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         Keill John:     more books (58)
  1. Introductio ad veram astronomiam, seu lectiones astronomicæ habitæ in schola astronomica. Academiæ Oxoniensis. Authore Joanne Keill, ... Editio tertia, multo auctior & emendatior. (Latin Edition) by John Keill, 2010-05-28
  2. The elements. Of plain and spherical trigonometry. Also a short treatise of the nature and arithmetick of logarithms. By Doctor John Keil, ... The third ... Cunn, and carefully corrected by S. Fuller. by John Keill, 2010-05-27
  3. Introductio ad veram physicam: seu lectiones physicae habitae in schola naturalis philosphiae Academiae Oxoniensis, A.D. 1700. Quibus accedunt Christiani ... Theoremata de vi centrifuga (Latin Edition) by John Keill, 2010-08-06
  4. Institutions Astronomiques Ou Leçons Élémentaires D'astronomie Pour Servir D'introduction À La Physique Céleste & À La Science Des Longitudes, Avec ... Les Tables Du Soleil, De (French Edition) by John Keill, M Le Monnier, 2010-02-10
  5. Introductio ad veram physicam: seu lectiones physicæ habitæ in schola naturalis philosophiæ Academiæ Oxoniensis. Quibus accedunt Christiani Hugenii theoremata ... Editio secunda emendatior & (Latin Edition) by John Keill, 2010-06-16
  6. An Introduction To Natural Philosophy: Or, Philosophical Lectures Read in the University of Oxford, Anno Dom. 1700 by John Keill, 1745
  7. Institutions Astronomiques Ou Lecons Elementaires D'Astronomie (1746) (French Edition) by John Keill, 2009-04-02
  8. Institutions Astronomiques, ou Leçons Élémentaires D' Astronomie (French Edition) by John Keill, 2009-12-17
  9. Introductio ad veram physicam: seu lectiones physicæ habitæ in schola naturalis philosophiæ Academiæ Oxoniensis an Dom 1700 Quibus accedunt theorematum Hugeniorum de vi centrifuga (Latin Edition) by John Keill, 2010-08-06
  10. Introductio Ad Veram Astronomiam, Seu Lectiones Astronomicae (1718) (Latin Edition) by John Keill, 2009-08-10
  11. An Examination of Dr. Burnet's Theory of the Earth: With Some Remarks On Mr. Whiston's New Theory of the Earth. Also an Examination of the Reflections ... of the Remarks On Mr. Whiston's New Theory by John Keill, Maupertuis, 2010-02-12
  12. Introductions Ad Veram Physicam Et Veram Astronomiam: Quibus Accedunt Trigonometria (1725) (Latin Edition) by John Keill, 2010-09-10
  13. Euclid's Elements of Geometry, From the Latin Translation of Commandine. To Which Is Added, a Treatise of the Nature and Arithmetic of Logarithms; Likewise Another of the Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry by Euclid, John Keill, et all 1754
  14. Introductiones Ad Veram Physicam Et Veram Astronomiam: Quibus Accedunt Trigonometria (1739) (Latin Edition) by John Keill, 2010-09-10

41. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z Anon.
AUTHOR keill, john TITLE Introductio ad veram physicam seu Lectiones physicae URLhttp// SITE Gallica
A B C D ... Anon K AUTHOR Kaempfer, Engelbert
TITLE Amoenitates Exoticae
SITE Engelbert Kaempfer Forum
NOTES Dpr (partial) of the 1712 Lemgo edition AUTHOR Kaempfer, Engelbert
TITLE Disputatio Medica Inauguralis
SITE Engelbert Kaempfer Forum
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1694 Leiden edition TITLE Crystallorum generatio URL SUBJECT Natural history AUTHOR Kahn, Mauritz TITLE Fauna Guineensis URL SUBJECT Zoology NOTES Dpr of the 1823 Uppsala edition (3rd ed.); downloadable pdf and tiff formats AUTHOR Kaldenbach, Christoph (1613-1698) TITLE Adoptivorum libellus URL SITE CAMENA SUBJECT Poetry AUTHOR Kaldenbach, Christoph (1613-1698) TITLE Heroicorum liber URL

