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21. History Of Astronomy: Persons (K) Find more about Keeler with Alta Vista. keill, john (16711721) Biographicaldata and references; Short biography and references (MacTutor Hist. http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_k.html | |
22. The Galileo Project keill, john 1. Dates Born Edinburgh, 1 Dec. 1671 Died Oxford, 31 Aug.1721 Dateinfo Dates Certain Lifespan 50 2. Father Occupation http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/keill_joh.html | |
23. 9 Cassini, Giovanni Domenico 9 Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (16251712). Table pour le moyenne Libration lesPleines Lunes, facing p. 140 in keill, john . Institutions astronomiques. http://www.lhl.lib.mo.us/events_exhib/exhibit/exhibits/moon/p9.htm | |
24. Table Of Contents For Face Of The Moon 9 Cassini, Giovanni Domenico. (16251712). Table pour le moyenne Libration lesPleines Lunes, facing p. 140 in keill, john . Institutions astronomiques . http://www.lhl.lib.mo.us/events_exhib/exhibit/exhibits/moon/moonindx.htm | |
25. Browse Norris Books By Author - K keill, john. Introductio Ad Veram Physicam Seu Lectiones Physicae Habitaein Schola Naturalis Philosophiae Academiae Oxoniensis .Editio secunda. http://deila.dickinson.edu/norris/browse-k.html | |
26. John Machin - Encyclopedia Article About John Machin. Free Access, No Registrati Having studied mathematics under john Machin and john keill, he obtained in 1708a remarkable solution of the problem of the centre of oscillation, which http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/John Machin | |
27. Krown & Spellman Booksellers: Browse By Author keill, john. Introductiones Ad Veram Physicam et veram Astronomiam. Quibus acceduntTrigonometria. De Viribus Centralibus De Legibus Attractionis. keill, john. http://www.krownspellman.com/cgi-bin/spellman/find/author/Ke.html | |
28. Alibris: John Keill Alibris john Talbott Textbook of Administrative Psychiatry more books like this by Talbott, john A. (Editor),and keill, Stuart L. (Editor), and Hales, Robert E. (Editor) buy used http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Keill, John | |
29. Dictionary Of Eighteenth-Century British Philosophers of Bristol, Banks, Birch, Cavendish, Cotes, Franklin, Freind, Gray, Hales, Halley,Higgins (B), Higgins (W), Hutchinson, keill (J), keill (john), Keir (J http://www.thoemmes.com/dictionaries/18contributors.htm | |
30. Entries theologian. keill, James (16731719) physician iatromechanist. keill,john. (1671-1721), Newtonian natural philosopher. KETTLEWELL http://www.thoemmes.com/dictionaries/17entries.htm | |
31. Person Search - Person List Hopson, Charles Rinvington, Jalabert, Jean, 1712, 1768, keill, john, 1671,1721, Keir, James, 1735, 1820, Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728, 1777, Leutmann,Johann Georg, http://moro.imss.fi.it/lavoisier/search_per2.asp?professionid=30&searchmode=filt |
32. Archives Hub: Sir Isaac Newton: Papers 17101713. MS.Add.3985 Correspondence with john keill and relatedpapers, in English and French, 1711-1718 and undated. MS.Add.3986 http://www.archiveshub.ac.uk/news/03081803.html | |
33. ISTG Vol 2 - Brig Ann Louise I, john keill, master of North America do solemnly, sincerely, and truly affirm thatthe following List or Manifest, subscribed by me, and now delivered by me http://www.immigrantships.net/v2/1800v2/annlouise18420225.html | |
34. Le Fonti In Rete (F-L) Translate this page keill, john Introductiones ad veram physicam et veram astronomiam 7(Leyden1739). Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb (1724-1803) Der Messias. http://users.unimi.it/~it_kant/it_fonti1-2.htm | |
35. The Royal Observatory Greenwich--I N D E X Jupiter, satellites of; satellites of; atmosphere of. keill, john; Kendall,Larcum; Kepler, laws of; Kew, photoheliograph, the; Kinnebrook, David; http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/bookman/library/ROG/BIG.HTM | |
36. Taylor, Brook (1685-1731) Collegeem 1701, onde os catedráticos em matemática eram john Machin e john keill. http://www.fem.unicamp.br/~em313/paginas/person/taylor.htm | |
37. Proper Names In Science And The Founding Fathers » johnson, William ?, (M) Junto keill, john Kennedy, john F ?, (M) Kepler, Johannes http://home.ust.hk/~lbxwang/cohen/usnames.html | |
38. Index - Palatines Of Olde Ulster Wm., 00 keill, john, 00 Keiseler, Peter, 00 Keller, Frank, 00 Kelmer, Philip, 00Kerner, Nicolaus, 00 Kiel, George Wm., 00 Kings Town Katsbaan, 00 Kingston http://www.hopefarm.com/palindex.htm | |
39. So Biografias Britanicos Em K Translate this page Sir Bernard Katz, Amron Harry Kaufmann, Nicolaus Kay, john Keaton, Buster JosephFrancis Keeley, Leslie E. Keen, William Williams keill, john Keith, Arthur http://www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br/LetraKB.html | |
40. Liverpool Ancestors Uncover Your Roots Keggen, john Ernest, Keggen, Leah, KEHOE, click on name, Keig, Edward, Keig, Elizabeth,Keig, Ethel, Hall. Keig, Joseph, Hall. Keig, Robert, Keig, William, keill, CarolineJane, http://liverpool-ancestors.co.uk/k.htm | |
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