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         Kaestner Abraham:     more books (37)
  1. Anmerkungen Über Die Markscheidekunst: Nebst Einer Abhandlung Von Höhenmessungen Durch Das Barometer (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, 2010-01-11
  2. Geschichte Der Mathematik: Seit Der Wiederherstellung Der Wissenschaften Bis an Das Ende des Achtzehnten Jahrhunderts, V. 4 (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, 2009-04-27
  3. Anfangsgrunde der analysis des unendlichen grossen (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, 1794-01-01
  4. Zum Theil Noch Ungedruckte Sinngedichte Und Einfälle (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, Karl Wilhelm Justi, 2010-03-09
  5. Einige Vorlesungen in Der Königlichen Deutschen Gesellschaft Zu Göttingen Gehalten (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, 2010-01-09
  6. Vermischte schriften (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, 1872-01-01
  7. Gesammelte Poetische Und Prosaische Schonwissenschaftliche Werke, Parts 1-4 (1841) (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, 2010-05-22
  8. In Optica Quaedam Boerhavii Et Halleri Commentatur (1785) (Latin Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, 2010-05-23
  9. Anmerkungen Über Die Markscheidekunst: Nebst Einer Abhandlung Von Höhenmessungen Durch Das Barometer (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kästner, 2010-04-09
  10. Geschichte Der Mathematik: Bd. Reine Mathematik, Analysis, Praktische Geometrie, Bis an Cartesius. Sammlungen Von Werken Für Unterschiedene Wissenschaften. 1799 (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, 2010-01-10
  11. Dissertationes Mathematicae Et Physicae (1771) (Latin Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, 2010-05-23
  12. Begyndelsesgrunde Af Arithmetik, Geometrie Og Plane Og Sphaeriske Trigonometrie (Danish Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, 2010-03-24
  13. Abraham Gotthelf Kästner's Selbstbiographie und verzeichnis seiner schriften nebst Heyne's lobrede auf Kästner (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, 1909-01-01
  14. Lehrgedichte (E-Book-Sammlung (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kästner, 2010-09-01

81. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page K. Kac, Mark (1697*) kaestner, abraham (82*) Kagan, Benjamin (219) Kalmár, László(115*) Kaluza, Theodor (141*) Kamal, al-Farisi (1102) Kamil Abu Shuja (1012
Full Alphabetical Index
Click below to go to one of the separate alphabetical indexes A B C D ... XYZ The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait.
Abbe , Ernst (602*)
, Niels Henrik (2899*)
bar Hiyya (641)
Abraham, Max

Abu Kamil
Shuja (1012)
Abu Jafar

al-Buzjani (1115)
, Wilhelm (205)
Adams, John Couch

Adams, J Frank

of Bath (1008) Adler , August (114) Adrain , Robert (79*) Adrianus , Romanus (419) Aepinus , Franz (124) Agnesi , Maria (2018*) Ahlfors , Lars (725*) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (660) Ahmes Aida Yasuaki (696) Aiken , Howard (665*) Airy , George (313*) Aitken , Alec (825*) Ajima , Naonobu (144) Akhiezer , Naum Il'ich (248*) al-Baghdadi , Abu (947) al-Banna , al-Marrakushi (861) al-Battani , Abu Allah (1333*) al-Biruni , Abu Arrayhan (3002*) al-Farisi , Kamal (1102) al-Haitam , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Hasib Abu Kamil (1012) al-Haytham , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Jawhari , al-Abbas (627) al-Jayyani , Abu (892) al-Karaji , Abu (1789) al-Karkhi al-Kashi , Ghiyath (1725*) al-Khazin , Abu (1148) al-Khalili , Shams (677) al-Khayyami , Omar (2140*) al-Khwarizmi , Abu (2847*) al-Khujandi , Abu (713) al-Kindi , Abu (1151) al-Kuhi , Abu (1146) al-Maghribi , Muhyi (602) al-Mahani , Abu (507) al-Marrakushi , ibn al-Banna (861) al-Nasawi , Abu (681) al-Nayrizi , Abu'l (621) al-Qalasadi , Abu'l (1247) al-Quhi , Abu (1146) al-Samarqandi , Shams (202) al-Samawal , Ibn (1569) al-Sijzi , Abu (708) al-Tusi , Nasir (1912) al-Tusi , Sharaf (1138) al-Umawi , Abu (1014) al-Uqlidisi , Abu'l (1028) Albanese , Giacomo (282) Albategnius (al-Battani) (1333*)

