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21. Gaston Julia - Wikipedia Gaston Julia. Från Wikipedia, den fria encyklopedin. Gaston Julia, född 3 februari1893, död 19 mars 1978, soldat och matematiker från Frankrike. http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaston_Julia | |
22. Gaston Julia gaston MAURICE julia (18931978). Even though geometry. gaston Maurice juliadied in Paris the 19th day of March 1978 at the age of 85. Juan http://www.fractovia.org/people/julia.html | |
23. Gaston Julia Article on gaston julia from WorldHistory.com, licensed from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia gaston julia. gaston julia in the news gaston Maurice julia ( 18931978) was a French fractal mathematician who devised the formula for the julia set http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/G/Gaston-Julia.htm | |
24. Gaston 1.0.1 - MacUpdate gaston provides interactive, stereoscopic realtime 3D rendering of 4D quaternion julia set fractals make for a nice desktop background. gaston can also be used as a benchmark for http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/12570 | |
25. Julia Biography of gaston julia (18931978) gaston Maurice julia. Born 3 Feb 1893 in Sidi Bel Abbès, Algeria When only 25 when gaston julia published his 199 page masterpiece Mémoire sur l'iteration des fonctions http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Julia.html | |
26. Wikipedia Gaston Julia Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia's article on 'gaston julia' gaston Maurice julia (February 3, 1893 March 19, 1978) was a French mathematician who devised the formula for the julia set. His works were popularised http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaston_Julia&y |
27. Biografía De Gaston Maurice Julia BIOGRAFÍA DE gaston MAURICE julia. El matemático gaston Maurice julia nació el 3 de Febrero de 1893 en Sidi Bel Abbès, Algeria. Fallece el 19 de marzo de 1978 en París, Francia. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Cockpit/5889/julia.html | |
28. ThinkQuest : Library : The Fractory: An Interactive Tool For Creating And Explor gaston julia established the idea that the entire boundary (the julia set)could be regenerated from an exceedingly small piece of the boundary. http://library.thinkquest.org/3288/julia.html | |
29. Julia And Mandelbrot Sets julia and Mandelbrot Sets. David E. Joyce. August, 1994. Last updated May, 2003. Function Iteration and julia Sets. gaston julia studied the iteration of polynomials and rational functions in the early twentieth century. http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/julia/julia.html | |
30. Encyclopedia: Julia Encyclopedia julia. julia is a feminine name. In Ancient Rome, women from all branches See also julia (movie) julia (television) julia, gaston (mathematician who researched fractals http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Julia | |
31. Gaston Maurice Julia Translate this page gaston Maurice julia. geboren am 3. Februar 1893 in Sidi Bel Abbès(Algerien) gestorben am 19. März 1978 in Paris (Frankreich). http://www.katharinen.ingolstadt.de/chaos/gaston.htm | |
32. Résultats De La Recherche Translate this page Auteur julia, gaston (14 articles) julia, gaston Sur quelques propriétésnouvelles des fonctions entières ou méromorphes (premier mémoire). http://www.numdam.org/numdam-bin/recherche?h=aur&aur=Julia, Gaston&format=short |
33. Julia_gaston Pc Discount, Ordinateur Portable D'occasion, Pc D'occasion gaston julia. Catégorie d ensembles fractals, dont les plus http://www.pckado.com/e-marketing/j/julia_gaston.html | |
34. Biografia De Julia, Gaston Translate this page julia, gaston. (Sidibel-Abbès, 1893-París, 1978) Matemático francés.Llevó a cabo diversas investigaciones sobre teoría de http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/j/julia_gaston.htm | |
35. Hébergement De Site Internet, Hébergeur De Site Web, Hosting, Nom De Domaine, ce trésor, gaston julia. Catégorie d ensembles http://hosting.infomaniak.ch/support/jargon_article.php?iCodeArticle=13476 |
36. Auteur - Julia, Gaston julia, gaston (Préfacier) Gauthier Villars Et Cie. http://bibli.cirm.univ-mrs.fr/Auteur.htm?numrec=061909757918150 |
37. Vita Di Gaston Maurice Julia - Caos E Oggetti Frattali - Eliana Argenti E Tommas Translate this page gaston Maurice julia. Nato 3 Febbraio Francia gaston julia dimostrò, findalla giovinezza, uno spiccato interesse per la matematica. A soli http://www.webfract.it/FRATTALI/vitaJulia.htm | |
38. Insiemi Di Julia - Caos E Oggetti Frattali - Tommaso Bientinesi Translate this page GLI INSIEMI DI julia. Gli insiemi di julia sono frattali che hanno presoil nome da gaston Maurice julia per il suo lavoro in questo campo. http://www.webfract.it/FRATTALI/Julia.htm | |
39. Absolute Certainty? The mathematics underlying the set had been invented more than 70 years ago bytwo Frenchmen, gaston julia and Pierre Fatou, but computers laid bare their http://www.fortunecity.com/emachines/e11/86/certain.html |
40. Fractals,reflections And Distortions They are called julia sets, after the French mathematician gaston julia who,together with his contemporary Pierre Fatou, first studied them in 1918. http://www.fortunecity.com/emachines/e11/86/reflect.html | |
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