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         Khayyam Omar:     more books (100)
  1. The Ruba'iyat of Omar Khayyam: Translated by Edward Fitzgerald. With a Commentary by H. M. Batson and a Biographical Introduction by E. D. Ross by Omar Khayyam, 2005-11-30
  2. Las cuartetas de Omar Khayyam: Traduccion de la version francesa de Franz Toussaint (Spanish Edition) by Omar Khayyam, 1985
  3. Rubaiyat de Omar Khayyam, (French Edition) by Omar Khayyam., 2009-04-27
  4. Robaiyate Omar Khayyam by Omar Khayyam, 1997-12-01
  5. A Book of Verse: The Biography of Omar Khayyam by Garry Garrard, 2007-10-01
  7. Rubaiyat Of Omar Khayyam -The Astronomer Poet Of Persia by Edward Fitzgerald, 2008-11-04
  8. Omar Khayyam by Harold Lamb, 1978-05
  10. Omar Khayyam as a mathematician by William Edward Story, 2010-08-05
  11. Rubaiyat Of Omar Khayyam: Translated By Edward Fitzgerald & Illustrated By Austin P. Torney by Austin P. Torney, Edward Fitzgerald, 2010-05-05
  12. Persian Mosaic. An Imaginative Biography of Omar Khayyam. Based Upon Reality, in the Oriental Manner. by Harold Lamb, 1943
  13. The Rubiayat of Omar Khayyam
  14. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam as rendered into English verse by Edward FitzGerald by Omar Khayyam, 1947

41. Omar Khayyam's Rubaiyat - Philological Translation And Commentary
Features three hundred quatrains, literal translations in Bulgarian and English, transliteration and commentary.
This site presents a special book about the poetry of Omar Khayyam - one of the most famous and loved poets of the Middle Ages
You are curious to find out what ideas disturbed the minds of the men of wisdom in the Early Middle Ages, or
You are a connoisseur of eastern philosophy, or
You love the Persian poetry - one of the most penatrating and richest in the world, or
You admire the topics of beauty and wine, of love and meaning of life, or
You appreciate the shining poetic brilliance of Omar Khayyam's verse,
if you want to get in touch with all this or to contribute to its popularization, Then you have arrived at the right spot. See the page of Ivo Panov's book
Omar Khayyam
Volume 1

42. Rubaiyat Of Omar Khayyam
English translation by Edward FitzGerald.
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Go to the Persian Archive

43. Omar Khayyam --  Encyclopædia Britannica
Visit Britannica Store, Encyclopædia Britannica, omar khayyam Encyclopædia Britannica Article. MLA style omar khayyam. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004.

44. Glossary: Khayyam, Omar
Glossary entry for khayyam, omar. khayyam, omar. omar khayyam was a twelfthcentury mathematician, astronomer and teacher from Nishapur in Persia.
Glossary entry for
Khayyam, Omar
Khayyam, Omar
Omar Khayyam was a twelfth-century mathematician, astronomer and teacher from Nishapur in Persia. He was also a poet, the author of numerous rhymed quatrains or four line poems, a verse form called in Persian "rubai". These four-lines epigrams were brought together in collections called Rubaiyat. Over 700 years later, in 1857, one such Omar manuscript came into the hands of Edward FitzGerald, who made from it one of the most popular poems in the English language. Experts have argued at great length whether FitzGerald's adaptation of Omar's poem is a faithful translation, but no one argues its beauty. The themes are earthy, yet infused with speculations on man's spiritual destiny. Perhaps the strong feeling of "Carpe Diem" or "seize the day"-motifs explains Van Morrison's attraction to these poems. After all he writes elsewhere: These are the days now that we must savour
And we must enjoy as we can
These are the days that will last forever
You've got to hold them in your heart This echoes some of the sentiments in The Rubaiyat, as in these stanzas:

45. Persian Poetry @ Blissbat
English translations of and information about Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi and omar khayyam, including sideby-side comparisions of various translations.
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A growing introduction to and examination of the works of the Persian poets Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi (1207-1273) and Omar Khayyam (1048-1123) in English translation. For Peter.
Omar Khayyam
(updated 10/24/01)
: A selection of poems translated by Arberry, Barks, Khalili, Chittick, and Marshall.
(updated 3/6/02)
The Rubaiyat
The Fitzgerald Rubaiyat : The fifth edition of Edward Fitzgerald's translation, accompanied by Edmund Dulac's illustrations.
The Whinfield Rubaiyat
: The longer and more literal translation by E.H. Whinfield.
: Side-by-side comparison of Fitzgerald's five translations. (Outside)
Context (Rumi)
Life of Rumi : Biographical and contextual information about Rumi. (Outside)
Rumi @ Britannica
: Good context from Britannica by Annemarie Schimmel, Rumi scholar and translator. (Outside)
Context (Khayyam)
Biography : Extensive biographical information by Edward Fitzgerald. (Outside)
Omar Khayyam @ Britannica
: Concise biographical information. (Outside)
Related Resources
Edmund Dulac Illustrations : more fairy tale illustrations from the Rubaiyat illustrator.