82. Julius Wallach Imprint Collection - Portraits
Translate this page Joseph II, German Emperor, F. Rosmaster, 1821, 6.9 x 9.1 cm, kaestner,abraham Gotthelf, German Physicist, Tischbein, Bollinger, 7.2 x 9.3cm.
Julius Wallach Imprint Collection - Portraits
A B C D ... Z
Name Title/Occupation Publisher Engraver Date Size Adolf, Gustov 7.2 x 9.2 cm Auersperg, Count Anton Alexander T. Pelissier Carl Mayer 9.3 x 10.6 cm August, Friedrick King of Saxony 11.5 x 15.0 cm von Baden, Maria-Luise Duchess of Parma Fr. Stober 7.5 x 9.5 cm Bartlett, William Henry H. Room B. Holl 10.2 x 12.0 cm Behr Lord Mayor of Wurzburg 7.4 x 8.9 cm Bonparte, Louis Napoleon A.H. Payne 17.5 x 22.4 cm de Bourbon, Marie-Amelie Queen of France Haufstaengl Fr. Stobel 8.6 x 11.7 cm de Bourmont, Louis Auguste Victor Conqueror of Algiers 8.0 x 10.2 cm Boutet, Anne Francoise Hippolyte [Miss Mars] French Actress David Fr. Stober 7.6 x 9.6 cm Brougham, Henry Peter Lord Chancellor of England Larsdale Stahlstich 7.4 x 9.7 cm de Buffon, George Louis Leclerc Sichling Creuzbauer 7.5 x 8.0 cm Burns, Robert A.H. Payne 12.5 x 15.5 cm Byron, George Gordon Noel Lord Byron Schuler 8.0 x 10.3 cm Campbell, Thomas Sir Thomas Lawrence E. Finder 8.5 x 9.5 cm

83. Rod Edwards's Mathematical Genealogy Page
Pfaff (1786); abraham Gotthelf kaestner (1739); Christian August Hauser(1713); Johann Christoph Wichmannshauser (1685); Otto Mencken
Rod Edwards,
Mathematical Genealogy
The Mathematics Genealogy Project keeps track of the "genealogy" of mathematicians, where the "parental" relationship is that of PhD Advisor. Some students have more than one advisor, so the line of ancestry can have branches, but my main line of ancestry is as follows (with years referring to year of PhD or equivalent).
  • Roderick Edwards (1994)
  • Reinhard Illner (1976)
  • Jens Peter Guenter Frehse (1968)
  • Harro Heuser (1957)
  • Helmut Wielandt (1935)
  • Issai Schur (1901)
  • Georg Ferdinand Frobenius (1870)
  • Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass (1854)
  • Christoph Gudermann (1841)
  • Carl Friedrich Gauss (1799)
  • Johann Friedrich Pfaff (1786)
  • Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner (1739)
  • Christian August Hauser (1713)
  • Johann Christoph Wichmannshauser (1685)
  • Otto Mencken (?)
Another line looks like this:
  • Roderick Edwards (1994)
  • Reinhard Illner (1976)
  • Jens Peter Guenter Frehse (1968)
  • Harro Heuser (1957)
  • Erich Kamke (1921)
  • Edmund Landau (1899)
  • Lazarus Immanuel Fuchs (1858)
  • Ernst Edward Kummer (1831)
  • Heinrich Ferdinand Scherk (1823)
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (1810)
  • Carl Friedrich Gauss (1799)
  • Johann Friedrich Pfaff (1786)
  • Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner (1739)
  • Christian August Hauser (1713)
  • Johann Christoph Wichmannshauser (1685)
  • Otto Mencken (?)

