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Kaluza Theodor: more detail | |||||
61. As Dimensões Escondidas Do Universo Translate this page Foi então que no início da década de vinte, do século passado, dois físicosteóricos, theodor kaluza (1885-1954) e Oscar Klein (1894-1977) formularam uma http://www.fisica.ufpb.br/port/artigoCRF.htm | |
62. Verbundkatalog Results / Ergebnisliste Translate this page U47.22 13. kaluza, theodor Struktur- und Mächtigkeitsuntersuchungen an gewissenunendlichen Graphen mit einigen Anwendungen auf lineare Punktmengen . http://www.biblio.tu-bs.de/db/vk/find.php?urG=DIS&urS=_braunschweig,1947 |
63. Extra Dimensions In Cosmology One attempt at unifying general relativity with a force, electromagnetism,at small scales was made by mathematician theodor kaluza in 1919. http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~mbw/astro18200/dimensions.html | |
64. Transdimensional Transfer Techniques In 1921 theodor kaluza published a remarkable paper On the Unity Problem of Physics 1 . He argued that if we add fourth space dimension, then one force http://www.cassiopaea.org/quantum_future/transd.htm | |
65. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of K Translate this page Kalus, Christian, Universität Ulm, 1995. kaluza, theodor, Universität Königsberg,1907. kaluza, Jr., theodor, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, 1940. http://genealogy.impa.br/html/letter.phtml?letter=K&fShow=1 |
66. © 1998-2004 Sommerfeld-Projekt. Ausgelesen Am 07. März 2004 Jordan, Pascual (1902-1980); kaluza, theodor (1885-1954); Pasternack, Simon http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~Sommerfeld/BriefDat/02832.html | |
67. Person Theodor Kaluza Translate this page Person theodor kaluza. Wolfgang Pauli an Arnold Sommerfeld, 31. Oktober1947 Arnold Sommerfeld an Max von Laue, 24. Juni 1948. Personen http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~Sommerfeld/PersDat/03225.html | |
68. Dimensioni Come Un Capello - Edo.swisse.ch - Mardedì 01.6.2004 - theodor kaluza ipotizzò l esistenzadi nuove dimensioni spaziali, oltre alle tre della nostra percezione. http://www.ecplanet.com/print.php?id=9445&madre=1 |
69. Combining Gravity And Electromagnetic Radiation of Michael R. Feltz s website Hyperspheres, Hyperspace, and the Fourth Spatial Dimension that talks about theodor kaluza s letter to Albert Einstein in 1919. http://www.wellstonforum.com/4d/messages/3112.html | |
70. Does Space Have More Than 3 Dimensions? Between 1921 and 1927, theodor kaluza and Oskar Klein developed thefirst promising theory combining gravity and electromagnetism. http://www.astronomycafe.net/cosm/dimens.html | |
71. Rruzull.net - Nga 3-dimensione Në 4-dimensione E Më Tej Ne vitin 1919, mathematekani polak theodor kaluza parashtroi se prania e njedimensioni te katert mund te lejonte lidhjen e Relativititetit te http://www.rruzull.net/shkrimi347.html | |
72. NADMIAR WYMIARÓW Jego autorem byl urodzony w Raciborzu w 1885 roku Privatdozent z uniwersytetukrólewieckiego, malo znany matematyk theodor kaluza. http://www.pu.kielce.pl/ifiz/prac_www/fizmrow/nadmiar_wymiarow.html | |
73. Fizyk W Banku Jednak theodor kaluza, malo znany matematyk polskiego pochodzenia z Uniwersytetuw Królewcu stwierdzil, ze swiat ma tych wymiarów duzo wiecej. http://www.mpw.pw.edu.pl/fizyk.html | |
74. Sabias Que...? Translate this page Su trabajo pasó, no obstante, totalmente desapercibido hasta fechas recientes,por lo que el matemático theodor kaluza en 1919 volvió a plantear la http://ific.uv.es/rei/sabias.htm | |
75. Quotation From ``The World At The End Of Time'', By Frederik Pohl It was in the early twentieth century that theodor kaluza and Oskar Kleinformulated the human race s first decent model of how gravity worked. http://www.phys.uregina.ca/sparro/huber/endtime.html | |
76. CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS BIOFISICOS WILHEM REICH Translate this page A su vez, el hecho de que al trabajar con mas de tres dimensiones se lograbauna teoría unificada, llevo al matemático theodor kaluza a extender las http://www.orene.org/reich/reich.htm | |
77. Metaphysical Naturalism And Intelligent Design In 1919 an obscure mathematician by the name of theodor kaluza wrote Einsteinabout his Theory of Relativity. His basic assertion was that http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/bill_schultz/crsc.html | |
78. MG10 - H1 Daniela Wünsch theodor kaluza and his fivedimensional World - MG00359. Julio FabrisAmoroso Costa and the history of General Relativity in Brazil - MG00557. http://www.cbpf.br/mg10/parallel/h1.html | |
79. Information Headquarters: Maxwell's Equations basis for the unification of electric field and magnetic field, the electromagneticdescription of light, and ultimately, theodor kaluza s unification (kaluza http://www.informationheadquarters.com/Physics/Maxwells_equations.shtml | |
80. [ummo.sciences] Re: [Médias] [Compléme N Ts][COSMOLOGIE] Translate this page La deuxième voie fut empruntée par le physicien autrichien theodor kaluza(1885 - 1945) et le physicien suédois Oscar Klein (1894-1977). http://archives.youhaveadream.org/suite/ummo.sciences-200308/msg00159.html | |
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