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         Kaluza Theodor:     more detail
  1. Die Tschirnhaustransformation Algebraischer Gleichungen Mit Einer Unbekannten (1907) (German Edition) by Theodor Kaluza, 2010-09-10
  2. Theodor Kaluza
  3. Die Tschirnhaustransformation Algebraischer Gleichungen Mit Einer Unbekannten (1907) (German Edition) by Theodor Kaluza, 2010-09-10
  4. Las dimensiones desconocidas: nuestro concepto familiar del universo es que tiene 3 dimensiones, 4 si se añade el tiempo, pero según varias teorías ahora ... percibirlas.: An article from: Contenido by Juan José Morales, 2006-09-01

61. As Dimensões Escondidas Do Universo
Translate this page Foi então que no início da década de vinte, do século passado, dois físicosteóricos, theodor kaluza (1885-1954) e Oscar Klein (1894-1977) formularam uma
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As dimensões escondidas do Universo
Carlos Augusto Romero Filho Até o aparecimento da teoria da relatividade, parecia fora de cogitação que o Universo em que vivemos tivesse mais de três dimensões. É plausível que essa concepção de tridimensionalidade tenha origem no simples fato de que os objetos físicos que encontramos no nosso cotidiano possuem, de acordo com nossa experiência sensorial, comprimento, largura e altura. Além disso, em nosso primeiro contato com a geometria plana ou espacial, na escola, temos a tendência natural de atribuir aos teoremas o status de fatos geométricos, como se eles tivessem uma existência real, transcendendo à natureza puramente abstrata e axiomática da Matemática. Aliás, a esse respeito não nos esqueçamos de que o A identificação da geometria euclidiana como sendo a própria geometria do mundo se constituiu historicamente num dos maiores entraves ao desenvolvimento da geometria moderna. Imaginar a existência de um outro tipo de geometria seria não só uma atitude fútil como herética. Assim, foi necessário esperar pela genialidade e coragem de Nikolai Lobachevsky (1793-1856) e Janos Bolyai (1802-1860) para que a geometria finalmente se libertasse do jugo euclidiano. Também a

62. Verbundkatalog Results / Ergebnisliste
Translate this page U47.22 13. kaluza, theodor Struktur- und Mächtigkeitsuntersuchungen an gewissenunendlichen Graphen mit einigen Anwendungen auf lineare Punktmengen .,1947

63. Extra Dimensions In Cosmology
One attempt at unifying general relativity with a force, electromagnetism,at small scales was made by mathematician theodor kaluza in 1919.
Origin and Evolution of the Universe
Extra Dimensions
Figure 1: An extra-dimensional form: the Calabi-Yau space.
If modern physics has taught us anything, it is that our normal intuition of how the universe works cannot be trusted. A perfect example is Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity, which states that the speed of light is the only constant, length and time can vary, and our notion of the simultaneity of two events is incorrect. Another example is quantum mechanics, which says that properties of an object such as momentum and position cannot be determined precisely, only probabilistically. A concept regarding the structure of the universe that again opposes our instincts is that of extra dimensions.
What is a dimension?
To be precise, "the dimension of an object is a topological measure of the size of its covering properties." (Weisstein) Fortunately, this can be explained in simpler terms that correspond with our everyday experience. Imagine a line, which we will call one-dimensional. We can identify each point on the line with exactly one number or coordinate. For a plane, which is two-dimensional, each point needs two coordinates for identification. For the three-dimensional space that we are most familiar with, each point has 3 coordinates. The dimension of a space can thus be thought of as the number of coordinates needed to specify the location of a point in that space.

