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         Jevons William:     more books (100)
  1. A Serious Fall In The Value Of Gold Ascertained, And Its Social Effects Set Forth (1863) by William Stanley Jevons, 2010-09-10
  2. On the frequent pressure in the money market by William Stanley Jevons, 2010-09-09
  3. Investigations in Currency and Finance, Ed. with an Intr. by H.S. Foxwell by William Stanley Jevons, 2010-03-09
  4. Studies in Deductive Logic by William Stanley Jevons, 2010-04-20
  5. The Substitution of Similars, the True Principle of Reasoning, Derived From a Modification of Aristotle's Dictum by William Stanley Jevons, 2010-03-27
  6. The elements of logic: a text-book for schools and colleges; being the Elementary lessons in logic by William Stanley Jevons, David Jayne Hill, 2010-07-31
  7. Logic by William Stanley Jevons, 2010-08-04
  8. The Principles of Economics: A Fragment of a Treatise On the Industrial Mechanism of Society and Other Papers by William Stanley Jevons, 2010-01-11
  9. Investigations in Currency and Finance by William Stanley Jevons, Herbert Somerton Foxwell, 2010-03-02
  10. Elements of Astronomy, Illustrated by Problems On the Globes, and Adapted for the Use of Young Persons, with a Set of Questions for Examination by William Jevons, 2010-01-10
  11. The Coal Question: An Inquiry Concerning the Progress of the Nation, and the Probable Exhaustion of Our Coal-Mines [1906 ] by William Stanley Jevons, 2009-09-22
  12. Nociones De Lógica (Spanish Edition) by William Stanley Jevons, 2010-02-14
  13. Geld Und Geldverkehr (German Edition) by William Stanley Jevons, 2010-01-12
  14. Letters by William Stanley Jevons, 2009-12-26

41. JEVONS, William Stanley
Translate this page jevons eo papel da analogia na arte da descoberta experimental o caso da descobertados raios Xe sua investigação pré-teórica jevons and the role of
[Jevons and the role of analogy in the art of experimental discovery: the case of the discovery of X rays and their pre-theoretical investigation]

42. Jevons, William Stanley: W. Stanley Jevons
jevons, william Stanley W. Stanley jevons, university pressbooks, shopping cart, new release notification.
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Jevons, William Stanley W. Stanley Jevons Collected Reviews and Obituaries . With an Introduction by Takutoshi Inoue and Headnotes by Bert Mosselmans. Distributed for the Thoemmes Continuum. 600 p. (est.), 2 Volumes. 5-3/8 x 8-1/2 2002 Cloth CUSA $295.00tx 1-85506-976-8 Fall 2002 This first-ever collection of nineteenth-century responses to Jevons collects reviews of around thirty of his works, from journals and newspapers across the world. Ranging in size from a twenty-page review to a single paragraph, around one hundred articles and dozens of obituaries are included. The set is complete with a new bibliography listing 240 pieces of Jevon's work and all their known reviews. Subjects:
  • Literature and Literary Criticism: British and Irish Literature
  • Literature and Literary Criticism: General Criticism and Critical Theory
  • Biography and Letters
  • Reference and Bibliography
The University of Chicago Press You may purchase this title at these fine bookstores . Outside the USA, consult our