84. We Should Remember That Shakespeare Was A Great Physical Economist.
A German, who is a great mathematician, abraham kaestner, one of the teachers ofGauss, a leading teacher of Gauss, actuallyhad an influence on many people in

Visit the Youth Page for more dialogue.


Answers From LaRouche
Q: We should remember that Shakespeare was a great physical economist.
- from June 27, 2003 International Cadre School Question: I have a brief question about William Shakespeare. I've been going over this 1992 special edition of EIR about Alexander Hamilton's networks and the genealogy behind him. And one person that people forgot about, they left out, is the great epistemologist, physical economist, inventor, statesman, historian William Shakespeare. I've been reading a whole lot of your recent writings, and you keep on referencing Shakespeare. LaRouche: The reason we have Shakespeare today is because, in the late second half of the 18th century, just about the time the American Revolution was being fought, in Germany Shakespeare was revived. And this revival of Shakespeare by people like Kaestner's influence and by others, including Moses Mendelssohn, led to creating the so-called German classical revival of the late 18th century. So therefore, even though Kaestner was one of the backers of Benjamin Franklin and the American Revolution, and though Franklin knew some of this material, the knowledge of the work of Shakespeare did not exist extensively in the English language until late in the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th.

tradition, in the United States, was fostered from Europe, by a very interestingfellow abraham kaestner, one of the great scientific thinkers, and one of;read=25446

86. Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikooli Akadeemiline Raamatukogu - Uudiskirjandus
London Thomson Learning, 2000. VB02/7310. 60. kaestner, abraham Gotthelf,17191800. ANFANGSGRUENDE DER ARITHMETIK, GEOMETRIE, EBENEN


Juuni - 18.-28.

Juuni - 11.-14

  • Teaduslugu. Kultuur. Arvutiteadus. Raamatukogundus
  • Sotsioloogia. Demograafia. Statistika. Poliitika
  • Geoloogia. Bioloogia. Zooloogia. Botaanika
  • Kunst. Muusika. Teater. Kino. Sport ...
  • Ajalugu. Arheoloogia. Geograafia
  • 87. Moden Referat Literaturepoche Nach Dem 1 Weltkrieg Erich Kaestner Interpretation
    Translate this page antike zusammenfassung gedichtanalyse beispiele erich kaestner interpretationenreferate zum thema referate referat joystick referate abraham lincoln tuerkei
    saturn vortrag zusammenfassung 1933 1945 judenverfolgung buergerlicher poetischer realismus 1848 revolution referate in limba germana mittelalterliche literatur referate referat sozialstaat deutschland die entdeckung der langsamkeit interpretationen ich suche eine seite die meine hausaufgaben macht responsivitaet referat linguistik schuelerreferate mein schoenstes erlebnis regionale kueche frankreich bergerac diagramm von kolumbus muschelessen referat das deutsche kaiserreich referat facharbeit narkosen anleitung zum aufbau von referaten in schulen referat opium in afghanistean hausaufgabe hegel carl wilhelm roentgen referate epochen hausarbeit ethik glueck referat krokodil im nacken renate welsh johanna zusammenfassung statistisches bundesamt referat gleichnis
    inhaltsangaben deutsche buecher aus dem jahr 1992 referat holz verzeichnis lieferbarer buecher polytechnische schule kurzvortrag tuerkei vormaerz/ literaturepoche zusammenfassung vom buch das feuerschiff informationen zur sixtinischen madonna analyse und interpretation referat muenchner abkommen europaeer referat birmingham charles lindbergh referat die glut sandor marai referat geschichte faschismus der kleine prinz kapitel 2 zusammenfassung referat oesterreich in der zwischenkriegszeit gotische architektur deutschland leiden des jungen werther goethe referat zusammenfassung facharbeit australien referat gaud­ telefonkonferenz referat andalusien boy kapitel 1 hornby zusammenfassung buchbeschreibung der lange weg des lukas b

    88. Also Available At Http// March
    Pfaff s advisor was abraham kaestner. This is as far back as I cango, and kaestner is my only ancestor that I d never heard of.