42. Anglatlit
continens lib. III. K. * john keill, Introductio ad veram physicam seuLectiones physicae Msgr. Ronald Knox, Ulixes Penelopae. L. Walter
Note: Omitted from this list are works of specialized mathematical, medical and scientific works written in Latin by Englishmen (which are included in the full bibliography of online Neo-Latin texts). Translations of English works into Latin are likwise omitted. Items marked with an asterisk are only available as downloadable digitized photographic reproductions (usually in PDF format) Last updated Nov. 10, 2002 A William Ames, Demonstratio logicae verae B Sir Francis Bacon, Ten Samples of Latin
Sir Francis Bacon,
De Augmentis Scientiarum ... Novum Organum (downloadable here
Sir Francis Bacon,
Parasceue ad historiam naturalem et experimentalem
John Barclay,
... Hodoiporuntos meletemata, sive iter Surriense et Sussexiense C John Caius, De Canibus Brittanicis
John Caius,
De medendi methodo libri duo ... De Legibus naturae disquisitio philosophica D Arthur Dee, Fa sciculus chemicus, abstrusae hermeticae scientiae ingressum, progressum, coronidem verbis apertissimis explicans
John Dee,
... Monas Hieroglyphica (download here
John Dee,
Propaedeumata aphoristica
John Dee,
... Epistola ad Theodorum Mundanum, philosophum adaptum, de quintessentia philosophorum et de vera physiologia F Paus Fagius,