43. Jevons, William Stanley: Principles Of Science
jevons, william Stanley Principles of Science, university pressbooks, shopping cart, new release notification.
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Jevons, William Stanley Principles of Science Works in the Philosophy of Science 1830-1914 . Introduction by Andrew Pyle. Distributed for the Thoemmes Continuum. 1874 Edition. 976 p., 2 Volumes. 1874 , 1999 Cloth CUSA $240.00tx 1-85506-757-9 In his Principles , Jevons sought to establish the importance and value of the logical methods of George Boole and the applicability of such statistical methods in all branches of scientific enquiry. Subjects:
  • History of Science
  • Philosophy of Science
The University of Chicago Press You may purchase this title at these fine bookstores . Outside the USA, consult our international information page File last modified on 5/14/2004. See also:
  • Read about this title on the Thoemmes Press website.
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44. Äæåâîíñ, Âèëüÿì Ñòåíëè (Jevons, William Stanley)
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Äæåâîíñ, Âèëüÿì Ñòåíëè (Jevons, William Stanley) Äæåâîíñ, Âèëüÿì Ñòåíëè (Jevons, William Stanley) Äæåâîíñ, Âèëüÿì Ñòåíëè (Jevons, William Stanley)
Áüþêåíåí, Äæåéìñ (Buchanan, James) Äåáðå, Äæåðàðä (Debreu, Gerard) Äæåâîíñ, Âèëüÿì Ñòåíëè (Jevons, William Stanley) Êåéíñ, Äæîí Ìåéíàðä (Keynes, John Maynard) Êëåéí (Klein), Ëîóðåíñ Êóçíåö (Kuznets), Ñàéìîí Êóïìàíñ (Koopmans), Òüÿëëèíã ×. Ëüþèñ (Lewis), Óèëüÿì Àðòóð Ìèä (Meade), Äæåéìñ Ìèçåñ, Ëþäâèã ôîí (Ludwig von Mises) Ìèëëü (Mill), Äæîí Ñòþàðò Ìîäèëüÿíè (Modigliani), Ôðàíêî Ìþðäàëü (Myrdal), óííàð Ïðóäîí (Proudhon), Ïüåð Æîçåô Ðèêàðäî, Äàâèä (Ricardo, David) Ñàéìîí (Simon), åðáåðò Ñìèò, Àäàì (Smith, Adam) Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ ïîëüçîâàòåëÿ íà ñàéòå Examen.Ru [01.06.2004] Re: (6) ÝÊÇÀÌÅÍÛ ÍÀ 5!!! [01.06.2004] Re: (5) ÝÊÇÀÌÅÍÛ ÍÀ 5!!! [01.06.2004] Re: (4) ÝÊÇÀÌÅÍÛ ÍÀ 5!!! [31.05.2004] Re: (3) ÝÊÇÀÌÅÍÛ ÍÀ 5!!! ... sl="1.3" Áàçà çíàíèé De Facto Ïðîåêò Examen.Ru

45. Casa Del Libro - Comprar Libros: Arte, Literatura, Economía, Derecho, Diccion
Translate this page ficha de autor. jevons, william STANLEY, Libros del autor 2 libros encontrados,1. LA TEORIA DE LA ECONOMIA POLITICA Editorial EDICIONES PIRAMIDE, SA , 1998,,1463,JEVONS32WILLIAM2STANLEY,0
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Editorial: EDICIONES PIRAMIDE, S.A. , 1998

Editorial: EDICIONES PIRAMIDE, S.A. , 2000

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46. William Stanley Jevons
Translate this page Grandes Economistas. william Stanley jevons (1835-1882). Pulsa aquípara ver los libros a la venta de william Stanley jevons. Obras
Grandes Economistas William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882)
Economista, nacido en Liverpool de una rica familia de comerciantes que se arruinó antes de que pudiera terminar sus estudios, por lo que tuvo que emigrar a Australia donde trabajó en la Casa de la Moneda de Sidney. Regresó a Inglaterra donde estudió lógica y economía y consiguió un puesto de profesor de Lógica, Filosofía Moral y Economía en el Owens College de Manchester. En su objetivo de equiparar la Economía con las ciencias naturales, Jevons utilizó un tratamiento matemático. A comienzo de la década de 1870, simultáneamente a otros trabajos de Walras y Menger , publica una elaborada síntesis de las teorías del consumo, del intercambio y de la distribución, asentando así las bases para la "revolución marginalista" que le siguió. Considera que la utilidad sólo puede ser medida en términos ordinales y que la utilidad proporcionada por un bien es inversamente proporcional a la cantidad de ese bien previamente poseída. Establece claramente la diferencia entre utilidad total y lo que llamó "grado final de utilidad", que después recibió el nombre de utilidad marginal. Afirmó que "el valor del trabajo debe determinarse a partir del valor del producto y no el valor del producto a partir del valor del trabajo" contradiciendo así la teoría clásica de la tradición

47. JEVONS, William Stanley., The Principles Of Economics. A Fragment Of A Treatise
Bernard Quaritch Ltd. jevons, william Stanley. The Principles of Economics.A fragment of a treatise on the industrial mechanism
Bernard Quaritch Ltd.
JEVONS, William Stanley. The Principles of Economics. A fragment of a treatise on the industrial mechanism of society and other papers ... With a preface by Henry Higgs. 8vo, pp. xxviii, 273, [1] blank + advertisement leaf; ink ownership inscription and stamp (with subsequent deletion stamp) to the endpapers; a very good copy, upper edge uncut, in the original publisher's cloth, spine lettered gilt, extremities lightly rubbed. First edition, posthumously published. The Principles of Economics was incomplete at the time of Jevons's death in 1882: he regarded it as 'the work of his life' and intended to restate his Theory of Political Economy (1871) in non-mathematical language and to break new ground. 'Like all works of Jevons it is fresh and suggestive, and its point of view is undoubtedly novel. The original contribution of Jevons to pure theory was his examination of the theory of Demand, and its connection with value through the principle of final or marginal Utility ... In his Principles of Economics Jevons now proposed to lay stress upon the consumption of wealth, another subject comparatively neglected' (preface, p. vi). Also included in this work is the first appearance in book form of Jevons's announcement of his rediscovery of Cantillon, first published in The Contemporary Review in 1881. Referring to this essay, Higgs says 'it would be impossible to mention a more beautiful example of literary research in the history of economic theory, in which it now occupies an imperishable position' (ibid., p. x).

