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Jarnik Vojtech: more detail |
61. Full Alphabetical Index jarnik, vojtech (468*) Jawhari http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
62. On The Mixed Boundary Value Problem Of The Theory Of Analytic Pedagogical activities of vojtech jarnik, in Life and work of vojtechjarnik (edit. Novak, B.), Society of Czech Mathematicians http://www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~jvesely/publikace.html | |
63. Seznam Publikaci vojtech jarnik, Math. Bohemica 123 (1998), 219 221; Recollections ofProf. vojtech jarnik (Czech), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. http://www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~netuka/publikace.html | |
64. AIM Reprint Library: Novak, Bretislav. 6. Professor vojtech jarnik ist Gestorben. Kurzwell J. Novak,Bretislav. 7. Uber Rine Methode Der mathAbschatzungen. Novak, Bretislav. http://www.aimath.org/library/library.cgi?database=reprints;mode=display;BrowseT |
65. Raven.vol.cz - All Your Bytes Are Belong To Us! www.srncova.cz, www.srncova.cz Barbora a Emma Srncovi Barbora and Emma Srncovi.www.divoj.cz, www.divoj.cz Divadlo vojtecha Jarníka vojtech jarnik Theather. http://www.platil.cz/ | |
66. Liane BBS: CZriddles: Re: Taky Blbost II Jo! Viz vojtech jarnik Diferencialni pocet I. Je to tam dost dobre popsany a jestliTe tahle vec opravdu zajima, asi sotva sezenes lepsi literaturu (tohle je http://bbs.inway.cz/bbs2www/CZriddles/00b3 | |
67. Acta Arithmetica - Contents Of Volume 20 B. Steinle Acta Arith. 20 (1972), 63106 vojtech jarnik. (22.12.189722.9.1970)B. Novak, St. Schwarz Acta Arith. 20 (1972), 107 http://journals.impan.gov.pl/cgi-bin/shvold?aa20 |
68. Mathematicians Translate this page M. Husek, N. Jacobson, RC James, H. Jarchow. jarnik, vojtech, J. Jelinek,O. John, Jordan, Camille. S. Kakukatani, O. Kalenda, N. Kalton, N. Katz. http://adela.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/katedry/kma/fotky/list.html | |
69. 22 Sep History: This Date 1979 Charles Ehresmann, Alsatian mathematician born on 19 April 1905.1970 vojtech jarnik, Czech mathematician born on 22 December 1897. http://www.safran-arts.com/42day/history/h4sep/h4sep22.html | |
70. Forum@Degiorgi :: Pogledajte Forum - Studentska Natjecanja Izlucno natjecanje za vojtech jarnik 2004, 0, vjekovac, 78, 1827 sub,28. Pripreme za natjecanje vojtech jarnik, 0, vjekovac, 73, 052 sub, 14. http://degiorgi.math.hr/forum/viewforum.php?f=28 |
71. WhoWasThere Reply Francesco Tricomi was 73 this year and would die in a further 8 years.vojtech jarnik was 73 this year and died this year. Josif http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/cgi-bin/mathyear.cgi?YEAR=1970 |
72. WhoWasThere Reply Francesco Tricomi was 63 this year and would die in a further 18 years.vojtech jarnik was 63 this year and would die in a further 10 years. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/cgi-bin/mathyear.cgi?YEAR=1960 |
73. Seznam Ucastniku SMVS JANECEK Frantisek, Mgr., Holice. jarnik Jiri, doc. RNDr. JOHANKOVA Hana, Litomerice.KADLCIK vojtech, RNDr., Sezimovo Usti. KADLECEK Jiri, doc. RNDr. http://www.kma.zcu.cz/konference/SMVS/SMVS.participants.html | |
74. MathLinks EveryOne Home Math Problems from vojtech jarnik. Posted vojtech jarnik is an InternationalMathematical Competitions, for university students. Problems http://mathlinks.ro/phpBB/links.php |
75. Curriculum Vitae Of Robert Spalek university studies. participant at the 7th Annual vojtech jarnik InternationalMathematical Competition 1997, Ostrava, Czech Republic; http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~robert/cv.html | |
76. Curriculum Vitae Of Daniel Kral 2001; the fourth prize at the 8th Annual vojtech jarnik InternationalMathematical Competition 1998, Ostrava, Czech Republic; high http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~kral/cv.html | |
77. HLAVATY MSS. II Allendorfer, Vincent W. Allin, Josef Anderle, James LeRoy Anderson, vojtech ErvinAndic Maurice Janet, Allen Ira Janis, Ludvik Janos, Vojta jarnik, Ivan Jelinek http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/lilly/mss/html/hlavaty2.html | |
78. Untitled 1974 Aull, Charles E. Brown, Ezra Dierker, Paul F. Exoo, Geoffrey Gardner, Ben HANSON, DENIS Hare, Donovan R. Katchalski, Meir Liu, Andy C. Pavel Rabani, Yuval RODL, vojtech SCHULMAN, LEONARD J . http://personalwebs.oakland.edu/~grossman/Erdos1 | |
79. Vojtech Jarnich 2001 11. MEÐUNARODNO MATEMATICKO NATJECANJE SVEUCILINIH STUDENATA VOJTECHJARNIK . Ostrava, Ceka, 3. 5. travnja 2001. Clanovi hrvatske ekipe http://www.math.hr/~mathe/ostrava01.html | |
80. Vojtech Jarnich 2003 13. MEÐUNARODNO MATEMATICKO NATJECANJE SVEUCILINIH STUDENATA VOJTECHJARNIK . Ostrava, Ceka, 2. travnja 2003. Clanovi hrvatske ekipe http://www.math.hr/~mathe/ostrava03.html | |
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