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         Kantorovich Leonid:     more detail
  1. Wassily W. Leontief, Leonid V. Kantorovich, Tjalling C. Koopmans and J. Richard N. Stone (Pioneering Papers of the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics) by Howard R. Vane, Chris Mulhearn, 2009-04-09
  2. CONVERSATIONS WITH GREAT ECONOMISTS: Friedrich A. Hayek, John Hicks, Nicholas Kaldor, Leonid V.Kantorovich, Joan Robinson, Paul A.Samuelson, Jan Tinbergen by Diego Pizano, 2009-09-23
  3. KANTOROVICH, LEONID VITALIYEVICH: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of Russian History</i> by MARTIN C. SPECHLER, 2004
  4. Functional Analysis by Leonid Vitalevich Kantorovich, 1982-06
  5. Leonid Vitalevich Kantorovich, 1912-1986 (Materialy k biobibliografii uchenykh SSSR) (Russian Edition)
  6. Functional Analysis, Optimization, and Mathematical Economics: A Collection of Papers Dedicated to the Memory of Leonid Vital'evick Kantorovitch

81. Result Of Search
More Economic Sciences 1975. The prize was awarded jointly to kantorovich,leonid VITALIYEVICH, USSR, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, * 1912, † 1986; and.
There are 28 entries that matches your criteria:
Economic Sciences 1969
The prize was awarded jointly to: FRISCH, RAGNAR, Norway, Oslo University, and TINBERGEN, JAN, The Netherlands, The Netherlands School of Economics, Rotterdam, "for having developed and applied dynamic models for the analysis of economic processes" More...
Economic Sciences 1970
SAMUELSON, PAUL A, U.S.A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (MIT), MA, "for the scientific work through which he has developed static and dynamic economic theory and actively contributed to raising the level of analysis in economic science" More...
Economic Sciences 1971
KUZNETS, SIMON, U.S.A., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, (in Russia), "for his empirically founded interpretation of economic growth which has led to new and deepened insight into the economic and social structure and process of development" More...
Economic Sciences 1972
The prize was awarded jointly to: HICKS, Sir JOHN R., Great Britain, All Souls College, Oxford, and ARROW, KENNETH J., U.S.A., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

82. EIMI: Kantorovich Memorial
Especial attention will be given to the areas that were studied by an outstandingeconomist and mathematician, a Nobel Prize winner, leonid kantorovich.
International conference
Kantorovich Memorial
Mathematics and Economics:
Old Problems and New Approaches
January 8-13, 2004
EIMI, St Petersburg, RUSSIA
Biography of Leonid V. Kantorovich
written by Vsevolod L. Kantorovich Leonid V. Kantorovich in pictures
designed by Joseph V. Romanovsky
  • Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR),
  • Hayward R. Alker (John A. McCone Professor of International Relations School of International Relations University of Southern California, Los Angeles),
  • Petersburg Department of Steklov Institute of Mathematics of RAS (POMI RAN),
  • International Euler Mathematical Institute at St. Petersburg (EIMI),
  • St.Petersburg Mathematics Society,
  • Central Institute for Mathematics and Economics of Russian Academy of Science
  • H. Alker (Los Angeles)
  • L. Faddeev (St. Petersburg)
  • V. Makarov (Moscow)
  • V. Polterovich (Moscow)
  • V. Sergeev (Moscow)
  • A. Vershik (St.Petersburg, Chairman)
  • A. Bukhvalov (St.Petersburg)
  • K. Kokhas' (St.Petersburg)
  • 83. Rolodex Of Famous Economists
    Koopmans, Tjalling C. (19101986). kantorovich, leonid (1912-1986). Lewis, Sir W.Arthur (1915-1990). Kalecki, Michal (1899-1970). kantorovich, leonid (1912-1986).
    The Rolodex of Famous Economists What makes an economist famous? There are two basic criteria, and which are at times uncorrelated with each other: recognition by one's colleagues and recognition by the public at large. Among economists, being famous tends to translate in terms of the number of published works, along with the number of times such work is cited by other economists. Published work and citations are what drives, for example, the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics selection process. As Paul Samuelson once said, the only coin of worth among economists is the recognition by one's colleagues. Critics of economics have pointed to the insular nature of recognition criteria practiced by economists and have contended that all too often they write with an increasingly abstruse theoretical and mathematical jargon that ignores too many real world issues. As one economist once said when the empirical data did not fit well in a standard econometric model, "So much the worse for reality". Yet economists have exerted a powerful influence on the course of events over times and they have done so by translating what seems at times as overly abstract notions into concrete tools of understanding economic events, predicting future events, and guiding public policy. As a sampler, consider the following economists. Adam Smith (1723-1790) is famous for his