43. 1830 Census WALTON COUNTY FLORIDA Compiled By Janice Ward Name
E. EASTERN PART 077 Jones, Hull EASTERN PART 076 Jones, Paul EASTERN PART 075Jones, Robert EASTERN PART 073 keill, john EASTERN PART 078 Keyses, john F.
1830 Census WALTON COUNTY FLORIDA Compiled By Janice Ward Name Location Page Alley, James EASTERN PART 074 Anderson, Angus EASTERN PART 077 Anderson, Archibald EASTERN PART 077 Anderson, John EASTERN PART 075 Anerson, Daniel EASTERN PART 075 Bailey, William EASTERN PART 073 Baker, Stark EASTERN PART 076 Barclay, John EASTERN PART 073 Barrow, Elizabeth EASTERN PART 078 Bell, William EASTERN PART 076 Blair, Samuel EASTERN PART 074 Brackenridge, Henry M. EASTERN PART 073 Braxsan, Thomas EASTERN PART 074 Bright, Thomas G. EASTERN PART 075 Brown, John EASTERN PART 074 Brown, Samuel EASTERN PART 078 Broxson, William EASTERN PART 077 Buchan, James P. EASTERN PART 074 Byrd, John, Jr. EASTERN PART 074 Byrd, Nicholas EASTERN PART 074 Campbel, David EASTERN PART 076 Campbell, Alexander EASTERN PART 073 Campbell, Daniel EASTERN PART 073 Campbell, John EASTERN PART 078 Campbell, Peter EASTERN PART 078 Carmichael, John EASTERN PART 076 Carter, Samuel EASTERN PART 076 Caswell, Sylvanas EASTERN PART 077 Centerfit, Stephen EASTERN PART 077 Compton, Richard J. EASTERN PART 078 Copety, Charles EASTERN PART 076 Courtney, Elijah EASTERN PART 076 Crawford, Archibald EASTERN PART 078 Danaly, Arthur EASTERN PART 074 Davis, Samuel EASTERN PART 073 Deimean, Verdeman EASTERN PART 078 Dodd, Aaron EASTERN PART 078 Douglass, Alexander EASTERN PART 076 Duboze, Jesse EASTERN PART 078 Emsinger, Peter EASTERN PART 074 Evans, David EASTERN PART 074 Follis, John EASTERN PART 073 Francis, John EASTERN PART 074 Gedley, Caleb EASTERN PART 074 Gilles, Murdock D. EASTERN PART 076 Gillis, Angus EASTERN PART 073 Gillis, Susan EASTERN PART 076 Gorden, Alexander EASTERN PART 077 Gorden, Ephraim EASTERN PART 075 Gregory, Samuel EASTERN PART 078 Griffin, John EASTERN PART 077 Gurm, Daniel EASTERN PART 075 Hall, Samuel B. EASTERN PART 076 Harralson, Jonathan EASTERN PART 074 Harrison, James EASTERN PART 077 Heathe, Benjamin EASTERN PART 077 Hunnter, Isaac EASTERN PART 073 Hunter, Lebeus EASTERN PART 076 Jones, Chalres V. EASTERN PART 075 Jones, Dmepsey EASTERN PART 073 Jones, Edward E. EASTERN PART 077 Jones, Hull EASTERN PART 076 Jones, Paul EASTERN PART 075 Jones, Robert EASTERN PART 073 Keill, John EASTERN PART 078 Keyses, John F. EASTERN PART 073 Kilbee, William T. EASTERN PART 075 Lowe, James EASTERN PART 077 Mallet, James EASTERN PART 075 Mc Arthur, John EASTERN PART 078 Mc Cain, John EASTERN PART 077 Mc Caskill, Alexander EASTERN PART 073 Mc Collam, Archibald EASTERN PART 075 Mc Collom, Duncan EASTERN PART 076 Mc Comb, John L. EASTERN PART 074 Mc Daniel, Alexander EASTERN PART 075 Mc Daniel, Archibald EASTERN PART 079 Mc Daniel, John EASTERN PART 075 Mc Daniel, Lauchlen EASTERN PART 075 Mc Daniel, Lochten EASTERN PART 078 Mc Daniel, Peter EASTERN PART 075 Mc David, David EASTERN PART 073 Mc David, John EASTERN PART 077 Mc David, Richmond T. EASTERN PART 073 Mc Donald, Angus EASTERN PART 073 Mc Donald, Peter K. EASTERN PART 073 Mc Gilberry, Neill EASTERN PART 075 Mc Haskill, Allen EASTERN PART 078 Mc Haskill, Margarett EASTERN PART 078 Mc Kemian, John K. EASTERN PART 074 Mc Kenian, Lochlen EASTERN PART 079 Mc Keshill, Alexander EASTERN PART 075 Mc Kinzey, Alexander EASTERN PART 078 Mc Laad, William EASTERN PART 075 Mc Lean, Daniel, Jr. EASTERN PART 075 Mc Lean, Daniel, Sr. EASTERN PART 075 Mc Lean, Hugh EASTERN PART 073 Mc Lean, John EASTERN PART 075 Mc Lean, John EASTERN PART 078 Mc Lemian, Neill EASTERN PART 074 Mc Lennan, Laulgh EASTERN PART 074 Mc Millan, Neill EASTERN PART 076 Mc Pherson, Neill EASTERN PART 074 Mc Quagg, Norman EASTERN PART 076 Mc Rashill, Findlay EASTERN PART 075 Mc Sween, Malcolm EASTERN PART 076 Mc Sween, Sween EASTERN PART 078 Mitchell, Samuel EASTERN PART 075 Moore, William EASTERN PART 073 Morgan, James EASTERN PART 077 Morrison, John EASTERN PART 076 Moss, Robert EASTERN PART 077 Nelson, Joseph EASTERN PART 077 Nelson, William EASTERN PART 077 Padgett, Elijah EASTERN PART 073 Parrot, Joseph EASTERN PART 076 Peavy, Daniel L. EASTERN PART 077 Pickle, Goerge S. EASTERN PART 076 Pursell, Neill EASTERN PART 073 Pyburn, Jacob EASTERN PART 073 Ramsey, Henry G. EASTERN PART 073 Ray, John EASTERN PART 075 Rion, Elisha EASTERN PART 074 Robertson, Daniel EASTERN PART 078 Robertson, John EASTERN PART 074 Savell, Jeremiah EASTERN PART 078 Serebanns, John A. EASTERN PART 074 Smith, Job EASTERN PART 077 Smith, John EASTERN PART 074 Snowden, Thomas EASTERN PART 077 Spear, James EASTERN PART 077 Spear, John EASTERN PART 077 Stegall, John EASTERN PART 077 Stephenson, William EASTERN PART 073 Sylvester, John EASTERN PART 076 Tate, Zacheriah EASTERN PART 079 Taylor, Lewis EASTERN PART 078 Taylor, Shadrck EASTERN PART 078 Thompson, Elijah EASTERN PART 074 Todd, John EASTERN PART 077 Turner, Alexander EASTERN PART 076 Turner, James EASTERN PART 076 Vaughan, Abner P. EASTERN PART 073 Vaughan, James EASTERN PART 074 Vaughan, Michael, Jr. EASTERN PART 077 Vaughan, Michael, Sr. EASTERN PART 074 Waminac, William EASTERN PART 073 Whitabert, Celestino EASTERN PART 078 Wilkinson, John S. EASTERN PART 075 Williams, Daniel EASTERN PART 076 Williams, Mc Rae EASTERN PART 078 Williamson, Nathan EASTERN PART 075 Wood, Hardy EASTERN PART 078 Wood, James EASTERN PART 074

