deliberate starvation; in single cases they are killed with electroshocks. The committed crime is unprecedented in world history: psychiatrists exterminate their patients.
German Psychiatry Needed the Nazis
Long before the Nazis would come to power psychiatrists already made similar demands. Emil Kraeplin 1918: "An absolute ruler who unscrupulously interfered with human habits would, without any doubt and in the course of only a few decades, effectuate a decline in mental debility."

65. Internet Book List :: Listing Search Results
Let the Fire Fall (1969) by Kate wilhelm; killing Thing (1967) by Kate wilhelm;Gold Medal Secret, the (1996) by Doug wilhelm; Search the Amazon! Wilhelm Ålund

66. The History Of The Kaiser-Wilhelm-Society During National
well as methods and research questions in the Kaiser wilhelm/MaxPlanck camp facilitiesto scientific researchers organising the effective killing of hundreds
SYMPOSIUM REPORT The History of the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Society During
National Socialism Observations on a Three-Day Working Conference organised by the Max-Planck-Society in Berlin, 10 - 13 March 1999 by Ulf Schmidt University of Oxford Vordenker der Vernichtung ), a term taken from the work of the historians Götz Aly and Susanne Heim. This area of research will address with the role of KWI-experts in conceiving, outlining and planning the introduction of Nazi policies, especially with regard to racial policies in the East ( Ostraumpolitik ) and the cultural and ethnic transformation in the occupied territories ( Volkstumpolitik ). Here the role of racial and hereditary research, military research ( Rüstungsforschung ), research in the East and on ‘living space’ ( Ostforschung and Lebensraumforschung ), as well as on criminal human experiments, will have to be addressed. In other words, the overall politics of the KWG during the Nazi period will at last be comprehensively investigated and evaluated. The conference was structured in seven sections with almost fifty talks which covered fascinating and impressive research. Presentations ranged from the self perception and political opportunities of scientists in the first half of the 20th century to race hygienic and genetic research in KWI-institutes and Nazi racial policies. Talks covered military and ‘war relevant’ (

67. Table Of Contents
Translate this page Differentialgleichungssysteme nach Peano. (Mit einer Figurentafel), 553. . .ARTICLE, killing, wilhelm Zur projectiven Geometrie, 569. . . ARTICLE, Stolz,O
Mathematische Annalen
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This is volume 43 of Mathematische Annalen

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68. Table Of Contents
Translate this page . ARTICLE, Rados, Gustav Zur Theorie der adjungirten Substitutionen, 417.. . ARTICLE, killing, wilhelm Ueber transfinite Zahlen, 425. . . ADVERTISING,1.
Mathematische Annalen
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This is volume 48 of Mathematische Annalen

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69. Max Planck Gesellschaft
its research organization, the notorious Ahnenerbe (7). The Kaiserwilhelm-Instituteof These programs included the killing of handicapped children and the T-4
William E. Seidelman MD Science and Inhumanity:
The Kaiser-Wilhelm/Max Planck Society First Published in: If Not Now an e-journal Volume 2, Winter 2000
Revised February 18, 2001.

One hundred years ago this past December a German scientist by the name of Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck gave a lecture in Berlin to the German Physical Society. Planck's lecture would change the world forever. Entitled "On the Law of the Normal Distribution of Energy" the lecture marked the birth of quantum physics. Quantum physics established a basis for the later development of nuclear physics, the laser and the computer. It is the foundation of the modern technological world extending from nuclear energy to the transistor radio.
Max Planck was to become the most influential scientist in Germany. For 26 years (1912-1938) he was permanent secretary of the mathematics and physics sections of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. It was Planck who brought Albert Einstein to Berlin in 1914. Planck, who was awarded the 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics for his 1900 discovery, became the president of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society (1930-1937), the prestigious and influential organization established in 1911 by the German government and industry for the promotion of research.

