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         Keill John:     more books (58)
  1. The Elements: Of Plain and Spherical Trigonometry. Also a Short Treatise of the Nature and Arithmetick of Logarithms by John Keill, John Cunn, 2010-01-01
  2. An Introduction to Natural Philosophy by John Keill, 2010-05-23
  3. Euclidis Elementorum Libri Priores Sex, Item Undecimus & Duodecimus, Ex Versione Lat. F. Commandini. Quibus Accedunt Trigononometriæ [Sic] Planæ & Sphæricæ ... & Arithmetica Logarithmorum (Latin Edition) by John Keill, Euclides, 2010-03-16
  4. Euclid's Elements of Geometry: From the Latin Translation of Commandine. to Which Is Added, a Treatise of the Nature of Arithmetic of Logarithms ; Likewise ... and Spherical Trigonometry ; with a Preface by John Keill, 2010-01-12
  5. An introduction to the true astronomy: or, astronomical lectures, read in the astronomical school of the University of Oxford. By John Keill, ... The fourth edition, corrected. by John Keill, 2010-05-29
  6. Euclid's Elements of geometry, from the Latin translation of Commandine. To which is added, a treatise of the nature and arithmetic of logarithms;By Doctor John Keill by Euclid, 2010-06-16
  7. An introduction to the true astronomy: or, astronomical lectures, read in the astronomical school of the University of Oxford. By John Keill, ... The third edition, corrected. by John Keill, 2010-05-29
  8. Mathematical elements of physicks, prov'd by experiments: being an introduction to Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy. By Dr. Wm. James 's Gravesande, ... Made ... and corrected, by Dr. John Keill, ... by Willem Jacob 's Gravesande, 2010-05-28
  9. An introduction to the true astronomy: or, astronomical lectures, read in the astronomical school of the University of Oxford. By John Keill, ... The fifth edition, corrected. by John Keill, 2010-05-28
  10. An introduction to the true astronomy: or, astronomical lectures, read in the astronomical school of the University of Oxford. By John Keill, ... The second edition. by John Keill, 2010-06-09
  11. Introductio ad veram astronomiam, seu lectiones astronomicæ habitæ in schola astronomica Academiæ Oxoniensis Authore Joanne Keill, ... Editio secunda, multo auctior & emendatior. (Latin Edition) by John Keill, 2010-05-29
  12. Joannis Keill M.D. & R.S.S. in Academia Oxoniensi Astronomiæ Professoris. Epistola ad virum clarissimum Joannem Bernoulli in Academia Basiliensi Mathematum Professorem. (Latin Edition) by John Keill, 2010-05-29
  13. Introductio ad veram physicam. Seu lectiones physicæ. Habitæ in schola naturalis philosophiæ Academiæ Oxoniensis, quibus accedunt Christiani Hugenii theoremata ... per Jo. Keill ... (Latin Edition) by John Keill, 2010-05-29
  14. Introductio ad veram physicam: seu lectiones physicæ habitæ in schola naturalis philosophiæ academiæ oxoniensis An. Dom. 1700. ... Authore Joanne Keill ... Editio quatra. (Latin Edition) by John Keill, 2010-05-28

21. History Of Astronomy: Persons (K)
Find more about Keeler with Alta Vista. keill, john (16711721) Biographicaldata and references; Short biography and references (MacTutor Hist.
History of Astronomy Persons
History of Astronomy: Persons (K)
Deutsche Fassung

22. The Galileo Project
keill, john 1. Dates Born Edinburgh, 1 Dec. 1671 Died Oxford, 31 Aug.1721 Dateinfo Dates Certain Lifespan 50 2. Father Occupation
Keill, John
1. Dates
Born: Edinburgh, 1 Dec. 1671
Died: Oxford, 31 Aug. 1721
Dateinfo: Dates Certain
2. Father
Occupation: Gentry
This is an informed surmise. It is known that Keill's grandfather was of the prosperous gentry, and that the father of his uncle, Dr. William Cockburn, was a man of some estate.
No information on financial status. I choose not to guess, but I will note that Keill's younger brother, James, was able to travel about the continent for six years, studying medicine but without visible means of support.
3. Nationality
Birth: Scottish
Career: English
Death: English
4. Education
Schooling: Edinburgh; Oxford, M.A.
A school in Edinburgh.
Edinburgh University; M.A., 1692. The M.A. was the basic degree in a Scottish university; I count it as equivalent to a B.A.
Oxford University, Balliol, 1691-4; M.A., 1694.
M.D. conferred by Oxford in 1713 as he took up the Savilian chair. I will not list this degree.
5. Religion
Affiliation: Anglican
Keill was a high church Anglican.
6. Scientific Disciplines
Primary: Physics, Mathematics, Natural Philosophy