48. JEVONS, William Stanley., The Theory Of Political Economy ... Second Edition, Re
SECOND AND BEST EDITION. jevons, william Stanley. The Theory of Political Economy Second edition, revised and enlarged, with new preface and appendices.
Bernard Quaritch Ltd.
SECOND AND BEST EDITION JEVONS, William Stanley. The Theory of Political Economy ... Second edition, revised and enlarged, with new preface and appendices. London, Macmillan and Co., 1879. 8vo, pp. lxiii, [1] blank, 315, [1] advertisements + 39-page publisher's catalogue (dated March 1879); Liverpool bookseller's ticket to the front pastedown; from Liverpool Free Public Library, with its inkstamp on the verso of the title page and p. 100, blindstamp to p. 49, its bookplate to the front pastedown, large blindstamp to the upper board, and gilt shelfmark at foot of spine; edges dust-soiled; a little shaken and skewed in the original publisher's hard grain cloth, spine lettered gilt, darkened, snagged on lower joint, extremities lightly bumped. Second and best edition. Jevons, whom Schumpeter describes as 'one of the most genuinely original economists who ever lived', here presents his marginal utility theory of value. Palgrave claims that in this work Jevons 'attempts nothing less than the reconstruction of the science of economics as the calculus of human satisfactions'. Whilst often acclaimed as the discover of this theory, it would be truer to say that Jevons was the first to publish his findings. Walras was working in the same direction, as was Menger, and Gossen had already broached the subject in his Entwicklung der Gesetze des menschlichen Verkehrs ... in 1854. Jevons was not concerned with the question of priority; in a letter to Walras of May 30 1874 he wrote: 'I cannot delay expressing the pleasure with which I find that we have by independent paths reached conclusions which are nearly if not quite the same. I flatter myself with the hope that the unity of our results arises from the best cause ... we have both reached the truth ... As to the question of priority of publication, it is of course of less importance than that of the truth of the theory itself.'

?, ?. jevons, william Stanley, 18351882, ?, - (Papers and correspondence of william Stanley jevons ; 7).

50. Tidal Correspondents Of The Nineteenth
Hope W 2f 1t. Horoyama S 1f. Hutchinson, W. 1f. Jarrad FW 1f. jevons, william Stanley(18351882), economist and logician, was born in Alfred Street, Liverpool.
Hill to Robinson Back Hill J Hoey JC 1f Holden ES Hope W Horoyama S 1f Hutchinson, W. 1f Jarrad FW Jevons, William Stanley During the thirteen years of his residence at Manchester Jevons was, above all, engaged in researches and speculations connected with the science of logic. He had become discontented with Mill, and resented Mill's indifference to Boole's speculations. In his ‘Pure Logic’ (1864) he had already put forward a system based on the conclusions of Boole, and in the following year he completed the construction of his ‘reasoning machine, or logical abacus, adapted to show the working of Boole's logic in a half mechanical manner,’ which in March and April 1866 he exhibited to the Liverpool and Manchester Literary and Philosophical Societies. The most important, however, of this group of his works was his ‘Principles of Science,’ 2 vols., 1874; 2nd edit., 1 vol., 1877. In this book, with illustrations derived from almost every branch of scientific research, he developed his theory of logic and scientific method, and of its applicability beyond and, so to speak, above the sphere of physical science alone. This work proved more stimulative to mathematicians than to metaphysicians. In 1872 he had been made a F.R.S.; in 1874-5 he examined for the moral science tripos at Cambridge; in 1875 he received an honorary doctorate at Edinburgh; and in 1876 he was appointed examiner in logic and mental and moral philosophy in the university of London. He sent 1 tidal letter and received 1.