    89. Iztok Hozo Genealogy
    Pfaff s Advisor abraham Gotthelf kaestner Ph.D. Universität Leipzig 1739 Perhapsthe most important feature of Kästner s contributions was his interest in
    Mathematics Genealogy Iztok Hozo Ph.D. University of Michigan Hozo’s Advisor: Philip J. Hanlon Ph.D. California Institute of Technology
    Hanlon’s Advisor: Olga Taussky-Todd Ph.D. University of Vienna
    Olga Taussky-Todd was a distinguished and prolific mathematician who wrote about 300 papers. Throughout her life she received many honors and distinctions, most notably the Cross of Honor, the highest recognition of contributions given by her native Austria . Olga's best-known and most influential work was in the field of matrix theory, though she also made important contributions to number theory.
    Taussky-Todd’s Advisor: Philipp Furtwängler Ph.D. Universität Göttingen
    Furtwängler ’s Advisor: C. Felix (Christian) Klein Ph.D. Universität Bonn
    Felix Klein is best known for his work in non- euclidean geometry, for his work on the connections between geometry and group theory, and for results in function theory. However Klein considered his work in function theory to be the summit of his work in mathematics. He owed some of his greatest successes to his development of Riemann's ideas and to the intimate alliance he forged between the later and the conception of invariant theory, of number theory and algebra, of group theory, and of multidimensional geometry and the theory of differential equations, especially in his own fields, elliptic modular functions and automorphic functions. Klein’s Advisor 1: Julius Plücker Ph.D.

    90. LaRouche Connection Master List 1995-present
    Sebastian Bach, Gottfried Leibniz. abraham kaestner, Lessing, Moses Mendelsssohn,Benjamin Franklin, abraham Lincoln, among many others.
    The LaRouche Connection
    Program Summaries
    Updated March 5, 2004 To order videotape copies of any edition of The LaRouche Connection,
    send e-mail to: Charles Notley 2001 Program Summaries 2002 Program Summaries Program No. 591
    "LaRouche: Youth Movement Key to Saving Civilization"
    This week’s edition of The LaRouche Connection features an address given by Lyndon LaRouche on January 5 to the staff of EIR News Service at its European bureau in Wiesbaden, Germany. Included also is a portion from the discussion session following Mr. LaRouche’s opening remarks. Mr. LaRouche provides a tour d’horizon of European and American history, pointing out that civilization is marked by ebbs and flows, moving forward where leaders and movements go against popular opinion, and falling back and even collapsing, as cultures slide into decay. Using the example of the Golden Renaissance giving way to the decadence of the Enlightenment and Romanticism, he describes how a network of leaders were able to revive principles of the Renaissance, to create a new potential flowering of human knowledge and civilization: Johann Sebastian Bach, Gottfried Leibniz. Abraham Kaestner, Lessing, Moses Mendelsssohn, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, among many others. Mr. LaRouche describes his own efforts to build a youth movement, starting, really, in the 1960s, and reviving it in the last two years, as the organization he founded has aged. "The difference of this youth movement, and those you’ve known from the past, is [that prior] youth movements have been too practical. There’s been too much enthusiasm, and too little intellect. And therefore you do not have leaders in sufficient numbers, to have a secure movement…. Therefore, we have to produce a youth movement of geniuses. We have to outnumber the enemy, so we’re not vulnerable to the loss of a few people, as we are now."