23. 9 Cassini, Giovanni Domenico
9 Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (16251712). Table pour le moyenne Libration lesPleines Lunes, facing p. 140 in keill, john . Institutions astronomiques.
9 Cassini, Giovanni Domenico Institutions astronomiques. In 1679, Cassini, the director of the Paris Observatory, published an engraved lunar map that was twice as large as those of Hevelius and Ricciolifully 21 inches across. Based on drawings by Sebastian Leclerc and Jean Patigny, it was markedly superior in detail to its predecessors. Unfortunately, it was only printed as a broadsheet and very soon became unobtainable. However, reduced versions quickly began to appear in various optical and astronomical treatises, replacing, especially in France, the Hevelius and Riccioli maps as the standard. The Library has six different reductions published between 1694 and 1792; the most faithful is this one, included in the first French edition of John Keill's popular treatise on astronomy.
Much of the detail of the original Cassini map was lost in the even the best reductions. One of the most delightful features of the 1679 map was the portrayal of Cape Heraclides on the Sinus Iridum (Bay of Rainbows) as a "moon maiden," complete with face and flowing hair. Here, the promontory (8) has become virtually featureless. (For another view of the moon maiden, see item 38.

24. Table Of Contents For Face Of The Moon
9 Cassini, Giovanni Domenico. (16251712). Table pour le moyenne Libration lesPleines Lunes, facing p. 140 in keill, john . Institutions astronomiques .
Table of Contents for Face of The Moon
Cover Credits Frontispiece Introduction ... 1 Galilei, Galileo Sidereus nuncius. Venice: apud Thomam Baglionum, 1610. 2 Galilei, Galileo Sidereus nuncius . Frankfurt: in Paltheniano, 1610. 3 Schyrleus de Rheita, Antonius Maria Oculus Enoch et Eliae, sive Radius sidereomysticus . Antwerp: Ex officina typographica Hieronymi Verdussii, 1645. 4 Fontana, Francesco Novae coelestium terrestriumq[ue] rerum observationes . Naples: apud Gaffarum, 1646. 5 Hevelius, Johannes Selenographia: sive, Lunae descriptio . Gdansk: Autoris sumtibus, 1647. 6 Divini, Eustachio (1610-1685). "Lunae facies," plate 19 in: Guericke, Otto von . Experimenta nova . Amsterdam: apud J. Janssonium a Waesberge, 1672. 7 Riccioli, Giovanni Battista Almagestum nouum . Bologna: ex typographia haeredis Victorij Benatij, 1651. 8 Hooke, Robert Micrographia . London: Printed by Jo. Martyn and Ja. Allestry, 1665. 9 Cassini, Giovanni Domenico Institutions astronomiques 10 Eimmart, Georg Christoph

25. Browse Norris Books By Author - K
keill, john. Introductio Ad Veram Physicam Seu Lectiones Physicae Habitaein Schola Naturalis Philosophiae Academiae Oxoniensis….Editio secunda.
A B C D ... J K L M N O ...

Sulzbach: Typis Abrahami Lichtenthaleri. Frankfurt: Prostat apud Zunnerum, 1677 (1st title); 1678 (2nd title).
Katona, Emericus.

Tractatus De Patrvm, Conciliorum, Traditionum Authoritate circa Fidei Dogmata: cultusitem [sic] moresq; vivendi.
Frankfurt: In Bibliopolio Jonae Rhodii, 1611.
Keckerman, Bartholomaeus.