46. Khayyam, Omar
khayyam, omar (10481122). Persian mathematician, astronomer, and author of one of the world s best-known works of poetry. He was
Khayyam, Omar
Persian mathematician, astronomer, and author of one of the world's best-known works of poetry.

47. Khayyam, Omar
Khayyam, Omar

48. Omar Khayam Poems (English Text)
Online text of English translation by Edward FitzGerald (18091883).
Persian Literature You can order English and Farsi books from Order all your books from Omar Khayyam
The Rubaiyat Of Omar Khayyam (English)
By: Edward FitzGerald (1809-1883)
(Fifth Editions) Parts:
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49. Omar Khayyam
Translate this page Home_Page omar khayyam (1050-1122), Matemático y astrónomo persa, autor de uno de los poemas más famosos del mundo. Nació en Nishapur (actual Irán).
Omar Khayyam
M atemático y astrónomo persa, autor de uno de los poemas más famosos del mundo. Nació en Nishapur (actual Irán). Su nombre significa 'Omar el tendero'. Como astrónomo de la corte, participó con otros científicos en la reforma del calendario; a partir de entonces se adoptó una nueva era, conocida como jalaliana o el Seliuk. Como escritor de álgebra, geometría y temas afines, Omar fue uno de los más destacados matemáticos de su época. Sin embargo, es conocido ante todo por el poema Rubaiyat , del que se le atribuyen unas 1.000 estrofas epigramáticas de cuatro versos que hablan de la naturaleza y el ser humano. © eMe Textos:
Rubaiyat (fragmento)

Archivo Midi epdlp

50. Rubaiyat Of Omar Khayyam By Omar Khayyam
English translation (not Fitzgerald) with adjustable sized text and automatic bookmarking.
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Classics Site Map Electronic Library Omar Khayyam
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Omar Khayyam
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First Edition

Fifth Edition


51. Khayyam, Omar
var TlxPgNm='id59'; Poetry Library
Apollinaire, Guillaume
Aragon, Louis Bataille, Henry ... Jouve, Pierre Jean Khayyam, Omar Lafontaine, Jean de Laforgue, Jules Lamartine, Alfonse de Levey, Henry ... Yeats, William Butler
Khayyam, Omar
I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI Toute ma jeunesse refleurit aujourd'hui! Du vin! Du vin! Que ses flammes m'embrasent! ... Du vin! N'importe lequel... Je ne suis pas difficile. Le meilleur, croyez bien, je le trouverai amer, comme la vie! XII XIII XIV XV Au delà de la Terre, au delà de l'Infini, je cherchais à voir le Ciel et l'Enfer. Une voix solennelle m'a dit: "Le Ciel et l'Enfer sont en toi." XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXII XXIII XXIV XXV XXVI XXVII XXVIII XXIX XXX Mon coeur m'a dit: "Je veux savoir, je veux connaitre! Instruis-moi, Khayyâm, toi qui as tant travaillé!" J'ai prononcé la première lettre de l'alphabet, et mon cœur m'a dit: "Maintenant, je sais. Un est le premier chiffre du nombre qui ne finit pas... XXXI XXXII XXXIII XXXIV XXXV J'avais sommeil. La Sagesse me dit: "Les roses du Bonheur ne parfument jamais le sommeil. Au lieu de t'abandonner à ce frère de la Mort, bois du vin. Tu as l'éternité pour dormir."

52. Index To Poetry - The Rubaiyat Of Omar Khayyam
Includes the original and several parallel English translations.
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 ... Page 6 The Rubaiyat Depending on the sources of reference that one chooses, Omar Khayyam is believed to have composed somewhere between 200 and 600 Rubaiyat (quatrains). Some are known to be authentic and are attributed to him, while others seem to be combinations or corruption of his poetry, and whose origins are more dubious. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam is among the few masterpieces that has been translated into most languages, including English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, and Urdu. The most famous translation of the Rubaiyat from Farsi into English was undertaken in 1859 by Edward J. Fitzgerald. It appears that in many of his translations, he has combined a few of the Rubaiyat to compose one, and sometimes it is difficult to trace and correspond the original to the translated version. However, he has tried his utmost to adhere to the spirit of the original poetry. The Farsi collection presented in this web page is almost universally believed to be authentic and or his own original composition. At this time, it does not include all the Rubaiyat, though a significant proportion. For the benefit of the non-Farsi speaking reader, I have included two translations. One is as a literal translation, with the aim of conveying the wording of the original poetry, leaving it to the reader to draw his/her own conclusions. And another is a "meaning" translation, with the intention of conveying the spirit of the poetry to the reader, (at least as understood by this author.)