64. Transdimensional Transfer Techniques
In 1921 theodor kaluza published a remarkable paper On the Unity Problem of Physics 1 . He argued that if we add fourth space dimension, then one force
Transdimensional Transfer Techniques
For other pages where time travel is discussed use search engine of our site and follow the links. Search also for "time loops", "time machine", "time travel", "transdimensional remolecularization"
I. Introduction In 1987 I decided to change my research profile. Since 1982 I have been developing new hyperspace theories which would allow for other "shapes" of internal space than were originally allowed by Yang-Mills type generalizations of Kaluza-Klein theories. Perhaps I need to explain first what I mean by the above, as it does have a relation to my later research endeavors. In 1921 Theodor Kaluza published a remarkable paper "On the Unity Problem of Physics" [1] . He argued that if we add fourth space dimension, then one force (gravity) in five-dimensional (4 space + 1 time) splits into two different forces (gravity + electromagnetism) as seen by us, who are blind to the extra dimension. In 1926 Oskar Klein developed Kaluza's idea one step further by showing that charge quantization can be explained by assuming that extra dimension was "closed" into a circle. [EXPLAIN, MAKE A DRAWING]. The one-dimensional rotation group acting on this circle was related to "gauge transformation group" of the electromagnetic field.

65. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of K
Translate this page Kalus, Christian, Universität Ulm, 1995. kaluza, theodor, Universität Königsberg,1907. kaluza, Jr., theodor, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, 1940.

66. © 1998-2004 Sommerfeld-Projekt. Ausgelesen Am 07. März 2004
Jordan, Pascual (1902-1980); kaluza, theodor (1885-1954); Pasternack, Simon
Wolfgang Pauli an Arnold Sommerfeld, 31. Oktober 1947
Archiv: Genf, CERN (PLC) Stichworte
Berufung Physik; Nachfolge Wentzel; Nobelpreis Physik; Reise; Vortrag
Institution: Start Biographie Projekt Online-Suche

67. Person Theodor Kaluza
Translate this page Person theodor kaluza. Wolfgang Pauli an Arnold Sommerfeld, 31. Oktober1947 Arnold Sommerfeld an Max von Laue, 24. Juni 1948. Personen
Person: Theodor Kaluza
Wolfgang Pauli an Arnold Sommerfeld, 31. Oktober 1947
Arnold Sommerfeld an Max von Laue,
24. Juni 1948 ... Institutionen

68. Dimensioni Come Un Capello - - Mardedì 01.6.2004 -
theodor kaluza ipotizzò l esistenzadi nuove dimensioni spaziali, oltre alle tre della nostra percezione.

69. Combining Gravity And Electromagnetic Radiation
of Michael R. Feltz s website Hyperspheres, Hyperspace, and the Fourth Spatial Dimension that talks about theodor kaluza s letter to Albert Einstein in 1919.
Combining Gravity and Electromagnetic Radiation
Follow Ups Post Followup The Fourth Dimension Discussion Forum Posted by Hugh M. Reid on September 14, 2003 at 00:26:16: Just found a section of Michael R. Feltz's website "Hyperspheres, Hyperspace, and the Fourth Spatial Dimension" that talks about Theodor Kaluza's letter to Albert Einstein in 1919. He postulated that, should there be a fourth spatial dimension, then Einstein's theory of gravity and Maxwell's Equations for electromagnetic radiation could be combined. Einstein wrote back to Kaluza in 1921 and agreed.
Follow Ups:

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E-Mail: Subject: Comments:
> Just found a section of Michael R. Feltz's website "Hyperspheres, Hyperspace, and the Fourth Spatial Dimension" that talks about Theodor Kaluza's letter to Albert Einstein in 1919. He postulated that, should there be a fourth spatial dimension, then Einstein's theory of gravity and Maxwell's Equations for electromagnetic radiation could be combined. Einstein wrote back to Kaluza in 1921 and agreed. Optional Link URL:
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70. Does Space Have More Than 3 Dimensions?
Between 1921 and 1927, theodor kaluza and Oskar Klein developed thefirst promising theory combining gravity and electromagnetism.
Does Space Have More Than 3 Dimensions?
Written by Sten Odenwald For those of you who successfully mastered visualizing a hypercube, try imagining what an "ultracube" looks like. It's the five- dimensional analog of the cube, but this time it is bounded by one hypercube on each of its 10 faces! In the end, if our familiar world were not three-dimensional, geometers would not have found only five regular polyhedra after 2,500 years of searching. They would have found six (with four spatial dimension,) or perhaps only three (if we lived in a 5-D universe). Instead, we know of only five regular solids. And this suggests that we live in a universe with, at most, three spatial dimensions. All right, let's suppose our universe actually consists of four spatial dimensions. What happens? Since relativity tells us that we must also consider time as a dimension, we now have a space-time consisting of five dimensions. A consequence of 5-D space-time is that gravity has freedom to act in ways we may not want it to. From the above geometric and physical arguments, we can conclude (not surprisingly) that space is three-dimensional - on scales ranging from that of everyday objects to at least that of the solar system. If this were not the case, then geometers would have found more than five regular polyhedra and gravity would function very differently than it does - Voyager would not have arrived on time. Okay, so we've determined that our physical laws require no more than the three spatial dimensions to describe how the universe works. Or do they? Is there perhaps some other arena in the physical world where multidimensional space would be an asset rather than a liability?

71. - Nga 3-dimensione Në 4-dimensione E Më Tej
Ne vitin 1919, mathematekani polak theodor kaluza parashtroi se prania e njedimensioni te katert mund te lejonte lidhjen e Relativititetit te
Kërko në Të gjitha lëndët Alergjitë Arkeologji Arkitekturë e Lashtë Arkitekturë Moderne Astrologji Besëtytni Bioinxhinieri Dashuri Dhëmbët Diamanti Dimensione shtesë Drogat dhe substancat abuzuese Evolucioni i njeriut Evolucioni seksual Fizikë Fluturim Gënjeshtrat Gjenetikë Gjithësia Gjumi Gra Hëna Historia e Shqipërisë Hormone Jashtëtokësorë Kafshë Kimi Kode kompjuterike Kompjuter Krijimi i jetës Kujtesa Kulturë Kura Leonardo da Vinci Liqene shqiptare Marsi Matematikë Mbi dhjamin Mbi seksin Më shpejtë se drita Meshkuj Mikroorganizmat Njerëzit e hershëm Organet e trupit të njeriut Paleontologji Pjellshmëri Psikologji Rënia e flokëve Sëmundje Shqipja Shqisa Sociologji Sonda marsiane Telekomunikim Toka Transplantime Trupi i njeriut Truri Vetëdija Zemra
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Jego autorem byl urodzony w Raciborzu w 1885 roku Privatdozent z uniwersytetukrólewieckiego, malo znany matematyk theodor kaluza.
PRACOWNIA KOMPUTEROWA Instytut Fizyki Akademia ¦wiêtokrzyska - Kielce Poszukiwania geometrii Wszech¶wiata NADMIAR WYMIARÓW Stanis³aw Mrówczyñski Elementach O niebie Ze wzglêdu na te niezwyk³e w³asno¶ci nowa geometria zaczê³a robiæ niezwyk³± karierê w¶ród szerokiej publiczno¶ci. Stanowi³a inspiracjê dla kubistów, przeniknê³a do literatury. O czwartym wymiarze pisali Oscar Wilde i Fiodor Dostojewski. Prorocza okaza³a siê wizja Heberta G. Wellsa tak sugestywnie przedstawiona w Wehikule czasu W kwietniu 1919 roku Einstein otrzyma³ zdumiewaj±cy list. Jego autorem by³ urodzony w Raciborzu w 1885 roku P rivatdozent kompaktyfikacji . Zachodzenie tego procesu jest postulowane we wszystkich wspó³czesnych wielowymiarowych teoriach mikro¶wiata Theodor Kaluza g³êboko wierzy³ w potêgê wiedzy teoretycznej. Do nauki p³ywania przyst±pi³ skrupulatnie przestudiowawszy odno¶ny podrêcznik. Ju¿ pierwsza próba w wodzie zakoñczy³a siê pe³nym sukcesem. Natomiast jego piêciowymiarowa teoria po krótkim okresie zainteresowania zosta³a zarzucona. Dopiero po up³ywie pó³wiecza do niej powrócono, w nowych jednak okoliczno¶ciach. W ci±gu tego czasu obraz mikro¶wiata uleg³ ogromnym przeobra¿eniom. Okaza³o siê, ¿e przyrod± rz±dz± nie tylko znane od wieków si³y grawitacyjne i elektromagnetyczne, lecz jeszcze dwa inne rodzaje si³ okre¶lane jako silne i s³abe Odkryta na pocz±tku XX wieku mechanika kwantowa obejmuje swym w³adaniem, jak wierzymy, wszelkie zjawiska, chocia¿ ujawnia swe paradoksalne w³asno¶ci dopiero wówczas, gdy mamy do czynienia z obiektami nie wiêkszymi od atomów. Einstein, który odegra³ istotn± rolê przy tworzeniu mechaniki kwantowej, by³ w latach pó¼niejszych bardzo jej niechêtny. Uwa¿a³ za teoriê niepe³n±, nie chcia³ zaakceptowaæ jej probabilistycznego charakteru. „Mechanika kwantowa jest doprawdy imponuj±ca - pisa³ - niemniej jestem przekonany, ¿e Bóg nie gra w ko¶ci". Najwspanialsze dzie³o Einsteina - ogólna teoria wzglêdno¶ci - ma postaæ ca³kowicie klasyczn±. Sytuacja jest wiêc taka, ¿e oddzia³ywania elektro-s³abe i silne maj± charakter kwantowy, natomiast opis si³ grawitacyjnych pozostaje klasyczny. Najwiêkszym przeto wyzwaniem fizyki teoretycznej ostatnich kilku dziesiêcioleci jest