70. - Transcripts
a parent accused of killing their child, and now in this case, convicted of killingthat child. And that s what happened to Christine wilhelm, convicted in July
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Return to Transcripts main page LIVE FROM... Judge Gives New York Mother Maximum Sentence Aired September 9, 2003 - 13:19 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. DARYN KAGAN, CNN ANCHOR: I want to go back to upstate New York. That is where a judge has given the mother, Christine Wilhelm, the maximum sentence this hour for drowning her 4-year-old in a bathtub. The case is drawing some painful parallels to the Andrea Yates case in Texas.
Our national correspondent, Gary Tuchman, joins us from Troy, New York.
We heard a lot of emotional things over the last hour, Gary. Namely, we have heard her husband, the father of the son, give a victim's impact statement. And the judge sounded like he was getting choked up when he was reading the sentence for Christine Wilhelm.
GARY TUCHMAN, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Daryn, there is nothing harder than sitting through and watching and listening to a murder trial involving a child, particularly when it's a parent accused of killing their child, and now in this case, convicted of killing that child.
And that's what happened to Christine Wilhelm, convicted in July, and today the judge said, "I have no room for mercy," and sentenced her to the maximum, two charges, murder and the attempted murder of her other son, 50 years to life in prison, a possibility of parole in 46 years.

71. DIEPER - DIgitised European PERiodicals
Translate this page 2. Theil der 7. Auflage .. killing, wilhelm, Dr., Lehrbuch der analytischenGeometrie in homogenen. Coordinaten. Erster Band. .

72. Kate Wilhelm
KATE wilhelm writes tip top legal suspense novels, all of which I missed out onwhen her if she will help her sister who has been accused of killing her baby
To find out how easy it is to place an order, follow the spider to the Order Information Page KATE WILHELM writes tip top legal suspense novels, all of which I missed out on when they were first published because I thought of her as a sci-fi writer only. After I happened on one of her legal thrillers, I ordered the others immediately. She is a writer of wide ranging talents, turning her hand to mainstream fiction, psychological suspense and humor as well as science fiction (for which she has won both the Hugo and Nebula Awards) and our favorite, mystery. She is less well known in our field but is as good, if not better than, the other two big legal thriller writers, Barbara Parker and Nancy Taylor Rosenberg. If this is your genre, don't miss these excellent books.
"Death Qualified" - $5.99
appeared in 1991 introducing her main character Barbara Holloway, an Oregon attorney who, though she had stopped practicing five years earlier, is still "death qualified," able to defend clients facing the death penalty. The novel opens with the plight of a mental patient who seems to be on a work release program on a college campus, heavily drugged and closely supervised by a psychiatrist. The patient, who is called "Tom" (though he knows this is not his real name) has begun palming his medication, and fragments of a former life are drifting back to him. From this intriguing beginning, a major courtroom battle develops for Barbara, who is asked for legal assistance by her lawyer father.

73. Liste Historischer Mathematischer Dissertationen Von 1810 Bis 1933
Translate this page (Weierstraß, Kummer), 16.11.1870. 71, killing, wilhelm (1847-1923),H, Der Flächenbüschel zweiter Ordnung. (Weierstraß, Kummer), 14.3.1872.

74. Where Late The Sweet Birds Sang By Kate Wilhelm, Science Fiction Book
Award for Best Short Story Forever Yours, Anna Novels by Kate wilhelm, that are Affair(1966); The Killer Thing (1967, SF, also titled The killing Thing UK
KATE WILHELM Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang (1976)
1977 Hugo Award Winner
Orb trade paperback - 254 pages (left)
Pocket books - 207 pages (right)
1st edition paperback From the back cover of the trade paperback:
Before becoming one of today's most intriguing and innovative mystery writers, Kate Wilhelm was celebrated as a writer of science fiction, acclaimed for classics like The Infinity Box and The Clewiston Test
Now one of her most famous novels returns to print, the spellbinding story of an isolated post holocaust community determined to preserve itself, and civilization, through a perilous experiment in cloning. Sweeping, dramatic, rich with humanity, and rigorous in its science, Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang is widely regarded as a high point of both humanistic and "hard" SF, and won SF's Hugo Award and Locus Award on its first publication. It is as compelling today as it was then.
From the back cover of the older paperback: When the first warm breeze of Doomsday came wafting over the Shenandoah Valley, the Sumners were ready.

