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81. Fvj:Jevons, W. S. jevons, ws. jevons, william Stanley (1835 1882). - anglický logik,metodológ, ekonóm, priekopník matematických metod v ekonómii http://dent.ii.fmph.uniba.sk/~filit/fvj/jevons_w_s.html | |
82. BookFinder.com: The Papers And Correspondence Of William Stanley Jevons: 7 Vols. The Papers and Correspondence of william Stanley jevons 7 vols. by william S. jevons. TitleThe Papers and Correspondence of william Stanley jevons 7 vols. http://www.bookfinder.com/dir/i/The_Papers_and_Correspondence_of_William_Stanley | |
83. BookFinder.com: The Papers And Correspondence Of William Stanley Jevons Vol. 5: The Papers and Correspondence of william Stanley jevons Vol. TitleThe Papers and Correspondence of william Stanley jevons Vol. http://www.bookfinder.com/dir/i/The_Papers_and_Correspondence_of_William_Stanley | |
84. Les Classiques Des Sciences Sociales: Ouvrages En Démographie jevons,william Stanley; Jocelyn, J.; Jones, Richard; Joplin, Thomas K Keynes, John http://www.uqac.uquebec.ca/zone30/Classiques_des_sciences_sociales/html/ressourc | |
85. Academic Bibliography For | Academische Bibliografie Voor Mosselmans, Bert In Journal of the history of economic thought, 242(2002), p.251252; Mosselmans B.. - jevons, william Stanley(1835-82). - In http://lib.ua.ac.be/AB/a27738.html | |
86. Economics Interactive william Stanley jevons belongs to the group of economists whose school of thoughtdominated economics for a halfcentury after the death of John Stuart Mill in http://www.unc.edu/depts/econ/byrns_web/HET/Pioneers/jevons.htm | |
87. Glossary Of People: Je MIA Encyclopedia of Marxism Glossary of People. Je. jevons, WilliamStanley (18351882). English logician and economist who expounded http://www.marxists.org/glossary/people/j/e.htm | |
88. Jevons, The Theory Of Political Economy: Library Of Economics And Liberty jevons, jevons, The Theory of Political Economy. Complete book online. http://www.econlib.org/library/YPDBooks/Jevons/jvnPE.html | |
89. Glossary Of People: Je Encyclopedia of Marxism Glossary of People. Je. jevons, WilliamStanley (18351882). English logician and economist who expounded http://listserv.cddc.vt.edu/marxists/www.marxists.org/glossary/people/j/e.htm | |
90. William Somerset Maugham Definition Of William Somerset Maugham. What Is William william Somerset Maugham. Noun, 1. william Somerset Maugham Englishwriter (born in France) of novels and short stories (1874-1965) http://www.thefreedictionary.com/William Somerset Maugham | |
91. Jevons escritor que teve ampla influência; desenvolveu a teoria da utilidade http://members.tripod.com/grupohead/economistas/jevons.htm | |
92. Saga Hagfræðikenninga - History Of Economic Thought Gary M Anderson, william F Shugart, Robert D Tollison Adam Smith in the Customhouse The Journal of Political Economy 934, pp. Senior, Nassau william. http://www.hi.is/~bthru/sagahag/sagahag.htm | |
93. Akamac_E-text_Links AKAMAC Etext Links. If you watch URL s errors and get E-text informationnewly, please mail to me. To locate Web sites that have http://www.cpm.ehime-u.ac.jp/AkamacHomePage/Akamac_E-text_Links/Akamac_E-text_Li | |
94. Webses - Les Néoclassiques - Prmeière Es - Année Scolaire 2000/01 http://www.ac-bordeaux.fr/Etablissement/SudMedoc/ses/2000/les_neo.htm | |
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