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61. Eco75-2 Translate this page Premios Nobel Economía. leonid Vitaliyevich kantorovich (1912 - 1986).Premio Nobel en 1975. Por sus aportaciones a la teoría de http://www.fuenterrebollo.com/Economia/eco75-2.html | |
62. Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich: Awards Won By Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich The biggest english dictionary RealDictionary.com. Awards of leonid VitaliyevichKantorovich. OTHER-NOBEL, 1975, ECONOMICS. Enter Artist/Album. Partner Sites. http://www.123awards.com/artist/6011.asp | |
63. Leonid Witaljewitsch Kantorowitsch - Wikipedia Translate this page Nicht angemeldet Anmelden Hilfe. leonid Witaljewitsch Kantorowitsch.(Weitergeleitet von leonid kantorovich). enleonid kantorovich. http://www.torfkopp.de/keyword/Leonid_Kantorovich.php | |
64. Leonid Kantorovich (1912 -1986) leonid kantorovich. leonid kantorovich (1912 -1986) PrixNobel 1975 - URSS. Élève exceptionnellement précoce, leonid http://www.melchior-eco.com.fr/melchior/melchior.nsf/0/a0d1e8e5792abf48c1256cf60 |
65. ClubCaminantes - Premios Nobel - Economia, El Club De Los Caminantes Translate this page 1975. kantorovich, leonid (URSS). Por sus contribuciones a la teoría de laoptima colocación de los recursos. Académia de Ciencias. Moscu, Rusia. http://caminantes.metropoliglobal.com/web/nobel/economia.htm | |
66. CheatHouse.com - Mathematician Kantorovich leonid with the environment that would enable him to use his genius It was thispuzzle that initially piqued leonid kantorovich kantorovich realized that it http://www.cheathouse.com/eview/29843-mathematician-kantorovich.html | |
67. MathNet-fields leonid VITALIYEVICH kantorovich. Books about leonid kantorovich. ? ? 1975? Tjalling C. Koopmans. http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/people_nobel_Kant | |
68. Encyclopedia: Leonid Kantorovich Updated May 03, 2004. Encyclopedia leonid kantorovich. List of economists; Listof economics consultancies and think tanks External Links. leonid kantorovich. http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Leonid-Kantorovich | |
69. Jewish Nobel Prize Laureates - Economics policy , USA. 1975, kantorovich, leonid V. for their contributions tothe theory of optimum allocation of resources , Russia. 1973, Leontief http://www.science.co.il/Nobel-Economics.asp | |
70. Nobel Prize Laureates In Economics kantorovich, leonid VITALIYEVICH, USSR, Academy of Sciences, Moscow;and. KOOPMANS, TJALLING C., USA, Yale University, New Haven, CT http://www.finweb.com/nobel.html | |
71. The Web Kantara, El. Kanton. kantorovich, leonid Vitalyevich. Kantrowitz, Adrian. Kanuma. kantorovich,leonid Vitalyevich. Kantrowitz, Adrian. Kanuma. Kanye. Kaotsu. Kaohsiung. http://www.slider.com/Enc/K/Ka.htm | |
72. Knowledge Base Social Sciences In Eastern Europe Economics from the former Czechoslovakia; Aleksander Bajt (born in 1921) and Branko Horvat(born in 1928) from the former Yugoslavia; leonid kantorovich, Vasily Nemchinov http://www.cee-socialscience.net/reports/handbook/economics/slovakia/report.html | |
73. Business As (Un)usual. Notes On The Westernization Of Economic Indeed, the single Nobel Prize won by leonid kantorovich many, many years ago(and shared by Tjalling Koopmans Link to Koopmans, Tjalling ), the rare http://www.cee-socialscience.net/reports/handbook/economics/introduction.html | |
74. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Leonid Kantorovich leonid Vitalievich kantorovich Biography Ph.D. According to our current onlinedatabase, leonid kantorovich has 1 students and 32 descendants. http://www.genealogy.ams.org/html/id.phtml?id=58665 |
75. Leonid V. Kantorovich - Nositel Nobelovy Ceny Za Ekonomii Za R. TIP Zmeny na www stránkách koly (podle data) najdete na www.vse.cz/zmenovnik.leonid V. kantorovich nositel Nobelovy ceny za ekonomii za r. 1975. http://ciks.vse.cz/Edice/nobel/Kantorovich/deault.asp | |
76. Abecední Seznam Nositelu Nobelovy Ceny Za Ekonomii HICKS, sir John R. (1972) spolecne s KJ Arrowem KAHNEMAN, Daniel (2002) - spolecnes Vernonem L. Smithem kantorovich, leonid V. (1975) - spolecne s TC http://ciks.vse.cz/Edice/nobel/abeced.asp | |
77. Lista De Economistas I. J. Jevons, William Stanley. K. kantorovich, leonid; Keynes, JohnMaynard; Klein, Lawrence; Koopmans, Tjalling; Kuznets, Simon. L. Leontief http://www.guajara.com/wiki/es/wikipedia/l/li/lista_de_economistas.html | |
78. Prodex - Der Produktexperte Translate this page Stuhl ab 65.95 EUR. leonid Witaljewitsch Kantorowitsch. leonid Vitaliyevich kantorovich(* 1912- 1986) wurde 1975 der Nobelpreis für Wirtschaft verliehen. http://www.prodex.de/lexikon/l/le/leonid_witaljewitsch_kantorowitsch.html | |
79. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent IFORS Operational Research Hall of Fame leonid Vitaliyevich kantorovich. JonathanRosenhead. , Makarov, VL, 1987. leonid Vitalievich kantorovich (19121986). http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1111/1475-3995.00435/enhancedabs/ | |
80. 50th Anniversary Information Maurice, 1986 Arrow, Kenneth J., 1972 Heckman, James J., 2000 Harsanyi, John C.,1994 Kahneman, Daniel, 2003 kantorovich, leonid V., 1975 Koopmans, Tjalling C http://mansci.pubs.informs.org/50th_Anniversary/nobel_winners.html | |
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