75. James Wilhelm - Government In Medieval In Iceland
by James C wilhelm. For example, a killer was guilty of a more serious crime ifhe did not announce the killing soon after it took place to the appropriate
Government in Medieval in Iceland
by James C Wilhelm
INTRODUCTION THE GOVERNMENT THE LAWS It is certainly fair to assume that the laws that a society has in place have a lot to do with the society's morals, values, and ideas. This can easily be applied to the code of laws that served as the government in medieval Iceland. The following section is a description of several of the laws governing various aspects of Icelandic life that can be found in Njal's Saga, and how they may relate to the culture of these people. It becomes obvious in Njal's Saga that murder is illegal because after nearly every one of the numerous murders, the murderer(s) is punished. However, the matter is not as simple as that because there were other stipulations that made some forms of murder more illegal than others. For example, a killer was guilty of a more serious crime if he did not announce the killing soon after it took place to the appropriate people (the deceased's kinsmen), or did not cover the corpse. The truly interesting thing about murder in Iceland, with regard to its consequences, is that murder does not seem to be all that serious of an offense. No one ever is imprisoned or officially sentenced to death (except maybe by the offended family's kinsmen). In fact, the only serious form of punishment was outlawry, which could force a person out of the Iceland for either three years or life. This coupled with the fact that they were indeed willing to pay a settlement if need be led to these long, drawn-out blood feuds that only ended when one side had killed off enough of the other side to deter them from striking back yet again.

76. Killing Of Old Men: Folktales Of Type 981
killing of the Old Men. Romania. Source Karl Haupt, Sagenbuch der Lausitz,v. 2 (Leipzig Verlag von wilhelm Engelmann, 1863), p. 9.
Killing of Old Men
folktales of Aarne-Thompson type 981
and other legends about geronticide
selected and edited by
D. L. Ashliman
  • How the Killing of the Old Men Was Stopped (Serbia).
  • Grandfather and Grandson (Serbia).
  • A Story from the Time of the Romans (Romania Transylvania).
  • The Old Man Who Solved Riddles (Macedonia).
  • Killing of Old Men (Romania).
  • A Wendish Legend (Germany).
  • The Old Heathens (Germany).
  • Bibliography of additional tales of Aarne-Thompson type 981 Return to D. L. Ashliman's index of folklore and mythology electronic texts
    How the Killing of the Old Men Was Stopped
    In old times it was the habit to kill old men when they had passed fifty years. A man who was nearing his fiftieth year had a good son, who was very sorry for his father and hid him in a wine vat, in which he cared for him secretly. Once he bet with some of his neighbors who should see the first rising of the sun in the morning. The merciful son told his father of his bet, and his father said to him, "Be careful, and when you are at the place to see the rising of the sun take, the precaution not to look to the east as the others will do, but look instead to the west at the highest point of the mountains, and you will win the bet." The son did as his father had advised him, and so saw first the rising of the sun. When the neighbors asked him who had advised him what to do, he said it was his father, whom he must hide and protect from a forced death. The people were astonished at such clever advice and concluded that the old men are clever and that they do not deserve to be killed, but respected.
  • 77. Chapter XIII. Book V. Goethe, J. W. Von. 1917. Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship
    save thy Felix! The old man is mad! He is killing him.” Scarcely knowing whathe did, wilhelm darted downstairs, and Mignon followed close behind him. 10.
    Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Fiction Harvard Classics J.W. von Goethe Book V ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD J.W. von Goethe The Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction.

    78. Killing Of Frank Leslie By His Wife Mamie. Wheeling, 1892
    Coming as it did in the same week as the killing by wilhelm Maier of his wife, themurderous assault on Ed Kunkel, who had his throat cut in a boat house in
    C RIME
    The Wheeling Intelligencer April 9, 1892.
    Mrs. Frank Leslie Shoots her Husband in the Head.
    The Scene of the Shocking Tragedy Early last Evening.
    She had Shot at him Once before and was in Jail for it.
    That has Occurred in Wheeling this Week. Mrs. Leslie Committed to Jail without Bail to Await the Result of her Husband's Wounds. Who the Parties are, and Something Indicating the Cause of the Fatal Assault.
    About a quarter before six o'clock last evening Mrs. Mamie Leslie shot her husband, Frank Leslie, inflicting a fatal wound. The ball entered the right temple, piercing the brain. Leslie was taken to the City Hospital, and there Dr. John R. Pipes, assisted by Dr. Schwinn and Dr. Frank Hupp, trephined his skull, in the hope that this might relieve the pressure on his brain. It did not have that effect, however, and at half past nine o'clock Leslie died. County Coroner Phillips was at police headquarters, waiting to hear the result of the shot, when the news of his death came, and he hastened to the hospital at once. The shooting occurred in the house of ill fame of Anne Keim, on Twenty-first street, adjoining hook and ladder house No. 1. Leslie was in the house when his wife entered and said to Mrs. Keim: "I want my husband!"