Disputationes Politicae Speciales Et Extraordinariae Qvatvor: …I, De Principatu, siue Monarchia Persarum. II, De sexaginta Rebuspublicis Priscis. III, De Republ. Atheniensi. IV. De Republ. Spartana.
Hanau: Apud Guilielmum Antonium, 1610.
Systema Compendiosum Totius Mathematices, hoc est Geometriae, Opticae, Astronomiae, Et Geographiae. …Item Methodus facilis Arithmaticae Practicae Per Gemmam Frisium. Oxford: Excudebat Gulielmus Hall pro Francisco Oxlad, 1661 (pts 1 and 6); 1660 (pts 2-5).
Keill, James.

Tentamina Medico-Phyisca, Ad quasdam Quaestiones, quae Oeconomiam Animalem Spectant, accommodata. Quibus accessit Medicina Statica Britannica.

26. John Machin - Encyclopedia Article About John Machin. Free Access, No Registrati
Having studied mathematics under john Machin and john keill, he obtained in 1708a remarkable solution of the problem of the centre of oscillation, which Machin
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
John Machin
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition John Machin Centuries: 16th century - 17th century - 18th century Decades: 1630s 1640s 1650s 1660s 1670s - Years: 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 -
  • First Portuguese governor was appointed to Macau
Year in topic
  • 1680 in literature
  • 1680 in science
  • September 22 - Barthold Heinrich Brockes, German poet
  • John Machin, English mathematician
  • Blackbeard, pirate

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 17th century - 18th century - 19th century Decades: 1700s 1710s 1720s 1730s 1740s - Years: 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 -
  • February 11 - Pennsylvania Hospital, the 1st hospital in the US, is opened.
  • September 14 - The British Empire adopts the Gregorian calendar, making it necessary to skip eleven days (September 2 being followed directly by September 14 this year)
  • Adam Smith at the University of Glasgow transfers to professor of moral philosophy
  • English Scientist Lord John Davies first observes what is later recognised as respiratory collapse
Year in topic
  • 1752 in literature
  • 1752 in science

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27. Krown & Spellman Booksellers: Browse By Author
keill, john. Introductiones Ad Veram Physicam et veram Astronomiam. Quibus acceduntTrigonometria. De Viribus Centralibus De Legibus Attractionis. keill, john.
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28. Alibris: John Keill
Alibris john Talbott Textbook of Administrative Psychiatry more books like this by Talbott, john A. (Editor),and keill, Stuart L. (Editor), and Hales, Robert E. (Editor) buy used, John
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29. Dictionary Of Eighteenth-Century British Philosophers
of Bristol, Banks, Birch, Cavendish, Cotes, Franklin, Freind, Gray, Hales, Halley,Higgins (B), Higgins (W), Hutchinson, keill (J), keill (john), Keir (J
Dictionary of Eighteenth-Century British Philosophers
List of Contributors
A B C D E F G H I J K L M ... P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Contributor Entries A Alexander, Peter
Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
University of Bristol Atwood, Black, Blagden, Deluc, Desaguliers, Dolland, Freke, Harris (Jn), Hauksbee (elder), Hauksbee (younger), Johnson (M), Jurin, Maskelyne, Parsons, Pemberton, Smeaton, Wheler, Whiston
Aston, Nigel
Senior Lecturer, Department of History
University of Luton Church, Delany, Dodwell (W), Hey, Newton (T), Seed Back to top of page B Baldi, Marialuisa
Universita degli Studi Ramsey (Andrew) Belfrage, Bertil
Research Fellow, Department of Philsophy
University of Lund Berkeley, Cheselden, Emlyn Bergstrom, Carson
Lecturer, Department of English
Edge Hill University College Aikin, Donaldson, Ozell, Richards Berman, David Associate Professor,Department of Philosophy University of Dublin Britannicus, Browne (P), Browne (S), Clayton, Collins, Dodwell (H, elder), Dodwell (H, younger), Ellis, Ensor, Hammon, Skelton, Synge (E, junior), Trenchard, Turner, Tyrrell (D)