51. MSN Encarta - Jevons, William Stanley
Translate this page jevons, william Stanley. jevons, william Stanley (1835-1882), économiste etmathématicien britannique. Plus de résultats pour jevons, william Stanley,
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Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif, un guide du Web et une palette compl¨te de ressources et d'outils ©ducatifs. 34,99 € par an (service d’acc¨s   Internet non compris). En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Jevons, William Stanley Jevons, William Stanley (1835-1882), ©conomiste et math©maticien britannique. N©   Liverpool, il fit ses ©tudes   University College   Londres. Il est... Encarta vous int©resse ? Abonnez-vous d¨s maintenant et b©n©ficiez de :
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Plus de r©sultats pour Jevons, William Stanley

Translate this page william STANLEY jevons (1835-82). LINKS. Bibliografía. jevons dejó suhuella sobre la economía política, además de sobre otras disciplinas.
WILLIAM STANLEY JEVONS (1835-82) LINKS Bibliografía J evons dejó su huella sobre la economía política, además de sobre otras disciplinas. Sus trabajos sobre lógica sirvieron como libros de texto par sucesivas generaciones de estudiantes de diversas partes del mundo y pusieron su nombre ante una audiencia mucho más amplia, que la que consiguieron en un principio sus estudios económicos. Su corta vida estuvo llena de una serie de realizaciones que el tesón y dedicación de una mente original y versátil fueron capaces de hacer realidad, incluso frente a una gran cantidad de obstáculos. Había nacido dentro del patriciado comercial de Liverpool y en una cultísima familia de no conformistas, como amplias relaciones. La bancarrota de los negocios familiares en 1848 le dejó, sin embargo, abandonado a sus propios recursos, a una edad muy temprana. Sin terminar su educación en el University College de Londres, aceptó, a pesar de no ser aún sino un adolescente, un puesto como ensayador en la casa de la moneda de Sydney, pasando casi cinco años en Australia. Cuando le pareció que sus ahorros eran suficientes para financiar su educación, renunció a las muchas oportunidades que se le ofrecían en el nuevo país, volviendo a su patria. Incluso en aquella época, Jevons sentía como un sentido de misión, que le hacía alzarse, no frente al fracaso, sino frente al éxito de un trabajo en el que su genio no hubiera encontrado plena realización. A su vuelta a Londres, Jevons reemprendió sus estudios y se desvió de su previa especialización en matemáticas y química, orientándose hacia la lógica y la economía. Teniendo que pagar el precio de ser un pionero y un innovador, no fue el primero en el examen de economía y tuvo que sentirse satisfecho con el tercer o cuarto lugar. Al querer dedicarse a investigar y a escribir, pensaba ser un autor independiente una vez hubiera completado sus estudios. Fracasó, sin embargo, en este empeño y empezó a relacionarse, a través del amistoso interés de un primo suyo, con el

53. Links For Economists And Historians Of Economic Thought, By Daniele Besomi
xrefer jevons, william Stanley (1835 - 1882). jevons, william Stanley -Bright Sparcs Biographical entry. jevons, william Stanley (1835-1882). .
Daniele Besomi
Links for economists and historians of economic thought
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Daniele Besomi
Resources Individuals Schools of thought ... Themes
Links on Galiani Say Sismondi Carl Menger ... Shackle
Galiani's "Della Moneta" Ferdinando Galiani (Columbia Encyclopedia)
Say page at cepa Say, Annotated Bibliography , by David Hart: Library of Economics and Liberty Les Classiques des sciences sociales: Jean-Baptiste SAY, 1767-1832 Say: Letters to Robert Malthus on Political Economy Say: Say, Treatise on Political Economy (engl. Transl., pdf file) Oeuvres diverses de J.-B. Say
avec des notes de Ch. Comte et M. Joseph Garnier
A. Smith, Recherche sur la nature et les causes de la richesse des nations . Vol. 1. A. Smith, Recherche sur la nature et les causes de la richesse des nations . Vol. 2
Secondary literature
JEAN-BAPTISTE SAY: NEGLECTED CHAMPION OF LAISSEZ-FAIRE , By Larry J. Sechrest , Mises Institute Baumol on "Republicanism and the French Revolution"
Review of Richard Whatmore, "Republicanism and the French Revolution: An Intellectual History of Jean-Baptiste Say's Political Economy" Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. xiv + 248 pp.$70

54. Smart Computing Encyclopedia
Smart Computing ® Encyclopedia. jevons, william Stanley. See Stanley jevons. Copyright Legal Information Privacy Policy Site Map Contact Us Need Site Help?