44. Index To Bengal Marriages 1855-1864
Keighly, George, Harris, Maria, A, 1862, N1, 102, 61, keill, john, Ryan,Elizabeth, 1857, N1, 92, 837, Keily, Catherine, M, Wilcox, Edward, RC,1862, N1, 102, 635,
Family History in India
Index to Bengal Marriages 1855-1864
This page is part of the Family History in India website, which is designed to help people trace their European and Anglo-Indian family history in colonial India. This particular series of pages contains 14,898 names and is a complete transcription of the index to Bengal marriages for the period 1855-1864. The original records are held in the OIOC , the Oriental and India Office Collection of the British Library, and microfilm copies of the original records may be hired from the LDS . Information on using LDS microfilms, including the microfilm numbers required, is listed on this website under Using LDS Microfilms Small amounts of information may be copied for the purposes of family history research. The transcriptions for these pages were done by Chris and Mo Thomas of London in 2002. Chris and Mo have provided transcription notes which describe the transcription process and warn of potential sources of error. Return to Bengal Marriage Index main page Return to Church Records in India page
Return to Names of Europeans in India page

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Surname First Name Other Names Spouse Surname Spouse First Name Spouse Other Names Year Prefix Vol No Folio Notes Kaas I SM Rawlins Sarah Kages Rachael Waterfield Thomas Kaigley Rosey Kingsbury John Kain Louisa S Poulson Jonathan H Kain Margaret Quilter John K Kain Ellen B Poulson John A Kain Meese S Lindok Shree Kalberen Mary Edwards Edmund Reg Kalberer Louis Hurter Elizabeth Kali Charn Chatterjee Golaknath

45. Papers Of Sir Patrick Geddes At Strathclyde University Archives
1 ref Kegg, HF 1 ref Keigwin, Mr. 1 ref Keil Canal 1 ref keill, john 1 ref Keir,Dr. 1 ref Keir, Mrs. George 1 ref Keith, Arthur 1 ref Keith, Bayley
Index to the papers of Sir Patrick Geddes
Currently, you are in the browse version of the index. If you wish to search the index, please access the following link Search the Index To browse any other letter, please select from the links below: A B C D ... Strathclyde University Homepage K[ ], G. 1 ref
Kaempffert, Waldemar
2 refs
, India see Colgong
Kaiser, Eduard
2 refs
Kaiser Wilhelm
1 ref
[ship] 1 ref
, India see Coconada
, Japan 1 ref
[Kameswasarao], C[ ]
1 ref
, The Netherlands 1 ref
, India see Conjeevaram Kanchrapara , India 3 refs Kangra District , India 1 ref Kanpur , India see Cawnpore Kant, Immanuel 6 refs Kappa, [ ] 1 ref Karachi , India 7 refs Karlsbad , Czechoslovakia 1 ref Karlsruhe , Germany 3 refs Karnak , Egypt 1 ref Karsten, H. 1 ref 1 ref Karve, [ ] 1 ref Kashmir , India 1 ref Kassel , Germany 1 ref Kater, Henry 1 ref [Kauitkar], N. V. 1 ref Kay, Prof. [ ] 1 ref Kay, Claud John 1 ref Kay, John 1 ref Keane, Prof. A. A . 1 ref Keare, Dr. [ ]

46. XIV. John Locke: Bibliography. Vol. 8. The Age Of Dryden. The Cambridge History
1711. john keill Examination of Dr. Burnet’s Theory of the Earth. 1695.Introductio ad veram physicam. 1701. William King De Origine Mali.
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Cambridge History The Age of Dryden John Locke ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD
The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes
Vol. 8. The Age of Dryden.