30. Entries
theologian. keill, James (16731719) physician iatromechanist. keill,john. (1671-1721), Newtonian natural philosopher. KETTLEWELL
Dictionary of Seventeenth-Century British Philosophers
A B C D ... P Q R S T U ... W X Y Z
REVISED LIST (September 1999)
ABERCROMBY, David (d 1701 or 1702). Scottish philosopher, precursor of Reid
AIRAY, Christopher
ALLEN, Thomas (1542-1632) , mathematician.
ALLESTREE, Richard. 1619-1681, royalist divine.
ASGILL, John (1659-1738), accused of blasphemy.
ASTELL, Mary (1668-1731), feminist, Cartesian, critic of Locke.
ASHMOLE, Elias (1717-1692) occultist, collector, founder of the Ashmolean.
ATTERBURY, Francis (1662-1732). conservative theologian.
ATWOOD, William (d c 1715) Whig politics.
AUBREY, John. (1626-1697), biographer. top B BACON, Francis. (1561-1626), Novum Organum, Advancement of Learning, etc. BACON, Nathaniel. (1587-1657), conservative politics. BAILLIE, Robert (1599-1662) learned Scots Presbyterian. BAINBRIDGE, John (1582-1643), mathematician

31. Person Search - Person List
Hopson, Charles Rinvington, Jalabert, Jean, 1712, 1768, keill, john, 1671,1721, Keir, James, 1735, 1820, Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728, 1777, Leutmann,Johann Georg,

32. Archives Hub: Sir Isaac Newton: Papers
17101713. MS.Add.3985 Correspondence with john keill and relatedpapers, in English and French, 1711-1718 and undated. MS.Add.3986
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Sir Isaac Newton: Papers
Reference and contact details: GB 0012 MSS.Add.3958-3980, 3982-3990, 3993, 3995, 3997, 3998, 4000 and 4002-4007
Title : Sir Isaac Newton: Papers
Dates of creation
Held at : Cambridge University Library, Department of Manuscripts and University Archives
Extent : 14 volumes, 11 boxes and 1 box-file
Name of Creator : Sir Isaac Newton
Level of Description : fonds
Language of Material : eng fre lat spa
Administrative/Biographical History
Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was born at Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, on 25 December 1642. He attended Grantham Grammar School, 1654-1656, before matriculating at Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1661 (B.A., 1665), where he became a Fellow in 1667. In 1669 he was appointed Lucasian Professor at the university. Newton was made a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1672, and served as its President, 1703-1727. He was the Member of Parliament for Cambridge University, 1689 and 1701-1702. Newton's work on optics was published in 1704, and his research on the laws of motion appeared in his 'Principia', published in 1687. His other work included theological writings and the use of astronomy to try to amend ancient chronology. He was knighted in 1705, and died at Kensington on 20 March 1727.
Scope and Content
Mathematical and scientific papers, with correspondence. The papers relate to Newton, unless otherwise indicated.

33. ISTG Vol 2 - Brig Ann Louise
I, john keill, master of North America do solemnly, sincerely, and truly affirm thatthe following List or Manifest, subscribed by me, and now delivered by me
Immigrant Ships
Transcribers Guild
New Castle to New York February 25,1842
DISTRICT OF NEW YORK – PORT OF NEW YORK Columns represent: given name, surname, age, sex, occupation, country to which they belong, country which they intend to inhabit. 1 John Leister 34 Male Clerk GrBritian United states (Signed) John Keill Transcriber's Notes: * There was only the one passenger on board for this voyage. National Archives and Records Administration, Film M237, Reel 48 Transcribed by Barbara Grim for the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild 19 June 1999
If you find an ancestor on a ship on ISTG and would like to
link to your email address or home page, please submit a short
paragraph about the passenger, where settled, children, etc.,
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34. Le Fonti In Rete (F-L)
Translate this page keill, john Introductiones ad veram physicam et veram astronomiam 7(Leyden1739). Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb (1724-1803) Der Messias.
Le fonti in rete (F-L)
Feder, Johann Heinrich - Garve, Christian Friedrich
Recensione [anonima] a
Critick der reinen Vernunft von Imman. Kant. 1781. Feder, Johann Henrich
Recensione a:
Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten. Von Immanuel Kant . 1785. 128 Seiten in Octav Flatt, Johann Friedrich (1759-1821)
Recensione [anonima] a:
Riga. Bei J. Fr. Hartknoch; Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten. Von Immanuel Kant. 1785. 128 Seiten in Octav Friedrich Wilhelm II.
, in Novum Corpus Constitutionum Prussico-Brandenburgensium Praecipue Marchicarum (NCC), Bd. 8, 1788, 2175-2184. Forster, Johann Georg
, in "Der Teutsche Merkur", October 1786, 57-86.
, in "Der Teutsche Merkur", November 1786, 150 - 166. Garve, Christian Friedrich - Feder, Johann Heinrich
Recensione [anonima] a
Critick der reinen Vernunft von Imman. Kant. 1781.
Ueber die Besorgnisse der Protestanten in Ansehung der Verbreitung des Katholicismus
, in "Berlinische Monatschrift", 1785, 2,
, 2 Bde. Leipzig 1746-1748. Girtanner, Christoph Gleim, Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Fabeln (Berlin 1756) Gmelin, Johann Georg