73. Fizyk W Banku
Jednak theodor kaluza, malo znany matematyk polskiego pochodzenia z Uniwersytetuw Królewcu stwierdzil, ze swiat ma tych wymiarów duzo wiecej.
Ponadzmys³owy (?) zmys³
Czasami chodzi mi po g³owie, ¿e chcia³bym znaæ cudze my¶li. Chcia³bym wiedzieæ, jakie wra¿enie wywar³a moja wypowied¼. Czy podobam siê dziewczynie, z któr± rozmawiam? Co siê kryje za t± twarz± pokerzysty, chcia³bym wiedzieæ. Czy ten, z którym rozmawiam, jest wobec mnie szczery? Czy mo¿e k³amie... Albo na przyk³ad, odpowiadaj±c na egzaminie, chcia³bym wiedzieæ, czy te p³odzone na poczekaniu g³upoty maj± sens i mog± byæ ci±gniête dalej? A mina profesora - czy to reakcja na kolejnego idiotê próbuj±cego rze¼biæ... wiecie w czym. Od nie wiadomo kiedy ludzko¶æ zaintrygowana jest zagadnieniem czytania w cudzych my¶lach. Narzucania swoich my¶li innym. W wiekach zamierzch³ych takie dzia³ania stanowi³y domenê magii. Za samo mówienie o tym mo¿na by³o skoñczyæ na stosie, poprzedziwszy to wizyt± u Mistrza Ma³odobrego, który stosownymi "instrumentami" magiê wypêdza³. Mniej wiêcej oko³o XVIII - XIX wieku, zjawisko czytania w ludzkich my¶lach by³o sta³± po¿ywk± naukowców, pisarzy science-fiction i fantastów. Wystarczy wymieniæ najbardziej znan± pracê o sugestii mentalnej autorstwa profesora Juliana Ochorowicza . Dotyczy³a - jak sama nazwa wskazuje - wp³ywu pozazmys³owego na drug± osobê.
Trudno powiedzieæ, kiedy i przez kogo po raz pierwszy u¿yty zosta³ termin "telepatia". Faktem jest jednak, ¿e