    79. Twelve Idle Servants By Jacob And Wilhelm Grimm
    THE TWELVE IDLE SERVANTS. by Jacob Ludwig Grimm and wilhelm Carl Grimm. I haveno fancy for killing myself with work. . The sixth said, Shame on you.
    Books [ Titles Authors Articles Front Page ... FAQ
    Twelve Idle Servants by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Buy more than 2,000 books on a single CD-ROM for only $19.99. That's less then a penny per book! Click here for more information. Read, write, or comment on essays about Twelve Idle Servants Search for books Search essays GRIMM'S FAIRY TALES THE TWELVE IDLE SERVANTS by Jacob Ludwig Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm THE TWELVE IDLE SERVANTS - TWELVE SERVANTS who had done nothing during the day would not exert themselves at night either, but laid themselves on the grass and boasted of their idleness. The first said, "What is your laziness to me, I have to concern myself about mine own? The care of my body is my principal work; I eat not a little and drink still more. When I have had four meals, I fast a short time until I feel hunger again, and that suits me best. To rise betimes is not for me; when it is getting near midday, I already seek out a resting-place for myself. If the master call, I do exactly as if I had not heard him, and if he call for the second time, I wait a while before I get up, and go to him very slowly. In this way life is endurable." The second said, "I have a horse to look after, but I leave the bit in his mouth, and if I do not want to do it, I give him no food, and I say he has had it already. I, however, lay myself in the oat-chest and sleep for four hours. After this I stretch out one foot and move it a couple of times over the horse's body, and then he is combed and cleaned. Who is going to make a great business of that? Nevertheless service is too toilsome for me."

    80. Aces Of The Luftwaffe - Wilhelm Johnen
    wilhelm Johnen Hauptmann. wilhelm “Wim” Johnen was born on 9 October 1921 at washit by return fire from the bomber’s gunners killing his radiooperator
    Wilhelm Johnen
    “Wim” Johnen was credited with 34 victories in over 200 missions. All his victories were recorded at night . Included in his victory total are 24 four-engined bombers.
    No Date Time A/c Type Unit Location Wellington 3./NJG 1 Essen Wellington 3./NJG 1 Holland Halifax 3./NJG 1 W Holland Wellington 3./NJG 1 Holland Halifax 3./NJG 1 Holland Stirling 5./NJG 5 NW Berlin Halifax 5./NJG 5 WNW Berlin Lancaster 5./NJG 5 30km SW Berlin Lancaster 5./NJG 5 20km SW Berlin Lancaster 5./NJG 5 70km SW Berlin Lancaster 5./NJG 5 Near Tütos Lancaster 5./NJG 5 NNW Berlin Lancaster 5./NJG 5 SSE Berlin Lancaster 5./NJG 5 SSE Berlin Lancaster 5./NJG 5 SW Berlin Viermot 5./NJG 5 SE Damgarten Lancaster 5./NJG 5 UF Lancaster 5./NJG 5 NNW Berlin Lancaster 6./NJG 5 Near Besançon Wellington 8./NJG 6 SE Hungary Wellington 8./NJG 6 7km N St Polten Wellington 8./NJG 6 S Pyhra Mitchell 8./NJG 6 SE Hungary Mitchell 8./NJG 6 SE Hungary Mitchell 8./NJG 6 SE Hungary Halifax 8./NJG 6 13km S Szombor Halifax 8./NJG 6 SE Hungary Mitchell 8./NJG 6 SE Hungary Halifax 8./NJG 6

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