47. Taylor
home education was all that Brook enjoyed before entering St john s College Cambridgeon problems from letters he exchanged with Machin and keill beginning in
Brook Taylor
Born: 18 Aug 1685 in Edmonton, Middlesex, England
Died: 29 Dec 1731 in Somerset House, London, England
Brook Taylor 's father was John Taylor and his mother was Olivia Tempest. John Taylor was the son of Natheniel Taylor who was recorder of Colchester and a member representing Bedfordshire in Oliver Cromwell's Assembly, while Olivia Tempest was the daughter of Sir John Tempest. Brook was, therefore, born into a family which was on the fringes of the nobility and certainly they were fairly wealthy. Taylor was brought up in a household where his father ruled as a strict disciplinarian, yet he was a man of culture with interests in painting and music. Although John Taylor had some negative influences on his son, he also had some positive ones, particularly giving his son a love of music and painting. Brook Taylor grew up not only to be an accomplished musician and painter, but he applied his mathematical skills to both these areas later in his life. As Taylor's family were well off they could afford to have private tutors for their son and in fact this home education was all that Brook enjoyed before entering St John's College Cambridge on 3 April 1703. By this time he had a good grounding in classics and mathematics. At Cambridge Taylor became highly involved with mathematics. He graduated with an LL.B. in 1709 but by this time he had already written his first important mathematics paper (in 1708) although it would not be published until 1714. We know something of the details of Taylor thoughts on various mathematical problems from letters he exchanged with Machin and Keill

48. Program Note
of Leibniz was not pursued, partly because of the former’s religious excesses,but in 1708, another loyal follower of Newton, john keill (secretary of the
Program Note
Sunday Times Magazine ranked him first, even above Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, Charles Darwin and similar canonized stars. Among his crowning achievements were his research starting around 1670 on light and color (eventually published in 1704 in his book Opticks ), but he is best known for his enunciation of the laws of motion and of gravitation and their application to celestial mechanics as summarized in one of the greatest tomes in science, the Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica, usually shortened to th Isaacus Neutonus Jeova sanctus unus ). His position as a fellow of Trinity College and Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge (a chair now held by Stephen Hawking), his subsequent elevation to the important government rank of Master of the Mint, and conferment of a knighthood by Queen Anne all should have required open adherence to and even ordainment in the Anglican Church. Yet Newton managed to sidestep it throughout his adult life, with open defiance only surfacing in 1727 on his death at age 85 when he refused the last rites. Even that noncompliance did not prevent a state burial in Westminster Abbey nor the unveiling there in 1731 of a monument in just recognition of his towering contributions to science and of his services to England. If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants th century.

49. Hexameral_Idiom
Other written contributions toward the Theory of the Earth included critical reviewslike john keill s Examination of the Theories of Burnet and Whiston, or
Criteria for inclusion in
Participation in the textual tradition
of Theories of the Earth
by Kerry Magruder Earthvisions index Theories of the Earth as a Contested Textual Tradition
Three textual criteria: summary
Textual Criterion Description Examples 1. Internal attribution "identified themselves as 'Theories of the Earth'" Titles
Catchwords and Synonyms 2. Participation "engaged other Theories in extensive debate" Reviews and refutations of Theories of the Earth 3. External attribution "were in turn widely regarded as 'Theories of the Earth' by later writers" Descartes, Werner, Cuvier
These three textual criteria are developed and defended at length in my dissertation. ( abstract
Criterion 1. Internal-attribution
Titles containing phrase "Theory of the Earth"
Over 50 books (excluding articles) with titles containing the phrase "Theory of the Earth" (or its cognates) were published during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (and after). The phrase came into prominent circulation with Thomas Burnet's Theory of the Earth (1684; the first English edition of