35. The Royal Observatory Greenwich--I N D E X
Jupiter, satellites of; satellites of; atmosphere of. keill, john; Kendall,Larcum; Kepler, laws of; Kew, photoheliograph, the; Kinnebrook, David;
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36. Taylor, Brook (1685-1731)
Collegeem 1701, onde os catedráticos em matemática eram john Machin e john keill.
Taylor, Brook (1685-1731) Elaborado por: Julieta Diederichsen - RA 932045 Nascido em Edmonton, Middlesex, Inglaterra, a 18 de Agosto de 1685 e falecido em Londres, Inglaterra a 29 de Dezembro de 1731. Brook Taylor era filho de John Taylor da Casa de Bifrons e de Olivia, filha de Nicholas Tempest. Sua família era moderadamente rica e estava ligada à baixa nobreza. Seu avô, Nathaniel, tinha apoiado Oliver Cromwell. John Taylor era um pai severo e rigoroso, o expulsou de casa em 1721 quando Taylor decidiu se casar com uma mulher que, embora pertencesse a uma boa família, não era muito rica. Em 1723 Brook voltou à sua casa após a morte de sua esposa durante o parto. Ele se casou novamente em 1725, desta vez com a aprovação e benção de seu pai, mas infelizmente sua segunda mulher também morreu durante o parto em 1730. Sua filha, entretanto, conseguiu sobreviver. A vida pessoal de Taylor parece ter influenciado seu trabalho em diversas formas. Duas das suas maiores contribuições científicas lidam com vibrações e desenho em perspectiva. Seu pai era muito interessado em música e artes, sua casa estava sempre cheia de artistas. Os arquivos da família contém pinturas de Taylor e também um manuscrito não publicado chamado On Musick foi encontrado entre seus papéis no Saint John's College em Cambridge. Taylor teve aulas particulares em casa antes de entrar para o Saint John's College em 1701, onde os catedráticos em matemática eram John Machin e John Keill. Taylor recebeu seu diploma de Bacharelado em 1709, foi eleito para a Royal Society de Londres em 1712 e recebeu o diploma de Doutorado em 1714. Ele foi eleito secretário da Royal Society em janeiro de 1714, mas se demitiu em outubro de 1718 em virtude de sua saúde e talvez também pela perda de interesse nesta tarefa cansativa e extenuante.

37. Proper Names In Science And The Founding Fathers
» johnson, William ?, (M) Junto keill, john Kennedy, john F ?, (M) Kepler, Johannes
Science and the Founding Fathers
Book Reviews References
A B ... Y
Academie Royale des Sciences = Paris Academy of Sciences
Adams, Abigail

Adams, George

Adams, John
Ñǵ±Ë¹£¬Ô¼º² (M)
Adams, John Quincy
Ñǵ±Ë¹£¬Ô¼º²¡£À¥Î÷ (M)
Adams, Samuel
Ñǵ±Ë¹¡£ÈûçѶû (M)
Albany Plan of Union

