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41. Christian Den 5.'s Blymønter Axel juel sendes hjem som fange og von Kalnien får ryddet op i Der kendes ingenoverprægninger af christian den 5. blymønter, så rækkefølgen af de http://www.gladsaxegymnasium.dk/2/artikler/osc5bly.htm | |
42. Rosenborg - Christian 7. Tilbage. christian 7. Portræt af christian 7. i salvingsdragt, maletaf Jens juel i 1789. 17751800. Fredsperioden varede århundredet http://www.rosenborgslot.dk/v1/genstand.asp?GenstandID=111&countryID=1 |
43. JENS JUEL juel, JENS (163 II 700), Danish statesman, born on the I5th of July 5631, beganhis diplomatic career in the suite of Count christian Rantzau, whom he http://100.1911encyclopedia.org/J/JU/JUEL_JENS.htm | |
44. Juel Sophus christian juel. Born christian juel was educated at Copenhagenand taught at the Polytechnic Institute there from 1894. He http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/Jl.htm | |
45. I1036: Jens Jenssen BJØRNSTAD (1725 - 1766) INDEX. HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5eWIN95 (Sep 26 1998) on 02/13/2004020932 . Jens christian Jochumsen juel. CIR1718 - . http://home.online.no/~nermo/slekt/d0027/g0000084.html | |
46. I8410: Martinus (____ - ____) christian Clausen JÆGER INDEX. HTML createdby GED2HTML v3.5eWIN95 (Sep 26 1998) on 02/13/2004 020932 . Just juel. http://home.online.no/~nermo/slekt/d0018/g0000054.html | |
47. Anton, Christian & Morten 1929 The owners were not called Meilgaard, they were juel or juel Brockdorff. When NielsChristian emigrated to Copenhagen, he found that several bricklayers there http://www.kinweb.com/pictures/meilgaard_ph/c001c.html | |
48. Calendar Of Upcoming Events 6, 2003 Dr. Edward A. Dowey Jr., professor of christian doctrine emeritus DonaldHarrisville juel, Richard J. Dearborn Professor of New Testament Theology http://www.ptsem.edu/know/memoriam.htm | |
49. Velkommen Til Valdemars Slot However, Valdemar christian never moved in. He was killed in battle in Polandin 1656. In 1678 the naval hero, Admiral Niels juel, was given title to the http://www.valdemarsslot.dk/gb_indhold_html/gb_historie_slot.html | |
50. Velkommen Til Valdemars Slot byggeriet af Valdemars Slot var, at slottet skulle være bolig for Valdemar christian,søn af Kong christian d. IV og juelSlægten i 10 led på Valdemarsslot, http://www.valdemarsslot.dk/dk_indhold_html/dk_historie_slot.html | |
51. Hausarbeiten.de - Caspar David Friedrich - Das Kreuz Im Gebirge - Seminararbeit Translate this page besucht er die Kunstakademie in Kopenhagen und bekommt Unterricht bei bekannten Lehrern,wie Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard, Jens juel, christian August Lorentzen http://www.hausarbeiten.de/faecher/vorschau/21149.html | |
52. Runeberg.org - Dansk Biografisk Leksikon/index 1. Udgave Bind 8 Juul 559 juel, Axel, 16551720, Gouvernør i Trankebar 560-561 juel, Carl, 1706-67,Hofembedsmand, Stiftamtmand 561 juel, christian, 1668-1717, Officer 561-562 http://runeberg.org/wiki/Dansk_biografisk_leksikon/index_1._udgave_bind_8 | |
53. Runeberg.org - Dansk Biografisk Leksikon/index 1. Udgave Bind 19 1519 Krag-juel-Vind-Frijs, christian Emil Greve, 1817-96, Godsejer og Politiker19 Krag-juel-Vind-Frijs, Frederik Carl Greve, til Frijsenborg, 1753-1815 http://runeberg.org/wiki/Dansk_biografisk_leksikon/index_1._udgave_bind_19 | |
54. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of JU Translate this page Juedes, David, Iowa State University, 1994. juel, christian, KøbenhavnsUniversitet, 1885. juell, Paul, The Ohio State University, 1981. http://genealogy.impa.br/html/letter.phtml?letter=JU |
55. Christian IV. - König Von Dänemark Christianim Kampf? Niels juel gab acht auf des Sturmes Gewalt Jetzt ist es Zeit http://www.pension-am-hafen.de/body_christian.htm | |
56. Danmarks Slotte & Herregårde C. Fr. SV juelBrockdorff, 1912, 242. Bygning på kampestenssokkel. navnet antageligtnu skiftet fra Kiilsgård til Østergaard, 1598, 243. christian IV, 1643, 243. http://www.reitoft.dk/slotte233-284.htm | |
57. King Christian - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - Kalliope Fly! shouted they, fly, he who can! Who braves of Denmark s christian. Thestroke? . 10, Nils juel gave heed to the tempest s roar,. Now is the hour! http://www.kalliope.org/digt.pl?longdid=longfellow2001081801 |
58. I6834: Lutgard (____ - ____) Jørgen Pedersen juel. 4110 CA. HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95 (Jan18 2000) on 03/22/03 120713 PM Vest-Europa (normaltid). Niels christian RUE. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~slekter/d0002/g0000009.html | |
59. Rasmus Villads Christian Ferdinand Winther Madeleine Hundborg sogn) Adolph christian Bruun på Vedelslund Asta TugendreichAdelheid Krag-juel-Vind-Frijs på Ørndrup - christian Cæsar von http://www.danbbs.dk/~just/total.web/index46.htm | |
60. Kaiser-Hansen, Walther 1925 Kolding, Peter christian 1977 1728 Krag, Ide Helle Margrethe 16901738 Krag, Mogens1544-1622 Krag, Niels 1510-1551 Krag, Sophie 1596-1648 Krag-juel-Vind-Frijs http://www.danbbs.dk/~just/total.web/index12.htm | |
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