Having studied mathematics under john Machin and john keill, he obtained in 1708a remarkable solution of the problem of the centre of oscillation, which
TAYLOR, BROOK In his essay on Linear Perspective (London, 1715) Taylor set forth the true principles of the art in an original and more general form than any of his predecessors; but the work suffered from the brevity and obscurity which affected most of his writings, and needed the elucidation bestowed on it in the treatises of Joshua Kirby (1754) and Daniel Fournier (1761). See Watt, Bibliotheca ; Hutton, Phil. and Math. Dictionary; Fbtis, Biog. des Musicians; Th. Thomson, Hist. of the R. Society, p. 302; Grant, Hist. Phys. Astronomy, p. 377; Marie, Hist. des Sciences, vii. p. 231; M. Cantor, Geschichte der Mathe tnatik. - BAYARD TAYLOR ISAAC TAYLOR

51. Mathematics At Balliol C17-18
john keill (16711721). john keill entered Balliol in 1694 and in 1712 he was electedSavilian Professor of Astronomy on the recommendation of Edmund Halley.
Mathematics at Balliol College, Oxford
The Enlightenment
David Gregory (1659-1708)
A nephew of James Gregory, inventor of the Gregorian telescope, David was a friend of Newton and one of the earliest proponents of his theories. It was Gregory's notes which formed the basis of MacLaurin's Treatise of practical geometry . He was appointed Savilian Professor of Astronomy in 1692. Gregory's main contributions were, like his uncle, in the areas of calculus and optics. Further information about Gregory
John Keill (1671-1721)
John Keill entered Balliol in 1694 and in 1712 he was elected Savilian Professor of Astronomy on the recommendation of Edmund Halley. Keill's main contributions were in the area of mechanics and physics, and he is said to have given inspiring lectures and demonstrations. His Introductiones ad veram Physicam et veram Astronomiam was both an influential exposition of Newton's theories, and a defence of Newton's priority in developing calculus. Further information about Keill
James Stirling (1692-1770)
James Stirling was one of the very early holders of the Snell Exhibition at Balliol, matriculating in 1711. Whilst in Oxford he wrote his

52. AIP Niels Bohr Library
More by this author. keill, john, 16711721. Subjects. Astronomy Early worksto 1800. by author keill, john, 1671-1721. by title Introductio ad veram!14064~!0&profile=aip

53. References For Keill
References for john keill. N Guicciardini, Johann Bernoulli, john keill and theinverse problem of central forces, Ann. of Sci. 52 (6) (1995), 537575.
References for John Keill
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990). Books:
  • F Manuel, Portrait of Isaac Newton (Cambridge, 1968). Articles:
  • A Guerrini, The Tory Newtonians: Gregory, Pitcairne, and their Circle, Journal of British Studies
  • N Guicciardini, Johann Bernoulli, John Keill and the inverse problem of central forces, Ann. of Sci.
  • R Schofield, Mechanism and Materialism (Princeton, 1969), 25-30, 42-44. Close this window or click this link to go back to Keill
    Welcome page
    Biographies Index
    History Topics Index
    Famous curves index ... Search Suggestions JOC/EFR December 1996 The URL of this page is:
  • 54. Science And Society Picture Library
    Credit Science Museum/Science Society Picture Library Keywords MathematicsMathematical Models, 18th Century keill, john Boxwood Trigonometry Mahogany

    55. AETAS 2002-2-3 Kövesligethy Radó, Jókai Mór és Az Androméda-köd 18
    VIII, Sec. II, cI 132. 96 Például DH (Daniel Hartnack) Sternkündigung. Lipcse,1680. 97 keill, john Introductio ad veram astronomiam. Oxford, 1718. 60.
    Zsoldos Endre
    Kövesligethy Radó, Jókai Mór
    és az Androméda-köd
    Kövesligethy és az Androméda-köd 1885-ben
    Budapesti Hirlap ) és 6-án ( Pesti Hirlap Astronomische Nachrichten Mivel ez csak szeptember 5-én jelent meg, a csillagásztársadalom a Dun Echt Circular még Magyarországon is! Kövesligethy és az Androméda-köd 1886-ban 1886-ból az alábbiakat lehet olvasni: h m . Andromeda köd. A köd magva igen éles határokkal bir s ennél fogva élesen válik ki a köd anyagából. A köd csúcsai megröviditvék, ugyhogy a kiterjedés a szokottnak 0.7-ét teszi. A régi sürüsödés délnyugati részében egy apró fénypont látszik, mely azonban még nem csillagalaku. A spektroskopban a köd. a sürüsödés és az uj mag spektruma látszik, s mind három folytonos. Az uj mag spektruma a legintenzivebb. Szept. 27. 9 h m Szept. 29. 10 h m Szept. 30. 9 h m még nem csillagalaku
    Astronomische Nachrichten
    hasábjain keresztül. A hazai közvéleményt Bártfay József tudósította, saját felfedezésének tüntetve fel a dolgot. A nemzetközi reakció még rosszabb volt, gyakorlatilag teljes elutasítás. Kövesligethy megkísérelte igazának megvédését egy újabb cikkben, s így már a periodicitás is bevonult a csillagászati legendák közé. Pigott hatását jól mutatja, hogy míg Lalande