Alembert, Jean
Le Rond d' ´ïÀʲ® (Y)
Algarotti, Francesco

American Academy of Arts and Sciences

American Philosophical Society
Armonica ... Aristotle ÑÇÀïÊ¿¶àµÂ (J) Articles of Confederation Axson, Ellen Louise Babson College Bache, Richard Franklin's son-in-law. Bacon, Francis Åà¸ù£¬¸¥À¼Î÷˹ (J) Bagehot, Walter °×ÕÜÌØ (J) Bailly, Jean-sylvain °ÍÒÁ (J) Baldwin, Abraham Balinski, M.(Michel) L. A contemporary writer. Banks, Joseph Barbe-Marbois, Francois de Barton, Benjamin Smith °Í¶Ù£¬±¾½Ü÷¡£ Bartram, John °ÍÌØÀ­Ä·£¬Ô¼º² (M) Bentham, Jeremy Berkeley, George ²®¿ËÀû£¬ÇÇÖÎ(J±´¿ËÀ³; °Í¿ËÀ³) Siris Î÷Àï˹ (Siris: a chain of philosophical reflection and inquiries concerning the use Tar Water Î÷Àï˹£º¹ØÓÚ½¹ÓÍˮ֮Ó;µÄÒ»Á¬´®ÕÜѧ·´Ë¼ºÍ̽¾¿) De Motu ÂÛÔ˶¯
Black, Joseph

38. Index - Palatines Of Olde Ulster
Wm., 00 keill, john, 00 Keiseler, Peter, 00 Keller, Frank, 00 Kelmer, Philip, 00Kerner, Nicolaus, 00 Kiel, George Wm., 00 Kings Town Katsbaan, 00 Kingston
Hope Farm Press 252 Main Street Saugerties NY 12477 914-246-3522
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by Benjamin Myer Brink
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39. So Biografias Britanicos Em K
Translate this page Sir Bernard Katz, Amron Harry Kaufmann, Nicolaus Kay, john Keaton, Buster JosephFrancis Keeley, Leslie E. Keen, William Williams keill, john Keith, Arthur

Kranz, Kurt

Kafka, Franz

Kahlo, Frida

Kai-shek, Chiang

Kranz, Kurt

Kafka, Franz

Kahlo, Frida

Kai-shek, Chiang
Kwarizmi, ibn-Musa

40. Liverpool Ancestors Uncover Your Roots
Keggen, john Ernest, Keggen, Leah, KEHOE, click on name, Keig, Edward, Keig, Elizabeth,Keig, Ethel, Hall. Keig, Joseph, Hall. Keig, Robert, Keig, William, keill, CarolineJane,
Liverpool Ancestors uncover your roots Looking for burials In Liverpool, especially Anfield Cemetery? Family History Research, looking for family in Liverpool? Over names transcribed from memorials in Anfield Cemetery, Liverpool. Check in the Alphabetical index below for your Ancestor/s name/s. New names added daily Please wait for the page to download and then the indexed names will be under this header.Thanks INDEX page
B C ... W X Y Z I have been informed that some e mails have not being received , please e mail again with any queries. Sincere apologies if you have had problems. Sheila Read clips of e mails from others using my site Not found your Ancestor? Family name common- e.g., Smith , Jones, Williams? click here ... Found your Ancestor?- Want to see photo's? click here Surnames in Last Column are also mentioned on the Memorial Kalnin Iwan J Kane David Kane Richard Kane Robert Kane Sophia Kaneen John Coventry Kaneen Mary Coventry KAVANAGH click on name KAY/KAYE click on name Kean Eliza Kean John Kearney Daniel O'Keefe/Mullin/Morrissy KEARNS click on name Kearsley Jessie Carroll Kearsley John Carroll Keartland John D Greer/Williams Keartland Letitia Greer/Williams Keary Annie Elizabeth Keary Vincent Anthony KEATING click on name Keatinge Gertrude Keatinge Mary Keatinge Richard Joseph Keay Helen Dishington Keay John Dishington Keay Ruth Roberts/Evans Keay Thomas Dishington Keay William Roberts/Evans Keed Florence Mary Keed Wilhelmina Keeley Agnes Keeley James Keenan Alice Jessie Keenan Anne (2) Keenan F - Fireman. NAP (MN)MMS Mersey

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