    91. Building A Youth Movement To Save A Bankrupt Nation, By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
    So, Kästner, coming along, born in 1719 in Leipzig, later moving up to Göttingen, and similar places of the 18th Century. abraham Kästner. abraham Kästner, as you will read
    This transcript appears in the February 21, 2003 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
    Building a Youth Movement
    To Save a Bankrupt Nation
    by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. LaRouche made the following remarks on Feb. 1, 2003, to an East Coast Youth Movement cadre school in Pennsylvania, and, simultaneously, by video-teleconference, to a West Coast youth cadre school, in total, about 200 young people. See also the transcript of the question-and-answer period Greetings to students, den-mothers, and resuscitated retirees. This is an interesting world. Now, I would say that, first, as a little point of order we have to get straightened out, is, you probably heard about the Marc Rich connections in various directions, including into the Democratic Party, and the Republican Party. On the basis of this information, henceforth, Dick Cheney, the Vice President, will be known as the Al Gore of the Bush Administration. I'm sure they'll both like it. They'll find an affinity. What I want to address, in particular, is the question of what the significance of this kind of youth movement is, in the context of what youth movements have been generally in the past. This is different, as you probably know.

    92. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Update Data For Abraham Kaestner
    The Mathematics Genealogy Project

    93. Imago Mundi - Kaestner.
    Dictionnaire biographique Les gens (Abraham Gotthelf Tobias Mayer
    , 1796-1800, en all., et une Geschichte der Mathematik A B C D ... Z

    94. Stadtarchiv Göttingen, Personen, Gedenktafeln
    kaestner, AbrahamGotthelf Mathematiker und Philosoph 1756-1800 (Nikolaistraße 25);
    Die Jahreszahlen geben die Wohnzeit an der Gedenktafel-Adresse an. Kurzbiografien der Personen finden Sie in dem Buch A B C D ... Z
    • Kaehler , Siegfried A.
      (Hainholzweg 62)
    • Kaestner , Abraham Gotthelf
      Mathematiker und Philosoph
    • Kaufmann , Eduard
    • Keferstein , Wilhelm Moritz
    • Klein , Felix
    • Klinkerfues , Wilhelm Astronom unmd Meteorologe
    • Koch , Robert Bakteriologe (Goetheallee 4)
    • Kolbe , Hermann Chemiker (Elliehausen, Pfarramt)
    • , Johann David Numismatiker (Hainholzweg 62)
    • , Franz Chirug
    A B C D ... Impressum

    95. Schuelerreferate Teeplantagen Tutanchanmun Referate Rechtschreibreform Aufsatz I
    Translate this page ãœber the ring chemie referate wirkung des bieres referattourismus interpretationiphigenie auf tauris zusammenfassung die aula abraham lincoln referat
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    96. Spiel Vorschulalter Konrad Lorenz Begruender Der Vergleichbaren Verhaltenslehre
    Translate this page aufklaerung literatur deutsch eroerterung abitur split kroatien informationen referatirland conflict gedichtanalyse erich kaestner kostenlose interpretationen
    spiel vorschulalter
    informationen farben und lacke

    97. Zirbeldruese Referat Lebenslauf Als Aufsatz Geschichte Computer Schueler Abraham
    Translate this page referate konzentration e procurement live vortrag karikaturen interpretationen werkstofflehrezusammenfassung referat aquarium erich kaestner hausaufgaben hand
    zirbeldruese referat

    98. Umweltmanagement Aufsatz Sensoren Im Auto Kennzeichen Der Spinne Kaestner Interp
    Translate this page audio informationen informationen von karin kinge lindboe die geschichte der csureferat kasimir und karoline charakteristik abraham lincoln englischreferat
    umweltmanagement aufsatz
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    99. Buchvorstellung Die Unheimliche Muehle Kurzvortrag Mexiko Gedichtinterpretation
    Translate this page referat interne speichereinheiten saccharomyces cerevisiae eigenschaften vorkommenkurzfassung referat klima referat hefe hausarbeit abraham lincoln jonas
    buchvorstellung die unheimliche muehle
    informationen patti kim

    100. London Als Referat Urpferdchen Drei Maenner Im Schnee Kaestner Referat Referrat
    Translate this page referat ficken usa referat gratis drei maenner im schnee kaestner referat busch abrahamreligion die mendelschen gesetze vortrag die haut referat deutsch und
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