    56. Controversia
    Translate this page Em 1708 john keill (1671-1721) afirmou que todas as dúvidas que existiam sobrea prioridade da invenção eram consequência da aritmética das fluxões
    Controvérsia Newton-Leibniz
    No início Newton (1642-1727) e Leibniz (1642-1716) mantinham relações cordiais e na correspondência trocada com amigos comuns elogiavam-se mutuamente referindo-se aos seus métodos como distintos e admiráveis. Como se pode constatar na carta de Leibniz a Oldenburg de 27 de Agosto de 1676: "(...) Os descobrimentos de Newton são dignos do seu génio. (...) O seu método para determinar as raízes das equações e as áreas das figuras, mediante séries infinitas, difere totalmente do meu. É realmente de admirar a variedade de caminhos pelos quais se pode chegar ao mesmo resultado (...)" (Leibniz, cit in Babini, 1977, pp. 16,17) No entanto, as gentilezas não se mantiveram e já no final desta mesma carta Leibniz expôs o seu método de forma que Newton consideraria agressiva. Esta atitude desgostou Newton que em 24 de Outubro de 1676 respondeu a Leibniz através de Oldenburg da seguinte forma: " (...) mas a carta do ilustríssimo Leibniz merecia da minha parte uma resposta ampla. Nestas circunstâncias preferi ser mais extenso, pois pensei que não devia interromper com excessiva frequência as vossas tarefas, habitualmente mais agradáveis, com este tipo de escritos bem mais graves. " (Newton, cit in Babini, 1977,p. 31)

    57. BSHM: Gazetteer -- E
    john keill (16711721) was born here and was a student of David Gregoryhere. In 1691, David was elected Savilian Professor of Astronomy.
    The British Society for the History of Mathematics HOME About BSHM BSHM Council Join BSHM ... Search
    BSHM Gazetteer E
    Main Gazetteer A B C D ... Z Written by David Singmaster ( ). Links to relevant external websites are being added occasionally to this gazetteer but the BSHM has no control over the availability or contents of these links. Please inform the BSHM Webster ( of any broken links. [When the gazetteer was edited for serial publication in the BSHM Newsletter, references were omitted since the bibliography was too substantial to be included. Publication on the web permits references to be included for material now being added to the website, but they are still absent from material originally prepared for the Newsletter - TM, August 2002] Return to the top.
    Eaglesfield, near Cockermouth, Cumbria
    Has a memorial tablet to John Dalton (1766-1844) who was born here and started a school when he was 12.

    58. Full Alphabetical Index
    Translate this page Irving (1027*) Karaji, Abu al (1789) Karkhi al (1789) Kármán, Theodore von (202*)Karp, Carol (605*) Kashi, Ghiyath al (1725*) keill, john (207) Kellogg
    Full Alphabetical Index
    Click below to go to one of the separate alphabetical indexes A B C D ... XYZ The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait.
    Abbe , Ernst (602*)
    , Niels Henrik (2899*)
    bar Hiyya (641)
    Abraham, Max

