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Kaluza Theodor: more detail | |||||
41. Great Physicists 1980); Joule, James Prescott (1818 1889); kaluza, theodor FranzEduard (1885 - 1945); Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert (1824 - 1887); Landau http://www.hallym.ac.kr/~physics/reference/physicist/physicist.html | |
42. Kaluza Origin. theodor Franz Eduard kaluza. Born 9 Nov 1885 in Ratibor, Germany(now Raciborz, Poland) Died 19 Jan 1945 in Göttingen, Germany. http://www.hallym.ac.kr/~physics/reference/physicist/Kaluza.html | |
43. SLIDE 109 5. kaluza, theodor. sitz. Berlin Preuss. Adad. Wiss. 966, 1921. 6. Klein,O., Z. Phys. 37, 895, 1928. 7. Misner, Thorne and Wheeler. Gravitation. http://www.cheniere.org/books/ferdelance/s109.htm | |
44. Superstrings Translate this page theodor kaluza. Em 1919, o matemático alemão-polonês theodor Franz Edward kaluza(1885-1945) propôs que o Universo poderia ter mais do que 4 dimensões http://astro.if.ufrgs.br/univ/string/string.htm |
45. Kaluza Theory: Part 2 2. theodor kaluza, Zum Unitätsproblem der Physik, Sitzungsberichteder Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaft, (1921) 966972. http://members.aol.com/Mysphyt1/yggdrasil-2/kal2x.htm | |
47. Theodor Kaluza - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia theodor kaluza Wikipedia NLtheodor kaluza. theodor kaluza (9 november 1885-19 januari 1954) was een Duitswiskundige. Hij werd geboren in Ratibor, tegenwoordig het Poolse Raciborz). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodor_Kaluza | |
48. 80-year-old Theory May Explain Dark Matter This approach is similar to a promising 1921 theory that failed two German mathematicians theodor kaluza and Oskar Klein when they tried to use a fifth http://www.weeklyscientist.com/ws/articles/fifthforce.htm | |
49. Unification In Physics However this was, and still is, a nontrivial paradigm shift. The man widely creditedwith making the leap was theodor kaluza. theodor kaluza (1885-1945). http://www.tech.port.ac.uk/staffweb/seahras/neat_physics/extra_dimensions/gravit | |
50. Explanation Of Hyperspace In A Simplified Form In 1919, theodor kaluza, building upon relativity, made an astounding discoverylight and gravity can be unified and expressed with identical mathematics. http://fimenet.8m.com/hyperspace.htm | |
51. ThinkQuest : Library : CosmoNet In 1919, the obscure Polish mathematician theodor kaluza of the University ofKönigsberg suggested that the universe might somehow have more than three http://library.thinkquest.org/27930/stringtheory4.htm | |
52. Astronomy Interactive Network - Physics conbination called spacetime. In 1919 theodor Franz Eduard kaluza proposedthat a fifth dimension should be added. This would give a http://library.thinkquest.org/15418/cgi-bin/pageserv/srv.cgi?Section=physics&Sub |
53. Das Virtuelle Bücherregal NRW 6.649.422 kaluza, Stephan 13.094.697 kaluza, theodor Physiker 12.916.867 http://kirke.hbz-nrw.de/dcb/Schlagwoerter/1047.html | |
54. A Timeline Of Mathematics And Theoretical Physics 1921, theodor kaluza follows Einstein s advice and publishes his highly unorthodoxideas about unifying gravity with electromagnetism by adding an extra http://superstringtheory.com/history/history3.html | |
55. PhysicsWeb - The Search For Extra Dimensions In the 1920s Maxwell s unification of electricity and magnetism, together with Einstein snew general theory of relativity, inspired theodor kaluza and Oskar http://physicsweb.org/article/world/13/11/9 | |
56. NEWTONS ABSOLUTER RAUM Translate this page 1921 machte der polnische Mathematiker theodor kaluza einen weiteren Vorstoß,indem er eine zusätzliche vierte Raumdimension postulierte und so Einsteins http://www.fh-furtwangen.de/~webers/membgerm.htm | |
57. Encyclopedia: Theodor Kaluza Table Of Contents Translate this page ARTICLE, kaluza jr., theodor Struktur- und Mächtigkeitsuntersuchungen an gewissenunendlichen Graphen mit einigen Anwendungen auf lineare Punktmengen, 235. . http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Theodor-Kaluza | |
58. Queremos Saber - Física - UFC - Perguntas Respondidas Translate this page theodor kaluza (1885-1954) e Oscar Klein (1894-1977) formularam uma teoria interessanteonde o acréscimo de mais uma dimensão, totalizando 5 dimenções http://www.fisica.ufc.br/qsaber/respostas/qr0741.htm | |
59. Search For Extra Dimensions Using Missing Energy At CDF In the beggining of the 20th century Gunnar Nordstrom, theodor kaluza and OscarKlein independently proposed an extension of Einstein s newly invented theory http://www-cdf.fnal.gov/PES/kkgrav/kkgrav.html | |
60. Dissertationen In Mathematik, 1907-1944 Translate this page M, kaluza, theodor, Die Tschirnhaustransformation algebraischer Gleichungenmit einer Unbekannten, Königsberg, 17.08.1907, Algebra, Gleichungstheorie, http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/DMV/archiv/dissertationen/ | |
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