55. Series One: The Papers Of William Stanley Jevons, 1835-1882,
ECONOMISTS’ PAPERS Series One The Papers of william Stanley jevons, 18351882,from the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 25 reels of 35mm silver

Series One: The Papers of William Stanley Jevons, 1835-1882, from the John Rylands University Library of Manchester
25 reels of 35mm silver-halide positive microfilm plus guide The aim of this project is to provide original manuscripts and papers of individual economists and organisations of note in the development of economic theory, history and science in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In choosing particular economists or organisations to cover we will avoid material covered by comprehensive printed editions. We have chosen the Jevons Papers as an excellent beginning to this new endeavour. "William Stanley Jevons has long been recognised as a leading figure in the development of economic thought... his papers enable the reader, for the first time, to see the workshop in which they were produced - the personal and public environment in which Jevons lived and the professional contacts and discussions he had, all of them contributing to shape his ideas... they afford an opportunity to study the formation of a mind and the making of a reputation - an opportunity which may have value not only to the student of Jevons’ economic work, but for all who are interested in the intellectual and academic life of the Mid-Victorian era"
Professor R D Collison Black
in his preface to the Papers and Correspondence of William Stanley Jevons, Vol I

56. William Stanley Jevons Resources At Questia - The Online Library
william Stanley jevons Resources at Questia The Online Library of Books and Journals.william Stanley jevons. Questia. Primary Content. william Stanley jevons.

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Translate this page Biografia, cronologia y principales obras de este arquitecto, WILLIAM STAN

58. WILLIAM - Meaning And Definition Of The Word
william Seward Burroughs, william Shakespeare, william Shakspere, william Shockley,william Somerset Maugham, william Stanley jevons, william Strickland
English Dictionary Computer Dictionary Thesaurus Dream Dictionary ... Medical Dictionary
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Matching Terms: William A. Craigie William and Mary William Augustus William Averell Harriman ... ABOUT HYPERDICTIONARY

59. First Edition By William Stanley Jevons: The Logical Piano
please call to request a printed catalog. william Stanley jevons (18351882).WS jevons, To the reader of the preceding paper it will
The Manhattan Rare Book Company 1050 Second Avenue, Gallery 50E
New York, NY 10022
tel: 212.326.8907 / fax: 212 355 4403
email: home current offerings sell/consign contact us please call to request a printed catalog William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882)
"To the reader of the preceding paper it will be evident that mechanism is capable of replacing for the most part the action of thought required in the performance of logical deduction. Mental agency is required only in interpreting correctly the grammatical structure of the premises, and in gathering the purport of the reply... The machine is thus the embodiment of a true symbolic method or Calculus" (page 517). Jevons invented a "logical piano" (so named because it resembled a small upright piano) that could perform, through a sequence of switches, various types of logical calculations. In doing so, he became "the first person to construct a machine with sufficient power to solve a complicated problem faster than the problem could be solved without the machine's aid" (Goldstine). "On the Mechanical Performance of Logical Inference," a paper Jevons read before the Royal Society on January 20, 1870, is his most detailed description of this early prototype of the modern computer.

60. The Papers Of William Stanley Jevons, 1835-1882, From The John Rylands Universit
25 Microfilm +. Subject(s) jevons, william Stanley, 18351882ManuscriptsFacsimiles. EconomicsManuscriptsFacsimiles.......
Monash: Library home: Microform:
Microform Collection
Title: The papers of William Stanley Jevons, 1835-1882, from the John Rylands University Library of Manchester
Call Number: MICROFILM 5857
Publisher: Reading, Berkshire: Adam Matthew Publications, 1991.
Description: 25 Microfilm +
Jevons, William Stanley, 1835-1882 ManuscriptsFacsimiles.
Manuscripts, EnglishEnglandManchesterFacsimiles.
Time period:
Language: English
Country: Great Britain
Publication type: Correspondence, papers Notes William Stanley Jevons, an economist, was one of the central figures in the "Marginal revolution", a watershed in the history of nineteenth century economic thought. The John Rylands collection of Jevon's papers include: Family correspondence and papers, 1760-1910; letters over 600 written to William Jevons, mostly from academics and family; diaries and notebooks, 1845-1862; writings, notes and research materials; documents on Jevon's career, his work and obituary material and Roscoe and other family papers including holiday diaries and photographs. Above all, the collection includes a great mass of rough notes and manuscript drafts on a vast range of subjects.
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