    84. Retratos De Economistas Heterodoxos
    Translate this page Sraffa, Piero (1898-1983). Teóricos de la planificación soviética. kantorovich,leonid Vitalievich (1912-1986) Rúbrica. Vínculos rotos y sugerencias.
    document.onselectstart=new Function ('return false'); El objeto de esta página web es ofrecer retratos de autores que han contribuido al pensamiento económico. En un primer momento pensé poner una simple relación de los mismos por orden alfabético, pero al ir haciéndose ésta muy extensa sobre la marcha decidí clasificarlos en escuelas de pensamiento. Algunos autores podrían estar clasificados en más de un grupo, pero he tratado de evitarlo, salvo en contadas ocasiones, ya que sólo pretendo ofrecer unos retratos. De todas formas, corro el peligro de que alguien piense que dentro de estas escuelas faltan nombres, e incluso nombres importantes; pero es simplemente porque no he encontrado el retrato correspondiente. Es una pena, así que si alguien tiene el retrato de un autor adicional y decide contribuir a la mejora de esta página, me lo puede enviar a mi dirección de correo electrónico LA ECONOMÍA HETERODOXA Anticlásicos y Socialistas utópicos Blanc, Jean-Joseph Louis Imagen 2 Carlyle, Thomas Rúbrica ... Imagen 2 Socialistas fabianos y socialdemócratas continentales Aftalion, Albert

    85. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
    Tjalling Koopmans, DutchUS; leonid kantorovich, USSR 1974 Gunnar Myrdal,Swed.; Friedrich A. von Hayek, Austrian 1973 Wassily

    86. Leonid Kantorovich : Economics Nobel Laureate - An Olympian Contributor To The D
    leonid kantorovich Economics Nobel Laureate An Olympian Contributorto the Dismal Science and the Glorious Future! - Original
    Leonid Kantorovich : Economics Nobel Laureate - An Olympian Contributor to the Dismal Science and the Glorious Future! - Original Works, Discussions, References, and more ... NEW: Fate of Humanity
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  • 89. Wikino - Alle Artikel - Lexikon
    Translate this page Leonhart Fuchs, leonid Breschnew, leonid Iljitsch Breschnew. leonidKantorovich, leonid Witaljewitsch Kantorowitsch, leonidas. leonidas

    90. Title
    Hayek, Friedrich August Von, 1974. Hicks, Sir John R. 1972. kantorovich, LeonidVitaliyevich, 1975. Klein, Lawrence R. 1980. Koopmans, Tjalling C. 1975.

    91. Glossar KANTOROVICH
    Translate this page medizinisches Lexikon Thema Montale Friedensnobelpreis Andrej Sacharow WirtschaftswissenschaftLeonid kantorovich und Tjalling Koopmans Musik Liste der
    Glossar KANTOROVICH ...
    Glossar KANTOROVICH ...


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    Nein Die Glosar Suche von " KANTOROVICH " ...Montale Friedensnobelpreis Andrej Sacharow Wirtschaftswissenschaft Leonid Kantorovich und Tjalling Koopmans Musik Liste der Nummer Eins Hits in Deutschland ...
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    92. Kanton
    encyclopediaEncyclopedia Kanton, kanton , kan ton Pronunciation Key.Kanton , coral atoll, 3.5 sq mi (9 sq km), central Pacific, largest
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      Kanton Pronunciation Key Kanton , coral atoll, 3.5 sq mi (9 sq km), central Pacific, largest of the Phoenix Islands , which comprise part of Kiribati , c.2,000 mi (3,220 km) SE of Honolulu, Hawaii. Annexed by the British at the end of the 19th cent., the island was also claimed by American guano companies. In 1937 the British built a radio station on Kanton, but in 1938 the United States formally claimed the island and placed it under the Dept. of the Interior. British and American colonists were brought to Kanton in 1938 but were evacuated during World War II. In 1939 both Great Britain and the United States agreed on joint control of Kanton and nearby Enderbury Island. In 1979, Kanton (then Canton), along with the remainder of the Phoenix Islands, became independent as part of the Republic of Kiribati. Kanton is also known as Abariringa. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia

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    94. Grupo H.E.A.D.®
    suas contribuições na teoria da alocação ótima de recursos .
    var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
    Prêmio Nobel Ganhadores do Prêmio Nobel de Economia: Ano Ganhador Motivo FRISCH, RAGNAR
    "por desenvolver e aplicar modelos dinâmicos na análise de processos econômicos" SAMUELSON, PAUL A
    "pelo trabalho científico através do qual ele desenvolveu teorias econômicas estáticas e dinâmicas que contribuíram ativamente para aumentar o nível da análise na ciência econômica" KUZNETS, SIMON
    "por sua interpretação empírica fundada no crescimento econômico o qual foi guiado para um novo rumo, mais profundo nas estruturas sociais e econômicas do processo de desenvolvimento" HICKS, Sir JOHN R.
    "por suas contribuições pioneiras na teoria do equilíbrio econômico geral e a teoria do bem estar social" LEONTIEF, WASSILY

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