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81. Dansk Kvindebiografisk Leksikon - Sophia Magdalena Vind overjægermester ?Carl christian von Gram (170380) og grevinde Birgitte ChristineFriis (1715-75). ~7.4.1752 med godsejer, baron Jens Krag-juel V., *15.6 http://www.kvinfo.dk/side/170/bio/1522/ | |
82. Niels Juel-debatten til parkering, løber mellem husrækken og promenaden, hvor Niels juel skal stå christianshavnsidenaf havneløbet, fra Nyhavns Hoved til christian IVs Bro http://www.historie-online.dk/special/kommentar/juel2.htm | |
83. Ancestry Of Duke Frederick Of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg christian von Kleist + 1679 m. 213. Christence juel DAA 192735 * Copenhagen26.8.1612 + Soro 11.11.1680 218 = 100 m. Copenhagen 5.9.1652 219. http://members.aol.com/eurostamm/danneskjold.html | |
84. Northvegr - The Complete Poetical Works Of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (A Selecti Fly! shouted they, fly, he who can! Who braves of Denmark s christian Thestroke? Nils juel gave heed to the tempest s roar, Now is the hour! http://www.northvegr.org/lore/longfellow/015.php | |
85. Supplement Series FREDERICK J. GAISER, The Quest for Jesus and the christian Faith Introduction MARYM JACOBSON, Jesus as Wisdom in the New Testament DONALD H. juel, The Trial http://www.luthersem.edu/word&world/Supplements.shtm | |
86. Ebeltoft Clara juel Född 1825 19/9 Död Hennes far var Niels juel, Amtsforvalter i Hjørring.christian Peter Georg Kampmann Född 1816 17/8 Död Hans föräldrar http://w1.498.telia.com/~u49821926/ebeltoft-draaby.htm | |
87. R01-08-02 such a world is an eventual possibility? The christian answer, it seems to me, is that the new Donald Juels "christian Hope and the Denial of Death" informs us that http://www.ponderanew.com/r01-08-02.htm | |
88. R01-08-02 classical and canonical religious traditions" of the christian faith do not concentrate on "any realm of Donald Juels "christian Hope and the Denial of Death" informs us that http://www.religionbookreviews.com/r01-08-02.htm | |
89. Personside 195 1970 Omkring skiftet etter konsistorialassessor, titulær biskop Nicolai ChristianFriis og hustru Sophia a Møinichen Kolderup , 56. Ditlev Knud juel (M) f http://vestraat.net/iea-p/p195.htm | |
90. Juul Afkom efter Lehnsbaronens Faders Brødre I. christian Frederik FriherreJuel, f. 7/10 1779, 15/1 1842, til Lundbæk og Pandum, Major. http://www.skislekt.no/adel/Juul.htm | |
91. Danske Konger · Christian 7. christian 7. · Konge af Danmark · Norge fra 17661808. christian 7. JensJuel Rosenborg Slot. christian 7. blev født i 1749 og døde i 1808. http://www.danskekonger.dk/biografi/ChrVII.html | |
92. Danmarkshistoriens Personer - Wikipedia 18161870; Andreas Frederik Krieger politiker, 1817-1893; ChristianEmil Kragh-juel-Vind-Frijs, Konseilpræsident, 1817-1896; Lars http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danmarkshistoriens_personer | |
93. Rosenborg - Christian 7. (1749-1808) Tilbage. Portræt af christian 7. i salvingsdragt, malet af JensJuel i 1789. christian 7. (17491808). christian 7. var konge af http://www.rosenborgslot.dk/v1/person.asp?PersonID=8&countryID=1&PersonTypeID=1 |
94. The Lied And Art Song Texts Page Fly, skreg de, fly, hvad flygte kan. Hvo står for Danmark Christiani kamp? Niels juel gav agt på stormens brag Nu er det tid. |
95. Christiania-bohemen Antakelivis hørte hun om skandaler som omringet Oda Krohg og hennes mann Christianså vel som hennes mange mer eller mindre offisielle elskere, blant http://dagny-juel.w.interia.pl/bohema_christianska_n.htm | |
96. Christian Trask - Bewitched In Salem, 1690? christian, wife of John Trask of Salem, being violently asalted by the temptations Juelspeculated that the suicide might have been the result of a longtime http://dpsinfo.com/tree/trask/christiantrask.html | |
97. Michelet - Aqwg17 M, vi, Edvard Waldemar juel MICHELET was born 25 Sep 1873. M, vii, ChristianFredrik Tuchsen MICHELET was born 5 Jan 1877 in Trondheim.. http://www.dahoudek.com/familyhistory/michelet/aqwg17.htm | |
98. Slektninger Av Jens Johan Kaasbøll Og Torny Nærheim Kragjuel-Vind-Frijs, Benedikte Fritze comtesse. Krag-juel-Vind-Frijs, ChristianEmil lensgreve, born 8 Dec 1817, Frijsenborg, Hammel, Danmark, died 1880. http://heim.ifi.uio.no/~jensj/Slekt/Family/Names15.html | |
99. Best Western Hotel Niels Juel Hotel - Koege Home Denmark Hotels Koege hotels Best Western Hotel Niels juelBest Western Hotel Niels juel, Koege Toldbodvej 20, Koege Year http://www.martlink.com/Denmark/KOEGE/BEST_WESTERN_HOTEL_NIELS_JUEL/ | |
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100. Bregninge Erik Hansen juel Född Död 1647 Präst här 1618. Barn Leonard ChristianFödd 1803 i Vindblæs Död Präst i TorslevLendum 1852. http://w1.498.telia.com/~u49821926/bregninge-bjergsted.htm | |
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