74. Sabias Que...?
Translate this page Su trabajo pasó, no obstante, totalmente desapercibido hasta fechas recientes,por lo que el matemático theodor kaluza en 1919 volvió a plantear la
SABÍAS QUE ...? ¿Qué son las dimensiones "extra"? La existencia de dimensiones espaciales más allá de las tres habituales ha rondado la mente humana desde los albores del pensamiento racional, aunque tales especulaciones estuvieran imbricadas en las creencias religiosas o míticas. Por ejemplo, a partir de las consideraciones acerca de los distintos grados de contemplación de la divinidad por parte de las almas tras la muerte, surgió la idea acerca de los siete cielos, abriéndose así el camino hacia la multiplicidad del espacio, aunque fuera celestial. Desde el punto de vista de la ciencia y filosofía occidental, la idea acerca del espacio fue basculando, a medida que iba perfeccionándose la descripción cualitativa del movimiento de los cuerpos, desde una concepción aristotélica corpórea y continua - donde el espacio poseía un significado de lugar o topos - hasta una noción más abstracta, como un marco de referencia idealizado y prácticamente inmaterial donde tenían lugar los acontecimientos físicos. Así, el poeta latino Tito Lucrecio, seguidor y defensor del atomismo de Epicuro, en su obra

75. Quotation From ``The World At The End Of Time'', By Frederik Pohl
It was in the early twentieth century that theodor kaluza and Oskar Kleinformulated the human race s first decent model of how gravity worked.
From ``The World at the End of Time'' , by Frederik Pohl.
Published by Ballantine Books, New York, 1990. Wan-To's interest in the Sorricaine-Mtiga objects (which, of course, he never called by that name) was becoming pretty nearly frantic. He saw a lot more of them than Pal Sorricaine did, because he saw them a lot faster. He didn't have to wait for creeping visible light to bring him the information. His Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky pairs relayed the images instantly. The things were popping up all over. However, he was beginning to have hope. The results from his blue-light studies were beginning to come in. Blue light was particularly good for looking for starspots. Although the spots seemed relatively dark, they were quite bright enough to be seen by Wan-To's great and sensitive ``eyes'' particularly if you looked in the blue. Because the spots were cooler than the areas around them, their gases were ionized calcium atoms the ones that had just lost one electron that stood out in the blue. When Wan-To found blue-light images that were not natural he knew just what to do. He summoned up the necessary graviphotons and graviscalars and hurled them in a carefully designed pattern at that star.

Translate this page A su vez, el hecho de que al trabajar con mas de tres dimensiones se lograbauna teoría unificada, llevo al matemático theodor kaluza a extender las
Amor, trabajo y conocimiento son las fuente de nuestra vida tambien debieran gobernarla.
NOVEDADES: 26/11/2003 Valdellós pierde en ITER Q05 : Pensez-vous que cette technologie sera bientôt utilisée ? Les études sur la fusion thermonucléaire en sont encore à un stade expérimental et la connexion au réseau de la première centrale à fusion ne peut être imaginée avant 2050. Cela peut paraître lointain mais il faut se rappeler que le concept de réacteur à fusion en vigueur aujourd'hui n'a été pensé qu'en 1958 par deux physiciens russes. Cent ans de développement entre l'idée originelle et la réalisation finale ne sont pas si inhabituels (le principe des cellules solaires date de 1839, A. Becquerel). 5/Jul/03 Hallaron una nueva partícula subatómica Físicos de Japón han descubierto una nueva partícula subatómica que, en lugar de estar compuesta de dos o tres quarks, está formada de cinco. Los teóricos preveían que existieran combinaciones de cuatro o más, pero a lo largo de treinta años no se los había podido detectar en ningún experimento.