53. Omar Khayyam (c.1050-1122) Persian Writer.
(c.10501122) Persian writer. A mathematician and astronomer, omar khayyam is remembered for the Rabayat. Search. Literature Classic, khayyam, omar Guide picks.
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Khayyam, Omar
(c1050-1122) Persian writer. A mathematician and astronomer, Omar Khayyam is remembered for the Rabayat.
Recent Up a category Encyclopaedia of the Orient This site provides a brief introduction to this Persian poet, but also discusses his biography, major literary themes, and accomplishments in mathematics. Omar Khayyam Contains a profile of the famed Persian scholar's life and contributions to the fields of mathematics, astronomy and poetry. The Persian Poet Find a biography and a complete English translation of Khayyam's "Rubaiyat," as well as a selection of related links. Topic Index email to a friend back to top Our Story ...
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54. The Persian Poet, Omar Khayyám
Includes biography, dedications and his poetry.

55. Omar Khayyam (c.1050-1122) Persian Writer.
(c10501122) Persian writer. A mathematician and astronomer, omar khayyam is remembered for the Rabayat. khayyam, omar. (c1050-1122) Persian writer.
zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Homework Help Literature: Classic Find a Writer ... Read Mark Twain zau(256,152,180,'gob',''+gs,''); About Books Find a Writer Find Literature For Students ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','','');w(xb+xb);
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Khayyam, Omar
(c1050-1122) Persian writer. A mathematician and astronomer, Omar Khayyam is remembered for the Rabayat.
Recent Up a category Encyclopaedia of the Orient This site provides a brief introduction to this Persian poet, but also discusses his biography, major literary themes, and accomplishments in mathematics. Omar Khayyam Contains a profile of the famed Persian scholar's life and contributions to the fields of mathematics, astronomy and poetry. The Persian Poet Find a biography and a complete English translation of Khayyam's "Rubaiyat," as well as a selection of related links. Topic Index email to a friend back to top Our Story ...
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56. Omar Khayyam - Free Wisdom Online
A collection of links on omar khayyam, including FitzGerald's translation.
Best viewed with Free Software
Omar Khayyam
Up from Earth's centre through the Seventh Gate I rose, and on the throne of Saturn sate, And many knots unravel'd by the road; But not the knot of human death and fate. Abu ol-Fath ebn-Ebrahim 'Omar ol-Khayyami of Nishapur
The Rubaiyat in English
Edward FitzGerald's 19th century translation of the Rubaiyat is the only English translation currently in the public domain (and the only one you can easily find on the Web). Unfortunately, this is probably one of the least accurate translations ever made. Some of FitzGerald's translations are only vaguely related to the originals, some are simply made up. FitzGerald himself referred to his work as "transmogrification". It does give you the feeling of Khayyam, though, and is makes a very pleasant reading, so it might be a good place to start. If you are interested in more accurate renderings, see the translation by Robert Graves and Omar Ali-Shah (London : Cassell, 1968) or by by Peter Avery and John Heath-Stubbs (London : A. Lane, 1979).
    FitzGerald's Translation Graves and Ali-Shah
Translations into Other Languages
    French Portuguese
Omar as a Mathematician
    Overview of Khayyam's work in Mathematics Omar Khayyam and a Geometric Solution of the Cubic Khayyam and Euclid's Fifth Postulate
Photos Python Recipes Omar Khayyam Free Wisdom Library ... Misc. Pages

57. LookSmart - Directory - Omar Khayyam
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Omar Khayyam - Find various translations of Khayyam's "Rubaiyat" and other resources relating to this C11th Persian poet.
Directory Listings About
  • Al Khayyam - Arab Mathematician and Philosopher
    Describes the life and works of the noted 12th century Muslim mathematician, astronomer and later free-thinking philosopher.
    Electronic Literature Foundation, The - Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

    Presents several editions and translations of the famous collection in a searchable, illustrated format.
    Fordham University Medieval Source Book - Omar Khayyam: Rubaiyat

    Read E. H. Whinfield's translation of the Persian poet's quatrains.
    Khayyam, Omar

    Contains a profile of the famed Persian scholar's life and contributions to the fields of mathematics, astronomy and poetry.
    Find various editions of "The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam," based on differing translations and interpretations. Check prices and availability. Khayyam, Omar - Columbia Encyclopedia
  • 58. Rubaiyat Of Omar Khayyam
    Rubaiyat of omar Khayam includes omar khayyam's poetry in its original language as well as in English.
    Rubaiyat of
    Omar Khayyam has now moved to its news home Please book mark the new address.

    59. - Biografia De Khayyam, Omar
    Translate this page khayyam, omar. (Nishapur, actual Irán, 1048-id., 1131) Poeta, matemático y astrónomo persa. Se educó en las ciencias en su nativa Nishapur y en Balkh.
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    Khayyam, Omar

    60. Biografía - Khayyam, Omar
    khayyam, omar - 1123. Nacido en Naishapur (Irán), hombre de gran erudición, intervino en una revisión del
    Nacido en Naishapur (Irán), hombre de gran erudición, intervino en una revisión del sistema calendárico y redactó un tratado sobre álgebra. Su obra maestra, el "Rubaiyat", refleja la calidad y pureza de su poesía y es una de los libros de poemas más traducidos.
    Todos los textos e imágenes en alta resolución de esta sección están
    disponibles en la colección La Historia y sus Protagonistas de Ediciones Dolmen, S.L.
    (C) 2001 Ediciones Dolmen, S.L. Todos los derechos reservados.

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