    Abu Kamil
    Shuja (1012)
    Abu Jafar

    al-Buzjani (1115)
    , Wilhelm (205)
    Adams, John Couch

    Adams, J Frank

    of Bath (1008) Adler , August (114) Adrain , Robert (79*) Adrianus , Romanus (419) Aepinus , Franz (124) Agnesi , Maria (2018*) Ahlfors , Lars (725*) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (660) Ahmes Aida Yasuaki (696) Aiken , Howard (665*) Airy , George (313*) Aitken , Alec (825*) Ajima , Naonobu (144) Akhiezer , Naum Il'ich (248*) al-Baghdadi , Abu (947) al-Banna , al-Marrakushi (861) al-Battani , Abu Allah (1333*) al-Biruni , Abu Arrayhan (3002*) al-Farisi , Kamal (1102) al-Haitam , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Hasib Abu Kamil (1012) al-Haytham , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Jawhari , al-Abbas (627) al-Jayyani , Abu (892) al-Karaji , Abu (1789) al-Karkhi al-Kashi , Ghiyath (1725*) al-Khazin , Abu (1148) al-Khalili , Shams (677) al-Khayyami , Omar (2140*) al-Khwarizmi , Abu (2847*) al-Khujandi , Abu (713) al-Kindi , Abu (1151) al-Kuhi , Abu (1146) al-Maghribi , Muhyi (602) al-Mahani , Abu (507) al-Marrakushi , ibn al-Banna (861) al-Nasawi , Abu (681) al-Nayrizi , Abu'l (621) al-Qalasadi , Abu'l (1247) al-Quhi , Abu (1146) al-Samarqandi , Shams (202) al-Samawal , Ibn (1569) al-Sijzi , Abu (708) al-Tusi , Nasir (1912) al-Tusi , Sharaf (1138) al-Umawi , Abu (1014) al-Uqlidisi , Abu'l (1028) Albanese , Giacomo (282) Albategnius (al-Battani) (1333*)

    59. The New Aransas Pass Progress, Newspaper For Aransas Pass, Texas With Aransas Pa
    and Bobby johnson; nieces, Lisa Bickford and Linda Bennett; many great nieces andnephews including john Lashna of keill DAVID ROSS keill, 68, passed away Oct.
    LARRY FRANCIS CADLE, 63 and a resident of Aransas Pass, Texas, passed away Oct. 3, 2003. He was born Dec. 24, 1939 in Torington, Wyoming to Joe and Alma Cadle. He had worked as a crewmember in the shipping industry. He is survived by one son, Tommy Cadle and a brother, Caylen Cadle of Torington, Wyoming. Private family services were held.
    Arrangements entrusted to Charlie Marshall Funeral Homes and Crematory, Aransas Pass, Texas 1-800-428-2922.
    Arrangements entrusted to Charlie Marshall Funeral Homes and Crematory, Aransas Pass, Texas 1-800-428-2922.
    ALICE MONETTE ‘NETTIE’ KITCHENS, 82, a resident of Rockport, Texas for over 30 years, passed away Oct. 6, 2003 in Rockport. She was born Sept. 27, 1911 in Milano, Texas to Thorton and Alice Ruth Warren. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Malcolm Kitchens in 1994 and her daughter, Vivian Maxine Drew in 2000. She is survived by her son, Malcolm Kitchens of Rockport; three half sisters, Laverne and Marjorie Erwin of San Antonio and Marie Erwin of Port Aransas; six grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren. Graveside services were conducted at Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery, San Antonio, Texas on Oct. 13.
    Arrangements entrusted to Charlie Marshall Funeral Homes and Crematory, Aransas Pass, Texas 1-800-428-2922.

    60. Sports: Seminole Advances With Shutout Of PHU
    SEMINOLE Phillip Weylie and Shawn keill scattered four hits over seven shutoutinnings, as Seminole beat They dominated, Palm Harbor coach john Vigue said.
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    Seminole advances with shutout of PHU
    By Times Staff Writers Published May 12, 2004 SEMINOLE - Phillip Weylie and Shawn Keill scattered four hits over seven shutout innings, as Seminole beat Palm Harbor University 8-0 in the Class 5A playoffs. "They dominated," Palm Harbor coach John Vigue said. "They threw strikes and attacked the zone. Even when they got behind in the count, they made quality pitches that our guys weren't able to do anything with. It was up and down our lineup." The visiting Hurricanes never posed a threat, as Warhawks coach Scott Miller got his 101st win in four seasons. "It's not a personal thing," Miller said. "The wins are a byproduct of the kids that we have in this program. We teach them and drill them as best we can, but you got to have the kids to get to that plateau in four years."

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