77. Metaphysical Naturalism And Intelligent Design
In 1919 an obscure mathematician by the name of theodor kaluza wrote Einsteinabout his Theory of Relativity. His basic assertion was that
Library Modern Documents Bill Schultz : Metaphysical Naturalism and Intelligent Design
At the Intersection of "Metaphysical Naturalism" and "Intelligent Design"
by Bill Schultz
Table of Contents
I presume most of my readers would believe there is no common ground between the concepts of "metaphysical naturalism" and "intelligent design."[ ] In fact, one dictionary definition of naturalism goes so far as to exclude any teleological facts from the domain of naturalism.[ ] But in my mind, that goes too far. If naturalism has a true antonym, it is supernaturalism: the belief that some sort of "higher power" has the ability to create, destroy, ignore, or break the physical laws of nature "at will." The essence of my assertions herein is that "intelligent design" can occur without violating the bedrock principles of "metaphysical naturalism." In other words, you can have our universe be the product of "intelligent design" and yet never require any supernatural phenomena to effect the "intelligent design" of our universe. Because I think most of my readers would disbelieve the essence of the previous paragraph, I ask you disbelievers to please willingly suspend your disbelief and read on through this essay while at least entertaining the possibility that I could be correct in this regard. I intend to relate a story of the possible here; a story which cannot be disproved by anything currently known by both science and the believers in "intelligent design." It is true there is no direct evidence in favor of what I propose herein, unless you consider all that we know to be that "direct evidence." My essential premise is this:

78. MG10 - H1
Daniela Wünsch theodor kaluza and his fivedimensional World - MG00359. Julio FabrisAmoroso Costa and the history of General Relativity in Brazil - MG00557.
H1 - Einstein Theories: Historical Perspective Session Programme Chairman: Jean Eisenstaedt
John Stachel
Einstein, Newstein, and the Post-Newtonian Aprpoximation - MG00558 Daniela Wünsch
Theodor Kaluza and his five-dimensional World - MG00359 Julio Fabris
Amoroso Costa and the history of General Relativity in Brazil - MG00557 Jeroen van Dongen
Einstein, semivectors and the discovery of GR - MG00353
Hubert Goenner and Daniela Wünsch
Kaluza's and Klein's contributions to the Kaluza-Klein-theory
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79. Information Headquarters: Maxwell's Equations
basis for the unification of electric field and magnetic field, the electromagneticdescription of light, and ultimately, theodor kaluza s unification (kaluza

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80. [ummo.sciences] Re: [Médias] [Compléme N Ts][COSMOLOGIE]
Translate this page La deuxième voie fut empruntée par le physicien autrichien theodor kaluza(1885 - 1945) et le physicien suédois Oscar Klein (1894-1977).
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[ummo.sciences] Re: [Médias] [Compléme n ts][COSMOLOGIE]
La théorie de Kaluza revient très fort en ce moment. Cependant, pour ceux qui sont qui souhaitent avoir une vision des derniers développements dans cette voie, je conseille les travaux de Wesson et Ponce de léon. Leur travaux visent l’établissement d’une théorie unificatrice de l’espace, du temps et de la matière (ça ne vous rappele rien ?) sous la dénomination générique Space-time-matter, d’acronyme STM. Voir le site pour les objectifs, résultats et une liste de publis (dont certaines en libre accès !). Grosso-modo, le défaut de la théorie de Kaluza vient des limitations qu’on impose à la structure d’espace. Celui-ci est étendu à 4 dimensions au lieu de 3 mais les phénomènes physiques sont sensés être indépendants de cette quatrième dimension (conditions de cylindricité). Elle a donc un rôle marginal. Néanmoins, il reste possible d’obtenir spontanément les équations de Maxwell et d’introduire la charge électrique (travaux de Klein). C’est donc une théorie unitaire au sens où l’entendait Einstein (gravitation + électromagnétisme).

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